
pavlushkaGood Morning everyone!05:17
KilosGuten morgen mein herren05:52
pavlushkaMorning Kilos !06:17
pavlushkaI was trying to type up arroy in irc.06:18
Kilosi dont understand06:19
pavlushkacorrection "up arrow"06:41
mazalOom Kilos dalk hier ?06:49
mazalDoes anybody know , if I use my phone's simcard in a router , and a sms comes during that time , will I still get the sms on my phone when putting the sim back in my phone ? Or will it be lost ?06:51
pavlushkamazal: it supposed to be stored in the sim.06:53
mazalThanx pavlushka 06:54
Kiloshier mazal 06:54
pavlushkabut cant guarantee, you should test that.06:54
Kiloschatting to debs06:55
Kilosyes you should06:55
mazalshould test , or should still get it ?06:55
pavlushkaput your sim in the router, send a sms or ask anyone to send and put the sim in the phone to check.06:56
mazalOh crap there goes R8006:58
mazalpavlushka, will do , asked Kilos to send me one now06:58
pavlushkahey mazal, I've noticed your PC configuration at your office, its huge!!!06:59
mazalHow you mean ?06:59
mazalThe ram discussion we had ?06:59
mazalIs ok06:59
mazalWon't call it huge07:00
mazalSame as my home one07:00
pavlushkawow, double huge!07:00
mazalThe ram is overkill yes. No normal pc needs that much07:00
pavlushkawhat do you do? virtualization or graphical works?07:01
mazalIT support07:01
pavlushkayou do virtualization then.07:01
pavlushkaok, I wont guess.07:02
mazalField support. Install the hardware , install and configure the software , create the user id's , do the assets , and lots of spoon feeding for users07:02
mazalOi vei , wanted to do a quick PS4 setting , now I must do a 300mb update first. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr07:05
Kilosmazal sent a call me07:25
Kilosyou should see it07:26
Kilosalso you can use a thing called modem manager gui i think its called07:26
mazalK thanx , will check when I'm done online07:26
Kilosthn you can see smsss07:26
mazalO crap , I just relized I can't buy airtime while sim is on router :(07:27
Kilosyou can if you use this link in browser07:27
mazalAnd almost all my data up again. Damn07:27
mazalNo the Inet banking sent a confirmatiom message that I must reply on from phone07:28
Kilosoh you not telkom sorry07:28
mazalWhile the browser is open07:28
mazalSo can't be done07:28
mazalOk gotta go , have a nice day everyone07:29
Kiloswhen you getting your afihost sim07:29
Kilosyou too07:29
Kilosopen a private message thing to yourself for practising in09:01
bushtechKilos: don't break anything :)09:07
Kilosi have my ssd working again09:12
Kilosonly not it doesnt see repo stuff as authenticated so gotta sort that09:13
pavlushkaKilos: congrats!09:17
Kiloshi iqbal 09:20
Kiloslong time no see09:20
iqbalhow are you?09:20
Kilosok ty and you?09:20
iqbalok ty09:20
iqbali don't spend enough time on my laptop09:21
Kilosyeah looks like it09:21
iqbali was looking into getting whatsapp on my laptop but it seems confusing09:22
Kilosi  tried it in pidgin but also gave up09:22
Kilosonly use mxit and telegram now09:22
iqbalstopped mxit years ago09:23
iqbali saw that there is a paid version and also some instructions to use an android emulator09:24
Kiloslets hear what the whatapp users say09:24
Kilosyoull just have to wait long i thhik09:25
iqbalno big deal, just when i'm on my laptop, don't want to keep reaching for my phone09:26
Kilosleave the laptop with the charger plugged in09:27
pavlushkaiqbal: you can use the web version of whatsapp.09:28
magespawngood morning09:30
iqbali used it some time back on a windows laptop, i think09:30
Kiloshi magespawn 09:30
iqbalwow, instantly working09:32
Kilosiqbal dont be so scarce09:32
Kiloswe have a meeting on the 22nd here09:33
Kilosa 8.30pm09:33
iqbalwhat kind of meeting?09:33
Kilosour monthly meeting09:33
Kiloswait wrong date09:33
Kilos26th i think09:34
magespawnyup this month is the 26th09:34
Kilosthere are some projects happening you might like to get involved with09:34
Kilosinetpro topic bar replenishing please09:35
iqbalwhat kind of projects?09:36
pavlushkaKilos: knock knock now09:41
Kiloswho is there09:41
Rynomstermorning morning09:52
RynomsterI keep getting emails saying my membership is about to expire :o09:52
Rynomsterspamming me daily xD09:52
RynomsterThought I'd do the validation process :)09:52
Kiloshi Rynomster `10:16
Kilosdont let it expire man follow the instructions in the first mail10:16
inetprogood afternoon11:52
inetproKilos: two issues11:55
inetproIn German, possessive pronouns adjust themselves according to the noun they are referring to.11:55
inetproThe list for gender and numerus is: 1. 'Mein' for singular masculin/neutral noun, 2. 'Meine' for a singular feminine noun, 3. 'Meine' for a plural masculin/neutral noun, or 4. 'Meine' for a plural feminin noun.11:55
inetproand the 2nd issue, German nouns are generally capitalised 11:55
inetproin other words, that would be 'Guten morgen meine Herren'11:56
inetprooh and the 3rd issue, what about the ladies here?11:56
Kiloshi inetpro 12:08
Kilossorry i was struggling with xp pc12:08
Kilosthe ladies were offline 12:09
Kilosall that caps issue is too much to think about12:10
Kilosthumping head12:10
Kilosand i very seldom use caps , but, will try remember to do it correctly next time12:10
Kilosbut only to please you12:11
Kilosstop the nagging12:11
* Kilos hides12:11
magespawng9od afternoon all12:33
magespawngood too12:33
magespawninetpro aws should send you a mail the day before your free tier usage expires12:36
magespawnKilos: good afternoon13:04
Kiloshi magespawn 13:20
Kilossorry im so slow ian busy packing to leave and he always leaves something behing so we checking everywhere13:21
bushtechunpack the scanner13:22
magespawnno worries14:08
magespawnjust trying irssi via termux on my phone Kilos 14:09
Kilosian gone14:16
Kilosscanner went with him now bushtech ive done all i needed to do14:17
Kiloshe showed me one can use scanners without even connecting to a pc14:17
Kilosyou put the page in on top and a usb stick in the usb socket and click scan14:18
Kilos will try tha with this hp when i have some energy14:18
Kilosstrangest thing happened here with ssd14:28
Kiloswarned drive was nearly full continuously so i deleted some stuff and it kept complaining14:29
Kilosdrive showed 101g used of a 128g ssd14:29
Kilosi tried sweeper to clean and that messed up all links or keys or something14:30
Kilosthen removed some movies and pics to a 16g stick14:31
magespawnclear all the tmp files14:31
Kilosthen rebooted and tried earier recovery14:31
Kilosnow it shows 7.8 used14:31
Kiloswhere all the rest14:31
Kilos93g not used14:32
Kilosso where did that bull come from14:32
Kilosyou cant put 93g on a 16g stick14:32
Kilosinetpro lees ↑14:37
Kilosafternoon superfly why did you say we are weird yesterday?14:37
bushtechKilos: have you checked ssd with Disks?14:45
Kilosill do that now bush14:46
Kilosoverall assesment disk is ok14:49
Kiloswb bushtech bad connection you have there hey14:55
Kilosor are you playing yoyo at the same time14:56
bushtechyes grrr busy getting to mtr14:56
Kilosannoying hey14:56
bushtechbusy eyeing afrihost14:57
bushtechmove from voda to mtn14:57
Kiloshave you no telkom signal there14:58
Kilosi started here with mtn then cellc then vodacom and 8ta beats then all price and performance wise14:58
bushtechwill check 8ta coverage14:59
bushtech8ta has roaming 3g coverage but telkom 3g doesn't15:02
Kilosim not sure what the roaming thing does as im vas in een plek hear15:03
Kilosi thought 8ta and telkom is the same thing15:04
bushtechyeah typical telkom : we aim to confuse15:04
bushtechits on the same map. vastly different coverage15:04
Kilosi very seldom have hassles and when i do its from storm damage15:05
Kilosmy connection is very stable15:06
Kilosso is inetpro s15:06
bushtechI can only dream15:06
Kiloscan you judge your distance from the tower15:07
bushtechno such thing as a stable connection around here15:07
bushtechI know exactly. Let me just find 15:08
Kilosas long as you get 3 bars or more signal strength it should be stable15:09
Kilosthat quite far15:09
Kilosare any of the others closer?15:09
Kilosyou can also use a router with an external antenna like pro15:10
Kilosexternal antenna boost signal lots15:10
bushtechI am15:11
bushtechrouter with yagi15:11
Kiloswhat isp atm voda?15:11
Kilosmy sis used voda but their service is shocking15:12
Kilosshe spent 4 months with no data connection then switched to 8ta as well15:12
bushtechsheesh! 4 months15:12
Kilosbut the fone showed 5 bars and worked fine for calls15:13
bushtechbasebal bat time15:13
Kilosi used to let her get wifi from me15:13
bushtechmaking a phone call around here is very amusing15:13
Kilosshe kept saying they are planning to fix it this week15:13
Kiloswhat appens there15:14
bushtechpeople standing on  chairs  and heads out of windows15:14
Kilosexternal antenna only way then15:14
bushtechdoes nothing for phone sig15:15
Kilosthat sucks15:15
Kilosand no adsl i take it15:15
Kilosservice actually sucks in za 15:16
bushtechtell me about it15:17
Kilosinetpro thinks if he keeps quiet he will get away with not having set the topis bar rightweeks ago already15:31
Kilosgovt employees all work on the more is nog n dag attitude15:32
KilosIcon 'gtk-new' not present in theme at /usr/share/perl5/ClamTk/GUI.pm line 259.15:39
Kiloswhy doesnt nano show line numbers?15:39
Kilosto much to count15:39
bushtechyou need to activate numers in nano15:41
Kilosoh my15:42
Kilosty bushy15:43
bushtechold heads battle to count15:43
bushtechneed all the help we can get15:44
Kiloswonderfull ty so much15:44
Kilosi have at times counted line for line15:44
Kilosyou also old?15:44
Kilosgoodness me15:44
bushtechEish! me not have that much patience15:45
Kilosi get quite lonely at times15:45
Kilosmost here are younger than my son15:45
Kilosand young peeps definitely speak a different language15:46
bushtechnot many oldies play w/ keyboards15:46
Kiloslangjan and i and now you15:47
Kiloswoooot we getting there15:47
Kilosand goosie isnt a youngster anymore either15:47
bushtechbut got my 85 yo mil into using whatsapp couple months ago15:47
bushtechbeeg noddy badge15:48
bushtechthe biggie was getting her to use the notepad15:48
Kilosyou need to explain mil. l to far from m to be a typo15:56
bushtechmothr in law15:56
Kilosoh ya ty15:57
KilosMaaz tell cryterion You need to give links here lad, via fb often wont be seen15:59
MaazKilos: Righto, I'll tell Cryterion on freenode15:59
Kiloshaha hi Cryterion 16:35
Cryterionis that better ;)16:39
CryterionHi Kilos16:40
Kiloshehe ty young man16:40
Kiloshavent you read in fb that i hate it16:40
Kilosdont think i follow even 5 peeps16:41
Cryterionyeah I know, sometimes forget16:42
Kiloslol np16:42
Kilosi try go there as little as possible16:42
CryterionI might be young to you, but still not that young :)-16:42
Kiloswow ty Cryterion very interesting16:48
Kilosnearly everyone here is young to me16:48
Kilosbut im honoured to be one of you and call you all friends16:48
Kilosfunny, call any woman over 30 young lady and you get a lovely smile16:58
Kilosmen say im not that young16:58
inetprobush[tab]: ping17:20
* inetpro likes that new acronym17:21
inetproKilos: my mil turned 85 today17:21
Kilosinetpro dunno if i must nag or what17:26
Kilostopic bar17:26
inetprorelax, tomorrow is another day17:27
Kiloshi Langjan 17:27
LangjanOkm it took a long time to connect, hi Kilos  hoe gaan dit met jou?17:28
Kilosfirst cearance received and sent to the online visa site17:28
Kiloswat het jy nou gebreek?17:28
LangjanSo things are happening at last17:29
Kilosen hoe gaan dit daar17:29
LangjanNiks nie man!17:29
Langjanalles wel dankie17:29
Langjanen met jou?17:29
Kilosyes no i just hope they dont want to try check that its correct because that will add more months17:29
Kiloslast time the whole procedure took 2 years17:30
Kilosim happy to hear you broke nothing17:30
LangjanEish! So what has been approved and what is still required?17:31
Kilosoh ja you been playing with balls again17:31
LangjanYes for 5 days, rolled about 500 balls and they all went skew!17:31
Kilosthe clearance gets checked by a place called vaccu in melbourne then sent to visa peeps here17:31
Kilosthey supposed to go crooked arent they17:32
LangjanYes! Now you tell me! 17:32
LangjanSo any indication when visa will be ready? 17:33
Kiloshaha inetpro i get to use it17:33
KilosLangjan inetpro 's mil turned 85 today17:33
Kiloslets hear the comment17:34
LangjanUse what? mil?17:34
Kilosmother in law17:34
Langjanoh, wow! Hartlik geluk aan haar inetpro 17:35
Kilosi had to ask what it meant earlier17:35
inetprodankie oom Jan17:35
Langjankom julle darem goed oor die weg?17:35
Kilosvir haar man nie vir jou nie17:35
inetproten minste hoef ek nie daai woord uit te tippex vir die oom nie17:35
LangjanReminds me of the guy who said his mil is a real angel17:36
Kilosi have never heard it before17:36
Langjanso his pal says youre lucky, mine is still alive17:36
Kilosten mins after seeing it used i asked what it was17:37
inetproLangjan: nee, ek dink jy verstaan verkeerd, die woord wat ek moet uit tippex vir Kilos is 'oom'17:37
inetprohy wil nie meer daai woord sien nie17:37
Langjanok, en vir my? seker oupa17:37
inetprohaha :-)17:37
bushtechYip Wie's jou $%#@ oom?17:38
LangjanHoe gaan diyt met jou bome inetpro ?17:38
Langjanhi bushtech 17:38
inetprooom² Jan17:38
bushtechnaand Langjan17:38
KilosLangjan bushtech se hy is ook oud17:38
Kilosmaar se nie hoe oud nie17:39
inetproLangjan: die bome loop weer uit17:39
Langjanok, mens is so oud soos jy voel17:39
bushtechcareful now17:39
Langjaneks 2117:39
inetprobushtech: stadig meneer... ons het jong mense ook hier17:39
Langjanprobleem is ouens gaan op 50 dood en word op 75 begrawe17:40
Kiloshaha you didnt use tab complete17:40
inetproKilos: I did, before he left but I was still completing the sentence17:40
Kilosbushtech wb17:41
inetprobushtech: stadig met die taal hier asb meneer... ons het jong mense ook hier17:41
bushtechyou can read that?17:41
Langjanbushtech,  is jy die sensor wat die jong manne in toom hou?17:42
Kiloswelcome back17:42
bushtechnee ek is aan die ander kant van die draad17:42
Kiloswatter taal inetpro 17:43
Kilosim lost here17:43
Langjanwat gebeur daardie kant?17:43
inetprooom Kilos, daai snaakse karakters beteken net een ding17:43
Kilosdie peine begin17:43
bushtechword gesensor17:43
bushtechek kan nie help as die jong ouens vuil gedagtes het nie17:44
Langjanen die ou manne?17:44
Kilosinetpro waar sien jy snaakse karakters17:44
inetproKilos: 04/10 19:38:05 <bushtech> Yip Wie's jou $%#@ oom?17:44
bushtechaan hulle is geen salf te smeer nie17:45
Kiloso daai17:45
LangjanJa tolk asb klaat ek kan sien wat die manne te se het17:46
Kilosinetpro waar kry jy swart tippex17:46
inetproKilos: ek maak dit self17:47
Kilossjoe slim ne17:47
bushtechek dink inetpro het so 'n ry tippex botteltjies langs sy muis17:48
LangjanOK julle manne, geniet die aand - ek groet julle. 17:49
bushtechcheers Langjan17:49
Kilosdankie vir die kuiertjie Langjan 17:49
Kilospas julle mooi op17:49
LangjanO net voor ek gaan, ek het 'n 24 duim Philips monitor op 'n uitverkoping raakgeloop, nou word my nek seer van al die heen en weer... 17:50
inetprohet al die kleure van die reenboog hier17:51
Kilosjy maak my oog seer man17:51
bushtechskuif hom verder terug??17:51
Langjanlmga, dan word hy weer klein - dan het ek my geld gemors - lmga17:52
bushtechof sit agtertoe17:52
Kilosbushtech gaan koop een van al die sim kaarte, hulle is goedkoop by checkers ens17:52
Kilosdan kan jy met jou foon sien watter syn is die beste17:52
inetproLangjan: https://peperperspective.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/optimum-sitting-position.jpg17:52
Langjansimkaart waarvoor?17:53
bushtechnie'n sleg idee nie Kilos dankie17:53
LangjanDankie inetpro eintlik spot ek net maar sal in elk geval kyk17:53
bushtechvir my vrot konneksie17:53
Kiloskyk vir wat17:53
Langjandie link na sitting positions17:54
LangjanOK ek groet julle, lekker aand verder17:54
inetpromooi loop oom Jan17:54
Kilostotsiens my vriend17:55
Langjandankie inetpro en Kilos mooi loop 17:55
Langjanen bushtech  ook17:55
Kilosfelt quite comfy there for a while with ballies around18:00
Kilosoh inetpro 18:01
Kilosim thinking of a reinstall18:01
Kilosssd got kinda corrupt18:01
Kilosso rsync /home and what else to have minimal work18:01
pavlushkaya, tell Kilos , I wont follow.18:04
* pavlushka ^^18:04
Kiloshi pavlushka 18:04
Kilosaw pity mail set to 30 checks18:04
pavlushkaHi, I m watching python video, wish me luck.18:05
Kiloslangjan got away before i read his18:05
KilosWhen I try to connect on xchat the sign in the bar on left hand bottom runs backwards and forwards as if searching but no connection - don't worry, I have not broken anything.:-P 18:05
Kilosgood luck pavlushka 18:05
Kilosconcentrate and learn18:06
pavlushkabut I feel sleepy, need some unwinding!18:06
Kiloswell its midnight18:06
Kilosnormal peeps sleep before that18:06
pavlushkayeah, python reminded me that.18:07
Kiloswatch when you are wide awake man18:07
Kilosso you can understand better18:07
pavlushkaokey doky18:08
pavlushkainetpro: why your lines are shaded?18:08
Kiloscopy it so you can watch over and over18:08
Kiloshe was showing all the colours tippex he has18:09
pavlushkaI usually do that to save data but need to sure I am not wasting my time.18:10
pavlushkalol @ tippex18:10
Kilosif they made a movie about it then it must be worth something so save it18:10
inetproKilos: what the problem is sir?18:12
Kilosit says some packages from repo arent autheticated and18:12
Kilosi installed clamtk and that wont run18:12
Kilostried from cli and got an error18:13
KilosIcon 'gtk-new' not present in theme at /usr/share/perl5/ClamTk/GUI.pm line 25918:13
Kilosi like things to work first time18:14
Kilosoh and inetpro it said it was near full so i moved vids and pics to 16g stick18:15
Kilosrebooted and it now say im only using 7.2 g18:15
Kilosso where is the other 90+g18:16
Kilosdidnt all go hide on the 16g stick18:16
inetprosuperfly: didn't you mention that he's weird?18:17
Kilosso somewhere there is corruption and clean install is the quickest easiest way to fix18:17
superflyinetpro: so are you18:17
inetprooh my18:17
Kilosi asked him why18:17
Kiloshee hee18:18
inetproyou copy 90GB to a 16GB drive and expect the data to be available?18:18
Kilosi copied about 12g18:18
Kilosand now only using 7.2 gig of the drive18:19
Kilossuperfly now you shut him up18:20
Kiloshe thought he was gonna get away with it18:20
inetprosorry oom Kilos but I don't get it... somewhere in this story you're not telling us all the details18:21
Kilosno man18:21
Kilosif i knew all the details i would ask18:21
Kilosthere is 90 gig missing but eveything is here18:22
Kilosoh i also deleted all sent and trash thunderbird mails and did the file thing18:23
Kilosfile compact folders18:23
inetpro"there is 90 gig missing but eveything is here" sounds like a oxymoron18:24
Kilosaparently that cleans out deleted mails18:24
Kilosstop asking questions just tell me what else to rsync so i can clean install18:24
Kilosinetpro could also be the ssd thats not good even though disks says it is18:30
Kilosit was discarded by windows peeps before18:30
Kilossuperfly we are waiting to hear why we are weird in your eyes18:32
Kilosand is it just to you or does everyone see us that way18:34
pavlushkaKilos: may be, ^18:35
Kiloswhere is your up arrow pavlushka 18:35
Kilosput it here18:35
superflyKilos: you use that silly free operating system!18:35
Kilosso do you superfly 18:36
pavlushkainetpro: ^^18:36
Kiloshe has gone to sleep18:36
superflyKilos: lies. I use Debian.18:36
superflyit's not silly.18:37
Kilosso no 16.04??18:37
Kiloswhats that word you use18:37
pavlushkasuperfly: I heard you saying, I can testify against you.18:38
Kilospavlushka superfly is a python master18:38
pavlushkasuperfly: that you are testing 16.04 in your laptop, :p18:39
superflywhen I get my SSD I'm dropping Kubuntu for Debian KDE.18:40
Kiloshe just enjoys stirring the pot now and again18:40
superflyKilos: serious18:40
Kilosn ill still keep you in my friend circle18:41
pavlushkasuperfly: is debian is paid?18:45
superflypavlushka: what do you mean "paid"? is it commercial? no18:46
inetpropavlushka: don't believe anything he says 18:46
inetprooops... I'm just joking 18:47
inetprosorry Kilos but I'm busy with something else here 18:47
pavlushkato my knowledge debian was free and its soft collection is huge, sizing 7 GB18:48
pavlushkathe 7.6 version.18:48
pavlushkawith multiple dvds.18:49
pavlushkaSo superfly: inetpro knows the secret about you then?18:50
superflypavlushka: inetpro knows more than he lets on18:51
pavlushkadoes he know which toothpaste you use?18:52
pavlushkasuperfly: ?18:53
Kiloshe is busy pavlushka 18:53
superflypavlushka: I'm not sure... you'll have to ask him18:53
Kiloswe lucky he finds anytime to chat18:54
Kilostill half way through july18:54
Kilosyou have heard of debconf pavlushka ?18:54
pavlushkayes I was in that meeting18:55
Kilosright he is one of the organizers18:55
pavlushkabut cant remember who was selected to go18:55
Kilosi think cryterion said he is going to try go18:56
* pavlushka burps18:57
Kilosyes him18:57
* pavlushka its tasty!18:57
pavlushkaKilos: is Cryterion busy packing then?18:59
pavlushkaor he has gone already?18:59
Kilosits still some months ahead19:00
Kilosapril may june then only july19:00
pavlushkaok, Cryterion, you can unpack your bags then, :p19:00
CryterionHi, can't promise I will make it, but will try, it'll depend on work load nearer the time19:01
pavlushkaHi how are you Cryterion ?19:02
pavlushkaI was pinging you intentionally,:p19:02
Cryterionlol, all good and yourself19:02
pavlushkaYeah, same hear, all goods, no documents, ;p19:03
pavlushkahave I told a lullaby?19:08
pavlushka*sang a lullaby19:08
Kiloslullabies are song you sing to put babies to sleep19:14
pavlushkaand for me, good night guys!19:34
Kilossleep tight19:36
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:54
Kilosinetpro ^^19:54
Kilossleep earlier superfly . see you tomorrow19:54

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