
Raydiationits been 6 months, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/php5/+bug/150981718:15
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1509817 in php5 (Ubuntu Trusty) "libxml_disable_entity_loader is not theadsafe" [Undecided,New]18:15
Raydiationhow long does ubuntu need for security bug backports :D18:16
rbasakI'll include this in the next php5 security update.18:20
Raydiationwhen is the next php security update18:20
rbasakThe last update was  2015-10-2818:20
rbasakPresumably when a high importance vulnerability is found.18:21
Raydiationhigh as in buffer overflow?18:21
rbasakWe're offtopic here though. If you want to discuss this more, take it to #ubuntu-server or for the security team to be involved #ubuntu-hardened pleaes.18:21
Raydiationi see i did not know which channel to go to18:21
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