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cpaelzergood morning05:31
pittijuliank: the libgcrypt20 libs and its deps libgpg-error0 and libc6 don't have any conflicts/breaks05:41
pittiUnit193: yes, but as I said with sysv init scripts there is no generic fix as the scripts don't declare how they behave05:42
pittiGood morning05:42
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Mirvflexiondotorg: mate-menu and mate-session-manager in unapproved queue now07:51
andrewshhello guys08:31
andrewshhow do NMUs and sponsored uploads work in Ubuntu?08:32
andrewshin other words,08:32
andrewshif the maintainer isn't responsive, and I have a bug to fix, and a patch fixing the bug, and a bzr branch with that fix and a bunch of packaging improvements, and it's a Ubuntu-only package (not in Debian), who should I prod to get that uploaded?08:33
dholbachandrewsh, subscribe the 'ubuntu-sponsors' team to the bug report08:34
dholbachand thanks for fixing it!08:34
andrewshdholbach: okay, I did. also, is creating something like this the right thing? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew.sh/adium-theme-ubuntu/adium-theme-ubuntu-lp1235472/+merge/29148708:42
andrewshoops, it seems I proposed the merge to a wrong repository08:44
cjwatsonOften better to just attach a patch.08:45
cjwatsonThe bzr import infrastructure is creaky and failing and due for replacement.08:46
andrewshcjwatson: I attached patches, but there are more changes in the branch08:47
andrewshas I fixed up the packaging too (so I could build my own package version locally)08:48
cjwatsonandrewsh: My advice stands :)08:49
cjwatsonYou can always attach a debdiff against the previous source08:50
cjwatsonThen you also won't get confused about which branch to merge into (since there really isn't a correct target branch now)08:50
mwhudsonif you want to work in a vcs locally, you can always gbp import-dsc to make a git repo to play around in08:52
Laneyinfinity: merci for the glib2.0 fix08:55
LaneyGuess I should have downloaded an lp chroot eh08:56
infinityLaney: It's not the chroot that needed fixing, it's the base system.08:56
infinityLaney: As in, the machine running sbuild.08:56
Laneyoh, wat08:57
infinityLaney: Turns out that systemd without libpam-systemd ends up putting everything in one tiny little cgroup of doom, and you can fork bomb yourself into oblivion with zero effort.08:57
andrewshmwhudson: which is nearly what I did initially (I just did git add . & git commit)08:57
andrewsh&&, even08:57
infinity(Awesome design)08:57
mwhudsonandrewsh: ah yep, that works too i guess :)08:58
smbcjwatson, Do we already have a bug report for Ubuntu about needing changes in (backported, too) apt-cacher-ng to handle by-index?08:59
cjwatsonsmb: It's already fixed in xenial.  I'm not aware of a bug about SRUs.09:00
cjwatson(by-hash, not by-index, BTW)09:00
smbcjwatson, sorry confused the terms. So I probably need to open one as well09:01
smbSince the proxy likely runs on not Xenial09:01
cjwatsonsmb: Makes sense.09:03
cjwatsonI had enough to do, but feel free :)09:03
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pittismb: add SRU tasks, please don't open new bugs specifcially for SRUs09:12
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andrewshcjwatson: well, I did as you suggested :)09:13
andrewshI hope that fix still can get into the release09:13
* andrewsh is very afraid of jumping in right before the release after having to argue with jcristau in Debian :)09:14
smbpitti, how to do that if the problem has already been fixed in Xenial?09:14
infinitypitti: There wasn't an LP bug for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-cacher-ng/0.8.9-1ubuntu109:19
infinitysmb: Just go ahead and file one.09:19
pittiah, it was a Debian bug, ok09:19
smbbug 156875409:19
ubottubug 1568754 in apt-cacher-ng (Ubuntu) "Backport request to support by-hash in apt-cacher-ng" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156875409:20
infinitysmb: s/backport/SRU/09:20
infinityOh, you do mention the SRU later.09:21
smbinfinity, bah actually I had thought I removed that part before09:21
smbI fixed it now09:21
infinitysmb: There, accepted your tasks and linked the xenial fix.09:22
smbinfinity, ack, thanks09:23
* infinity goes to get some sleep; it's going to be a long week.09:23
alkisgpitti: hi, could I please ping you again about LP: #1487679? It appears to be Ubuntu specific, not solvable from the nbd-client side, as *any* sysvinit service (not only rcS ones) that has *only* the "Required-Start: $network" header, creates a dependency cycle.09:24
alkisgI think the Ubuntu-specific network-manager patches are to blame for this.09:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1487679 in nbd (Ubuntu) "Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job nbd-client.service/start" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148767909:24
pittialkisg: our nbd package is unmodified, so Debian's is in rcS too09:25
alkisgpitti: yes, and it works fine in debian09:25
alkisgIt doesn't create a cycle09:25
pittiwell, I doubt that09:25
alkisgI tried in Stretch and I saw no complains09:25
alkisgBut even if I remove the rcS bit from its headers, I still get a dependency cycle in ubuntu09:26
alkisgSo I think that this issues is different from the one you have in mind09:26
pittithe difference might be that in Debian NetworkManager-wait-online.service is not enabled by default09:27
pittiso NetworkManager does not block network-online.target09:27
alkisgLet me try to disable that in Ubuntu...09:27
alkisgsystemctl disable?09:27
pittiwell, this isn't a solution09:27
alkisgJust to see if it's a symptom09:28
pittiif you use NM, then NM-wait-online must be enabled, otherwise the whole idea of network-online.target breaks09:28
alkisgIn comment #8, I mention the 2 lines that are different in ubuntu vs debian, that I applied to debian and caused the issue there too09:28
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alkisg-After=network-pre.target dbus.service, +Wants=network.target, +Before=network.target09:28
* pitti followed up to the bug09:32
rbasakxnox: any progress with the rsyslog FTBFS please?09:37
* rbasak is trying to get all libmysqlclient18 rdepends rebuilt for src:mysql-5.6 removal.09:37
infinityrbasak: I fixed it with the same thing that fixed glib2.0 ... You're welcome.09:49
pittihttp://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20160401-xenial.html should really show when a newer version is sitting in -proposed09:56
cpaelzerrbasak: I've a few dpdk fixes piling up - personally I'd like to wait until upstream settled on a "final" fix (preliminary available)10:22
cpaelzerrbasak: looking at the Final Freeze I wonder if it would be recommended to prep and do the upload in the state as is10:23
cpaelzerrbasak: and only SRU in case it changes or any follow-on issues are identified?10:23
xnoxpitti, cyphermox - is it normal for dbus messages from networkmanager to/from dnsmaq to be rejected? bug #156878710:24
ubottubug 1568787 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "resolveconf does not reliable receive nameserver information from network manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156878710:24
pittixnox: not sure if it's "normal", but I think we've had these for quite some time10:31
xnoxpitti, my problem is that every once and a while i loose nameserver resolution and I am struggling to debug it. E.g. i am connected to wifi & vpn, all via network-manager yet my nameserver settings do not appear to be in the dnsmasq that is running on and then i am at a loss.10:33
seb128speaking about n-m, cyphermox I guess you saw that the update is blocked on proposed due to autopkgtest issues?10:34
xnoxno actual config files in /run/NetworkManager that are helpful.10:34
xnoxi wonder if new NM is better.10:34
infinityxnox: Did you catch my ping in backscroll about s390x booting degraded because cpacfstatsd.service fails?10:35
xnoxinfinity, i have not. and that's not nice indeed.10:35
xnoxinfinity, i'll take a look now.10:36
infinityxnox: We might also want to look at breaking up s390-tools even further.  Or something.  It's trying to pull stuff into minimal that really doesn't seem minimal (perl, sg3-utils...)10:37
infinityxnox: But I'll talk to you about that after I've slept.10:38
infinitylibfuse2 ... Why does s390-tools want fuse? :P10:39
* infinity goes to bed.10:39
cpaelzerto infinity 's dreams - I think they fuse-mount their dumps via zgetdump -m10:47
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tjaaltonany idea why zsh in xenial tab-completes usb-media like "/media/tjaalton/Ubuntu$'\001'6.04\ LTS\ amd64"?12:26
tjaaltonhm, it's just for umount12:29
smbmvo, Bothering you because your name is somehow attached to the whole thing. I think I saw this in other places but cannot remember where. Right now there seems to be a common behaviour in Xenial that one does an apt-get update and gets a "AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors." Do you know whether some fix is already on its way?12:47
smbAnd could it be that this is about trying to get dep11/Components-<arch>.yml but only having a dep11/Components-<arch>.yml.gz in the archive12:49
mvosmb: unfortunately I don't know the answer to this, I would have to dig, but maybe Laney knows, he was working on this particular integration12:51
smbLaney, Hm... yes that one. Guess that means no fix yet. Not sure this helps but I see some messages when having apt-cacher-ng in the pipeline which look like its probably missing the compressed Components12:53
smbAt least there are unsuccessful attempts to access the *.yml uncompressed file variant12:54
LaneyThat would be a different problem12:54
Laneythe message on that bug report comes after an apt update12:56
smbYes, I get the same on the Xenial side12:56
smbBut let me re-try with the appstreamcli cmd12:56
smb... after upgrading the rest. have not done so since last friday12:58
ximionLaney: the bug above ^ will not have any huge consequences (like fw updates being ignored), but it still is a bug - basically, the quick validation is a bit too strict here12:58
ximionwill fix that today12:58
smbLaney, Hm, ok the errors about the uncompressed files are gone now and the appstream problem is the same as reported (some component check in some firmware)13:06
Laneysmb: k, should be fixed soon then13:06
smbLaney, ack and luckily (for me) not needing further changes to old apt-cacher-ng versions13:07
cyphermoxxnox: I don't see these rejections.13:14
cyphermoxseb128: I know, I was looking yesterday. I'm trying to figure out whether it's expected -- I think it is, there's a small change in the MAC address13:15
seb128cyphermox, k, good, let me know if I can help with anything13:15
xnoxcyphermox, interesting, so it's me.13:15
cyphermoxxnox: as I told Tony on Friday, you may need to tick "Use only for the resources on its network" checkbox for IPv6 in the VPN config if you find that you only lose DNS if you're connecting to VPN on wifi13:19
xnoxhm, interesting13:23
xnoxlooking at my configs I already ignore ipv6 on the vpn connection13:23
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dasjoecking: hi, I'm running into issues with 16.04 on a ZFS rpool. As you may be aware I am following rlaager's guide with some minor modifications, as of now grub-probe can not detect / to be ZFS. Do you have any suggestions?14:28
ckingurm, well, last time I tried it, I got it to work, so I'm not sure.  what differences are you making when folloing his notes?14:30
dasjoecking: I'm using less datasets than he is, but this rpool setup has worked well for a few months by now. I just ran a generic upgrade through aptitude which segfaulted, followed by two "apt-get dist-upgrade" to get to a consistent state14:31
ckinghmm. I  don't know off the top of my head, the only way is for me to follow his notes and see what's up14:32
dasjoeLog started: 2016-04-11  16:22:39 ← starting from "Log started: 2016-04-11  16:22:39" is what aptitude logged14:33
dasjoecking: nevermind, I think. aptitude just removed the kernel, due to it not being configured correctly. I'll reinstall the kernel and grub should understand ZFS again14:34
ckingheh. that could be a reason why it's not working :-/14:35
dasjoecking: nope, still stuck here: http://paste.debian.net/432172/14:36
dasjoecking: "chmod -x zz-update-grub" let me finish configuring the kernel, but grub-probe tells me "grub-probe: error: unknown filesystem."14:38
dasjoecking: I have to go now, I'll be back later (hopefully)14:39
ckingok, I'll try and find some time to see if I can reproduce this14:39
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sil2100infinity: hey! DMB meeting - will you be able to attend?15:05
smoserinfinity, is there a bug for hwe-x installer kernel/initramfs ? if not, do you want one ? i'm getting asked about maas image information for trusty + hwe-x and i depend on that.15:15
cyphermoxsmoser: what is the bug?15:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1568918 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Trusty) "Add support for lts-xenial kernel flavours in trusty " [Undecided,Confirmed]15:20
smosercyphermox, ^ the bug is just lack of such things.15:22
seb128Mirv, congrats ;-)15:39
Mirvthank you seb128 :)15:40
ginggscould someone have a look at autopkgtest for paraview please? it says 'test in progress' for s390x, but I suspect that to be a lie15:53
* smoser wants to publicly thank cjwatson, mvo (and all others who were involved) for the slaughter of hash sum mismatch errors16:40
alkisg+1 from me for the very nice blog entry :)16:41
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dasjoecking: grub-probe seems to successfully query "zpool status", see its strace -f: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15764929/17:59
smoserogra_, around ?18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1563296 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "support cloud-init networking with snappy" [Medium,Confirmed]18:04
smoseryou opened that bug for cloud-init breaking snappy system boot.18:04
smosernow i think the reverse is happening.18:05
smoseron apt based system, i *think* that ubuntu-snappy (or ubuntu-snappy-cli) is writing in /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 and wreaking havoc18:05
infinitymvo: ^18:06
ogra_smoser, yo18:20
ogra_smoser, infinity, that got fixed by moving the seed to ubuntu-snappy-cli18:21
ogra_ubuntu-snappy ships the firestboot systemd job that sets up the interfaces file from snappy config data18:22
ogra_the seed got changed to only use the -cli package now18:22
smoserogra_, ok. that makes me much happier.18:22
ogra_not sure all changes are in the archive yet ... i know mvo wanted to land something today18:23
ogra_but it is being handled if it isnt fixed yet18:23
smoserseed still shows ubuntu-snappy18:24
smoserogra_, is there a bug ?18:24
smoserif not, i'll file one and make the changes in the seed right now.18:24
smoseri'd rather not wait a day and a set of images if i dont have to18:24
ogra_not sure, mvo worked on it (and spent actually some full workdays and the weekend on it)18:24
ogra_i thought it was ready for landing today18:24
smoserwell.. id ont want to step on toes.18:25
ogra_(and i thought the seed change had already landed ... )18:25
smoserwell, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.xenial/view/head:/cloud-image18:25
ogra_the solution is that desktop installs shouldnt have any snappy systemd units though ...18:25
smoserdefinitely says ubuntu-snappy18:25
ogra_ah, not sure he looked at the cloud seed ...18:26
smoserogra_, i'll take it from here.18:26
smoserthank you for your help.18:26
* ogra_ checks the desktop seed18:26
ogra_yeah, server and desktop both have -cli already18:27
ogra_so adjust cloud to that and you shoould be fine18:27
* smoser wonders if we want to recommend only18:27
ogra_up to you :)18:28
ogra_deskto only recommends ... server depends18:28
infinitysmoser: I think recommends is probably the right answer for this cycle, since we're not including any snaps by default, and users might want to reclaim the space.  Promoting that to a depends by 18.04 would probably be The Right Thing, if we're also snapping in the default install(s).18:38
smoserinfinity, i think so to.18:39
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smoserinfinity, ok. pushed that change. and the ubuntu-snappy to ubuntu-snappy-cli18:44
smosershould we re-build ubuntu-meta ?18:45
infinitysmoser: I'll grab that.18:45
smoserthank you.18:45
mvoinfinity: yes, that is fixed, we want to land a new upload tonight that fixes this even harder19:49
infinitymvo: I'm all for fixing harder. ;)20:06
smoserslangasek, wrt bug 1505839 ... the 'esc' is much nicer.20:18
ubottubug 1505839 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Unable to install from text mode interface" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150583920:18
smosercompared to backspacing N times to get rid of stuff through the F620:18
F4S4K4NI'm looking into possible porting Ubuntu to another ISA, is there a place documenting the build procedure from scratch more or less?20:24
F4S4K4NOr should i just look at the packages in a minimal install, build those from the ubuntu repo, install them and go from there?20:32
cyphermoxpitti: roaksoax_ found an issue with the ifname code in systemd, at least specifically for the USB devices (where the MAC is encoded in the name)21:05
cyphermoxpitti: the name come to a length of 15 characters, and IFNAMSIZ is 16; so you can't use labels, since that would get you past the limit of IFNAMSIZ21:06
slangaseksmoser: so... sure, I understand "nicer", but o_O that people are relying on this particular interface which I didn't know was there despite having tested Ubuntu images for nigh on a decade.  What do you have that relies on this interface? Is it just this third-party "cloud image creation" tool?21:06
cyphermoxthat can be verified by running ifup on an enx device21:06
smoserslangasek, well. yeah, to my knowledge its just 'packer'. although if i were automating installation of ubuntu from cd and i'd seen that that worked, i'd have done the same.21:07
slangaseksmoser: sure, I understand; it's still unsupported from my POV and not something I want us to commit to fixing21:08
smosermy first thought was basically the same as yours21:08
smoseri dont know how you decide if something is "supported" or not21:08
smosernothing that i'm aware of describes F6 as a 'supported' intereface.21:08
slangaseksmoser: it's not part of the install experience that we validate21:08
smoserand to my knowledge, i dont know that we have any automated test that woudl test F6^H^H^H^H^H either21:09
smoserthis is clearly an unintended bug. rather than just a changed interface.21:09
rbasakIMHO a new release is a good time to change an interface.21:10
smoseri looked quickly at both diffeernces in the isolinux/ dir on thte cds and in syslinux source and didn't see anything obvious between 15.05 and 15.1021:10
smoserrbasak, its not an interface.21:11
cyphermoxslangasek: smoser: fwiw I may be testing the wrong thing but esc, esc, enter does get me a command-line interface without issues here, it doesn't just switch back to the gfx21:11
smoserchanging an interface by design and unintentionally regressing are differen things.21:11
smoserthis is the latter.21:11
cyphermoxscratch that21:11
smosercyphermox, it does in deed21:11
smoseryeah. and then try to do something :)21:11
cjwatsonI imagine it's a bug in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu FWIW21:11
slangasekcyphermox: the issue reported is that trying to boot by typing a boot command there doesn't work21:11
rbasakIf it was never intended, and we accidentally break it in a new release, then that's fine.21:11
cjwatson... happy debugging21:11
cyphermoxyeah, I saw21:11
smoser*nothing* works . not even 'help'21:12
slangaseksmoser: I am not disputing that it is a bug; I am disputing that it is a bug that we care about21:12
rbasakEspecially if there's some way to provide the behaviour they're after.21:12
cjwatsonquite possibly prompted by new syslinux, but still21:12
smosercjwatson, but we didnt'g et a new syslinux21:12
cjwatsonwe did, just not a very much newer one21:12
tewardnacc: i was actually going to poke you about 7.0.5 since I saw a notice on it21:12
smosersee my last comment there. it was broken between 3:6.03+dfsg-5ubuntu1 and 3:6.03+dfsg-8ubuntu221:12
cjwatsonyes I saw that21:13
rbasakAnd provided that we aren't interested in supporting that use case.21:13
cjwatsonbut if you have not read gfxboot-theme-ubuntu's code you can have no conception of how delicate and weird it is21:13
naccteward: yeah, i talked to ondrej about it, he didn't think it was worth doing another FFe -- but im also planning on filing a dotrelease update request for php721:13
tewardnacc: though, as a security person, I'd still say 7.0.5 vs. 7.0.4, to keep updated (but as long as you and ondrej are on the same page, and things're backported where necessary, all's good)21:13
cjwatsonit is totally plausible that sneezing on syslinux could have broken something21:13
tewardnacc: makes sense.21:13
smoserlook at the changes though http://paste.ubuntu.com/15767880/21:13
rbasakPerhaps the act of rebuilding it changed something?21:14
cjwatsonit's entirely believable.  somebody is going to have to don the waders and debug gfxboot21:14
cjwatsoncould actually be in gfxboot rather than gfxboot-theme-ubuntu I suppose21:14
cjwatsonI notice gfxboot didn't change at all; perhaps it needs a rebuild or something21:15
smoseri'm sypathetic to slagaseks' point of view, because i can definitely see myself arguing that. indeed i *did* argue it when i first read thsi bug.21:15
cjwatsonspeaking as somebody who has debugged this stuff in the past (and is not going to do it now :-) ), I have no idea how long it would take to track this down21:15
smoserbut this is much more something that should work then something that worked by happenstance. and i'm weary of saying anything inadvertantly broken between a release that wasnt documented as "will work" is thus up for calling unsupported.21:16
cjwatsonif I had been asked to estimate this while on foundations I would have said anything from a day to a week21:16
cjwatsonI would agree that it's a bug but I don't suppose foundations has a whole lot of time to spare before 16.0421:16
cyphermoxthis is going to be "fun"21:16
rbasakIs there a different way to cover their use case instead?21:17
smoserwell, yes.21:17
smosera.) cloud image21:17
smoserb.) netboot cd21:17
smoserc.) F6 + 47 (not 48) backspaces21:17
rbasakNone of those seem particularly great :(21:18
smoser(the number is wrong, but the the piont is that you have to get the number right, and if we say that is the supported interface, then we have to keep the number right)21:18
smoseractually, i think a and b are valid21:18
smoserc seems like crap to as a workaround.21:18
rbasakSimulating keypresses is pretty broken though.21:18
smoseryeah. thats why netboot cd is valid21:19
smoseryou dont. you get kernel, you pass it cmdline you want.21:19
smoseri have to run21:19
rbasakMe too21:19
smoserthanks you all for discussion.21:19
naccslangasek: can you point me again to the dotrelease SRU documentation? I had it open before but seem to have lost it21:20
slangaseknacc: do you mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?21:21
naccslangasek: maybe, you had referred me at some point to documentation when we discussed php7.0 having dotrelease updates21:23
slangaseknacc: probably the subsection of that page about micro release exceptions21:23
naccslangasek: thanks, will review21:24
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mvoinfinity: new snappy is upload under the new "snapd" source package name. it would be wonderful to get a review from the release team for this (and ubuntu-core-launcher, ubuntu-core-config, initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core but all of those are small). thanks a bunch !23:18

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