
soloif any one is bored and would like to help me try to figure this out here is a pastebinit of what i see on my end. http://paste.ubuntu.com/15771790/02:32
daftykinsin relation to...?02:33
soloi would like to think i just messed up upgrading from 14.04 to 15.1002:34
soloin some way or another02:34
daftykinsoh sweet jesus you're full of PHP PPAs02:34
daftykinsyeah i'm not touching that with a bargepole, i also used to give support over in #ubuntu02:34
daftykinsnope nope nope!02:34
solookay i understand02:34
tsimonq2sudo apt install ppa-purge02:35
daftykinsalso that looks like zorin, or you tried to install zorin themes02:35
tsimonq2sudo ppa-purge ALL THE PHP PPAS02:35
tsimonq2job done02:35
tsimonq2all fixed02:35
daftykinsyeah it's not gonna be that easy :P02:35
daftykinsit never is with folk that install PPAs from everywhere02:35
* tsimonq2 looks at the pastebin02:35
soloso you just helped me realize the question i should be asking02:36
tsimonq2sudo ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | pastebinit02:36
tsimonq2that would be a **start*02:36
solowhere would i find a mentor to teach me what i need to start studying02:36
tsimonq2solo: what specifically?02:37
daftykins#ubuntu is for Ubuntu OS support02:37
daftykinsthis, not a support channel - says so in the topic02:37
solonot asking for a walk through just a discussion on where you guys would go to learn more about this so that you could fix it yourself if you were a linux newbie02:37
tsimonq2but we're nice enough to help with trivial things02:38
tsimonq2solo: http://linuxpadawan.net/02:38
tsimonq2np :)02:39
sololol do i still get to consider myself a power user there?02:39
solo➜  ~ sudo ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | pastebinit02:40
tsimonq2solo: yyyeeeaaahhh, I'm referring you to #ubuntu :)02:42
tsimonq2and ask in #linuxpadawan for more info on that :)02:42
soloso how do you guys use linux02:43
solosorry ubuntu02:43
daftykinsservers only02:43
sololike plex apache ssh ?02:44
daftykinsweb servers, VPN servers...02:44
daftykinsno i use Kodi primarily.02:44
soloi was just looking at buying a vpn02:44
daftykinsthere is no need for transcoding formats on my network02:44
tsimonq2I use it on all of my desktops, servers, and embedded devices02:44
tsimonq2I'm a fanboy :P02:44
daftykinsthis is for business access into the office purposes, you're likely referring to VPN use to get around some restriction or other02:44
solobiometic embedded?02:44
tsimonq2and I contribute to a lot of different places in Ubuntu02:45
daftykinsheh desktop Linux is laughable :>02:45
tsimonq2nope, like a Pi 302:45
tsimonq2daftykins: heh Windows is laughable :P02:45
soloright on i would like to get two pis sometime next month02:45
soloi dont follow daftykins02:45
daftykinswith what02:45
solodesktop linux02:45
daftykinsas in what those two words mean?02:46
tsimonq2LXQt is pretty solid02:46
tsimonq2better then Wind*ws02:46
tsimonq2then? than? *shrug*02:46
daftykinsi think all OSs are terrible in their own ways, we just pick up the pieces of the one we mind doing so for the least02:46
sololike you prefer headless cli interaction for all computer usage?02:47
daftykinsme, i go where the work is paying - so tomorrow i'm looking at macs - blargh02:47
tsimonq2*blargh* indeed02:47
daftykinssolo: no i'm saying my Linux usage is server only02:47
daftykinsto claim a use of CLI only would be ridiculous neckbearding02:48
soloyou guys that make money like this is amazing to me im just a industrial pipefitter nerd i hate working hard physically lol02:48
solothats what i started to pick up on when i was hanging out with the hacker kids02:48
daftykinssurely that's a physical role then?02:48
solooh yeah its hard work but lets me think enough to feel smart for a blue collar guy lol02:49
* tsimonq2 is 14, so I don't have a job yet ;)02:49
daftykinswow and you were the one giving me a hard time the other day02:50
daftykinsduly noted.02:50
soloright on man i wish i would have installed linux when i was 1402:50
cfhowlett... dern kids these days!!!02:50
tsimonq2what's that supposed to mean? :P02:50
daftykinscfhowlett: :D hey there stranger \o how are things? did i spy you holidaying in Japan or was that just a VPS?02:51
* tsimonq2 kicks cfhowlett :P02:51
cfhowlettwait, what?02:51
cfhowlettI try to stay under the radar you know ...02:51
tsimonq2< cfhowlett> ... dern kids these days!!! - if you need clarification as to why I kicked you :P lol\02:52
daftykinswho's kicking who from where?02:53
soloso how is the mac going to get you payed02:54
tsimonq2daftykins: playful, metaphorical kick :P02:54
daftykinsi do freelance work, this client wants an email system change02:55
solowork off fivver?02:56
daftykinsi do not know what that means :>02:56
sololike a craigslist02:57
daftykinshaha, no.02:57
daftykinsi am not in the US or in the ghetto, trying to scrape together change :>02:57
solooh wow02:58
sololol i didnt mean to insult you02:58
daftykinsyou didn't, i'm just remarking on what i think the life of someone that looks for IT work on craigslist would be like02:58
solothats funnier that how i took it02:58
solohello mxbosco02:59
daftykinsi'm sure like with most places in the world, a lot of small businesses here start out using just local ISP email accounts - this one has seen sense and wants something professional02:59
solosee thats what im wanting to learn03:00
daftykinsor rather at first they suggested having an apple icloud.com address instead - i'm saying no to that though and going to suggest companyname.co.uk followed by a proper setup for cross-device syncing03:00
daftykinsso although i am really not an apple fan, to say the least, i can sort things out for people with them just fine03:00
soloyou dont work with jjfox.co.uk do you?03:01
daftykinsnot familiar with that domain03:02
daftykinsi'm not even technically in the UK03:02
solojust to keep the discussion alive03:03
daftykinsgood luck with that, it's 4am here so time for bed03:03
solofrom my understanding these companies take the emails of clients and use them to send out whater info they need to03:03
solowhy would they need a dedicated mail server?03:04
daftykinswho o003:04
cfhowlett*** worked for Hillary *** comment dropped03:05
sololol now love for bengazi03:06
solohow do you guys handle backs up of your data?03:06
soloi currently do not have a back up system03:06
ubot5`There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:07
soloim sorry03:07
daftykinsfor... what?03:07
soloi ment how do you handle the storage of your back ups? on a residential level.03:07
daftykinsnn \o03:08
sololike right now im trying to back up my wifes /home to google drive (10 gig) so i can wipe and install lubuntu03:08
soloi figure that has to be the redneck way of doing it am i right?03:08
daxduplicity can allegedly back up to google drive. i just backup to an offsite thing over SSH though03:09
solooffsite as in thumbdrive or something along those lines?03:09
solocuz the files started at 10.3 gig and i tar.gz it to 10 gig i feel like the backups will cost more in storage then just buying a bigger HD to partition03:10
daxoffsite as in not in the same building as me03:12
solois there a irc where the chat is just flying everywhere like when i was a kid but focused on ubuntu03:13
daxno, especially not when Europe is asleep and the US is getting there03:13
solowhat happened to phreaker hours03:13
solowhats the command to list all channels on this freenode?03:15
daxubot5`: alis03:17
ubot5`alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http03:17
solohow does backblaze.com stack up for back up services? unlimited for 5$ USD month dont sound to bad03:19
solowonder about privacy with a third party tho wish i could host myself03:19
solodoes anyone know the name of the cords that let you hook up two hard drives at once03:20
archoniiAny idea why my surge suppressor buzzes slightly when the computer plugged into is turned on (only then)?06:23
lotuspsychjegood morning to all07:01
ubot5`Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !wily release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3075/07:12
lotuspsychjedax: new !movelauncher news: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/unity-tweak-tool-0-7-move-unity-launcher07:23
cfhowlettme: nope.  I figured 3rd party tools are not included in the repos for good reason07:25
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: unity-tweak-tool is in official repos07:25
cfhowlettI stand corrected then!07:25
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: perhaps confusing with ubuntu-tweak at first sight?07:26
lotuspsychjethats got a ppa07:26
cfhowlett... derp ... indeed07:26
lotuspsychjedropped that one long time ago myself :p07:26
lordievaderGood morning.08:30
lotuspsychjehey lordievader all ok?08:33
lordievaderJup, having coffee. How are you?08:34
lotuspsychjefine here tnx08:34
lotuspsychjelordievader: nothing heard from oerheks?08:34
lordievaderNot me...08:34
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^09:35
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje09:35
lotuspsychjesunny here + coffee + irc :p09:36
EriC^^rainy here + icecream + irc09:36
lotuspsychjedid you get the ice yourself or mycroft get it :p09:36
lotuspsychjedax: can we have #test in !test again?10:35
ubot5`Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3...10:36
BluesKajHey folks11:22
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj12:49
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje12:59
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om16:14
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: O/ ... Here we go again ! . you good ?16:14
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: great tnx, and you?16:15
Bashing-omOh, we find out .. se what is going on in the channel .16:15
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: support has been pretty active today16:16
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: the 16.04 hype, very slow :p16:16
Bashing-omFrom what I gather the 16.04 release should be solid . I do not expect any problems we can not handle .16:17
lotuspsychjeyeah indeed16:17
lotuspsychjeim ready to !party already :p16:18
Bashing-omA lot of misunderstanding I expect when the users find out there is no FGLRX driver anymore .16:18
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: hmm good point16:19
lotuspsychjedax: ^ perhaps a trigger for the fglrx to radeon switch on 16.04 would be handy?16:19
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: IRT Praxis_of_Evil Might remove that old xorg.conf file and generate a new one .16:20
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: ATI/FGLRX .. in a upgrade, the release notes say the installer will take care of removing and installing the driver.16:21
lotuspsychjehi baizon16:22
baizonhi lotuspsychje16:22
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yes, but not everybody might get the point, they cant install external drivers anymore?16:22
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: and try to goto amd site anyway, ignoring it16:23
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Not for ATI in 16.04 . ATI is going all out to support opensource, and will not be providing proprietary drivers !16:23
baizonim on "linus working-style"16:27
baizongood good16:43
lotuspsychjealot of stuff goes opensource :p16:44
baizonmaybe windows some day :D16:44
baizonthen we can laugh at their shitty written code16:45
lotuspsychjebut but...MS loves linux :p16:46
BluesKajheh,  yeah sos much so that MS wants us to run linux in a container on their OS, fat chance i'll do that :-)16:47
* lotuspsychje neither :p16:48
baizonno windows for me :D16:50
baizoneven at work no windows, just some coworkers are confused when they see it :D16:50
BluesKajthey talked android into using their OS to install android/Remix OS on a partition ...what's up with that ? What convulted method to istall an operating system16:50
BluesKajinstall even16:51
BluesKajok , errands .....BBL16:52
lotuspsychjebbl aswell17:12
dax!badlock | fyi:19:46
ubot5`fyi:: The samba fixes for the badlock vulnerability are currently being tested. For more info see http://badlock.org and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2016-April/007266.html19:46
daftykinsah-ha, i was wondering if any interoperability would die today with the big SMB patches coming for Windows21:18
daxi know we're giving thought at work to disabling SMB1.0 on most of our servers23:04
daxeverything we have supports 2 except some craptacular point of sale systems23:04

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