[05:46] Hi Ekushey ! [05:46] o/ all [05:46] Hi Kilos ! [05:46] hi pavlushka Ekushey and others [06:02] :) [06:04] Ekushey: are you free, can I discuss yesterdays topic? [08:00] What were you asking pavlushka? [08:01] well If you can help me with this team approval https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-bn. [08:01] What is this? [08:02] Ubuntu-bengali Translator team [08:02] What purpose does it serve? [08:03] Bengali Ubuntu interface translation. [08:03] ??? [08:03] This is the correct URL: https://translations.launchpad.net/+languages/bn [08:04] This is the LP group not the Ubuntu group. [08:05] What does that mean? [08:06] And both groups's team admin is Mahay Alam Khan [08:06] So? [08:06] I meant Launchpad translator group and Ubuntu Translator group. [08:07] I am asking If you have any connection. [08:07] What connection and with whom? [08:08] Please check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations [08:08] I think you're not clear about the concept properly [08:11] may be, if you help me with a brief. [08:13] *if you can help me with a brief. [08:13] What do you want to know? [08:17] the link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations leads me to this https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-bn and this https://launchpad.net/~lp-l10n-bn [08:18] Are you interested in translating or joining different groups? [08:18] both. [18:37] Good night guys! [18:37] night pavlushka