[07:27] ATTN: Xubuntu Core 16.04 - amd64 - installer crashed [07:28] Unit193: I'll keep trying when they turn up :) [07:29] knome: ack re articles - glad you've managed to login in at least once :) [07:30] Bah, well thanks for trying at least. [08:37] was able to log in on the first try now as well.. [08:41] ...and second time [11:26] Unit193: if you want to play with breaks/replaces, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/1569281 [11:26] Launchpad bug 1569281 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Appstream xml is stored in wrong package" [Undecided,New] [11:26] my quick attempts this morning have failed, but I'm probably just missing something small [12:19] like a 64px icon :p [12:31] knome: meh - stupid mailman message size - got a message in moderation [12:31] or anyone else who happens to have the key to the cupboard :p [12:32] flocculant: You want to re-send without the image? I can allow if not. [12:33] guess so :p [12:33] stupid mailman ... [12:34] Unit193: delete the one that's too big for mailman but ok for elsewhere :D [12:34] thanks [12:34] Wilco. [12:34] Johnson [15:53] flocculant: put the RC testing request on g+/fb/twitter [16:30] pleia2: thanks :) [16:31] thanks for all your work tracking this all through the cycle, I know how tedious this job is, but important for keeping us all on track [16:35] I don't often feel like you're all children who need the naughty step - so everything seems to be working :p [17:25] hi guys, how are you ? I would like to ask you if the xubuntu wiki on wiki.ubuntu.com will be dropped and replaced by wiki.xubuntu.org ? [17:25] Or will you use both in the same time ? [17:30] we've moved the content we can to wiki.xubuntu.org, we likely won't delete the one on wiki.u.c completely since a lot of thinks link there [17:30] afaik we still can't move the meeting agenda because we use includes there that we haven't quite sorted out on w.x.o [17:31] s/thinks/things [17:31] Also the output from meetingology doesn't work directly. [17:31] yeah, it's in moin syntax, not doku [17:34] ok, so you will still use both, but you will try to use w.x.o in most of cases ? Okay, nice ! [17:35] Isn't Doku close to Mediawiki? It's already got one for that. [17:37] Unit193: they're all close ;) [17:37] Well... Real close then. :P [17:42] Hello every one! [17:42] pavlushka: hello [17:42] davmor2: !!! [17:42] hi :p [17:43] hello pavlushka [17:43] Hello flocculant ! [17:43] Hello davmor2! [17:45] I filed a bug #1567516 that hasn't been confirmed and hasn't marked duplicate but that is fixed now as I am not experiencing now after update [17:45] bug 1567516 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "The default indicators set has a blank button." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1567516 [17:46] I've even added a sceenshot as a visual proof. [17:49] so it's not a bug? [17:49] might be it was good to discuss every bug about 16.04 here so that you can confirm, it happened once. [17:50] that you confirmed parole bug. [17:50] flocculant: I dont know, you tell me. [17:51] ... [17:51] pavlushka: YOU said "I am not experiencing now after update" [17:51] yes [17:53] ok - so if you aren't seeing it after an update in a dev version then we can mark it invalid or something [17:54] if you think it should be , then you must, you guys are dev. [17:55] I have no opinion but kinda confused. [17:56] pavlushka: not sure what's confusing [17:56] you said something was a bug - then you don't see it [17:57] if it's been fixed because of an update - good [17:57] but you can't add what's fixed it [17:57] we can mark it as not a bug [17:57] yes, and ok , on your words. [17:58] or just ignore it and in time it will get marked (can't remember how off hand) [17:59] so I think what I'm going to do is just ignore it - even if it IS a bug - it's not something that Xubuntu has control over - so we would have to wait for someone else to deal with it [18:01] flocculant: if you think so. but next time I must knock about bug here, [18:01] pavlushka: if it's something we can help with yes [18:01] well, that is to find out. [18:02] not every package that Xubuntu includes is something that the Xubuntu team is involved in [18:02] in fact most are not [18:02] hmm, copy. [18:02] might be it was good to discuss every bug about 16.04 here so that you can confirm, it happened once. [18:02] ^^ for instance isn't the case completely [18:03] I get bugs with things I use - if it is not something that is under our control - I take it elsewhere [18:04] flocculant: sorry, you are getting over my head, I am to much stupid to understand that. [18:04] *too much [18:04] pavlushka: ok I'll try and simplify what I mean by that [18:05] I report bugs in things like clementine and hexchat - I don't talk about them here - we have no control and no interest as a team [18:05] some things like gnome software - we use - we don't fix - so I go talk about them where they *can* be [18:06] does that make sense? [18:06] Things still on my list: Indicators using massive amounts of CPU, ubiquity crashing. [18:06] really? [18:06] Yes flocculant , I am sure about hexchat and there is a #hexchat for that but when I am not sure, may be you people can make me sure. [18:07] Unit193: ind's that is ? [18:07] pavlushka: then perhaps if you're not sure - ask in -offtopic if it's something we're interested in first :) [18:08] flocculant: Not made much comment on it because it's only reproduced on one Xenial install, so just stopped using indicators there and shruged. [18:08] :) [18:08] not noticed anything like that - or reports [18:08] flocculant: copy that. but once you and knome told me that it should be asked here first too and then if it's offtopic, we will move there. [18:09] I've changed my mind [18:09] lol, ok [18:10] pavlushka: between now and next Thursday I am going to be interested in pretty much one thing only [18:10] testing iso's [18:10] I've seen your mail. [18:11] flocculant: Yeah, with the sound indicator or pulseaudio it's far worse, but xfce4-indicator-plugin is bad enough by itself. Anywho, only seen it in one of 3 Xenial installs, so filed it under voodoo. [18:11] \o/ [18:11] ^ [18:12] definitely not seen anything like that with pa indicator [18:12] and Hi Unit193 ! [18:12] Hallo. [18:12] ola! [18:14] pavlushka: this is a good case - pulse audio control - we use that - we do some things with it - but I have a bug where a webcam interferes with it - when you have the specific sound card I have - so I took that bug upstream [18:16] flocculant: can you tell me a little more about "when you have the specific sound card I have - so I took that bug upstream"? [18:17] I had a bug, you'd see it if you had a webcam plugged in with usb AND the soundcard I have - different soundcard - no bug - so I reported it upstream, where someone looked, confirmed it, eventually the fix will land there - and because it's upstream everyone will get the benefit [18:19] flocculant: sorry for the bother, what do you mean by upstream, tell me once and I will never ask you again. [18:19] xfce is upstream to xubuntu [18:19] debian is upstream to ubuntu [18:19] and us via us being based on ubuntu [18:19] sih [18:19] ish [18:20] wow, I didn't know that, [18:20] so I went and reported the bug somewhere else [18:21] that'll have to do now - I'm in the middle of a bunch of other stuff [18:22] hmm, copy that, I've seen your bug conversation about hexchat though. [18:41] knome: worked a bit on the wallpaper pad thingy [19:23] hi everyone, hi flocculant ;) Thank you for your answer and your patience ;) [19:24] hi Nairwolf [19:26] I hope the release will be good. [19:27] After the final release, I will try the upgrade for myself with a backup computer by cloning my actual configuration (I have some ppa), and if it works, I will do it for my 'real used' computer. I've understood that upgrading tests isn't for now, but I will notice you the result. [19:28] For this week, I should be able to test some isos. [19:28] Nairwolf: generally the upgrade isn't offered immediately, so nice to get upgrade tests, but iso testing is more important right now [19:31] Yes, I understand perfectly. And as I said, it's for my personal use case, and I will do it *after* the release. Iso testing will be my concern also this week ;) [19:32] I've discovered Xubuntu (and linux world) with 14.04 two years ago, that's why I'm asking so much question about upgrade, because it will be the first time I will do that, and the first time I'm waiting a LTS release. [19:39] :) === oranges_ is now known as green-oranges [20:41] bluesabre, just noticed today that https://translations.launchpad.net/xfpanel-switch wasn't yet translated into pt [20:41] it is now ;) [20:55] pleia2, helllooo [20:56] pleia2, social media time [20:56] pleia2, https://xubuntu.org/news/my-media-manager-cloud/ is out [20:57] ^ thanks for all contributing [20:57] k [20:58] pleia2, and thanks for enduring with me [20:58] knome: thanks for doing all the work, sorry I'm so snowed under over here [20:58] no problem [20:58] easy now that most of the stuff is written [20:59] (and i can log in to wordpress sites) [20:59] g+ and fb done [20:59] thanks [20:59] oh good, logins are working again [20:59] yeah, looks like they are [20:59] was having trouble with fridge last night [20:59] no problems today morning or evening [21:00] great [21:00] so [21:00] one more article tomorrow [21:00] then thursday is free from articles [21:00] then another on friday [21:00] and the final one on tuesday [21:01] for these series, that is [21:01] of course we need other stuff [21:02] woo [21:23] cyphermox: I don't suppose LP 1549085 and https://bitbucket.org/snippets/unit193/ERyrq/ubiquity-crash are one and the same, are they? That'd be pretty handy, though they crash at different plugins. :P [21:23] Launchpad bug 1549085 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 16.04 daily Feb 23 ubiquity return 1 after choosing locale (zh_CN) & prompt for keyboard settings , then crash" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1549085 [22:07] bluesabre, in xenial, which wallpapers are installed by default? [22:07] new contest winners and our own stuff [22:07] or old contest winners too? [22:08] knome: just the old for new installs, both for old installs [22:08] er [22:08] just the new [22:08] :D [22:08] :D [22:08] oki [22:09] bluesabre → http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/04/12/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t20:41 [22:10] slickymaster: yeah, missed it, and translation deadline is now gone [22:10] slickymaster, ahahahahah! [22:10] my fault anyway [22:10] slickymaster, add that to the wiki so you'll remember next time [22:11] just noticed it today [22:11] ok [22:16] bluesabre: That doesn't mean you can't upload it still though.