
mapppshi all02:46
=== mappps is now known as mapps
daftykinsmornin' sir02:49
ali1234diddledan "a kernel module which is distributed separate from the kernel which interacts with the kernel via defined apis" - this does not exist, there is no defined API for kernel modules03:15
diddledanthen how do they talk to the kernel?03:16
ali1234with an unstable (undefined) ABI03:16
ali1234and the difference between your two examples is that the linux licence actually has a specific exception for the latter03:17
ali1234linus calls it a "clarification"03:19
ali1234but whatever03:19
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:47
davmor2morning all08:16
foobarrymy xbox still keeps locking up few times in the first hour08:40
foobarrythen i get an hour and half of uninterrupted gameplay until bedtime08:40
JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Tuesday, and happy Equal Pay Day! 😃08:50
popeyfoobarry: overheating?08:56
foobarrypopey: i think so - https://goo.gl/photos/gYXaY62vjx3ivyEbA08:57
foobarryoften get this type of freeze08:57
foobarryi have it positioned vertically08:57
popeyvideo corruption also looks like overheating or the gpu thermal paste going bad08:57
foobarryi'm gonna open it up to inspect for dust, although the fans seem to spin08:58
foobarryperson i bought it off must have experienced this too but didn't tell me :S08:58
popeyseems like a reasonable conclusion08:59
foobarryalso my far cry 3 disk from cex is scratched and wont play or install :(09:00
* foobarry cry09:00
zmoylan-piexcept for the part were it becomes more reliable after a time.  over heating would be it works fine at first and then fails...09:01
zmoylan-pi...unless there is some part that is expanding/warming up with the heat and then works, a fan or a heat sink09:02
popeyI bought and second hand original xbox 360 some years ago. Wifey bought me a kinect. plugged it in and it fragged the xbox09:02
popeycompletely irreversably broke the xbox09:02
popeyphoned microsoft, they said it was known and there was a repair/replace programme but that date had passed09:03
zmoylan-pithat was... nice of them09:04
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgLzJm83bZ8 this is what I'm thinking cause everyone wins when everything is equal :)09:06
foobarryhowever during the time i have moved it a few times09:07
foobarryi am plugged direct into wall socket, and last night had it next to the open window09:07
foobarrybut 2 nights in a row the freezes are more common in first hour then not at all09:07
foobarrythe power supply brick is not getting hot09:08
zmoylan-pithe really good thing about consoles is that there are so many of them that you could try searching for specific symptoms.  crashing for first hour etc.09:08
zmoylan-pihave you recently turned off the heating as summer... approaches... room it's in colder than previously?09:09
foobarryi only just acquired the console09:10
foobarrybut its in a cool room09:10
foobarrythe hard drive has been formatted and checked09:11
zmoylan-pii can see mapps's gaff from here... :-) https://twitter.com/Astro_Jeff/status/719565672267784192/photo/110:08
mappsmy little palace;)10:10
diddledanI need sleep10:19
diddledanstayed up all last night coding on my website10:19
diddledantis looking nicely purdy now :-)10:20
diddledannot mobile-optimised yet tho10:20
zmoylan-piespecially now that you added the animated under construction gifs... :-P10:22
diddledanyou mean rows of these? http://www.11points.com/images/animatedgifs/underconstruction.gif10:23
zmoylan-pia web site wasn't a real site till it had a few of those... :-)10:29
WobboHi, I am wondering if anyone knows how the change app "BirdFont" default setting font. Now I can't read anything, see the url: http://oi67.tinypic.com/1621wxt.jpg10:35
WobboOr, is there any other way to get 2 fonts in one font. The problem is that i want the Ubuntu font, it is great! But,... is has no Arabic. So, I have found a nice one. So, how do I get them in one so it can be used on my website.10:35
WobboThe reason by i want them together is that the Arabic text contains "normal" numbers, and the numbers from the Arabic fonts are terrible. And stuff like a person name in a Arabic sentence will look weird.10:41
WobboI hope someone can help me. :'(  :D10:41
davmor2Wobbo: you might be better off asking on #ubuntu if someone here is unable to help, that channel is the general help channel for ubuntu10:44
davmor2But if it is just for a website I think you can set the font as you go in tags10:45
WobboWell, I only have Ubuntu, and "BirdFont" is in the ubuntu software list.10:53
WobboThe problem is that the designer necessarily want those two fonts.10:54
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== Matrixiumn is now known as spanner
sebsebseb1 2 3 416:37
sebsebseb5 6 7 8 9 1016:37
diddledan7 minutes till facebook's f8 keynote: https://www.fbf8.com/16:39
bashrcis zuck going to proclaim universal enslavement?16:41
bashrc"you're all in my database now"16:41
zmoylan-pifacebook henceforth will have a 100 character limit to beat twitter...16:41
sebsebsebdiddledan: oh what's that?16:41
bashrcbattle of the character limits16:42
diddledansebsebseb: facebook developer conference16:42
diddledanzmoylan-pi: I'll injest your data!16:42
sebsebsebdiddledan: hmm zuckerburg will be talking in a few minutes?16:42
bashrcwhy not go up to 101 though?16:42
diddledanbashrc: too16:42
bashrcone longer16:42
diddledanin soviet russia, data injests you16:43
zmoylan-piall facebook passwords will be reset to whatever your favourite cheese is. they have learned this from all the photos that have been uploaded...16:47
sebsebsebdiddledan: looks like I am watching that now then live stremae16:49
* diddledan refrains from mentioning the perverted response to that16:49
sebsebsebdiddledan: your fault16:49
sebsebsebdiddledan: I don't even ike Facebook16:50
sebsebsebso they got enough money to have a like a proper host16:50
sebsebsebh eh16:50
diddledaninteresting the way they're doing it like a news broadcast16:53
sebsebsebdiddledan: indeed16:54
sebsebsebdiddledan: but that's what money gets them aye?16:54
diddledanare we going to leverage our shared synergies to capitalise on market penetration?16:55
diddledanthey killed his voice16:56
diddledanoh that's my speaker system16:56
sebsebsebdiddledan: whos?16:56
sebsebsebyeah it's fine for me16:56
diddledanmy speakers have a powersave mode and it decided to turn itself off16:56
zmoylan-piit's a google plot...16:57
sebsebsebzmoylan-pi: yeah they want him using Google +16:57
diddledaninterviews with randoms is always painful16:57
sebsebsebdiddledan: tehy aren't completly random?16:57
bashrcpseudo random16:58
diddledanstill painful16:58
sebsebseba few Africans so far16:58
sebsebsebshame they aren't working on open source?16:58
diddledanOSS FTW16:58
* diddledan shoves his open source in your face16:59
sebsebsebindeed OSS FTW16:59
* sebsebseb smacks diddledan around with Ubuntu on WIndows 1016:59
sebsebsebUbuntu for bash that is16:59
davmor2diddledan: you shouldn't do that with open soars they might be infected17:00
zmoylan-pionly windows gets viruses...17:00
davmor2diddledan: it was 33/33/3317:00
diddledanzmoylan-pi: STIs17:00
davmor2zmoylan-pi: ubuntu on windows you have to be more careful now ;)17:01
diddledanyou always need to wear a raincoat17:01
diddledanit's teh zuck!17:01
sebsebsebdiddledan: yep your hero17:02
sebsebsebafter Steve Ballmer17:02
diddledanno, satya nadella17:02
sebsebsebdiddledan: yeah, but you prefer the old one17:02
sebsebsebwhats that link?17:03
diddledanooh, politicals17:05
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
diddledanhe's got better at his presentations17:07
diddledanhe was really awkward when FaceBook first started17:08
sebsebsebdiddledan: I have never seen him speak bbefore17:08
sebsebsebdiddledan: public speaking is awesome, I do some of that :)17:08
sebsebsebApril 5th 1985 his brthday? or just steps17:09
sebsebsebdiddledan: stuff theya re open sourceing17:12
sebsebsebdiddledan: only stuff that dons't matter much17:12
diddledandammit, my speakers just turned off again17:12
sebsebsebdiddledan: oh that sucks17:13
sebsebsebmy sound just went down aearlier17:13
sebsebsebwhen II reid to volume17:13
diddledanI've turned the volume up a bit17:13
sebsebsebI can't get up volume stuff at hte moment17:13
sebsebsebUnity uh17:13
sebsebsebdiddledan: are you going to watch this for a few hours now :d17:13
diddledanbecause I'm a developer17:14
sebsebsebfor Facebook?17:14
diddledanI'm a webdev, and Facebook is a large requirement for clients to interface with17:15
diddledaneveryone's working on AI these days17:19
diddledaneveryone big I mean - facebook, microsoft, googlie, and apple17:19
diddledanand amazon too17:19
sebsebsebconecting sites to Facebook stuff?17:19
zmoylan-pihave people not learned from a 100 years of sci fi...17:19
sebsebsebzmoylan-pi: you mean having a big evil corporation?17:19
sebsebsebzmoylan-pi: in control of too much17:19
diddledanzmoylan-pi: aye, I for one welcome our new robot overlords17:19
diddledanFacebook built a plane17:20
sebsebsebyeah seems so17:21
diddledanthey're doing statellites too17:21
sebsebsebyep to spy on you17:21
sebsebsebin particular17:21
sebsebsebhmm so Facebook is more than just a s tupid soical netowrking si social networking site now17:22
zmoylan-pigotta expand or you die17:24
diddledanI might die from expansion17:25
sebsebsebGoogle sure  did17:25
sebsebseblook at Google now17:26
zmoylan-pigoogle should buy yahoo and shut it down six months later.  they really know how to shut down an acquisition... :-)17:26
sebsebsebwho did Google shut down already?17:27
diddledanthe latest one was a ompany that nest bought just before google bought nest17:30
sebsebseboh lucky them17:32
sebsebsebgear v r and free samsung phone17:32
diddledanno announcements there17:34
sebsebsebwhat as in you knew about all that17:34
diddledanthere wasn't really any products announced I mean17:34
diddledanjust telling us about the long-term plan rather than product announcements17:34
zmoylan-pidoes the future involve a volcano and a white cat?17:38
sebsebsebaccount kit hmm17:39
sebsebsebwhatever that is17:39
sebsebsebdiddledan: are you stil watching?17:49
sebsebsebdiddledan: you want some free basics :d17:49
zmoylan-piyou'd just have to sell your soul to zuck17:51
sebsebsebzmoylan-pi: they want to take over the owrld17:51
sebsebsebare you watching?17:51
sebsebsebworld above17:51
davmor2zmoylan-pi: but then he'd be a soulless muppet like you ;)17:52
zmoylan-pii am not soulless...17:52
zmoylan-pii'm a hoopy frood who knows were my towel is...17:52
davmor2if you sold your soul you must be :D17:52
DJoneszmoylan-pi: You're towel has been washed on a boil wash though, its now a flannel17:56
zmoylan-pii use proper steel wool towel... combat ready... :-)17:58
* zmoylan-pi watches darmok and jalad at tanagra...18:06
sebsebsebwhats on that now18:11
sebsebsebis intesting18:11
sebsebsebdiddledan: you still watching?18:30
sebsebsebdiddledan: that's better all off now ;) as of a little while ago, oh and I would have to acstaully log into Facebook to continue watching it seems18:37
sebsebsebterran: hi18:44
terranstupid question, but can someone tell me how to get a desktop terminal command app to run multiple commands?18:44
terranlike, in series18:44
Myrttidepends if you want it to stop if any of the chain fails18:47
terranNo, I don't mind18:48
terranit is only 3 commands18:48
terranto cd, build, and mono . A shortcut for a program I want18:49
terranjust dont know how to get the app to run more than one command18:49
MyrttiyouA; B    Run A and then B, regardless of success of A18:52
MyrttiA && B  Run B if A succeeded18:52
MyrttiA || B  Run B if A failed18:52
Myrttiso pick between ;, && and ||18:52
MyrttiI personally prefer &&18:53
terranI get "there was an error launching the app"18:55
terrandoes it work with 3?18:55
terranwait, do I clude all commands after "Exex=" or make secondary "exec="'s with the &&'s?19:00
MyrttiI'd use ; then19:20
bittingot a shirt from facebook today: http://imgur.com/a/6MZuP19:34
zmoylan-piyour first suspicion was when it asked you to sign in... :-P19:36
sebsebsebzmoylan-pi: it didn't for key note19:42
sebsebsebzmoylan-pi: but after when re loading etc it did19:43
mappshi all20:17
* sebsebseb feels a bit disapoinated as a techi with someone from his family20:49
daftykinswhat did they do?20:49
sebsebsebdaftykins: lose their phone about three weeks ago, but here's the thing as far as I know they also haven't really gone looking around for it properly or at all really20:50
sebsebsebunlike what we would do20:50
sebsebsebso bought a new phone uisng some Tesco phones for cheap recently though instead.  in a way could do with a slight upgrade, but not really was only using it for calls and texsta a 2011 phone would stil be fine for that20:50
sebsebsebdaftykins: it's just a item like a microwave I guess, something goes wrong buy a new one20:51
sebsebsebwhere as for people like us it would be more like, ah my phone is gone with my data and my uh ah20:51
sebsebsebthat phone might have been lost in a public place to I don't know20:52
sebsebsebdon't think any bad data on it20:52
daftykinsi'm often saddened by the lack of care for electronics in the first instance :)20:53
daftykinsmy items tend to go obsolete, they don't get damaged :D20:53
sebsebsebpopey: apparnatly no convergence for the Mx 4 at all or oficaly via Canonical, just read something a lilttle while ago on omgubuntu20:53
sebsebsebdaftykins: the lack of care for eletronics in the first place uhmm yeah I seen that before from a much younger little brother too, taking apart his phone into bits, and then throwing it into the bin eventually20:54
sebsebsebdaftykins: since there were a few issues with the Android implemntation from that make or whatever it was20:54
sebsebsebit was a cheap phone that one, but hmm20:54
sebsebsebdaftykins: I intend to keep the devices I have untill I di e or something like that20:55
sebsebsebnot reccyle a phone since it's three years old or something or bin it, like a lot of people20:55
sebsebsebdaftykins: only device I have properly damaged was the ipad, and some old lap top or two that weren't fully mine anyway20:56
sebsebsebthe computers when a kid or teenager actsaully20:56
sebsebsebthe ipad since a hard titled floor and distracting dogs20:56
sebsebsebfor the main damage20:56
sebsebsebdaftykins: its sad really the society we have,  consumerism20:57
sebsebsebdaftykins: things get or new, get a new one20:57
sebsebsebno I buy new devices but with good reason :)20:57
sebsebsebtechi reasons :)20:57
sebsebseband then as I said I intend to keep those devices for many many many eyars as well so20:57
sebsebsebI want to look back at say 2015 2016 in say 10 years and be lilke ah yes I bought duh and duh then20:58
sebsebsebdaftykins: it's a bit rubbish the idea a phone only is meant to last tsay about two years anyway, then buy a new one on a contract or whatever20:58
daftykinsthat's what is really sad about this smartphone time we live in, so many just getting abandoned for OS support and due to high-profile security woes, essentially becoming unsafe to use21:00
sebsebsebsecurity woes21:00
sebsebsebthe manufactuer not supporting it anymore you mean?21:00
daftykinswell for example android has had many issues where even a malformed MMS (not that i've met anyone that uses that :D ) can take over a device21:00
sebsebsebdaftykins: looks like I'll look at her new phone later but hm21:01
sebsebsebwhat's the MMS?21:01
daftykinspicture messaging21:01
sebsebseband yes if there is a certain bug in Android or an implemntatoin,  the phone can end up in the bin, since something didn't quite work right, and the owener of the device is to non technical to know why etc21:01
sebsebsebso the blame Android or the manufacture or both etc21:01
daftykinsbit of both really, the manufacturers eventually abandon devices since naturally times move on21:02
sebsebsebbut  really any  of todays smart phones should probably be fine as a working device for well five or more years really21:02
daftykinsyou'd hope so, i tend to find folks have them grinding to a halt far sooner though21:02
sebsebsebdaftykins: yeah they want people buying the latest21:02
sebsebseband a lot of manufactures release a new phone at least once a year21:03
daftykinsone client of mine has ditched a relatively recent Samsung Galaxy S5 because it 'was slow to open contacts'21:03
sebsebsebdaftykins: uh that's a bit silly21:03
daftykinsdidn't even ask about sorting it, he went out and bought a Microsoft phone :(21:03
sebsebseboh dear21:03
sebsebsebyeah I am not sure what my Mum has bought yet21:03
sebsebsebprobably  some Samsung phone or something it was a big Tesco21:03
sebsebsebsome sort of cheap ANdroid phone for 60 pounds21:03
daftykinsouch :)21:03
sebsebsebwell I assume it was Android!21:04
daftykinssounds quite disposable21:04
daftykinsback shortly anywho, it's Patch Tuesday in Microsoft land21:04
sebsebsebdaftykins: well her last one was from a Tesco and it was a Huwaii and it lasted fine the last few years untill recently when it's lost hmm21:04
sebsebsebdaftykins: ha ha ha of course your a WIndows tech guy etc, you got to keep up to date with that then?21:04
daftykinsno different than any OS patching21:16
daftykinsi'm actually typing from ubuntu server though, so i have regular use and exposure to the 'big 3'21:17
Azelphurali1234: You know about USB and things, I had a pretty cool idea wonder what you'd think of it. Reckon I could get some pi-like board with USB3, use USB gadget to emulate a mass storage device, and have the storage backed by a NAS/SMB share?21:57
AzelphurSo for hardware that is only expandable by USB drives (eg xboxes, DVRs, ...) I could expand their storage using a NAS with a raid array21:57
daftykinsyou'd be better off buying a WD enclosure that takes two disks (RAID-able) and has a USB connection22:06
daftykinshttp://randomnerds.com/psn-download-speed-too-slow-get-a-static-ip-address/ <-- a friend found this, it's the most cringeworthy piece of tech writing i think i've ever seen22:06
Azelphurdaftykins: but I already have a NAS with 12 drive bays and a 4x5TB RAID5 array22:07
daftykinsok, don't think that's going to be easy if even possible22:08
daftykinstoo many issues i can see22:08
Azelphurdaftykins: ack, terrible22:08
daftykinsalso, Pi IO is terrible :)22:09
Azelphurdaftykins: I dunno, I spotted this page, it actually makes it look really simple: http://www.linux-usb.org/gadget/file_storage.html22:09
Azelphuryea, hence pi-like board with USB3 rather than the pi itself22:09
daftykinsoh ok i sort of read it as an accessory to provide that USB 3.022:11
daftykinsUSB mass storage is already quite redundant for more modern devices, i've been buying enclosures with UASP support (USB Attached SCSI Protocol) which lets devices make use of e.g. SSDs or just simply make faster use of mechanical disks without the never-designed-for-this-type-of-use hangups of mass storage22:12
daftykinsnot that UASP will help when it's not a real disk behind it you'd make use of - due to the abstraction plan22:12
Azelphurdaftykins: yea, dunno it's interesting as I say, in theory one could set up a USB gadget like that, and just have the path be a mounted network share, then you have "unlimited" expandable storage for the price of a pi-like board22:20
daftykinsignoring any device addressing limitations22:22
daftykinsjust restarting brb22:22
velusunivers-syspopey, you awake and about?22:31
velusunivers-sysany news on ogg camp?22:32
popeyno. various people are discussing it, but no decisions22:32
velusunivers-sysim on the list but not hearing anything22:33
popeyyou know what i know then22:34

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