[15:54] why does $(debconf-get... get expanded on "d-i preseed/late_command string" but not "d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string" ? [15:54] d-i preseed/late_command string cd /target/tmp && wget http://$url/lc/late.sh && chmod u+x late.sh && chroot /target /tmp/late.sh $(debconf-get mirror/suite) $(debconf-get passwd/username) [15:54] d-i apt-setup/local0/repository string http://ppa.launchpad.net/timvideos/ppa/fpga-support $(debconf-get mirror/suite) main [15:55] it's all static [15:55] er... thinking more, I think I can imagine why, and that's good enough [15:55] it just happens that late_command spawns a shell to process the string that comes after it [15:56] yeah. that' what I started to realize [15:56] boo. [15:56] hence command =) [15:56] it's not a turing complete templating language =) [15:57] for years I have just created a new dir for each release, copied the files, update the release names... [15:57] anything better?