
sakrecoerlooking into those things kryte mentioned yesterday, not sure i get it... but as he suggested in a query, i optimized the pictures with optipng and jpegoptim and it gave a rather poor result...10:28
sakrecoerdo i get it right when i understand that the first path should have no leading slash? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-look/trunk/revision/179/debian/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.links10:29
sakrecoeras put in the example he sent: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man1/dh_link.1.html10:30
zequencesakrecoer: I already changed that15:29
zequencesakrecoer: Why did you add the author name to the wallpaper name for each wallpaper in the gnome .xml file15:33
zequenceYou know what that does?15:33
zequenceThat is what will show instead of the actual file name when selecting wallpapers in at least Gnome15:34
zequenceI don't want our names in there. Just the name of the wallpapers15:34
zequenceSo, please put that back as it was15:35
zequenceAnd, why are you renaming old wallpapers that have already been released?15:35
zequenceDoesn't make sense to rename files that are already known15:35
zequenceunless there's a bug15:35
zequenceIt's backwards15:35
zequenceThe worst that can happen with wallpapers is that someone already has one of those as their default. When they upgrade, it isn't anymore, cause the filename changed15:37
zequenceNEver a good idea to change file names, just out of pedantism15:37
zequenceEven worse when done in programming15:39
krytarikzequence: Regarding that, you realize that the package just keeps on growing anyway?15:39
zequencekrytarik: Yes, I'm very well aware of that. What's your point?15:39
zequenceYou want to skim off 20MB out of our 2.6GB ISO?15:40
OvenWerkssort of a thing in computers in general, everything grows.15:40
zequenceAs I already said last time you mentioned that - maybe next time there is a wallpaper contest, only the five best are included - and the art team can decide which of the old ones stay15:40
zequenceChanging filenames just for the fun of it is a bit of waste of time, if you ask me15:41
OvenWerkszequence: I think the bigger thing as you mentioned is that it breaks things.15:42
zequenceOvenWerks: Exactly15:43
sakrecoerzequence: some had the author some dont it was about 50/50 so i thought: either we remove all authors or we add...15:59
sakrecoerbut sure, i can remove them from there..15:59
zequencesakrecoer: Might be cfhowlett did some of that, I'm not sure. His choice. But, I'd rather go with just having a pretty name for the wallpaper, nothing else.16:04
zequenceSince those were from the contest, that makes a little bit of sense16:05
zequenceI wouldn't do it that way though16:05
zequencesakrecoer: MOre importantly, never change filenames unless you have a really good reason16:05
zequenceFor stuff that is yet not released, it's less of a matter16:05
zequenceBut, older stuff, it's a big no no. NOt the end of the world, when it comes to wallpapers, but still16:06
sakrecoerok, so middle ground: i leave the credits in the pretty name-space on the entires from the contest and remove them elsewhere. no more filname changes until we plan for next blueprints. is that a viable sollution? 18:31
sakrecoeradding "1604_ghostcolor.png" to debian/copyright also. fixed it but i'll wait a little before i push. maybe you will catch something else that is missing or needs correction...18:41
zequencesakrecoer: No, I haven't been looking actually. Just push whatever's left. I'll just go though each package before upload20:03
zequencesakrecoer: Ok, I see your commit has got trough. Getting late, so I will upload the packages first thing tomorrow21:36
zequenceStill need to fix some icons too.21:36
sakrecoerthanks zequence 21:50

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