
visceraI'm just wondering if 16.04 will let me select a USB flash drive as the install target? If I recall, previous Ubuntu versions don't like this. For example, a notebook with internal storage on sda, Ubuntu installer USB flash drive on sdb, and target USB flash drive on sdc. I want the installer on sdb to install onto sdc, including bootloader, without writing to sda at all.00:10
visceraOther distros e.g. Fedora do support this00:10
* viscera tries the daily build00:12
squintyviscera,  yep  in fact a usb stick is what I use for our Kodi media center.  actually I have also run previous ubuntu versions with full installs to usb sticks too without any major problems01:24
viscerasquinty: using the main installer? or some alternate?01:26
squintyviscera, just make sure exactly which device you are installing to when using the "use something else" part of the partitioning section and remember to install grub to your usb stick and not your notebook01:27
squintyviscera, same iso as if you are installing to hard drive... so yes main installer01:27
viscerasquinty: thanks, i'll give it a try when i have a moment01:29
squintyviscera,  everything is the same procedure as when doing a hard drive install.... just take the time to make sure you are installing to the correct usb stick and to install the grub boot loader onto it and not either of the other drives01:30
squintyviscera, yw  good luck01:30
viscerasquinty: i know the theory, it has just never worked for me with ubuntu main installer. i'll report back if any problem01:30
travis_How do you change DE in ubuntu 16.04?? its not in the login screen?03:10
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alkisgThe xenial initrd is too big. I looked inside it and saw that it even have fonts like dejavu nowadays! Which software needs them? Can they be removed from some configuration file?05:09
lotuspsychjealkisg: not sure mate05:09
alkisglotuspsychje: hehe, thanks, let's see if someone else has a clue. In the meanwhile, I'm looking into the sources...05:10
lotuspsychje!find initrd05:15
ubottuFound: ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 30 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=initrd&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all05:15
alkisgMeh, plymouth pulls it05:16
lotuspsychjealkisg: pstree can help?05:17
alkisgNo, update-initramfs doesn't result in running processes after it completes05:17
alkisgRemoving plymouth gets it down from 37 MB to 34 MB05:18
lotuspsychjealkisg: hmm plymouth is needed?05:18
alkisgIt's the splash screen, yeah people want it by default05:19
lotuspsychjealkisg: i think something changed on 16.04 plymouth also, booting it faster..readed an article somewhere05:19
lordievaderGood morning.07:51
petrhlordievader, Hi, I've been trying to find out something most of the weekend free time but didn't find anything except Debian unstable is still using MySQL 5.6 but Ubuntu uses 5.707:53
petrhI'll create bugreport on Launchpad, it's all what I can do :(07:54
lordievaderDid you figure out on what folder it got the permission denied error?07:54
petrhno, I didn't07:54
lordievaderHmm, too bad :(07:54
petrhIt doesn't work both on 32bit and 64bit versions07:55
petrhI tried to install it again to empty virtual machine but it didn't help.07:56
lordievaderDoes it work when you do run it as root?07:58
petrhI didn't try that, now trying to purge apparmor if it helps07:58
petrhit won't work, apparmor is dependency of mysql-server package :(08:00
lordievaderHehe :P08:00
lordievaderIt is really to bad it doesn't just says, dir <enter-dir-here> is inaccesible to me, rather than './' is inaccesible :(08:01
ratraceInstead of removing AppArmor, rather learn how to use it, it's very valuable and really not difficult to use at all.08:01
petrhratrace, Yes, I know but it was another try to find out what is wrong with MySQL or my configuration :(08:02
lordievaderpetrh: Have you checked /var/lib/mysql if there is a folder for the database you are trying to use?08:02
ratracepetrh: then put it into complain mode, that'll complain but won't enforce08:02
ratracecomplain = will log what would've been denied08:02
petrhlordievader, No, I haven't because it doesn't work even when it created basic files without creating any database from my program :(08:03
lordievaderWhat I mean is, perhaps ./ refers to /var/lib/mysql.08:04
petrhinicialization works fine but when mysql is trying to open it again, it fails08:04
petrhlordievader, Yes, I see but why the first initialization works?08:05
petrhratrace, unfortunately the log message is quite useless :(08:05
lordievaderPerhaps the init doesn't need anything from /var/lib/mysql and mysqld does?08:05
lordievaderI don't know ;)08:05
petrhthe inicialization is done by mysqld as well :), that's strange :(08:06
ratracepetrh: but if you've disabled AA, then it's not blocking08:08
lordievaderWich makes the case only more mysterious!08:11
petrhI just found something even horrible :(08:17
petrhI unstalled mysql-server08:18
petrhinstalled it again08:18
petrhtried to run the app, it created the database08:18
petrhafter second startd it worked!08:18
petrhafter I did sudo service apparmor status08:19
petrhthere was something like inactive08:19
petrhthen I did apparmor start08:19
petrhand it stopped working like before08:19
petrhnow I did service apparmor stop08:19
petrhbut it sill doesn't work08:19
petrhlordievader, just found out it's related to apparomor somehow08:32
petrhI disabled it using update-rc.d and rebooted the system, now program works as expected08:33
petrhI've been using @{HOME}/.config/cqrlog/database/** rwk, since Ubuntu 12.04 or so08:34
petrhin in the end of /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld08:34
lordievaderpetrh: Can't you do as ratrace says, put AppArmor in complain mode?08:36
petrhlordievader, Yes, I can but I'm not sure what it means08:37
petrhoh I see08:37
petrhI'm sorry to ratrace, I overlooked his post08:38
lordievaderratrace: Could you assist petrh in this?08:38
LargerMonI have a friend who has requested Ubuntu on his laptop.  I need to install now so my question is: " What is the best version to install now with an auto upgrade path to 16.04LTS"  Is it 15.10 or is there a 16.04 beta?08:43
Jordan_ULargerMon: Why do you need to install now?08:43
LargerMonI need to give the laptop back to him08:44
LargerMonWhen is the LTS due?08:44
k1l_16.04 release is apirl 21st. LTS state will be in july08:45
LargerMonk1l_: Thanks08:45
huayraIs it posible to do "update-manager -d" on 14.04 already or do we have to wait until RC or Final is out?08:47
k1l_no, that is possible08:47
huayrak1l_, do you meant 16.04.1 will be in July and then updates will be available for everyone® ?08:48
k1l_but keep in mint that -d means "developer" and its not final. the LTS to LTS upgrade will be opned in july when 16.04.1 is released08:48
Jordan_Uhuayra: Please for clarity's sake never use "-d", instead use the equivalent long option "--devel-release".08:50
k1l_omgubuntu just announced that you "just use -d" even if its already released.08:51
k1l_so we have people reading that in one year when googleing and coming straight to 16.10 and such08:52
Jordan_UI need to file that bug report requesting "-d" to be removed, with only the long option staying.08:52
huayrak1l_, yeah I guess that's the price to pay. Been on LTS since 6.06 so I think I can manage. Jordan_U thanks!08:53
LargerMonIs there a general 16.04beta ISO?08:57
ratraceLargerMon: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/08:59
k1l_LargerMon: the patent is from amd but intel uses that technic too. so amd64= general 64bit version09:00
LargerMonratrace: Thank you for the link. I am aware of the AMD naming scheme.09:01
Jordan_UWould a daily iso be better this late in the cycle?09:02
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka-
Unhammerhey, thought I'd try installing xenial a bit early on one of my computers, but I'm getting a heck of a lot of  "dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" – is this expected?09:18
Unhammersystemd, systemd-sysv, init, mysql etc etc etc09:18
UnhammerI'm expecting *some* breakage, but systemd-breakage sounds scary :)09:19
ratraceUnhammer: I had that too, I just re-installed all the packages that complained after the upgrade09:19
ratracetaht's systemd-sysv09:19
ratraceiirc those are shims for few services with no systemd integration, the wrapper for init.d scripts09:19
Unhammergrep ERROR /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log # http://sprunge.us/IWDK if anyone's interested09:26
Unhammerany reason to still have upstart installed btw?09:28
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petrhlordievader, I switched the usr.sbin.mysql to complain09:35
petrhbut I'm not sure how it should work. It writes some notes to dmesg.09:37
petrhnow I see how it works09:39
petrhin complained mode allows all and write messages to mesg09:39
freajSo, I was running zfsonlinux (ubuntu-zfs) back in the 14.04, upgraded to 16.04, everything works except for zfs.. I have to "zpool import my-storage" at every boot09:49
freajDo you know how I might fix it?09:49
lordievaderpetrh: Any success in that mode?10:07
freajnevermind, I fixed it :P10:09
ratracefreaj: fixed how?10:11
petrhlordievader, yes, it works in complain mode10:13
petrhI'll paste here the output10:13
lordievaderHmm, yes that would seem like AppArmor is blocking something.10:13
ratracepetrh: so then you have to fix the apparmor rules for mysql, and put it back in complaining mode.10:13
petrhratrace, yes, but I have no idea why10:14
petrhin the paste is also what I have in usr.sbin.mysqld10:14
ratracepetrh: it's simple, look at that output. it DENIED, READ (mask="r") access to file name="/home/ok2cqr/.config/cqrlog/database"10:15
petrhyes, but in config file is @{HOME}/.config/cqrlog/database/** rwk, that should tell apparmor that mysqld has an access there10:16
petrhit had been working since Ubuntu 12.04 or so :(10:16
ratraceI think that is missing read on dir itself, lemme check, my apparmor rules are a bit rusty10:16
lordievaderYes, I think that is the problem, AppArmor allows read to files inside the folder, but not the folder itself.10:18
lordievaderThe strace also showed an permission denied on ./ not on ./<something>.10:18
freajratrace: It had some conflicts with the zol ppa packages previously installed10:18
freajratrace: I had to remove zfs-doc (and the other dependencies), I installed zfsutils-linux and it worked again after a reboot10:19
ratracefreaj: ah, ok.10:19
ratracelordievader: add a rule on the dir itself, just r and see if that fixes it10:19
lordievaderpetrh: ^10:19
petrhratrace, lordievader I'm working on it10:20
petrhratrace, lordievader it works!10:21
petrhI added   @{HOME}/.config/cqrlog/database/  r, before  @{HOME}/.config/cqrlog/database/** rwk,10:22
ratracethere you go. simple, and you didn't have to disable a valualbe security layer :)10:22
petrhand it started to work10:22
lordievaderpetrh: Nice, good to hear :)10:22
petrhratrace, I didn't want to disable it forever, it was only desperate last try :)10:22
ratracethat's what the complaint mode is for, as you can then SEE what it would've denied. if you disabled it, you couldn't.10:23
petrhratrace, yes, complaint mode is great, I didn't know something like that exists :(10:24
petrhlordievader and ratrace THANK YOU for help. I spent days trying to find out where is the problem. Now I know and also learned a few new things.10:24
ratracecool :)10:25
petrhmy application is CQRLOG - cqrlog.com logging program for hamradio operators :-)10:25
ratracequestion, any reason why you're forcing the database dir in user's homedir?10:26
petrhratrace, because of users. It's easier way for them, they don't have to care about database passwords etc. I run mysqld in embedded mode without grant tables etc.10:27
petrhit just works without annoying users about passwords :)10:27
ratracethat's a wrong way to use a RDBMS. That's what SQLite is for.10:27
petrhratrace, Unfortunately I can't use SQLite for that. I need write access from more than one place.10:28
ratrace(which is also a rdbms, my point being mysql is not supposed to be used that way)10:28
ratracepetrh: SQLite is concurrent10:28
petrhthere are several threads in the application that needs read/write to the database and I had a lot of troubles with sqlite before10:29
ratraceSo is this setting on MySQL per database, or does it affect the entire server?10:30
ratrace(I don't know MySQL that well, I'm a postgres DBA)10:30
petrhratrace, no, it doesn't10:31
ratraceI'm asking to learn if you're basically hijacking the entire RDBMS for CQRLog and that custom db path :)10:31
ratraceso you're also running it on a custom port?10:31
petrhyes, of course10:31
ratraceor, what I'm aiming at, can someone use this application, and also use a central MySQL db regularly for something else?10:32
petrhyes, exactly, he can use cqrlog also with central database, it's optional10:32
petrhbut in the default configuration, cqrlog starts own mysqld process with path to ~/.config/cqrlog/database on different port10:34
ratraceAlright. I still think that's just overkill, and sqlite would be more than sufficient. unless you need high performant concurrency, that is. do you?10:43
petrhI tried rewrite the app to sqlite maybe 5 years ago but it didn't work because of many threads accessing the database.10:46
petrhmysql works nice even for people who have over 100k records in main table10:46
ratraceSQLite 3 improved on that quite a lot.10:47
petrhratrace, but it's too late to rewrite the application :)10:57
ratracepetrh: yeah, probably :)10:58
petrhratrace, using MySQL is also advantage for power users, they can use central MySQL server for more computers and I don't have to change single line of code :).11:02
ratracepetrh: sure, I was just referring to installing the db in homedir11:03
ratraceie. if you wanted to embed like that, sqlite is a better choice.11:07
petrhratrace, I started new project recently and it uses sqlite311:10
petrheasier than starting mysqld and trying to solve apparmor things :), but there were not so many lines in the database.11:10
geeniemake menuconfig11:39
k1l_g105b: for upgrading to unstable releases use the "-d" for the developer versions11:41
g105bk1l_: ah thank you11:42
g105bk1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15756943/11:44
k1l_g105b: what shows "cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"11:45
g105bk1l_: Prompt=normal11:47
k1l_is this a real install? or some vserver?11:47
k1l_can you show the " cat /etc/apt/sources.list"?11:47
g105bk1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15757000/11:48
g105bk1l_: it's in AWS11:48
k1l_i dont know if you can upgrade that to 16.04. better ask the hosting support about that11:48
g105bk1l_: it doesn't know it's in AWS, surely.11:49
g105bI mean, it's not shared in any way, 100% in my control.11:49
g105bwe use dedicated hardware for what we do11:50
k1l_its using the aws sources. and i dont know if aws makes changes there.11:50
g105bah I see11:50
k1l_so i guess they are not offering a 16.04 repo. but i dont know if that upgrade would break that aws install anyway.11:50
k1l_so i would talk to the hoster support.11:50
g105bof course, I see it in there now. I understand why it's an AWS issue.11:50
freajsometimes the hardware is software dependent (drivers, etc)11:51
g105bI am happy to break the server for testing purposes :)11:52
freajor the repo doesn't sync xenial maybe11:52
freajg105b: you might want to try a ubuntu repo11:52
k1l_they offer a xenial repo. but maybe they are blocking the upgrade path. so talk to the support11:53
g105bThanks for your advice, k1l_, freaj11:53
BluesKajHowdy folks12:14
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freajhey BluesKaj13:49
BluesKajhi freaj13:57
cheweyI have a pretty new Skylake CPU and use its graphics – will the drm-intel-next changes be backported to the official 16.04 kernels, or should I plan to use the mainline kernel PPA for a while?15:02
=== Chipaca` is now known as Chipaca
BluesKajchewey, arfe your graphics an issue ?15:04
cheweyJup. 4096x2560@60Hz doesn't work with the current 4.4 kernel.15:05
chewey… and the changelog for newer kernels indicates lots of improvements I'll probably want.15:06
alastairphey all. is changelogs.ubuntu.com having problem at the moment? I'm getting Network unreachable15:13
squintyit's not reachable here and  downforeveryoneorjustme.com reports it's offline too15:15
alastairpno xenial for me today :(15:15
minasI have noticed that in 16.04 the application menu has disappeared! Is this a known issue?16:06
stratumwill xenial use mir or xserver? will I be able to clean-install gnome-shell with xserver from server image?16:07
alkisgminas: which application menu? in which version did you see that last?16:07
minasalkisg Sorry, I was referring to the menu that is _on_ an application's title bar, not the old Gnome2 thing :)16:08
alkisgI've seen some changes wrt to the title bar decorations (menus, buttons etc) in the changelogs, e.g. some people were missing the ability to move the window buttons to the right16:09
alkisgBut I'm not using unity/compiz so I don't know the details (I'm using the old gnome2 thing, gnome-flashback :))16:09
minasalkisg I see. I hope others have the same problem and it's gonna get fixed16:10
rud0lfhello everybody16:10
rud0lf"Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer." how comforting :[16:10
k1lrud0lf: if you need your system to work dont use alpha/beats16:12
rud0lftoo late :)16:12
alkisgWhy, what happened to you rud0lf?16:16
alkisgOK then :)16:16
rud0lfi just wanted to say the statament from the topic doesn't sound optimistic :)16:17
rud0lfit works like charm on me (the system)16:17
k1ltoo many beginners running alpha/betas, have issues, then come to the support to cry.16:18
rud0lfoh i see16:18
Xardminas: yep, I've encountered the missing "global menu" as well16:18
rud0lfi thought the concept of beta software is quite common16:18
minasXard: Okay, so it has happened to others! Have you found a solution?16:19
Xardand changing any settings in the system settings -> appearance -> behaviour seem to trigger it16:19
Xardrestartting unity seems to fix it16:19
Xardhave you setup the menu to be always visible?16:19
minasXard No, Only when the mouse hovers above the window's title bar16:22
minasI had this option on 15.1016:22
minasHow can I restart unity?16:22
Xardminas: Warning though: this killed all the applications not on current workspace for me16:23
Xardminas: ctrl+f2 -> type unity and launch it16:23
XardI mean alt+f2 -> type unity16:24
minasalright, I';; try it after I'm done with my work then, thanks16:24
Xardbut it won't kill X and the current workspace/desktop applications seem to survive that16:25
Xardminas: also only the applications launched AFTER changing the unity settings in the system menu lost their global menu16:26
minasThanks for the information16:28
Xardno problem; while this has only happened for me now twice it's very annoying if you are in middle of something16:29
minasI hope that it will be fixed soon :)16:31
neyder_hi there16:59
neyder_i'm tryng to install a printer, Epson L355, it worked flawlessly in 15.10 and before. Now trying to print from a test y always got me an error17:00
kaffienI have an asus g73jw laptop.  Installed ubuntu 15.10.   Works great, except i keep getting this annoying pulse error that won't go away.  no pulseaudio daemon running or not running as a session daemon.  Sound works fine though as does video via youtube.   Any ideas?17:02
squintykaffien,  might want to head over to #ubuntu channel and ask there.  this channel is currently for ubuntu 16.04 issues17:12
kaffienannnd  I need to drink my coffee.   sorry.17:12
dontknow15.10 etc are for testing. test bad for 16.0417:13
BlackMagei can´t install vboxhost on my 16.04, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15764230/17:47
naccBlackMage: that appears to be an external kernel module? seems like you need to contact the source-code owner to fix their code to be compatible with v4.4 APIs17:48
naccBlackMage: also this isn't an Ubuntu kernel? /usr/src/linux-headers-4.6.0-999-generic17:51
BlackMagenacc: mainline daily17:52
naccBlackMage: from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds ?17:53
BlackMagenacc: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/2016-04-06-wily/17:54
naccBlackMage: "These kernels are not supported and are not appropriate for production use."17:54
BlackMagenacc: i know17:55
naccBlackMage: also, that's not 16.0417:56
naccBlackMage: 16.04's kernel is 4.4.0-17-generic or so17:56
BlackMagenacc: the rest of my system are 16.04 packages17:57
naccBlackMage: the kernel is the important bit for binary modules17:57
naccBlackMage: err, external modules (dkms)17:58
BlackMagenacc: i know17:59
naccBlackMage: then i'm not sure what you're asking? you're building an external module with an unsupported kernel. That doesn't seem ontopic for this channel?18:00
BlackMagenacc: sorry18:02
naccBlackMage: nothing to apologize for! just want to make sure I couldn't help or wasn't misundersatnding your query18:05
Carl_hello every one18:41
Carl_Can anyone help me please?18:43
nacc!ask | Carl_18:44
ubottuCarl_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:44
Carl_thank you18:45
Carl_when i click "System Settings > Software & Updates > Additional Drivers" I get a error pop up and in the box says "error ocured whilst searching for drivers" then the other box says " software properties GTK crashed" basicly18:48
kwahanyone facing unity session issues similar to bug 1567591 ???18:53
ubottubug 1567591 in unity (Ubuntu) "[xenial] unity session does not start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156759118:53
kwahsilence :(18:56
nacc!patience | kwah18:56
ubottukwah: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:56
nacckwah: this seems odd: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/252173878/LightdmGreeterLogOld.txt18:59
naccunity-greeter .... Got a SIGTERM18:59
kwahnacc, yep.19:02
nacckwah: mind you, i don't know why :)19:02
kwahnow my session is nautilus-driven desktop...19:03
kwahlucky me: still able to run terminal, and start other programs.19:03
bjornarWhy is memcached dependent on perl!?19:19
naccbjornar: "Traditionally this has been19:27
nacc used in mod_perl apps to avoid storing large chunks of data in Apache19:27
nacc memory, and to share this burden across several machines.19:27
nacc" ?19:27
bjornarit forces inn 35 unnedded MB19:34
bjornarif you want the perl modules, then install them!19:34
naccbjornar: it is that way on debian too, fwiw19:34
bjornarits insane much of the package dependencies.19:34
bjornarFor example installing pip for python pulls ~700Mb of packages19:35
bjornarwhile pip and real requirements itself is ~2.5Mb19:35
naccbjornar: i see it pulling in python itself and python-pip-whl, ca-certificates, don't know how big that ends up being19:36
bjornarthats no problem, all the build deps are19:38
bjornarsome of it might be recommends19:38
recon_dskanyone know if there are any issues with 16.04 and SSH using RSA keys?19:38
naccbjornar: not sure i follow?19:38
bjornarit should be some --just-install-what-i-fxxing-ask-you19:38
naccbjornar: i think it's because19:46
naccis in perl19:47
naccas are other entries in /usr/share/memcached/scripts19:47
bjornarnacc, but then they should not be part of memcached .. its memcached-utils or whatever19:47
naccbjornar: they are packaged in memcached, i'm just relaying the "why"19:48
bjornarsure, i understand19:48
naccbjornar: fwiw, in a fresh xenial lxc, memcached d/l 89k of archive, 246k of disk used; python-pip gets 75.9M of archive and uses 208M of space19:49
jtaylorrecon_dsk: some algorithms are disabled19:50
jtaylorrecon_dsk: so depending on your settings you might not be able to connect to some servers19:51
recon_dskjtaylor: it's ok, found the problem, need to run ssh-add on the client before it'd work, filed a bug report on the server ssh setup documentation19:51
recon_dskproblem is now what the hell did i break while trying to fix this.19:53
bjornarnacc, I just installed memcached, and it asked for 40Mb here20:04
bjornarThe following NEW packages will be installed:20:05
bjornar  libevent-2.0-5 libgdbm3 libperl5.22 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules-db memcached perl20:05
bjornar  perl-modules-5.2220:05
bjornarAnd I guess someone has "fixed" python pip lately after my last outbreach! ;)20:06
* kwah found half a year old bug 1508529 similar to bug 1567591 he suffers from...20:38
ubottubug 1508529 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity panels and window frames not displayed after boot" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150852920:38
ubottubug 1567591 in unity (Ubuntu) "[xenial] unity session does not start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156759120:38
k1lkwah: no launcher and panel means video driver is not working, most times. try the guest account if that works20:49
kwahk1l, nvidia-settings detects the driver20:55
k1lplease try the guest account. if that works the driver is ok and its the .config folder in the users home20:56
kwahglxgears reporting to use nvidia driver as well20:56
kwahok, will try20:56
k1lif the guest account has issues too, its driver related.20:56
kwahk1l, guest session works20:59
k1lthen rename the .config folder from that user. then relogin.21:00
k1lafter that you can copy the folder from programs you want back.21:01
kwahk1l, interesting. does it mean that user session can be broken at any time by some settings related issues?21:02
k1li dont know what setting exactly it is most times. but that "quick fix" wokred for me and the guys who had that issues21:03
k1liirc it could be something about qt.21:03
k1lyou can go on the hunt and read the logs in /var/log and .xsession-errors etc.21:03
kwahk1l: you were right.21:25
kwahmoving .config away solved the problem21:26
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
thehumanelementI've seen this before, but what does one do when one patches Beta 2 and reboots and there's just the desktop background after autologin and an error box followed by an error box followed by nothing? Can Alt+F2. What's going on and how to work around?23:52
thehumanelementI'll check back in the morning, #nightall23:58

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