
=== mfisch is now known as Guest89657
=== Guest89657 is now known as mfisch
=== jgrimm-afk is now known as jgrimm
=== tpeoplesvacation is now known as tpeoples
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
elsonrodriguezIs there a way to define an environment variable in cloud-init that is visible by all child processes?16:16
smoserelsonrodriguez, no. :-(. that woudl probably be usefu,16:24
elsonrodriguezyeah :(16:25
elsonrodriguezI'm one of those dopes behind a proxy16:26
elsonrodriguezWas just making sure I wasn't lying: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1089405/comments/1316:27
jfcastrohi all! how can I configure cloud-init to using a device as swap?16:42
jfcastroI saw that openstack do it but I'm trying to do manually without luck :(16:42
larskssmoser: for testing out cloud-init, how do I tell it "just read this file, don't try to contact a data source"?  Just using --file doesn't seem to do that.  I'm looking at a solution to https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/142471017:35
smatzeklarsks:  When testing cc module changes I've modified cloud.cfg to say datasource_list: ['None']17:41
larskssmatzek: that seems reasonable.  Let me give that a shot...17:41
smatzekonce you do that, the semaphores you need to delete to allow things to re-run will be under  /var/lib/cloud/instances/iid-datasource-none/sem17:42
larsksThat I knew.  I was just looking for something like a --datasource cli option or something.  You're idea seems to work just grand, thanks.17:42
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk
larsksDoes anyone know if a 0.7.7 release is imminent?  We are discussing cloud-init packaging in RHEL and I would hate to get things into a distribution channel just before a new version drops.21:05
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz

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