
bluesabrethats unexpected01:01
pavlushkagedit opens the 2nd file as 2nd tab in the same window but mousepad has tab support but opens the 2nd file in a new window.05:14
flocculantPaulW2U: if you get chance could you apport-collect 1568604 that should grab info for that mouse missing bug :)07:00
flocculantcan't confirm that - perhaps affects laptops 07:00
flocculantI changed package to power manager - not sure it's right, but closer than Ubuntu 07:01
flocculantif it IS power manager perhaps it's because I'm using the staging one rather than repo version 07:02
flocculantbluesabre: bug 1568604 - hopefully xfpm is the right package07:02
ubottubug 1568604 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "xubuntu 16.04 beta looses mouse cursor when returning from sleep" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156860407:02
flocculantthat's all a bit much thinking for 1 cup of tea and not awake ... 07:03
flocculantsigh - not got staging one at all - I've got the daily :)07:19
pavlushkaflocculant: I think that bug is affecting me too.07:21
flocculantpavlushka: re mousepad - it's not gedit, if you want more than one file in an instance - drag and drop works, personally it works for me that way - I have more than 1 workspace - I often have mousepad open on both so if it auto opened in one I would be back and forth in workspaces looking for it 07:30
pavlushkacopy that07:33
ali1234gedit is actually desktop aware07:47
ali1234it opens files in the window on the current desktop if you have more than one07:47
ali1234and if you have no window on the current desktop, it opens one07:47
ali1234lately i've been using xed. it has all the features of gedit without the silly user interface (it looks almost identical to mousepad)07:52
ali1234i do miss the tab/space conversion feature in mousepad though07:53
pavlushkacopy that too07:58
ochosiknome: just so you know, i get those rename-crash bugs in thunar in 15.10 too. had no time to dig into that further, but i guess we're looking at something with a history of not working properly anymore08:49
ali1234thunar crashes constantly for me in 15.10. the crash is triggered by inotify events, so rename, create, delete files or directories09:12
ali1234and whether you do it in thunar, or just have thunar open on a directory with files that are changing09:12
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ali1234there are exactly two non-tx patches on thunar git since 1.6.10 and looks like either of them could fix it. i'll try it09:16
ochosiali1234: thanks, that'd be great!09:25
=== pavlushka- is now known as pavlushka
bluesabreflocculant: Corsac saw that bug a little while back and determined that it's related to Intel... while I couldn't find a bug number, I did find the comment10:37
bluesabre2016-03-16 12:12:20Corsacso indeed, it looks intel related: disable SNA or switching to modesetting fixes the issue10:37
bluesabreali1234: let me know if you find a suitable fix... we have on in -staging that doesn't seem to fully resolve it10:39
flocculantbluesabre: thanks - so I can assume it is xfpm? 11:01
bluesabreactually, closer to light-locker11:02
bluesabre2016-03-16 08:35:14Corsaca simple vt-switch is not enough to trigger it, but dm-tool switch-to-greeter11:02
bluesabreso lightdm/light-locker/intel11:03
flocculantbluesabre: ok - just wasn't sure what package it wanted - but WAS sure it wasn't Ubuntu :p11:03
flocculantbluesabre: I'll get the laptop out of the box and install to it - if it's intel then I guess I'll be able to confirm11:04
flocculantand do the apport collect stuff11:04
bluesabreflocculant: though, the laptop the bug report shows has an nvidia graphics card on the product page, so might need to confirm with the reporter as well http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/thinkpad/w-series/w540/#tab-tech_specs11:05
flocculantbluesabre: ack11:05
bluesabrebut inevitably, he's probably coming back from sleep -> light-locker -> lightdm -> lightdm-gtk-greeter11:05
flocculantbluesabre: but PaulW2U confirmed on Toshiba C-50B which apparently IntelĀ® HD Graphics 11:06
flocculantbluesabre: I'll leave it at light-locker for the moment :p11:07
flocculantbluesabre: yep - can confirm that disappearing cursor bug - regardless of xfpm version13:52
flocculantleft a note for reporter to confirm graphics and run apport-collect13:53
flocculantif I see nothing from them by tomorrow I'll report it myself and mark the other as a dupe13:53
flocculantdidn't know only reporter could do that - guess it makes sense logically :)13:54
PaulW2Uflocculant: will do when I get home 14:12
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flocculantPaulW2U: seems that only the reporter is able to do so14:14
akxwi-daveflocculant, If I remember that particular laptop has a quadro gpu in it.. its quite a powerful workstation lappy14:18
akxwi-davei've got a lenovo with 16.04 on it at home.. it has an dual intel/nvidia so will test that bug at home later as well14:20
flocculantI'd expect you to find it 14:20
akxwi-davemust be honest, dont usually use suspen/sleep..too many probs over the years with it.. :-)14:22
flocculantI rarely use laptop ... and desktop only takes a few seconds to boot anyway 14:22
flocculantbluesabre: so - reporter has installed nvidia driver (one of those dual graphic jobs) and no longer sees the problem - left the bug as confirmed for the moment rather than marking it15:15
flocculantdo we want this reported from someone(or thing) that still has the issue ? 15:16
PaulW2Uflocculant: still a problem here after installing all of today's updates, rebooting and then suspending15:20
PaulW2Ubut it's not a problem using the latest ISO, fully updating and then suspending15:21
PaulW2U^^ in a live session15:22
knomeflocculant, if you are around and want to chime in, #canonical-sysadmin 16:37
flocculantknome: you still not able to login? 16:40
knomeflocculant, you could try logging me out16:41
flocculantknome: you are now logged out16:42
knomecheers, let's see...16:42
knomemmh, nope16:42
flocculantknome: what if remove your openid string so it has to redo that? 16:43
knomei don't even get so far this time again16:44
flocculantjust wonder if removing that string would help16:45
knomei've logged out of ubuntu one several times in the span of these days16:45
flocculantdo we actually want something published today btw? 16:48
knomethe mugshot article16:48
flocculantyou want me to do that now? 16:48
knomethat works16:49
flocculantI see it's been edited since last time I looked16:49
knomemhm, and i can react immediately if it's completely borked16:49
flocculantok - doing so now :)16:49
* knome 's finger is on the button16:49
knomelooks good16:50
flocculantokey doke :)16:50
flocculantthat at least is easy to accomplish :p16:50
knomeand tweeted16:51
knomepleia2, ^ if you can G+ and FB when around16:51
flocculanthey pleia2 :)16:53
pleia2nope nope nope16:55
pleia2I mean, hi :) I am going back to work now16:56
akxwi-daveflocculant, Just ran the suspend mouse disappear test both with nvidia drivers and nouveau drivers.. Mouse pointer stays on screen and works fine..18:30
flocculantakxwi-dave: thanks - so definitely appearing to be as suspected - intel :)18:31
flocculantbluesabre: ^^18:31
akxwi-daveI'll i'll confirm that in a min  this machine has an intel gpu on the cpu as well I'll disable the nvidia.. give me a few mins18:32
akxwi-daveyep.. problem is with intel...18:42
flocculantadded to release note 18:43
PaulW2USamsung R-620 with ATI graphics is ok18:43
flocculantPaulW2U: excellent - thanks :)18:44
flocculantbluesabre: this bug perhaps > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=81513518:47
ubottuDebian bug 815135 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "No cursor displayed" [Normal,Open]18:47
flocculantand bug 1297144 which is an oldy but goody - even has ochosi in there :)18:50
ubottubug 1297144 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[Lenovo ThinkPad X230] Invisible cursor after resume from suspend" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129714418:50
zequenceHow to preview ubiquity slideshows, now again, anyone?18:58
zequenceknome: Maybe you know?18:59
flocculantzequence: I think when you've got the branch locally it's ./testsh<tab> flavour 19:00
flocculantcan't remember the exact wording in there as I tab complete :)19:01
zequenceAh, right. Let me try to find it19:01
flocculant./test-slideshow.sh xubuntu19:01
zequenceRight under my nose. Thanks flocculant!19:02
flocculantwelcome :)19:04
flocculantknome: best have a backup plan to get the release announcement done - like someone other than you :p20:02
flocculantand not me ;)20:02
knomebackup plan is to force IS let us have "local" login20:03
Nairwolfknome: what is IS ? 20:24
knomecanonical internet services20:24
Nairwolfok, I see20:24
knomeNairwolf, are you saying you are volunteering to be in touch with them if other things fail?20:24
Nairwolfno, sorry ^^20:25
flocculantoh boo20:25
Nairwolfbut why do you think something will fail ? 20:25
flocculantexperience ;)20:26
knomebecause something is failing now.20:26
Nairwolfbest luck for that !20:26
flocculantknome: do we want a wallpaper article? 20:28
knomeflocculant, yep20:28
knomeflocculant, either one or two20:28
flocculantknome: a lot to squeeze into 9 days ;)20:29
flocculantnot the writing - but publishing :p20:30
flocculantcloud/other and wallpaper still to write - does that match what you think? 20:31
knomewell, cloud is almost there20:32
knomeprobably only need some intro and outro babble20:32
flocculanton pad 20:32
flocculantnothing on wordpress20:32
knomesame with other20:32
flocculantI'll get cloud started now20:33
knomeif everything else fails, i'll disable openid logins for staging too, then prepare the article for you in wp format there20:33
flocculantoh ok 20:33
knomeso no worries about that20:33
flocculantthat makes sense 20:38
flocculantjust shout if you need something - wallpaper pad at http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-wallpaper20:39
knometa, i wil20:39
knomewill too20:39
knomeif i can log in at some point..20:39
flocculantwell if necessary we can do something else - google doc if we have to for instance20:40
flocculantI'll start the wallpaper one - at least get some bones there20:42
flocculantlong night last - flagging a bit now ;)20:42
flocculantbones it was - night all :)21:01
knomenighty flocculant 21:01
bluesabreflocculant, PaulW2U, akxwi-dave: thanks a bunch!22:18
knomeflocculant, some edits done at https://xubuntu.org/?p=3830&preview=true (yes, i could finally log in.. at least once)22:36
knomeflocculant, also, cloud article is now up at https://xubuntu.org/?p=3890&preview=true, so all edits there, please :)22:36
knomebluesabre, hullo?23:01
bluesabreknome: hi23:10
knomebluesabre, do we already know if some of the bugs are without doubt going to be postponed for .1?23:10
bluesabreknome: probably most bugs if they're not already resolved23:11
knomehah, okay23:11
knomeanything from -dev or you that you might be able to fix?23:12
bluesabreknome: I'll take a look... can postpone the doc templates at this point23:13
knomeyeah, i was thinking about setting up the -1604-point-1 blueprint tomorrow or sth23:13
bluesabreI'll see about the appstream things, not many there, but a few can't be fixed just because they're missing icons23:14
knomelike what is?23:14
bluesabrexfce4-notifyd has a single (old icon) that is 48px, and appstream min is 64px23:15
bluesabrexfce4-help uses the generic help icon, which is reserved for menus, and not 64px23:16
knomebut could we use that as an appicon too?23:16
knomeor do we need a specific one?23:16
bluesabreit's not us - needs to be either in the package, adwaita icon theme, or humanity icon theme23:16
knome...but we can change the pkg?23:17
bluesabresure, we can stick our icon in there, but that's not very upstream23:17
bluesabresame for xfce4-settings23:18
bluesabreThe icon 'preferences-desktop-peripherals' was not found in the archive.23:18
bluesabregeneric menu icon23:18
knomesigh for stupid requirements23:19
bluesabreor non-svg themes, or non-svg upstream application icons23:20
bluesabresomething that looks funny is better than nothing23:20
bluesabrein that case, suppose I could just scale up the 48px icon23:20
bluesabrenot great, but heyyy23:21
knomei was thinking we could draw new icons23:21
knomebut it would not be very upstream as you said :P23:21
bluesabrebut we'd probably want to do it tango-style? what should xfce use as a basis going forward since tango is dead and elementary is elementary?23:22
knomenot the one deciding about xfce visual future23:22
bluesabreoh wow23:23
bluesabremore dead than I thought23:23
bluesabresuppose its hard to be modular and maintain a brand identity23:24
bluesabremaybe I'll bug ochosi about that to help get some new guidelines together23:24
knomemaybe after 16.04...23:25
bluesabrebut yeah, I'll work on cleaning some of these things up a bit later23:28
knomeback tomorrow, good night23:44

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