
flocculantUnit193: ok 07:32
knomejjfrv8, dkessel: want to add any comments to http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-mm-cloud ?09:42
knomepleia2, ^ you too09:42
knomealso anybody interested can check http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-mm-other09:43
flocculantI did look - just to see if I was interested in that cloudy foofoo stuff - but wasn't :p09:44
knomeflocculant, sigh :)09:45
knomeflocculant, i understand you don't like the cloud stuff, and i don't like it much either, but it's still a huge thing for many, so please :)09:46
knomeanyway, can you log in to any of our wordpress sites?09:46
knomei still can't, and i even filed an RT ticket09:47
knomegoing to be fun if this continues to next week09:47
flocculantknome: I did look - nothing I could add09:47
knomeno worries09:47
knomebut that WP thing??!! :P09:47
flocculantknome: checking09:48
flocculantFirefox can't find the server at login.ubuntu.com09:48
knomeit can for me though09:48
flocculanthang on09:48
flocculantin to contest09:49
knomei mean at least if i access that url09:49
knomeon contest it tries to access login.launchpad.net for me (atm)09:49
knomeif i go to that or l.o.c manually on the browser, it loads and shows my login stuff09:50
flocculantcan't seemingly login to the normal wordpress place09:50
flocculantchromium fails too for the normal wp - dns address not found09:51
knomeby normal you mean the main site? :P09:51
knomei don't think it's a browser issue09:51
flocculantseems not09:52
knomebut it's also not completely a ubuntu one issue09:52
knomebecause i've got better luck logging in to pad today09:52
knomeand logging in to rt.ubuntu.com works with no problems09:52
knomesame with relogging to launchpad09:52
flocculantknome: well getting to main site - fails at login.ubuntu.com09:52
flocculantpackages.qa.ubuntu.com seems to be down09:53
knomeyeah, i'm just getting to the "please wait" page, then it waits on login.ubuntu.com/launchpad.net09:53
knomeeventually i got the "connection reset" eg. too slow to respond message09:53
flocculantiso.qa same09:53
knomecrappety crap09:53
knomethat's not even wordpress09:54
knomethat works for me though09:55
knomeand now i got to a different place with x.org too09:55
flocculantand from trusty vm I am in to the main site09:55
knomebut still not logging09:56
knomeso maybe it's some new security stuff in browsers09:56
* knome installs midori09:56
flocculantand to iso.qa09:56
knomeyep, iso.qa worked for me with ff09:56
flocculantnot installing midori here ... 09:57
flocculantCannot initiate the connection to archive.ubuntu.com:8009:57
knomeso maybe it's a server connectivity problem09:58
knomecan't login with midori either..09:58
flocculantcan you apt-get update?09:58
flocculantErr:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease09:59
flocculant  Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'09:59
knomewith fi.archive09:59
flocculantright - set to main here 09:59
knomeand i got a ping reply from archive.09:59
knomebut since it's pointing to several mirrors...09:59
knomeno, i'm consistently getting ping replies10:00
flocculantUK is failing - but unsurprising - probably in the same room :p10:00
flocculant2,817 B/s to UK ... 10:00
flocculantconnects fine to some random US server10:01
knomemaybe you are redirected to different mirrors based on your location10:01
flocculantwell generally I stick to Main10:02
knomeyeah but that still isn't just one place10:02
knomeit's just a frontend to several mirrors10:02
knomeso it might decide X is better for you10:02
knomebut that Y is better for me10:02
knomeand if Y works, i don't get the error10:02
flocculantwell the UK one should be in the UK - that was dog slow10:02
knomeotoh, if X doesn't...10:02
flocculantUS one works10:02
flocculantthat doesn't surely make any difference to me getting x.org login from trusty but not xenial 10:03
knomeand i'm no wily10:03
knomenow the login says "waiting for xubuntu.org..."10:04
* flocculant checks the wily vm10:04
flocculantiso.qa fails in wily lol10:05
knomei think what we can figure out here is that it's related to the web services10:05
knomenot us :P10:05
flocculantcan get to wp admin on wily :)10:06
* knome facepalms10:06
knomewhile you are there then10:06
flocculantyep pretty confident that's the case 10:06
knomedo one thing10:06
knomego to users and find knome10:06
knomeclick on knome10:06
flocculanthang on ... 10:06
knomeat the bottom of that page, you should have a button that says "log off everywhere"10:06
flocculantlogged you out 10:07
* knome retries10:08
knomenow i'm back to the worse situation :D10:08
knomenot even asked for the login details10:08
flocculantoh dear10:08
knomenow i am10:08
flocculantand Sunday and no vanguard ... 10:08
knomebut still not being able to login..10:08
knomei'm in10:09
* knome blinks10:09
flocculantoh meh10:09
knomei logged out10:10
knomelet's see if i can log in 10:10
flocculantso you are unable to login from wily? 10:11
knomei did it once10:11
knomebut i logged out10:11
knomei mean - i don't need to change anything now10:11
knomei need to be able to log in tomorrow10:11
knomeso i want it to work10:11
knomeand ok, i can log in now again10:11
knomebut not every time i think10:11
knomeno, now it worked again10:11
knomebut not now when i restarted ff10:12
flocculantI logged out of wily one - logged in, logged out at trusty - can't login10:13
knomethis totally sounds/looks like a connectivity issue10:13
knomesomething isn't replying properly10:13
knomeok, let's hope we can log in tomorrow :P10:13
flocculantand I'm back to being able to apt from Main10:14
flocculantand I logged into wp from xenial in midori10:15
flocculantand I logged into wp from xenial in ff10:16
knomei didn't10:16
flocculantsomeone went into the office and fed the hamsters perhaps ... 10:17
flocculantlog out then login worked10:17
knomei just logged in :P10:18
knomethis is silly10:18
knomenow that we are in10:18
knomeare we happy with the mugshot article?10:18
bluesabregood morning10:18
knomehello bluesabre 10:18
Unit193bluesabre: This early on a Sunday? :(10:19
flocculantbluesabre: morning :)10:19
bluesabreUnit193: yeah :(10:19
flocculantknome: should https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubunty-y-marketing really be xubunty ... 10:20
knomeflocculant, what do you mean10:20
bluesabreknome: "If you have a webcam connected, you can use it to take a photo of yourself to use." - broken and disabled in xenial10:20
knomeyou obviously mean https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-y-marketing10:20
knomeflocculant, ;d10:20
Unit193bluesabre: If it makes you feel better, I'm awake, not still awake.10:21
flocculantknome: that'll make the filters work properly then ;)10:21
knomewhat filters?10:21
flocculantthunderbird ones10:22
knomeaha :D10:22
flocculantnot Thunderbird 1 10:22
flocculantalways preferred Thundebird 4 - much easier to make with lego in the 70's10:22
flocculantanyway - mugshot article looks ok to me assuming bluesabre is ok with us saying "Normal users can only change their image and some fields."10:23
knomeit doesn't say that though10:23
flocculantbecause I still haven't checked which fields a normal user 10:23
flocculantknome: I'm looking at the preview, unless you recently changed it 10:24
knomelike, today10:24
knomei changed the intro <p>10:24
knomenow it's long10:24
knomeit was short before10:24
flocculantright - so it STILL says 'some fields' 10:24
knomei didn't touch any of the actual article thoug10:24
* knome is the wooden eye today10:25
flocculantcan't check right now - trusty upgrade in vm half done10:25
flocculantI'll look in a bit and update the post10:26
knomesure, thanks10:26
knomebluesabre, i guess you would fancy all the contest winners10:28
flocculantknome: oh yea you remind me 10:28
knomeyep, typo fix10:29
flocculanthave you cropped the ones needing cropping yet? 10:29
knomei've poked bluesabre with them in PM10:29
flocculantand have we sorted out the name changes we know about 10:29
knomei'm probably just going to disable openid logins on contest. very soon10:30
knomeand log in there10:30
knomewith local login, that is10:30
knomebut first, a visit to the gents :P10:30
flocculantknome: our wiki - forgot my password - it says it's sent a confirmation link - no it hasn't ... 10:36
knomeflocculant, hah :)10:38
knomeflocculant, i'll debug that soon10:38
flocculantin the meantime set it to something please and I'll change it :)10:39
knomeflocculant, PM10:40
knomeflocculant, and see how i made sure you change it :P10:40
flocculantand done10:42
flocculantknome: how to add an image to wiki page? don't appear to be able to grab something from local 10:52
flocculantnvm - found it by slowly mousing over every word ... 10:53
knomeflocculant, that's not perfect yet, but yeah...10:54
flocculantbizarre 10:54
flocculantit failed seemingly10:54
flocculantthen when I hit done - it had a go and it worked :p10:54
flocculantknome: shall make a start on the iso page now - I assume that qa/foo works for naming new pages11:00
knomeflocculant, ack, that's the designed naming convention11:05
knomethey will appear on the order of the pagename (not title) on the sitemap11:06
knomeand the first ===== Title ===== will be what's visible in the sitemap11:06
flocculantknome: ok - thanks :)11:15
flocculantbluesabre: just finishing the mugshot post for knome - only fields a normal user cannot change appear to be phone numbers - just want to check that's right before fiddling with the post :)11:18
bluesabreflocculant: correct11:23
flocculantbluesabre: awesome - thanks, can do that and forget about it :)11:24
flocculantassuming I can login still ... 11:24
flocculantknome: ok - done mugshot now - details are correct. Whether we actually want to be that specific I don't know - so you can remove things if you wish :)11:27
bluesabreknome: is there to be an announcement page for the winners (so I can have a copyright source)11:39
knomebluesabre, no11:42
knomelet's see if i can log in and create one11:46
ochosig'day everyone11:56
knomehello ochosi 11:56
ochosionly around for a few mins now11:56
* knome starts the clock11:56
ochosibut quickly wanted to check in and see how things are going with the walls11:57
flocculantknome: the panel layout post might benefit from an image11:57
flocculantochosi: hey there :)11:57
knomeflocculant, mhm11:57
ochosiand whether there are any other open issues11:57
knomeflocculant, though i can't log in right now, so...11:57
ochosiso i can plan some time this week to take care of some11:57
flocculantknome: mmm - I am 11:57
knomeochosi, yeah, ubuntu one logins suck :P11:57
ochosiso we need our own single-sign-on? :)11:57
flocculantha ha ha 11:57
ochosidon't you have an oauth provider for knome.fi? (:11:58
knomeochosi, there's the thunar stuff that would benefit from some sort of resolution, whether it was fixing the bugs or downgrading the version in xenial11:58
ochosiwhat thunar stuff?11:58
knomethe crashes11:58
ochosii saw some bugreports, what's the problem concretely?11:58
knomesometimes when you rename a file, thunar crashes11:59
knomeand sometimes isn't once in a full moon, it's almost daily11:59
knomeochosi, and for more things to do, obviously anything from http://dev.xubuntu.org/#tab-details/s=todo,inprogress,blocked+sort=assignee+sortdir=asc11:59
knomeochosi, it's 4 minutes now, isn't that already over "a few"? :P12:00
ochosiyeah, we're slowly getting there ;)12:00
ochosiright, but what's the culprit for the thunar crashes? is that identified already? (since you suggested downgrading thunar)12:01
knomenot exactly, but since the previous versions had no crashes...12:01
knomeochosi, http://pad.ubuntu.com/thunar-bug12:02
knomeochosi, ^ there's something that crashes thunar for me12:02
ochosiwell could be a problem in gvfs and then affect earlier versions of thunar to12:02
knomeit's also relatively reliable12:02
knomebut the whole situation is crap12:02
ochosiso you've tried downgrading thunar and that helped?12:03
ochosiso it's just an idea12:03
knomei don't know where i picked that information, but somebody said something about 1.6.112:03
knomei've been busy with non-thunar things, you know12:03
ochosithat's a fairly old version12:04
knomeanyway, i was just giving you ideas on what to do since you asked ;)12:04
ochosisure :)12:06
ochosii can try to start by reproducing the bug12:06
knomethough you are running at 11 minutes12:07
knometut tut!12:07
knomei'll boot up my xenial vbox too, update and do more tests with  thunar12:08
Unit193Oh joy, thunar...12:08
ochosiand the wallpaper stuff is going good?12:11
ochosi(last question then i'll run)12:11
knomeslowly but steadily12:11
ochosibbl ;)12:12
Nairwolfhi guys, I wanted to work on translation of lightDM GTK+ Greeter, but what is this package exactly ? 12:14
knomethe lightdm greeter theme12:14
knomeyou are late for 16.04 though12:15
Nairwolfoh, really ? 12:15
NairwolfIt will be for next release, so12:15
knomeindeed, the translation deadline was last thursday12:15
NairwolfI have light Locker Settings on my xubuntu 14.04, is it the same software ? I don't think so...12:16
knomethe greeter doesn't appear as a software - it is what is used on the login screen12:16
Nairwolfoh, ok. 12:18
Nairwolftranslations for this package are weird...12:18
Nairwolffor example, look here : https://translations.launchpad.net/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/trunk/+pots/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/fr/+translate?start=0&batch=10&show=untranslated&field.alternative_language=&field.alternative_language-empty-marker=1&old_show=all12:20
Nairwolfthe first item is "full" in english, and the context is "option|greeter|xft-hintstyle"12:20
knomewhat's weird in that?12:20
Nairwolfbut it doesn't really help me. How can I find where this item is used ? 12:20
Nairwolfnot weird, sorry. 12:20
knomein the login screen12:21
Nairwolfok, I will try with a vm. Thansk12:21
dkesselknome: can't even access that pad, Launchpad sso takes forever...12:49
knomedkessel, egh, i know, i've been rambling about that for two days :(12:50
knomedkessel, basically, if you have any comments about spotify/pandora/google play music you want to share...12:50
knomedkessel, you can paste your comment on the channel too12:50
dkesselOk not using any of these12:51
knomewhat are you using then?12:51
Unit193dkessel: It's a trap!12:51
dkesselhaha. amazon.12:54
flocculantknome: only just saw the mm-other one 12:54
knomeflocculant, np, it hasn't been in existence for a long time12:55
knomewell today i'm unable to reproduce the thunar crash bug12:56
flocculantI must have scanned the name as mm when I looked this morning12:56
knomeso maybe the situation isn't as bad as it was12:56
knome*as i thought it was12:56
knomemole moley12:56
Unit193knome: What version?12:56
knomeUnit193, the one in staging12:56
Unit193Wow, that's good: The requested URL /openid/ was not found on this server12:56
knomeUnit193, indeed, the logins are wonky12:57
flocculantknome: so you'd not tested the staging one previously? 12:57
knomejust go to the real URL again12:57
knomeflocculant, i had...12:57
flocculantoh - ok - just checking :)12:57
knomeat least i'm pretty sure i had12:57
knomethings are a bit blurry in my head :D12:57
knomefor various reasons...12:57
flocculantwell - here when someone says thunar it immediately gets blurry :p12:58
knomelinking bug 1512120 to the bugs blueprint13:01
ubottubug 1512120 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar crashes on file renaming" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151212013:01
knomei also commented on the bug, asking for tests with the staging PPA13:01
bluesabrexubuntu-community-artwork package *slowly* uploading to -staging ppa13:03
knomebug 131192613:03
ubottubug 1311926 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Renaming Bug in Thunar " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131192613:03
knomethat's for the other issue in the pad13:03
knomewell not exactly, but one of the symptoms related to that behavior13:04
bluesabreI need to move the meeting back... have to drop my wife off for her chicago trip in the middle of the meeting time13:05
flocculantbluesabre: I'll be about whenever13:06
Unit193bluesabre: Make it a short one. ;)13:06
bluesabrewe like to rattle on sometimes, not so easy13:06
flocculantnot of late ;)13:07
Unit193bluesabre: Tip, /mode +m13:07
bluesabremaybe... 17:30 UTC?13:07
Unit193bluesabre: But yeah, that's fine as far as I'm concerned too.  I'll check backlog.13:07
flocculantbluesabre: that's forward :p13:10
bluesabreback/forward, all tricky when applied to time13:12
flocculantyep for sure :)13:13
bluesabrechanged in all the relevant places13:14
knomebluesabre, move the meeting to your back!13:14
* knome reserves the soft seat13:14
* flocculant won't comment13:14
flocculanton that13:14
flocculantknome: added tomahawk to mm-other13:14
knomebtw, if you want and know the dev communities, feel free to ask for short passages for the article13:15
knome(a la amarok)13:15
flocculantI don't 13:16
knomeor if you are feeling adventurous13:16
knomethe tomahawk irc channel might even be active13:16
flocculantI added some to the amarok note too btw13:17
knomei'm disconnected...13:17
knomelet's see if i can log back in13:17
knomenow i am13:18
flocculantyou could try the wiki - but you'd not know if it was *this* making it slow to login :p13:19
knomei prefer pad when collaborating13:19
knomewe could use any other pad though13:19
knomebut since this is already here..13:19
knomethe no space between website and parenthesis is intentional btw13:20
knomethat reminds me i should make those urls links with the website text13:20
flocculantknome: I would say do you want this put on x.org - but then you'd not be able to edit :D13:21
knomeand i do want to, at some point13:21
knomebut not yet, because it's still in flux13:21
knomeso i added a list of the irc channels on the pad if somebody wishes to go poking13:25
knomeon and off from kb again13:27
bluesabreflocculant: xubuntu-community-artwork is in -staging now, if you want to take a peek13:32
flocculantbluesabre: \o/13:33
flocculant20MB - not too bad then - much smaller than a font package ... 13:34
flocculantreally should clean up the wallpaper folder here - not really a need for 293 images ... 13:39
flocculantbluesabre: if you by chance do anything with release note between now and release - please do that at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/FinalRelease/Xubuntu 13:47
flocculantthe one I use to base them off is now cleared13:48
flocculantwandering off now13:48
bluesabre!team | meeting in 4 minutes :)17:26
ubottumeeting in 4 minutes :): bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19317:26
flocculantbluesabre: going to be in and out a bit 17:26
bluesabreflocculant: np17:27
bluesabreflocculant: your name isn't until the end anyway17:27
flocculantwould be easier if it was at the beginning :p17:29
bluesabre#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting17:30
meetingologyMeeting started Sun Apr 10 17:30:21 2016 UTC.  The chair is bluesabre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:30
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:30
bluesabreAgenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings17:30
bluesabreHey everyone! Who's here for the meeting?17:30
bluesabreI'll give folks a few minutes to roll in17:31
flocculantbluesabre: just while we're doing that - the wallpaper package seems to want to be autoremoved17:32
bluesabrehey pleia217:32
bluesabreflocculant: hm?17:32
bluesabreflocculant: there might be some tweaks I need to do to the package, I'll check it out after the meeting17:33
flocculantokey doke17:33
bluesabrelooks like this could be a short meeting17:35
slickymastermade it17:35
bluesabrehi slickymaster17:35
slickymasterhi bluesabre 17:35
bluesabrenow we probably have enough to have a discussion17:35
slickymasterhi flocculant and pleia217:35
bluesabre#topic Open Action Items17:35
bluesabrePretty sure there are none...17:36
slickymasternothing in the agenda anyway17:36
bluesabrenext up17:36
bluesabre#topic Updates and Announcements17:36
pleia2the article series' seem to be getting a lot of views on social media, good feedback here and there17:37
pleia2not overwhelmingly so, but for short articles I think it's gone well17:37
flocculantat least 1 I read was of the 'these are useful' type :)17:37
flocculantafaik not many left to go17:37
bluesabre#info The non-language pack translation deadline was Thursday April 8, so no more translations for our apps17:38
Nairwolfhi, I'm here ;)17:38
bluesabrepleia2: that's good to hear :)17:38
bluesabrehi Nairwolf17:38
pleia2#info "The small details" and "My media manager" article series' are doing well17:39
Nairwolfpleia2: I've contacted the french team of xubuntu.fr, and I will translate these articles for french community. 17:39
bluesabre#info the wallpaper contest has concluded and the winners have been chosen. A new xubuntu-community-artwork package will be uploaded today with the new wallpapers17:39
Nairwolfoh, great ! 17:39
slickymaster#info Final Freeze and RC are just 4 days away17:39
flocculantRC might be :p17:40
flocculantoh sorry - not reading properly17:40
pleia2Nairwolf: did we agree to do that? I thought the articles were not part of our translation plan17:40
bluesabreflocculant: #redo? :D17:40
pleia2we wanted to focus on a set of to-be-determined core content from the website first17:41
flocculant#info Final Freeze and RC are just 4 days away17:41
Nairwolfpleia2: that was a personal initiative. Do you think it's a bad idea ? 17:41
pleia2Nairwolf: well, knome and I had already been talking about website translations, and since he's the website lead I would have checked with him before going out on your own17:42
pleia2Nairwolf: websites are an important part of our branding, and we need to be in agreement about these things17:42
pleia2so looping me in as marking lead would have been good too17:42
pleia2we're also working with the owner of xubuntu.se to do similar17:42
pleia2it's concerning to see a proliferation of other language sites that we have no influence over17:43
Nairwolfok, I've just sending a mail this morning. Don't worry. I will send a mail to you and to knome, in order to talk you about that. 17:44
bluesabreMight be something worthwhile to include on the contributor docs going forward17:44
pleia2bluesabre: ++17:45
* flocculant looks forward to when contr docs are more than a few little bits and loads of qa :p17:45
bluesabreAny other updates and/or announcements?17:45
flocculantnot that I'm aware of17:46
bluesabreprobably safe to move on then17:46
bluesabre#topic Discussion17:46
bluesabre#subtopic PDF in docs17:46
bluesabre^ knome, slickymaster, krytarik?17:46
slickymasterwell, knome and krytarik are/were workinh on that17:47
slickymasterbut as far as I know it's not solved yet17:47
bluesabreseems like a difficult task to fully resolve17:48
pleia2fwiw, people I am in contact with on social media continue to like the idea of having them17:48
flocculantthought it was 17:48
pleia2so it's valuable to get solved17:48
flocculantpdf's build locally here17:48
bluesabreI think it is resolved17:48
flocculantI thought it was17:49
slickymasterthey don't in my xenial VM box17:49
bluesabrexubuntu-docs (16.04.3) xenial; urgency=medium17:49
bluesabre  * Create temporary symlinks while creating PDFs (fixes FTBFS, thanks Krytarik)17:49
bluesabre  * Drop contributor documentation from the default build17:49
slickymastermissed that one[5~17:49
slickymasterthanks bluesabre 17:49
bluesabresomething might have broken since then, so don't take my word for it :D17:49
bluesabrethat wraps up that topic then17:50
bluesabre#subtopic core situation17:50
bluesabre^ Unit19317:50
bluesabrePretty sure we're stuck in the same place on this one... we can't quite get our patches merged to enable this17:50
flocculantyea - afaik no movement - there was discussion amongst us to target .1 17:51
bluesabreand if anything, we're not looking to include this in 16.04.0 since its so late already17:51
flocculantand Unit193's community build is failing to install afaik17:51
bluesabrethat's disappointing17:52
flocculantand even if they came through tomorrow with core - you'd get a massive -1 from me now17:52
flocculantmuch much too late ;)17:52
bluesabreyup, same here17:52
bluesabreso core is on hold for now17:52
bluesabre#subtopic Seeding Snappy17:53
bluesabre^ (that's me and Unit193)17:53
flocculantUnit193> [05:11:19] flocculant: So yes, failing still/now.  Setting up locales again.17:53
flocculantbluesabre: that's Unit193's build ^^17:53
bluesabreflocculant: aha, thanks for that17:53
bluesabreRegarding Snappy, we had a (very) early meeting with Snappy folks a few days ago17:54
bluesabreThey're looking to include support for it in 16.0417:54
bluesabreSnappy coexists alongside the debian packaging system, so this should in no way interfere with our current workflow17:54
bluesabreThe consideration here is to include the snappy launcher in every flavor, or possibly let the flavors decide on their own17:55
bluesabreIt looks like it would add ~26mb to the installation, though I suggested adding support in Gnome Software to just install the launcher when a snappy app is installed17:56
bluesabreand that's roughly all I have for that17:56
bluesabre(just letting everybody in to the loop there)17:57
bluesabreand with no decision on that in my head, next up17:59
bluesabre#subtopic Release Candidate17:59
bluesabre^ flocculant17:59
flocculantback just18:00
flocculantso RC next week sometime18:01
flocculantplease try and get some testing of iso's done18:01
flocculantpleia2: I'll make sure to mail LP testers about that too18:01
flocculantpretty much nothing going on with the installer *we* can deal with 18:02
bluesabreflocculant: is the installer haven't issues again?18:02
flocculantupgrades seem to be ok now too - not that we'll be necessarily testing them18:02
flocculantbluesabre: not that I know of18:02
pleia2flocculant: great18:02
pleia2I'll make sure it's shared18:02
flocculantbluesabre: well things like vm's never changes - and some of the odd crypt install/oem install things have bugs18:03
pleia2flocculant: why re: not testing them?18:03
flocculantpleia2: thanks :)18:03
Nairwolfflocculant: I'm not sure to understand. Is it ok with upgrades ? 18:03
flocculantpleia2: upgrades? 18:03
Nairwolfupgrading from 14.04 to 16.04 works ? 18:03
pleia2flocculant: yeah18:03
flocculantbecause it's switched on for .1 usually18:03
bluesabreflocculant: I'm guessing we'll be sending a link to the in-progress release notes in the ML once the RC images are available so folks know what to look for?18:04
flocculantso people *might* but they'll not be *prompted* by updates18:04
pleia2flocculant: oh right, gotchat :)18:04
flocculantbluesabre: yup that's the plan18:04
bluesabreflocculant: good deal :)18:04
flocculanttalking of which I'll just quickly mention wiki release note18:05
flocculantnext cycle - I'll be gettting that together at cycle start and using just the one for the whole cycle18:05
Nairwolffrom the releaseCandidate to the final Release, the iso can still evolve ? 18:05
flocculantit'll get updated throughout18:06
bluesabreNairwolf: yes, there may still be bugs fixed in that time, and hopefully not too many other updates beside that18:06
flocculantNairwolf: for sure - if canonical and us fix things - it'll get respun18:06
bluesabreanything else in regards to the RC?18:07
Nairwolfok, so the finalFreeze isn't a real 'freeze', right ?18:07
flocculantbluesabre: nope - all done :)18:08
Nairwolfit's just fixing bugs, right ? 18:08
bluesabreNairwolf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze18:08
bluesabreflocculant: thanks18:08
bluesabre#topic Any other business18:09
Nairwolfbluesabre: Thanks ! 18:09
bluesabreAnybody got anything else to add for the meeting?18:09
flocculantnot me18:09
slickymasternothing heer18:09
slickymaster* here18:09
bluesabrepleia2: anything from you? (make it something awesome)18:10
pleia2I love you all18:11
pleia2that's it18:11
bluesabrewell done18:11
bluesabre#topic Schedule next meeting18:11
bluesabreknome to schedule next meeting18:11
bluesabreAnd we're out18:11
ochositoo latae18:11
meetingologyRemoving item from minutes: TOPIC18:11
ochosisry, had to get the little one to bed18:11
bluesabrehi ochosi18:11
ochosilet me see how quickly i can skim through the backlog18:12
bluesabreanything to add to the end of the meeting?18:12
ochosior are there any concrete questions for me?18:12
bluesabreI don't know enough about concrete to make a good pun here18:12
ochosialrighty, caught up18:14
* bluesabre hands the mic to ochosi18:15
ochosinot much from my side, i'm a bit unsure about where snappy will take us and whether the snappy launcher can't be a depend of all snappy packages (which begs the question why we need it by default)18:15
ochosibut since this seems to be only the initial stage i guess we might have to wait a bit longer to see about that18:16
bluesabreochosi: partially because snappy packages are not deb packages, so they can't auto-pull deb requirements (is my guess)18:16
bluesabrebut yeah, kind of a wait and see game currently18:16
ochosii thought they shouldn't? (at least that's what i understood there)18:16
ochosithought they should be little independent thingies that have everything they need inside18:17
bluesabreexcept they need a launcher/runtime18:17
bluesabrebut at the same time, I haven't played with it myself yet, so I can't say for sure18:17
bluesabreI'll see if I can get the next meeting at a time that you can also join in18:18
bluesabreochosi: anything else for the meeting?18:18
ochosiok sure18:18
ochosino, nothing else18:18
bluesabrealrighty then18:19
bluesabreanybody else?18:19
* bluesabre likes to stall18:19
flocculantnope :p18:19
bluesabreLet's wrap it up then18:20
bluesabre#topic Schedule next meeting18:20
bluesabre#info knome to schedule next meeting18:20
meetingologyMeeting ended Sun Apr 10 18:20:16 2016 UTC.  18:20
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2016/xubuntu-devel.2016-04-10-17.30.moin.txt18:20
flocculantthanks bluesabre :)18:20
slickymasterthanks bluesabre 18:20
bluesabrethanks everybody, good meeting!18:20
pleia2thanks for chairing18:20
* slickymaster wonders off to the kitchen to prepare some sort of a dinner18:20
flocculantI'd wander personally - but no idea what your house is like :p18:21
bluesabremakes you wonder, doesn't it18:21
flocculantyea it does 18:21
flocculantthis bug blueprint tracking is a pita, things on there sort of fixed - stay there :p18:22
flocculantuntil I get around to the y blueprint and I'll move them ... 18:22
flocculantbluesabre: is bug 1402036 fixed? invalid or something 18:25
ubottubug 1402036 in Mugshot "Mugshot authentication failed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140203618:25
flocculantbiab 18:25
bluesabrewiki updated18:28
bluesabreflocculant: bug 1402036 ?18:30
ubottubug 1402036 in Mugshot "Mugshot authentication failed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140203618:30
bluesabrelooks fixed to me18:31
ochosibluesabre: i read that there are issues with light-locker-settings not starting up18:32
ochosinot sure we're still maintaining that one18:32
ochosicould be a trivial fix18:32
ochosior should we mark it dead somewhere somehow?18:33
flocculantbluesabre: :p18:33
bluesabreochosi: I'm going to try to get it working again today18:34
bluesabrebut yes, should be trivial18:34
flocculantmust say it's nice to have people not in -team actually speaking up during meetings about things :)18:35
bluesabreyes, definitely18:37
bluesabre"community meeting"18:37
ochosibluesabre: nice :)18:37
pavlushkadate&time is showing UTC+0 though UTC+6 is selected, syncing with ntp I guess, where's the problem?19:12
pavlushkainternet sync selected, I am up but it is showing UTC+0 time for more than 6 hours now.19:14
flocculantwhat? 19:31
flocculantquite honestly given all the issues you appear to get - I would clean install19:32
pavlushkathe upgrades are not enough?19:36
flocculantpavlushka: well you appear to have nothing but trouble - even ignoring the trying to get suspend working on the broken laptop 19:37
flocculantthere often comes a time when it's just better to re-install - you are after all using an un-released version of xubuntu19:38
pavlushkaok, I am considering your suggestion,:p , actually its a :p to me.19:40
pavlushkaGood night flocculant !19:40
pleia2knome: oh, I should chime in on this cloud player article, editing etherpad assuming it's not too late ;)19:51
bluesabreflocculant: got a good version of the package now that doesn't want to remove itself19:55
bluesabreI'll go ahead and upload this19:56
* bluesabre really likes the community wallpapers this time around19:56
pleia2I like ours more than the default Ubuntu ones (and I voted on those too)19:59
knomepleia2, not too late20:02
pleia2knome: ok, done :)20:03
knomepleia2, Nairwolf: on translating articles to other language, i'm fine with that20:04
knomebut it will have to be hosted somewhere else than x.org20:05
knomebut since Nairwolf mentioned xubuntu.fr...20:05
flocculantbluesabre: cheers :)20:07
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