
daftykinsDaniKitten: your previous comments about 1.6GHz not being slow are entirely false, MHz is not a measure of speed but more a measure of opportunity00:13
daftykinsnow, this channel is really for the discussion of #ubuntu - not a hardware lesson class, maybe check out ##hardware00:14
daftykinsalso DOS will not handle multi core00:14
DaniKittenJust checking what does Ubuntu 15.1001:52
cfhowlettask #ubuntu01:52
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:10
lotuspsychjebig xenial update 170mb04:39
lotuspsychjegood sunday baizon04:41
baizonhello lotuspsychje :D04:41
lotuspsychjeupdating xenial :p04:41
baizonphi, got it already for a month :D04:45
baizon0 bugs04:45
lotuspsychjesame here04:46
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial04:46
ubot5`linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB04:46
lotuspsychjeaha .34 upcomming :p04:47
lotuspsychjekernel reboot on samsung 850 pro..be back real quick :p05:02
lotuspsychjeback :p05:03
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TBOOK:~$ uname -a05:04
lotuspsychjeLinux R00TBOOK 4.4.0-18-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 6 14:01:02 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:04
baizonlotuspsychje: did you upgrade from 15.10?05:32
lotuspsychjebaizon: no, both boxes fresh05:33
baizonou ok05:33
lotuspsychjebaizon: can you check something on gnome-terminal for me?05:33
baizonlotuspsychje: yep, what is it?05:33
lotuspsychjebaizon: open few new tabs on it ctrl shift t05:34
lotuspsychjebaizon: do you see tab highlight on active one?05:34
lotuspsychjeor all the same?05:34
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: you just upgrade to Xenial or something?05:34
baizonwhat do you mean with "tab highlight"?05:34
baizonor what do you expect?05:34
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: no, clean install why?05:35
* tsimonq2 has been running Xenial since the day Wily came out :D05:35
lotuspsychjebaizon: well the current tab your on, should be colored or something05:35
tsimonq2its' really solid05:35
baizontsimonq2: yes its solid05:35
lotuspsychjeyep yep05:35
lotuspsychjebaizon: a user just found this bug, no tab highlight05:36
baizonlotuspsychje: well it highlighted that im on that tab, but the lines are very thin05:36
lotuspsychjebaizon: can yous creenshot that plz?05:36
baizoni guess it depends on the theme05:36
baizonlotuspsychje: https://i.imgur.com/dFgn3Su.png05:37
baizonas you can see im on the right tab now05:37
lotuspsychjebaizon: ah..i see the roundings yes05:38
lotuspsychjebaizon: tnx for testing05:40
baizonlotuspsychje: np05:40
lotuspsychjebaizon: bit confusing thin lines :p05:40
baizoni do agree, they are really thin05:41
baizonor the background color for the inactive tabs should be more different05:41
lotuspsychjebaizon: anyway the user put a new bug, they might look into it05:41
lotuspsychjeooh cool, new wallpapers showing after dist-upgrade :p05:47
baizonnever used them :D05:49
lotuspsychjebaizon: you dont set a wall?05:49
lotuspsychjeor just the default05:50
baizonlotuspsychje: i got my one default for years now :D05:54
MisterSandersonI watn information, not technical support, for 16.04. Should I ask here, or on #unbuntu+1?11:44
baizonMisterSanderson: ask here11:44
MisterSandersonOK. Why was Brasero removed from 16.04? The wiki page about 16.04 does not expains.11:46
baizonMisterSanderson: its droped from the defaults, you can install it11:48
MisterSandersonBut, why was it dropped?11:49
baizonMisterSanderson: "Both of these projects have been unmaintained for a long time, and this is well known"11:49
MisterSandersonWhere did you find this text?11:50
baizonMisterSanderson: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-04-drops-brasero-and-empathy-gnome-calendar-to-be-adopted-495782.shtml11:50
MrsandersonThis texts talks about devs mentioning the replacement of Fireox. Is it true that was discussed sometime?11:57
baizonMrsanderson: yes it was, but firefox will stay default11:59
MrsandersonWhat they wanted to put in the place?12:02
baizonMrsanderson: they thought about chromium12:02
BluesKajHiyas all12:11
MisterSandersonWhy were Brasero and Empathy unmantained?12:11
baizonMisterSanderson: well you would have to ask the devs12:12
MisterSandersonHm, but "Ubuntu Store" I can ask here, right?12:15
BluesKajMisterSanderson, ask in #ubuntu-devel12:40
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
EriC^^evening Bashing-om :)17:55
Bashing-omEriC^^: Thanky ... Hoz it been going in the channel ?, How be it in your world ?17:56
EriC^^pretty busy tonight, it's alright17:57
Bashing-omWell, let me get settled in, see what I can do to help .. Me, all my problems are little, nothing that time and money will not resolve ( new Graphics card and an SSD on the wish list ) .17:59
BluesKajBashing-om, you won't regret those choices. Which gpu do you have your eye on?18:01
Bashing-omBluesKaj: A " EVGA GeForce GT 710 " will do me nicely :)18:03
Bashing-omrethink'n the SSD choice, as I learn more about SSDs .18:04
BluesKajBashing-om, yup nvidia ftw18:07
BluesKajati cards were great on linux until amd bought them, now linux support has sort of wavered18:12
Bashing-omBluesKaj: Presently ATI is bending over backwards to support ubuntu with the open source driver. But there are a lot of pains making this work out. ATI will not be making the move for FGLRX drivers for the new kernel stack . I am the more comfortable/knowledgeable with Nvidia . Though a long time ATI user .18:12
BluesKajBashing-om, yrah 10 yr s ago I was using ati gpus on 2 linux machines and support was great18:14
daftykinsheya \o18:16
daftykinsi'd always seen ATI cards had issues from the outset :D18:16
EriC^^hey daftykins18:17
daftykinshello there! what's new?18:17
BluesKajI see a lot of grumbling on the support chats about amd gpus noadays, and I know they can work but the linux drivers are inconsistent acroos their product line.18:17
BluesKajhi daftykins18:18
EriC^^daftykins: not much! yourself?18:18
BluesKajhi EriC^^18:18
daftykinsnah much the same here :) got my old laptop on the TV to stream some baseball today though!18:19
Bashing-omBack in the day, AMD worked closely with open source, then ATI bought the graphic's division, and just did not care then to put the effort into open souce .18:19
EriC^^hi BluesKaj18:19
EriC^^daftykins: nice18:20
BluesKajheh, I thought ati was a grphics centered company, then amd bought them18:20
daftykinsyeah that's correct18:20
daftykinsAMD wanted to boost their integrated graphics by gaining ATI's intellectual property18:21
daftykinsno we have the so called "APUs" from AMD that contain very capable graphics hardware, at least in Windows anyway18:21
BluesKajlooking at a nvidia shield tv box in case we decide to "cut the cord" ...the only thing holdig me back is changing our internet provider from 6md adsl to the cable co fiber optic line, which means we may have to change our voip phone service too....these kinds of switcheroos are always a pita.18:34
daftykinsbut the speeeeeeed BluesKaj :D18:35
archoniiAm I doing as good thing buy building my computer while barefoot out on the lawn, working on a picnic table?21:56
archoniiDoes this greatly reduce the chance of static damage?21:57
cfhowlettthere is a build your pc reddit channel.  aks the21:57
archoniiI don't use reddit.21:58
daftykinsthat is not a good approach, no21:58
daftykinsi would not be outdoors21:58
daftykinsyou should ask in ##hardware :)21:59
archoniiWhy would you not be outdoors?22:02
archoniiIs the sun going to damage my delicate components?22:02
cfhowlettwhy WOULD you do hardware stuff outdoors?  look around?  do you see a whole lot of people cracking the cases of their favorite devices outside?22:03
daftykinsarchonii: ok you're obviously a troll, enjoy22:04
archoniicfhowlett, I told you w hy.22:04
archoniiBecause when you stand barefoot on the earth your electrical charge drops to 0.22:04
cfhowlettarchonii,asked and answered.   move on to UBUNTU support or go the the correct channel22:05
archoniiFrankly the last computer I built I did so indoors without any grounding and now I hate to say it but it's dragging.22:11
archoniiFirefox is using 108% of the CPU and 2.5GB of RAM.22:11
daftykinsi'd comment on that, but this isn't a support channel22:14

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