
Kilosmorning all05:30
TheMurdzMorning morning!05:34
mazalHi Kilos , TheMurdz 05:37
TheMurdzHow are you doing on this lovely Tuesday?05:37
mazalOkish and you ?05:38
mazalTheMurdz, I really like your courier's communication. Got a sms 7am this morning reminding me that delivery is today between 8am and 4pm. I like these guys , one knows what to expect when05:39
TheMurdzThat's really impressive. I'm even impressed. 05:39
mazalThat must be at least 4 sms in total since the weekend. If someone forget it's their own fault05:40
Kiloshi mazal TheMurdz 05:40
TheMurdzHeya Kilos05:40
mazalOom I struggled this morning :(05:40
mazalHad only 2g and that is dog slow05:41
mazalThen attached the 2 external antennas , now it's better05:41
mazalBack on 3g05:41
Kilosif a router has 2 antenna use them both05:42
mazalAnd 1 update is finished :P05:42
Kilosthey are there for a reason05:42
mazalA bunch to go05:42
Kilosdo 1 a day05:42
mazalJust 3 to go actually. 8gig , 7gig and 2.5gig05:42
Kilosim not sure about router antanna design but i think the 2 make up a dipole05:43
mazalI expected worse after 6 weeks offline05:43
mazalI go have breakfast , l8tr05:43
Kiloseven on a yagi, every element is needed to perform properly05:44
mazalTheMurdz, I received this now:06:14
mazalBy "mobile device" does it mean I can put it in a router , or does it have to be a phone ?06:15
TheMurdzAhh alright. Mobile device defines anything with a sim slot. So this could be a router as well.06:15
mazalNo need to call anybody ?06:17
mazalOk and just received another sms that delivery is today. Shees these guys make sure I am aware of it :)06:18
Kilosjust sit there quietly and wait06:19
mazalEk raak vreesbevange oom , ek is nie gewoond aan sulke diens nie06:20
mazalOk onto the next little to-do item. R300 of PSN credit that must be spend asap06:21
TheMurdzAny guys in here from Liquid Telecom?06:38
inetproTheMurdz: not that I'm aware of, why?06:51
inetprogood mornings everyone06:51
Kiloshi inetpro 06:54
pavlushkaGood morning inetpro !06:58
TheMurdzMorning morning! Wanted to chat to them about the za.archive.ubuntu.com. It's giving some unpleasantly slow connectivity from MTN's side.07:02
KilosTheMurdz try switching to another repo07:03
TheMurdzCool, Will give that a shot.07:03
inetproKilos: that won't solve the problem07:04
Kilosnope not if its mtn holding it back07:04
chesedoMorning all07:05
Kiloshi chesedo 07:05
Kilosinetpro do you remember to the link that maia gave us for all the pics and banners and stuff07:06
Kiloslet karl go wonder through that lot as well07:06
inetproKilos: ask her07:06
Kilosshe very busy man07:07
inetproI have no idea what you're on about and one email will not kill her07:07
inetprooh and I'm not busy anyway07:08
Kilosman you know all those drawings and cake pics and banner stuffs07:08
Kilosyes we know you only start work when everyone else goes home07:09
inetproKilos: you mean her blog?07:10
Kilosmailing her07:12
Kilosi think i gave the link to maaz but cant remember what i called it07:15
Kilosinetpro she says I uploaded all of our ubuntu assets on this site. http://spreadubuntu.org/ You could also find some official versions of the mascots and logos on the ubuntu wiki itself if I remember correctly.09:04
mazalOom Kilos , I have another question09:17
mazalTelscum gave me 2 numbers 081 180 and 081 183 for problem reports. Are those free numbers when you call from a Telkom sim ?09:17
Kilosyes from a telkom sim mazal 09:20
Kilos183 is supposed to got to the data peeps09:21
mazalThey said 180 is accounts and 183 technical09:21
Kilosbut often you it is a help desk that then puts you through09:21
Kilos180 is where you get airtime and buy data from fone09:22
TheMurdz10210 I think is free from a telkom landline.09:22
Kilosif you are using a telkom sim you use 180 and 18309:22
Kilosno need for 081 in front09:23
mazalOi , the courier is lost09:54
mazalPhoned me now09:55
mazalAnd the directions was so clear09:55
Kiloshi bushtech 09:57
KilosTheMurdz here comes you next customer09:58
Kiloswhen he gets voda to connect09:58
TheMurdz:D! Just going to be AFK for a little while, feel free to send me a DM if needed, otherwise, I'll respond when I get back.09:59
Kiloscool ty09:59
superflyTheMurdz: by the way, we broke CI nicely10:01
superflyOn Friday10:01
mazalOk , it arrived , so what did they say , follow the instructions on the pack and put it in router10:05
mazalFirst thing I wonder , the guy just dropped it off , he didn't do RICA10:06
Kilosput it in a fone and call them10:07
mazalThis thing must go into a phone it seems10:08
Kilosrouter uses sam sim10:08
mazalThere is one step that one must dial10:09
Kiloslook for man pages10:10
mazalOooh , this aint working10:17
bushtech_Hi Kilos chatted to TheMurdz already. Now to get the location of closest mtn tower out of mtn to align Yagi10:17
bushtech_we'll see what mtn's level of paranoia is10:18
Kilosgood luck that can be quite tricky at times10:18
mazal" There is a problem with your number10:19
bushtech_yep, did eventually get that out of voda10:19
Kiloseasiest is to ride with a mtn fone and watch the signl get stronger10:21
Kilosthen when you have 5 bars the tower should be vivible10:21
Kiloswhat nou mazal 10:22
mazalThis thing ain't working10:22
mazalTheir 3rd step fails with error " There is a problem with your number "10:22
Kilosput it in a fone and call mtn or afrihost10:22
bushtech_works in town but here where there is few roads it gets tricky10:22
Kilosigt most likely needs to be ricaed still10:22
Kilosoh no dirt bike10:23
bushtech_isn't there a time lag on the sim activations sometimes10:23
Kilos24 hours they say but mine have been instant10:23
bushtech_and get shot for being mistaken as a rhino poacher10:24
Kilosthey will want to see proof of residence i think10:24
Kilosok then try get the grid co-ords from them10:24
bushtech_yep, sent them a mail10:25
inetprostupid pepperflashplugin-nonfree!!!!10:33
inetprowhat flash plugin do you guys install?10:34
bushtech_no idea. I see the pepperflashplugin is for Chrome which I don't use10:43
inetprobushtech_: it works for Firefox also, but....10:44
inetproevery time there's an update it requires manual intervention because of the way it downloads a file outside of the apt processes10:45
inetproe.g., if you're behind a proxy you need to set the proxy environment before you run the upgrade10:47
inetprocan't remember now which plugin I used before which did not need this intervention 10:49
bushtech_never needed to install a flashplugin. what do you need it for?10:50
bushtech_is something not playing?10:51
inetprobushtech_: make no mistake I avoid flash where ever possible and stopping it by default with flashblock, sadly some annoying sites still need it11:00
inetprobushtech_: for example: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/11:01
inetprooh and Kilos, you can always search through the factoids on Maaz11:05
inetproe.g., Maaz: search for values containing materials11:06
KilosMaaz: search for values containing materials11:22
MaazKilos: ubuntu materials [1]11:22
KilosMaaz ubuntu materials11:23
Maazhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Materials  http://spreadubuntu.org/11:23
Kilosty inetpro 11:23
KilosMaaz coffee on11:26
* Maaz washes some mugs11:26
Kilosinetpro have a couple of cups of coffee , you start working soon11:27
Kilosohi superfly thatgraemeguy 11:27
Kiloshi there Mariusoft nice to see you back again11:28
Kilosand anton_may as well also too11:28
inetproKilos: are you not supposed to go sleep now?11:30
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!11:30
KilosMaaz thank you11:31
MaazKilos: No problem11:31
inetprocan't have coffee before sleep time11:31
Kiloscoffee doesnt keep me awake11:31
Kiloshi chesedo 11:37
anton_maydo what?11:41
Kilosi dunno11:42
anton_may<Kilos> and anton_may as well also too11:42
Kilosnice to see you back also as well too11:43
anton_mayheidi ho11:43
Kilosshould just be as well but i add stuff at times to make clever peeps think11:43
anton_mayi'm here, just busy fighting with neotel in regards to heavy packet loss on one of their routers11:44
anton_mayone of their peering routers to the saix backbone. so I guess I will not be winning this fight11:45
Kilosanton_may can you not bypass it?11:50
anton_mayja, I have an open ADSL line, this is for our hosted exchange. Waiting for the hosting company to add our IP to their FW. Have already set our FW up with new routing rules.11:53
anton_mayHosted pabx i mean11:53
chesedohi Kilos, how are you this morning :D?11:54
Kilosgood ty and you chesedo 11:54
chesedogood good ty11:55
Kilosstruggling some with stupid xp pc11:55
Kilosbad sector in bood sector11:55
* chesedo just got news that the scope showdown results will be announced tomorrow - am a bit excited11:55
Kilosnow im trying to copy paste whats needed to make it have everything to an ubuntu drive11:56
Kiloshaha what you hoping to win11:56
chesedonot first (seriously)11:56
chesedo2nd and 3rd positions are ubuntu phones...11:58
chesedoand then there is the innovations price11:58
Kiloswow that could be cool11:58
thatgraemeguyhi :)12:16
inetprochesedo: you enetered into a competition there?12:44
inetproentered as well12:44
chesedolol, ja man12:44
inetpronice! Sounds like you're having fun... 12:45
inetprohope you win that phone12:45
inetproor better12:46
chesedoyea had (it was in Feb) - still have to work on some improvements12:46
inetprowhat is first price?12:46
chesedoSystem 76 Meerkat - https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/showdown/12:47
Kilosgood luck chesedo 14:20
Kiloswhen will you know14:20
chesedoty Kilos, tomorrow14:56
Kiloswow no join/psrts today15:11
Kiloswhat happened to the internet15:11
mazalai I am struggling15:29
Kiloswith what mazal 15:30
mazalTrying to get the afrihost sim working in my vodacom dongle15:30
mazalseems impossible15:30
mazalAparently the dongle software only recognizes vodacom sims15:31
Kilosthe voda dongle works with an mtn sim in hey?15:31
Kilosdidnt you try it with an mtn sim??15:32
mazalNo was with my phones sim that is vodacom15:32
Cryterionmazal, no pin barrier on the afrihost sim?15:34
Kilosthere is a gsm site somewhere that gives you the unlock code after you give them the imei number15:34
Kilosput the sim in your fone and turn off pins if there is one15:34
mazalCryterion nope15:36
Kilosdid you rica it mazal 15:37
Cryterionchecked that the sim is working in a phone?15:37
mazalCryterion, yep , works fine in router15:38
mazalAi , and it's illigal , they may not even lock it15:39
Cryterionbut they still do15:39
Cryteriononly vodacom as far as I know15:40
Cryterioninternet devices, but not phones15:40
Cryterionthink the illegal part only relates to phones15:41
mazalOh well , there goes that plan15:41
Kiloswhat modem?15:41
Kiloswhat make15:41
Kilosmaaz google gsm usb modem unlock15:42
MaazKilos: "Huawei USB modem Unlock, Unlock USB 3G Modem, Unlock ..." http://www.modemunlock.com/ :: "How to unlock CDMA Modem / Dongle for all sim networks - Trickolla" http://www.trickolla.com/2014/03/how-to-unlock-cdma-modem-dongle-for-all.html :: "Huawei E173 Unlocked HSDPA 7.2Mbps GSM 3G USB Modem ..." http://www.amazon.com/Huawei-E173-Unlocked-15:42
MaazHSDPA-7-2Mbps/dp/B0055310KQ :: "KuWFi WIFI Unlocked Portable Pocket Mobile 3G WIFI USB Modem ..." http://www…15:42
mazalDoesn't say , is vodafone branded , probably huawei15:42
Kilosinside above the sim is a sticker15:42
mazalNope , nothing15:43
mazalI think Cryterion has it. At the very bottom it says ZTE Corporation15:44
Cryterionprobably windows based15:45
Cryterionyou might get some ideas from it15:45
Cryterionmazal, are you trying to connect via the vodacom software?15:46
mazalGonna try this: http://unlockmodemfree.biz/free-unlocking-tips-for-vodafone-zte-k3770-z-and-zte-k3772-z-modem/15:48
Cryterionmaaz: tell mazal text is identical15:50
MaazCryterion: Righto, I'll tell mazal on freenode15:50
Cryterionmaaz: botsnack15:50
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!15:50
bushtech_maaz:have a dop15:51
Maazbushtech_: *blink*15:51
CryterionHe tells to get your own beer btw15:52
Cryterionmaaz: beer15:52
MaazCryterion look in the fridge my friend15:52
bushtech_yhought he wasn't a real soufeffrican15:52
Cryterionkilos you getting better now?15:52
Kilosbetter than what?15:53
Cryterionup and about again15:53
mazalThat worked , kewl15:53
Maazmazal: By the way, Cryterion on freenode told me "tell mazal text is identical" 3 minutes and 51 seconds ago15:53
Kilosive been up and about all the time, just some days head thumps 15:54
Cryterionok, just take it easy15:54
Cryterionmazal, kwl sorted then15:54
mazalSo it's a software thing15:54
mazalCryterion, " text is identical ? "15:55
mazalWhat text15:55
Cryterionthe site I gave you and the site you used15:55
CryterionI compared and the one's a copy of the other15:55
mazalI missed your link sorry15:56
Kilosat least it works15:56
Cryterionthat's the original I think, the one you used has a missing image15:56
Kilosevil move by isp's locking them like that15:57
mazalSo in ubu , how would it be done ?15:57
mazalOr I will rather ask when that day happens , I forget to easy15:57
Kilosif its unlocked and working it will work everywhere15:57
mazalWill ask how when the time comes , will prob be in that thing you call nm oom :P15:58
Cryterionmazal, create a manual dial up connect pointing to the modem, using the following, *99# as number user and pass both as none15:58
mazalDoes it have apn setting in ubu also ?15:59
Kilosyes i just use internet there15:59
Cryterionoptions are there, just use the networks16:00
mazalk thanx16:00
Kilosyou might need afrihost16:00
Cryterionthat way you're bypassing all the software, I remember playing with doggles on windows, and preferred the manual dial-up16:01
mazalI will do now too. Is only for 2 more weeks or so anyway16:01
Cryterionthe apps were just too annoying16:01
mazalCan't wait for 16.04 that I can do this machine16:01
CryterionI waiting as well16:02
Cryterion21st I think is release date16:02
mazalI am itching !!! lol. Been more than a yeasr since a install for me16:02
mazalTime to break something :)16:02
Cryterionhopefully I get my Raspberry Thurs, then I'm working out ubuntu Mate :)16:03
mazall8tr guys , thanx for the help16:09
mazalI go abuse the PS4 now16:09
=== mazal is now known as mazal-gaming
Kilos nut case16:21
Cryterionaren't we all?16:37
magespawngood evening16:46
Kiloshi magespawn 16:48
magespawnhey Kilos, on my phone so a bit slow16:49
Kilosnp magespawn you are here16:49
magespawnvery small screen16:49
Kiloswe are growing 37 on a weekday16:51
Kilossoon we 5016:52
magespawncool beans16:52
chesedohi magespawn17:06
fusionsparcGrowing steadily...:)17:10
magespawnhi chesedo 17:18
Kilosive been battling for years fusionsparc 17:29
Kiloswe grow then shrink again17:29
Kiloscertain peeps dont want us to reach 50 so chase peeps away when we get too close17:32
Kiloswhats wrong with this site https://gitlab.com/groups/ubuntuforhope17:37
Kilosoh just very slow17:38
magespawnbrb just switching over to pc17:39
magespawnright back17:45
Kiloswb lad17:45
Kiloswb aquarat you very quiet hey17:50
magespawnso Kilos, whats up?17:58
magespawndid wolfeyes get the ssh to the server working?17:58
Kilosmazal has telkom router and contract and he has afrihost working in his dongle17:59
Kilosi think he said something about still needing to set proxies17:59
magespawngood news18:00
Kilosand the pro is still in strydom mode18:00
Kilosand we got some new peeps18:01
Kilosdunno when you last were here or who you missed18:02
Kilosyou know about TheMurdz18:02
Kilosand Mariusoft and bushtech_ and that kilos okey18:03
magespawni have been away for awhile18:03
KilosTheMurdz is with afrihost18:04
Kilosbushtech_ poaches rhino when no one is watching18:04
magespawni am not fully understanding that?18:04
KilosMariusoft is new18:05
Kiloswhat dont you understand sir?18:05
magespawnTheMurdz, is that a nick?18:05
Kilosyes he is sysadmin or something with afrihost18:05
Kiloshelped mazal get going18:06
magespawnahh right18:06
magespawnhandy to have such people around18:06
Kilosthey seem to be quite efficient18:07
magespawnwho, afrihost?18:07
Kilosyes with him pointing fingers18:07
Kilosmazal got many smsses about his sim arriving18:07
Kilosoh magespawn i got an old ladies xp pc here that the boot sector has packed up and she has tons of family pics and vids she doesnt want to lose18:10
Kiloscan i just do a reinstall and not change file systems18:11
Kilosexcuse the win question here18:11
magespawnyes you can just do not format the harddrive, the new install should detect the old install18:12
Kiloscool ty18:12
magespawnif it doesn't then you could have problems18:12
magespawnmight be better the try a recovery with a live cd/usb, then recover the files to an external harddrive18:13
Kilosi have used buntu to copy some stuff in case but not sure what all i should make copies of18:13
Kilosit  doesnt want to work18:13
magespawnusually on xp the files are under the user profile 18:13
Kilosi tried fixmbr then pc saw drive again18:13
Kilosthen fixboot and it gives some error18:13
Kilosi cant find that user profile18:14
magespawntake note of the error and use google18:14
Kilosgoogle mainly says backup and get a new drive18:14
magespawnmight be sound advice18:15
Kilosi used seatools and only 1 bad sector18:15
magespawnis it a seagate drive?18:15
Kilosand of course its right in the boot sector18:15
Kilosyes 160g18:15
Kilosseatools says it fixed it18:16
magespawnthen copy the data off, isolate the bad sector, redo the boot sector and mbr and reinstall the os18:16
Kilosi have copied lots of folders was just checking if there was anything special to do18:17
magespawnnot really18:19
magespawnhold on18:19
magespawn C:\Users\(User_Name)\18:25
magespawnwhere (User_Name) is the login name18:25
Kilosty ill try find that18:25
Kilosim in it from 12.04  atm18:26
magespawnit is possible to have things else where, but most people keep all their files there18:26
magespawni have to go now, got a drive to bed, chat later18:27
Kilosgo well an ty18:27
mazal-gamingxp didn't have a users folder did it ?18:27
mazal-gamingWasn't it documents and settings ?18:28
Kilosi dont see it no18:28
mazal-gamingAnd in that is the user folder18:28
Kilosi have copied the whole docs and settings18:28
magespawnmight have been, it is going back awhile18:28
mazal-gamingyeah , been a while18:28
mazal-gaminghi magespawn btw :)18:28
magespawnhi mazal-gaming 18:29
magespawncheers all18:29
mazal-gamingOk break over , back to COD :)18:29
Kiloscheers magespawn 18:29
pavlushkaHi Kilos!18:29
Kiloshi pavlushka 18:29
pavlushkaHi every one including inetpro !18:30
pavlushkaKilos: i've seen you being busy all day, the irc guy!18:33
pavlushkai've given you this name in my mind long before.18:34
pavlushkaok Kilos , good for this night! :p18:36
pavlushkasee ya guys!18:37
inetprohi pavlushka18:37
inetprooh and hi everyone else, as well as the irc dude as well18:38
pavlushkainetpro: I have just 1 Q b4 I leave.18:38
inetproyes Kilos, that is you18:38
inetpro1 Q?18:38
Kilospavlushka dont be lazy and use cell abbreviations18:39
Kilosquestion is the word18:39
inetpropavlushka: shoot18:39
pavlushkainetpro: how come you figured that link!!?? https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+editlocation18:40
pavlushkaKilos: I am feeling sleepy, lol18:40
inetpropavlushka: how come or just how?18:40
pavlushkaok how?18:40
inetpropavlushka: I've seen the +me documented in some help pages before so I went on a hunt to find it when you had the problem18:41
* inetpro is a hunter gatherer18:42
pavlushkawow, I've seen it again!18:42
pavlushkathanks inetpro , good night.18:42
inetproos is that hunter-gatherer?18:42
pavlushkainetpro: ???18:43
Kiloscaveman peep18:43
inetpropavlushka: just fixing my spelling mistake18:43
Kiloso+ blood group18:44
pavlushkacopy , buy guys!18:44
inetproKilos: so what did you want to tell me?18:55
Kiloshello inetpro my buddy18:56
inetprohave you guys noticed the apt upgrade on 14.04?18:56
Kiloswhat apt upgrade18:56
Kilosi used apt upgrade this morning18:56
inetproKilos: do you not look at what gets upgraded?18:57
Kilosis there something else added now18:57
inetpronot that many man18:57
Kilosjust explain what you found18:57
inetprothe new apt now has more options18:58
Kiloseven more?18:59
inetpropreviously you just had very few18:59
Kiloslibgudev-1.0-0 libpam-systemd libsystemd-daemon0 libsystemd-login0 libudev119:00
Kilos  libudev1:i386 systemd-services udev19:00
Kilosthose are what shows now to be upgraded19:01
Kilosthis morning was many19:01
inetprolook at this mornings upgrade19:01
Kilostoo far19:04
inetproKilos: less /var/log/apt/term.log19:04
inetproor 19:05
inetprotail /var/log/apt/history.log19:05
KilosLog ended: 2016-04-12  21:02:0519:06
Kilosno man19:06
Kilostoo much reading19:07
KilosUpgrade: libsystemd-login0:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), systemd-services:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), libsystemd-daemon0:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), libgudev-1.0-0:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), libpam-systemd:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), udev:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), libudev1:amd64 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-5ubuntu20.19), libudev1:i386 (204-5ubuntu20.18, 204-19:08
Kilosja less is better19:09
inetproKilos: was that this morning?19:09
Kilosdont ai! me man 19:09
Kilosi dunno19:09
Kilosthats all it showed19:09
inetprolook at the dates man19:09
KilosStart-Date: 2016-04-12  21:01:4619:10
inetproso that is this morning? No19:11
Kilosanyway apt works so im happy19:14
Kilosnow may i go sleep please sir19:14
Kilosthats you inetpro 19:15
Kilosohi superfly 19:15
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:15
superflyhi Kilos19:15
inetproKilos: are you tired or what?19:15
Kilosalways ive caught your bug19:16
inetprosuperfly: please fix him up there19:16
Kilosfly also tired19:16
inetprooh my19:16
inetproKilos: good night sir19:16
Kiloslol night my friend19:16
Kilossee you all tomorrow19:17
* superfly gets a wrench out19:17
inetprotoo late now19:17
inetproanyway, the apt upgrade is just a minor update anyway19:17
chesedoinetpro: you still got the rest of us curious..19:43
inetprochesedo: haha, you mean with apt?19:43
inetproonly noticed later that it was actually not a big deal... or rather...19:44
inetprodifficult to see exactly what changed19:44
=== mazal-gaming is now known as mazal
inetproaptitude changelog didn't reveal anything19:44
inetprowb mazal19:45
chesedostill, what is 'it' that is hard to see?19:45
inetprochesedo: what changed19:45
inetproMaaz: is changelogs.ubuntu.com up?19:46
Maazinetpro: Yes, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/ is up19:46
inetproService Temporarily Unavailable19:47
chesedoinetpro: maybe https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+changelog , but which version19:48
inetprofollowing URL has a 503 error: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/a/apt/apt_1.0.1ubuntu2.5/changelog19:49
chesedomine on
inetproUbuntu 14.04.4 LTS version of apt is 1.0.1ubuntu2.1219:50
chesedoso https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+changelog#detail_apt_1.0.1ubuntu2.519:50
mazalSleep well guys19:51
inetprochesedo: so that would be at http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-updates/apt19:52
chesedook, seems like will have to wait for that page to come up19:53
inetprowait... 19:55
inetproI found it with the help of your link: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/1.0.1ubuntu2.1219:55
inetprogets very confusing with all the different releases19:57
* chesedo also logs of for the night19:57
chesedoat least i only keep track of the latest19:58
inetprogood night chesedo19:58
inetprochesedo: I was actually hoping that the autoremove option amongst others would be available now on 14.04 but sadly is not there20:05
superflyhey chesedo20:29
superflyoh, he's gone already20:29

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