
LinDolhi all00:04
darkxsthi LinDol00:17
LinDolgood morning :)00:17
=== Aria|away is now known as Aria
=== Aria is now known as Guest57266
=== Guest57266 is now known as Aria22
=== Aria22 is now known as Aria22|away
=== Aria22|away is now known as Aria
=== Aria is now known as Guest6319
=== Guest6319 is now known as Aria22
darkxstricotz, I found the bug in PAM, ubuntu patches... probably only lightdm works properly12:19
darkxstand a can off worms, I think accountsservvice is also broken12:20
=== Huck777 is now known as Huck7771
=== Huck7771 is now known as Huck777
Tetai have a problem installing ubuntu gnome18:17
TetaWhen i try to use the live option, a lot of text scrolls and i see words like "error" or "failed"18:18
TetaThen, the logo and loading circle appears18:19
Teta(of ubuntu gnome)18:19
Tetathen my computer reboots into windows 10.18:19
Tetasomeone helps?18:19

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