
soloshort time linux user - first time caller00:25
tewardsolo: do you have a question?00:26
soloyes thanks teward00:26
soloim wondering about installing lubuntu00:26
soloright now i have 14.04 and just tried to update to 15.10 its okay but now i want to try lubuntu as im starting to run a few services and think this may help with my resource managment00:27
solois there a command to install lubuntu and not lose my date00:29
soloshould i use a cd?00:29
soloam i headed in the wrong direction?00:29
tewardsolo: let me get this straight, you have 14.04 right now, and want to update to 15.10, even though 16.04 is coming out in a few weeks?00:30
tewardany chance you can wait a few weeks?00:30
teward(also, with ANY upgrade, you need to back up your data so you have a copy that isn't going to get deleted by accident if the upgrade fails)00:30
wxls/need to/should/00:31
tewardwxl: given the track history of 14.04 -> 15.10 upgrades recently, s/should/need to/00:31
teward[2016-04-11 20:27:26] <solo> right now i have 14.04 and just tried to update to 15.1000:31
teward^ that's the basis00:31
tewardbut you're right, you don't *have* to make a backup00:32
tewardbut you really *should*00:33
solosorry guys kids need something00:37
solo16.04 ubuntu i think is not going to work with my graphics00:37
solo15.10 ubuntu is okay00:38
solo14.04/10 i had for while00:38
wxlwhy would newer versions not work?00:38
solobut with plex server, ssh, apache web, and desktop use i notice my cpus maxxing out00:39
soloi can find link but i think they have a bug for amd graphics in 16.04 that is kinda show stopping (ubuntu)00:39
soloso i thought maybe lubuntu would free up enough resources to allow me to do all my services plus use as desktop computer00:40
soloi agree backups should be done00:40
solowas not sure if there was a easy way to wipe clean while retain home directory and then fresh install lubuntu copy in home directory backup and be ready to rock00:41
tewardwxl: Lubuntu follows the same short-death-time for 15.10 as Ubuntu does, right?00:41
tewardsolo: not if you plan on wiping clean, no00:41
tewardthe reason I suggested 16.04 and not 15.10 is because 15.10 has a 'short' time span of being alive and supported00:42
soloas far as i know it follows excatly the same just comes in diffrent flavors00:42
tewardin July 15.10 dies00:42
wxlyou could also install the lubuntu-desktop metapackage and then remove all the ubuntu garbage00:42
soloyes teward00:42
tewardalso what wxl said yes00:42
solothats why i updated to 15.10 just to gain knowledge of doing it from command line and if i could fix and issues that arouse then plan was to use it till 16.04 just for experience00:43
wxlor just leave the ubutnu garbage because you have enough hard drive space and don't care XD00:43
solobut then found out about my graphics issue with 16.0400:43
solomake sure im following you00:43
wxlyou should burn a live cd of the beta and see if this graphics issue is for real00:44
wxlas it might not be00:44
wxl"amd graphics" is a very wide scope but rarely do graphics issues affect ALL cards a manufacturer produces00:44
solocommand line install the lubuntu-desktop metapackage then remove remaining ubuntu bloatware?00:44
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »00:44
wxl^^ that's how to remove the extra bits, if you want00:44
solothanks im going to read that link real fast and be right back00:45
solomaybe my hardware would help if you knew stats00:45
wxli haven't heard anything about an amd bug00:45
wxlso my guess is that it doesn't widely affect all amd devices00:46
solo15.10 / cinnamon 2.8.6 / 3.16.0-70-generic / amd e1-1500 with readon HD graphics x 2 / 5.5 gb mem / 474 gb hd / radeon hd 731000:48
wxlpci ids would be way more valuable00:48
wxl(for the graphics)00:48
wxllspci can get you that00:48
solo00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 14h Processor Root Complex00:49
solo00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler [Radeon HD 7310]00:49
solo00:01.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Wrestler HDMI Audio00:49
solo00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 14h Processor Root Port00:49
solo00:11.0 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 40)00:49
solo00:12.0 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 USB OHCI0 Controller00:49
tewardsolo: i hate to ask, but what AMD bug do you refer to?00:49
tewardaaaack!  pastebin!00:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:49
wxlyeah that00:49
wxlyou need to use the right switches to get the pci ids00:49
wxlwhich is to say, this is a nice opportunity to learn about the most important thing in regards to the command line: reading the man page :)00:50
tewardwxl: man man00:51
soloi like the man page00:51
wxlusually i do -nnk00:51
wxlwhich will get the pci ids and their name resolution, as well as the kernel drivers00:51
wxlso you can install pastebinit and then just do lspci -nnk | pastebinit00:51
soloReceived a CTCP VERSION from wxl - ?00:52
wxlif you're really good you get the xchat exec plugin and then just have it do everything00:52
solonice let me do that real fast00:52
wxli was trying to figure out your irc program00:52
solomine is xhat00:52
solosorry xchat00:52
wxli know that00:52
wxlyou didn't have to tell me :)00:52
wxlctcp version did the trick00:52
wxlteward: XP00:52
tewardwxl: I lol'd00:52
solohttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/03/ubuntu-drops-amd-catalyst-fglrx-driver-16-04 - was the issue i was talking about with 16.0400:53
tewardwxl: I have an evil version because I am weird :)00:54
tewardapparently I was drunk when I set it00:54
tewardbut I digress :)00:54
solonah drunk is a good side topic00:55
soloyou guys ever had homemade likker?00:55
ubottu#lubuntu is the Lubuntu support channel, #lubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Lubuntu, and #lubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:55
tewardsilence Ubottu, I know I typoed00:55
solowhere is the rules listed at i need to glance at them00:55
wxlsolo: so now i'm going to teach you about one of the most important command line tools EVER00:55
wxlmay i introduce grep00:56
tewardnah, just a few seconds of harmless divergence while wxl and I were derping around :)  lets not discuss drinks further though :)00:56
wxlgrep can find the needle in the haystack00:56
tewardand yes, wxl is good teacher00:56
soloi been trying to learn grep for my bash scripts00:56
wxland of course you know pipes are really important. i assume you understand that00:56
wxlif were were to do lspci -k | grep fglrx then you would know whether or not you need to worry about this drivel from omgubuntu00:57
wxlif you want to get really bashy about it:00:57
solono output00:57
wxlok nevermind then00:57
wxlgrep only returns what it finds00:57
wxlin other words:00:58
soloso no worries00:58
wxllspci -k | grep fglrx00:58
wxlif [ $? -eq 1 ]; then00:58
wxl   echo you better worry!00:58
wxl   don't worry00:58
wxloops meant to add an echo before that don\'t worry XD00:58
tewardwxl: erm, doesn't fglrx provide 'radeon' module?00:59
wxlteward: i don't think so?00:59
* teward ran into an "E: No Radeon" when accidentally derping with the Xenial kernel on the LTS on his current computer00:59
solocan i ask another question00:59
tewardwxl: odd, then, that the system here says I"m on the proprietary drivers, yet lspci shows 'radeon'00:59
wxl!find fglrx01:00
ubottuFound: fglrx-pxpress, fglrx, fglrx-amdcccle, fglrx-amdcccle-updates, fglrx-core, fglrx-dev, fglrx-updates, fglrx-updates-core, fglrx-updates-dev, boinc-client-fglrx (and 13 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&suite=wily&section=all01:00
wxl!find radeon01:00
ubottuFound: libdrm-radeon1, libdrm-radeon1-dbg, xserver-xorg-video-radeon, xserver-xorg-video-radeon-dbg, radeontool01:00
wxlthere you go i guess :)01:00
wxlsolo: btw there's also lsusb. if you look at the man pages there's usually related tools at the bottom. for future reference. :)01:01
solookay thanks wxl01:02
solohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15769800/ - this is how my apt-get update looks after my upgrade from 14.04 - 15.1001:03
soloif i  command line install the lubuntu-desktop metapackage then remove remaining ubuntu bloatware01:03
solowill that fix all that mess also?01:03
wxlhow did you upgrade?01:03
solodo-release-upgrade -p01:06
wxlweird all those packages kept back01:06
wxlyou might try a dist-upgrade instead01:07
solowxl you sure your cool with me just throwing all these questions to you?01:09
solohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/15769986/ > sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | pastebinit01:09
wxlsolo: i'm leaving in a bit but for now, sure01:10
wxltry lsb_release -a01:10
wxldid you update before all this?01:11
solosure almost daily01:11
wxldo it again just to see01:12
wxlsudo apt update && sudo apt -y dist-upgrade01:12
solowhats the -y?01:12
wxlsay yes to all prompts01:13
wxlyou don't have to do it01:13
wxlit's a normal thing for me01:13
solojust like sqlmap01:13
soloE: Internal error, Upgrade broke stuff - LOL what kinda of error is that01:14
wxli am a bit at a loss01:14
wxli've never had a problem like this except when doing some really funky stuff01:15
soloi think i like fixing stuff like this better then browsing the web lol01:15
wxlbtw i think xchat has a built in /exec function01:16
wxlyou might be able to do something like /exec -out some-cli-command | pastebinit01:16
wxland it would spit out the url to the chat01:16
soloempty document01:17
soloso whats the easy way out here?01:17
wxl /help exec01:18
soloback up both users in /home wipe then fresh lubuntu ?01:18
wxlthe -out thing is what i would do in irssi01:18
wxlyeah i'd give that a shot01:18
wxli guess i have no idea what happened to get you to this point01:18
solobash history help?01:18
wxli mean maybe we could pick through your apt/dpkg log and find some answers but other than that, i just don't know01:19
wxlit's as if apt thinks you're on a different version or something01:19
solosee in about my year and half on linux so far i have never looked at any log files01:19
wxli just don't know01:19
wxlyou usually don't need01:19
wxlapt -f install MIGHT fix you01:19
wxlmight have to do it a bunch fo times interspersed with updates and dist-upgrades01:19
wxlmeanwhile i need to head home01:20
wxlsorry i couldn't help :(01:20
solono worries any bitcoin wallet addy i can send a beer money tip too?01:21
solohello can someone help me burn a proper copy of the .iso please03:16
solowhats up snake03:22
liquidsnakewhats up03:23
liquidsnakenot much here just jamming some pink floyd03:23
solonot much man just glad someone is finally talking here03:23
solonice your not burning a hogleg also are you03:24
liquidsnakeits raining like crazy here03:24
solodamn you in missouri ?03:24
liquidsnakenope east texas03:24
solocool Arkansas03:25
AscavasaionIs there a way to edit the commandline entry in the menu system of Lubuntu's desktop that will make the application open on Desktop 2 when it is selected from the menu?07:39
daniel_hi guys can anyone help me install the legacy ati drivers?13:55
Citizen_i was wondering about theming the desktop for my wifes desktop - she had unity before and liked the high contrast icons and another theme - by installing these on lubuntu will i be defeating the purpose of it?14:34
=== daytime is now known as iceswordYehai
=== n-iCe_ is now known as n-iCe
alexF_Bonjour à tous!18:31
alexF_Je débute et j'aimerai passer de lubuntu 13.04 à la dernière version mais j'y arrive pas.18:32
alexF_Quelqu'un peux m'aider s'il vous plait?18:32
alexF_i want to pass the version 13.04 to 15.1018:33
alexF_but it don't work18:33
n-iCemy advice is always to do a clean install18:35
genii13.04 is EOL, but unfortunately so is 13.10 which is the next one you would normally upgrade to18:35
ianorlinBack up first18:35
geniiBetter to go to 14.04 anyways, 15.10 will soon also be EOL18:36
alexF_how to upgrade to 13.10?18:36
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:38
geniiSee the last link the bot gives there18:38
alexF_thank you18:40
alexF_good bye and thank you18:50
=== n-iCe_ is now known as n-iCe
n-iCe's back20:06
n-iCecitizen_: :)21:13
citizen_can anyone spare a few mins to look over this text file for me and tell me what im doing wrong or right? thanks - http://paste.ubuntu.com/15801328/21:14
n-iCewhat do you wanna know exactly21:18
tewardcitizen_: Error: wall of text, did not read, ask a real question please.21:19
citizen_idk excatly what to ask21:19
n-iCecitizen_: you have any problem? error?21:19
n-iCeenjoy lubuntu21:20
citizen_jsut kinda stuck on what my next move should be how do i grow my linux experience based off the report i pasted21:20
n-iCeglx check it21:21
geniiInstall and use things, to expand your linux experience21:21
citizen_how about some assistence in setting up my ufw to allow plex media server21:26
daxsudo ufw allow portnumberhere22:55
daxoops, that was a while ago, sorry :)22:55
drabhi, trying to burn a dvd but xfburn says no burner available. dmesg/syslog shows the burner mounted and on my desktop two icons of a blank dvd showed up22:57
drabpacman says the disk is mounted, however running "22:57
drabshows nothing mounted22:57
drabany thoughts?22:58
drabseems to be something with xfburn, downloaded brasero and that's doing its job23:04
n-iCethat was going to tell you23:06
citizen_what is a good lightweight docker?23:08
citizen_also, where do you guys get your themes from?23:08
wxln-iCe: pretty sure the question is about a dock. not docker. :)23:10
wxlcitizen_: box-look has a bunch of themes.23:10
citizen_cool thanks23:11
citizen_how can i just message wxl?23:11
citizen_how about conky is that resource light?23:15
amazoniantoadI installed lubuntu on a machine and every once in a while the desktop seems to crash. The desktop becomes pixelated and the windows create tracers as they are dragged across the screen.23:43
amazoniantoadThe only way to "update" the screen to present the actual state of the desktop is by moving the cursor over things.23:43
amazoniantoadHow can I solve this issue?23:43

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