
jvargasWill 16.04 eventually upgrade Unity 7 to 8?00:00
daxoops, wrong window :)01:09
NukienAnyone here familiar with initramfs and luks encryption ?01:20
NukienTrying to use detached headers, and finally discovered that the bit in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot tha'ts supposed to copy the header to the conf.d/cryptheader dir in the initramfs is COMMENTED OUT01:22
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brianxis there a way to make 16.04 the taskbar minimize an app when you click it's icon while it's the foreground app like many other taskbars do?06:04
brianxmost of what i can find about unity is how much people hate it. :-(06:50
lordievaderGood morning.08:30
ushbkkHi folks, Hope I am not interrupting - I have Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Beta installed and want to install a virtual machine, there is no listing for16.04 on Oracle. Any suggestions are appreciated.09:06
lotuspsychjeushbkk: can virtualbox help you?09:06
ushbkkLotuspsycheje I will check, thank you.09:07
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | ushbkk09:07
ubottuushbkk: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.0.16-dfsg-2 (xenial), package size 13904 kB, installed size 61476 kB09:07
ushbkkubottu thank you09:09
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:09
ushbkki know09:09
ushbkkstill like to be nice to machines09:09
daedricany i3 user here with problems ?09:26
lotuspsychjedaedric: best to share to channel whats going on, there is also #i3 if you want09:27
daedricyeah I just joined09:27
daedricI'll ask there09:27
lotuspsychjedaedric: well if its 16.04 related, could be relevant here also09:27
daedricyep I planned to ask on both channel09:28
daedricso basically on session startup (after logging with lightdm) sometimes the session freeze09:28
daedricbecause it is not always I don't have relevant i3 logs09:28
daedricbut I was wondering if anybody has experienced the same issue before always enabling the i3 logs09:29
lotuspsychjedaedric: the i3 sessions freeze?09:29
daedricI need to restart lightdm (or pkill i3) to get back an UI09:29
lotuspsychjedaedric: unity loads fine?09:30
daedricbefore today I was not even able to get a terminal (ctrl-alt-FXX)09:30
daedriclotuspsychje: yes09:30
daedricnever triggered the bugs with unity09:31
lotuspsychjedaedric: can you test creating another user, see if it loads i3 nicely there?09:31
lotuspsychjedaedric: got the right graphics drivers enabled also?09:31
daedriclotuspsychje: for another user will do, I already disabled several stuff in my i3 config like firefox auto starting as well as skype09:32
daedricfor the graphic driver, as far as I'm concerned it is fine (nvidia :()09:33
daedricnothing in the X logs showed up09:33
daedricno warning, nothing09:33
daedric(hence my conclusion it is a problem with the wm)09:33
lotuspsychjedaedric: doublecheck your additional drivers to make sure :p09:34
lotuspsychjeor sudo lshw -C video09:35
daedricI've the intel one for the intel chipset09:37
lotuspsychjedaedric: hybrid with nvidia?09:38
daedricyep, I've a dell xps 15"09:38
lotuspsychjedaedric: so optimus card needs nvidia-prime09:39
lotuspsychjedaedric: you should try i3 with nvidia enabled09:39
daedricnvidia-prime is installed09:39
lotuspsychjedaedric: can you check additional drivers plz, wich nvidia versions active/available?09:39
daedricnvidia-361 + nvidia-361-updated + intel-microcode09:42
lotuspsychjedaedric: ok, wich one is active?09:42
daedricha fu%^@%$# I thought it was displaying the one active09:43
daedricthe nvidia-36109:43
lotuspsychjedaedric: try one of the 361 drivers and reboot09:43
daedricand the microcode09:43
lotuspsychjedaedric: or the -updates one09:43
daedricI can't do it now maybe on lunch break09:43
lotuspsychjedaedric: then make sure, performance mode is enabled in nvidia-settings09:43
daedricI'm in performance mode in nvidia-setting09:44
daedricthanks for your support ! trying another nvidia driver is a good idea09:45
daedricI can't wait for nouveau to properly handle external display :(09:45
lotuspsychjedaedric: well just to make sure its not related09:45
lotuspsychjedaedric: is this an update or clean install?09:47
daedricI'd thought about doing a clean install09:49
lotuspsychjedaedric: from wich version?09:49
daedricI will do a clean install if I still can't properly diagnose the problem and the actual 16.04 release did not sovle the problem09:50
lotuspsychjeok tnx for testing daedric09:50
daedricit is not enough of a problem for me to go through the hassle of reinstalling everything09:50
daedricmy pleasure09:50
Mike1hi folks! In Ubuntu 16.04 trying to establish a VPN connection results in a segfault, any solutions? https://paste.xinu.at/iZu/ kernel: pppd[4744]: segfault at 8 ip 00007fa4a8ffdb0c sp 00007ffd9247fa20 error 4 in nm-pptp-pppd-plugin.so[7fa4a8ffc000+3000]11:07
Mike1used to work with 15.1011:17
BluesKajHey folks11:22
iceysuddenly, I can't resize desktop windows11:40
iceyalso, weirdness with python-path: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15785814/11:42
iceyoh well, reboot fixedc the resizing issue apparently12:09
Mike1icey: simply restarting X would have been enough too :p13:57
Mike1you don’t reboot a Linux :p13:57
=== zen-guy is now known as coffeeguy
iceyMike1: heh, it's not _that_stable yet, tons of updates even after feature freeze ;-)14:03
Mike1true. But it’s the reason why I hate kernel update: Because you have to reboot :(14:04
bjornarWhat is the thing with xenial and python3 default but no /usr/bin/python symlink?14:10
bjornarIs that the way to go?14:10
iceyMike1: these < 1week uptimes on my desktop will go away as soon as Xenial lands :-P14:12
timpbjornar: perhaps /usr/bin/python is reserved for python2?14:33
bjornardont know, if so, it will break all python scripts ever written14:34
bjornareven if actually python3 compatible14:34
daedricactually the right way to do is: /usr/bin/env python (otherwise your script can't be used in virtual env)14:45
daedricafter python, python2 or python3 I guess it is up to you, but I'd use python2 or python3 depending on what you use14:46
Pici/usr/bin/python should python2 if it exists.14:46
Picibut agreed with using /usr/bin/env python14:46
neyder1hi yopu there15:28
neyder1I'm testing 16.04 and when installing EPSON L355 printer, it recognizes and intall correct driver, but it hangs when I try to install. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15793131/15:29
neyder1Printer message is 'Idle - Rendering complete' but never prints. It's ok in 15.10 and before15:31
lotuspsychjehi pa16:16
pagreat that i could now move the launcher to the bottom :-) can i also remove the trash bin icon?16:16
lotuspsychjemove to where?16:17
k1l_remove trash icon on launcher was always possible?16:17
paaha! was it?16:17
pai beg you!! tell me!!16:17
k1l_oh sorry, i was confused.16:19
k1l_on my 16.04 unity there is the tray bin on the bottom of the launcher16:20
payes that one16:20
pacan it be removed?16:20
lotuspsychjepa: unity-tweak-tool can get you trash icon on desktop if you like, not sure if it can be removed on launcher..16:23
paok well..16:24
pai knew it was too much to ask :)16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1101037 in unity (Ubuntu) "Rubbish bin (trash) launcher icon should be unlockable" [Low,Triaged]16:25
lotuspsychjepa: any reason you dont want to see the trash icon?16:28
pait uses one of my 4 screen corners16:28
paand i never use..16:28
pai have a keyboard button for deletion..16:28
k1l_pa: see the bug i linked. contribute to that bug.16:29
k1l_that is how one guy made it possible to get the launcher to the bottom. do something16:29
paconsidering that if i have a window that is not maximized in foreground, that prevents unity from showing window commands for maximized apps in bg16:29
pai'd rather use that corner for a "show desktop" button16:29
lotuspsychjepa: you could auto-hide the launcher and away is trash :p16:30
pak1l_, i could, and probably might16:30
pabut makes me angry that this was something that canonical forced on users and always refused to change16:30
lotuspsychjepa: i think docky can remove trash, but not 100% sure16:30
paand now it's users who should spend their time to fix the stupidity of canonical designers?16:30
pacan try that, thanks16:31
lotuspsychjepa: you just have been advised to add your thoughts to the bug tnx to k1l_16:31
lotuspsychje!info docky16:31
ubottudocky (source: docky): Elegant, powerful, clean dock. In component universe, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 609 kB, installed size 3329 kB16:31
paah it's a different dock?16:31
palike a fork of unity16:31
lotuspsychjepa: its a dock package, works on unity16:32
paah okay16:32
pathanks will try at once :)16:32
lotuspsychjeso if you autohide launcher, you can set docky to bottom or side16:32
lotuspsychjebut dont shoot me if trash cant be removed :p16:32
pasadly written in mono16:32
pabut oh well16:32
paif it only manages...16:32
pabut it's an additional dock on top of the launcher..16:34
pawould i have to remove the launcher?16:34
lotuspsychjepa: you could autohide launcher left, and set docky to bottom16:34
lotuspsychjeor the way around16:35
lotuspsychjepa: the last answer here found a non-official trick: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37776/how-can-i-remove-the-trash-icon-from-the-unity-launcher16:35
lotuspsychjepa: try at your own risk, this isnt an official way right16:35
pathanks! will try that too!16:36
padocky looks nice tho16:36
lotuspsychjepa: can trash be removed now or not?16:36
pais it also possible in 16.04 to give win decorations to all windows including maximized windows?16:36
palotuspsychje, from docky? yup!16:37
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)16:37
=== damascene is now known as az
SCHAAP137network-manager-openvpn really needs to accept tls_cipher as a valid option17:21
SCHAAP137quite annoying that it just doesn't connect when a tls_cipher is defined in the VPN connection file, even though it's a valid OpenVPN configuration directive17:23
brianxis there a way to make unity in 16.04 minimize an app when you click it's icon on the left bar while it's the foreground app like many other taskbars do?17:24
guntbertbrianx: in 15.10 you find that setting in Unity tweak Tool18:11
brianxthanks guntbert!  i'll see if i can find that in 16.04 too.18:12
guntbertbrianx: Good luck!18:13
brianxthanks guntbert.  it worked.  that was one of my larger annoyances with this interface so far, but i'm still just getting started.  migrated from fedora.18:19
guntbertbrianx: nice :-)18:24
brianxit also fixed a couple minor issues for me, things that hadn't reached the level of annoyance but were not what i wanted.  still debating left of bottom...18:25
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Mike1hi folks! Is there a repo for Dropbox in Ubuntu 16.04 yet?18:42
naccMike1: wouldn't htat be provided by a PPA normally?18:43
Mike1yes, for 15.10 there was a http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu wily Release18:45
naccMike1: seems like you should contact dropbox about that (as they are the ones providing it?)18:46
Mike1easier to ask you guys first ;)18:49
naccMike1: well i mean, that's not really an ubuntu question -- it's completely something dropbox does18:49
Mike1to be honest, most things in a distribution are not distribution-specific, but let’s not start arguing18:50
naccMike1: I mean, not provided by ubuntu18:50
* nacc views support channels as supporting what is in ubuntu18:51
_1aI want to compile linux kernel 4.5.118:57
_1aWhat should i do?18:57
_1aI am a noob18:57
Mike1download the sources and read INSTALL or any of the countless tutorials18:58
nacc!offtopic | _1a18:58
_1aMy current kernel version is 4.4.018:58
ubottu_1a: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.18:58
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:59
DiamondSwordHello I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 beta 2 and I've a optimus laptop (Intel gpu on board and nvidia external) I have overheating issue and my battery doesn't go well as it does when I was using Windows..19:00
DiamondSwordI've read about TLP, thermald, laptop mode tools, cpufreq .. which one do I need ?19:00
Mike1you shouldn’t need any of them if I’m not mistaken19:01
Mike1maybe tlp for setting the stuff powertop recommends19:01
Mike1DiamondSword: I’m not sure how well Optimus is supported by now, there is the Bumblebee project19:02
DiamondSwordMike1, they are in the main channel advised me to use Nvidia Prime not blumlebe.19:04
Mike1DiamondSword: use cat /proc/acpi/bbswitch in a terminal to check whether the nvidia gpu is on or off19:04
DiamondSwordI can not switch to Nvidia or Intel gpu with nvidia-prime now but when I want to use nvidia, the computer suddenly heats up.19:04
DiamondSwordso I changed it to Intel for now but I have a good nvidia gpu card, why not I use it.. I want to use it..19:05
Mike1of course the Nvidia GPU will use more power and produce more heat19:05
Mike1do you really need it under Linux? The only use I can think of is gaming …19:05
DiamondSwordMike1, this is the output: 0000:01:00.0 OFF19:05
DiamondSwordthen I don't even need to try install appropriate driver for my nvidia card?19:06
DiamondSwordI spent almost a week to make it work under Ubuntu :(19:06
Mike1DiamondSword: If you don’t need the nvidia GPU, keep it off and safe yourself the trouble?19:08
DiamondSwordok, I think I'll do that when the official xenial comes up.19:08
DiamondSwordMike1, if I don't any driver for nvidia, then Linux cannot detect it automatically, right ?19:09
_1aCan i compile latest stable kernel for xenial?19:09
Mike1DiamondSword: there is still the open source nouveau driver, but I don’t know in what state it is19:09
Mike1DiamondSword: it should be installed by default19:10
DiamondSwordMike1, also I wonder if it might be desktop environment issue? If I use Xubuntu (which I like it) and not Unity, do you think I'll go better with nvidia and have no high temp (maybe) ?19:10
Mike1DiamondSword: doesn’t really make a difference19:10
_1aNo high temp is with amd19:11
DiamondSwordwhen I first installed Ubuntu 16.04 beta 2 it auto recoginized Intel driver and used it. but later I wanted to use nvidia also, then all came together :)19:11
_1aYes,its automatic19:12
DiamondSwordso for now, Mike1, you're recommending one of these TLP, thermald, laptop mode tools, cpufreq ?19:12
Mike1DiamondSword: I’m using TLP which works fine. You should also install powertop and use it to check whether anything is causing lots of wakeups and if TLP enables all of powertop’s recommendations19:13
nacc_1a: you can do (if you're root) whatever you want on xenial19:14
DiamondSwordtoday I read that, I use driver for all gpu in my pc, then linux tries to work them all even if you selected one of them to work. so it makes high temperature and low battery drain.19:14
DiamondSwordTLP and powerTOP then, ok19:14
nacc_1a: if you do not know how to compiile mainline kernels, you might consider using the mainline PPA, as it provides binary pacakges (but note they are not supported!)19:14
Mike1DiamondSword: TLP just allows you to easily configure stuff like enabling PCIe and SATA powersave modes while on battery19:15
Mike1DiamondSword: or to spin down HDDs (if you have any) after N seconds while on battery19:15
Mike1stuff like that19:15
mrr411so was doing the upgrade to 16.4... got about half way done and stopped said it was stopped due to some issues so i went to go into the area to make sre it can update new distro stuff and what not. said 16.4 had an error and if it continued to restart so i did and now it goes to words saying what its doing them back and collored screens then goes to a black screen and now it will only sit and beep and blink at me!!!19:15
naccmrr411: what is "the area" ?19:16
mrr411system settings19:16
mrr411but it would not even let me into that19:17
Mike1DiamondSword: just don’t expect too much, stuff like dynamic CPU clocking is done automatically (and flawlessly) by the kernel and CPU nowadays19:17
naccmrr411: what were you upgrding from?19:17
mrr41115.4 or 15.619:17
naccmrr411: hrm?19:18
naccmrr411: 15.04 is dead19:18
naccmrr411: 15.6 is not a thing19:18
DiamondSwordMike1, I think powerTOP does not have a release for xenial?19:18
mrr411well it was 15 something lol19:18
naccmrr411: it sort of matters .... 15.04 -> 16.04 is not supported19:18
naccDiamondSword: `apt-get install powertop` ?19:18
mrr411im prity sure it was the latest 1519:19
naccmrr411: ok19:19
Mike1DiamondSword: it does. Just as a proof: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=powertop&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all19:19
mrr411but first step is to get this thing to stop blinking and beeping at me if posoble lol19:19
naccmrr411: so do you have a console or anything?19:20
mrr411what do you mean19:20
mrr411it was my media center computer so im on my main computer19:21
naccmrr411: it's hard to tell what state your system is in. Are you able to login to it at a command-line console or anything? (alt+f1 iirc)19:21
naccmrr411: how would you access it normally?19:21
mrr411nope at this point it wont do anything19:21
mrr411i told it from bio to reset to what it should be and then it restarted and started beeping and blinking at me. it wont even send anything to the monitor19:22
naccmrr411: i don't know what you mean by "i told it from bio to reset to what it should be"?19:22
DiamondSwordok I've installed it. how can I pastebin the powertop output ?19:23
mrr411reset the bios to manufacturer spects19:23
naccmrr411: i'm struggling to understand why that would be relevant?19:23
mrr411because thats when it started to do the beeping thing19:24
naccmrr411: no, i mean why would you change bios settings in response to a failed OS update?19:24
_1anacc :I'll try sudo apt-get upgrade as of now19:24
nacc_1a: that has nothing to do with mainline kernels; it will just get you the latest ubuntu-supported kernels19:25
mrr411i was trying to get it to boot thumb drive and accedentaly chainged n saved something that i knew i shouldent have19:25
nacc_1a: why do you think you need mainline?19:25
_1anacc : i want to learn how to manually update kernel19:26
DiamondSwordMike1, ahh you mean "Tunables" tab on powertop ? there are lots of things there, should I do them all "Bad" tagged ?19:27
Mike1DiamondSword: yes, if they don’t cause any problems19:29
Mike1DiamondSword: TLP should set them automatically when on battery19:30
_1anacc:what is the use of mainline?19:30
nacc_1a: that's not really on topic for this channel19:31
DiamondSwordhmh, ok I'll try that.19:31
DiamondSwordtlp and laptop mode tools is the same thing?19:31
Mike1DiamondSword: I think they basically do the same thing19:36
DiamondSwordam I dc ?19:36
DiamondSworduh ok19:36
mrr411nacc: comp beeps 6 times19:42
mrr411i know its no help at least its my media center just means no VIkings till i get it sorted out19:42
naccmrr411: hrm, is it running headless? maybe the beeps mean something from the bios/mb vendor?19:43
mrr411headless? and bing as to how it started happening right after I reset the bios im guessing that would be it.19:44
mrr411hp says 6 beeps is vidio card or graphix19:45
BluesKajif it's a media center it can't be headless by definition19:45
mrr411witch if it cant read the graphix card i sopose that could cause it19:45
mrr411there is a build it card should i try that one instead?19:46
BluesKajmrr411,  you could try re setting the gpu in the bios to pci if that's what you use since setting the bios back to defaults would cause the pci to be ignored19:47
mrr411I cant do that because i cant even get to the bios19:47
DiamondSwordMike1, I have only 1 Bad situation after TLP install but I cannot disable it, my mouse :) http://i.hizliresim.com/3LVpp2.png19:48
BluesKajuhoh, cmos  problem maybe19:49
BluesKajshut the pc down , pull the plug , then find the onboard battery, take it out for at least 30mis, then replace the battery, plug the power cord back in and try booting the pc again, mrr41119:52
mrr411i did all that but did not wait 30 mins19:53
mrr411going to try hooking it up via mother board to monitor and then i will try that19:53
BluesKajI read somewhere a long time ago to leave it out for at least 30 mins19:53
mrr411well ill try it but HP saying its Video Card or Graphics unless that chainges when you put ubuntu but im prity sure thats a built in thing19:56
mrr411and comp is not putting out a vidio feed19:56
mrr411but ill try the 30 min thing now19:56
BluesKajI have an HP and the gpu needs to be set as pci if you use one19:58
mrr411well yea i dono ...... untill i can get a screen back i cant do anything shoulda went with my gut and just left it20:00
mrr411i have bad habbit of trying to fix stuff when it aint broken20:00
mrr411guess power suply keeps power for longer then i thought so the 30 mins might be that20:01
sythnacc: i have downloaded the source for 4.5.120:09
naccsyth: there are lots of guides to building the mainline kernel from source20:12
mrr411well waiting 30 mins didnt work21:05

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