compdoc | Canonical Releases LXD 2.0 Next-Generation Container Hypervisor for Ubuntu 16.04. So is this better/replacing qemu-kvm? | 00:46 |
justintv90 | Hi | 00:51 |
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RyeHal | When 16.04 is released, does anyonoe have an opinion of upgrading vs. fresh install? any experience upgrading? | 02:11 |
Madhumper69 | ryehal what version of ubuntu are you currently running? | 02:20 |
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RyeHal | Madhumber69: I currently use 14.04 | 02:24 |
virtuosoj | Does anyone know how to install Spotify on 16.04 successfully? I'm having problems | 02:55 |
squinty | virtuosoj, fwiw, decide to check out spotify install ( even though i don't use it) and following the directions at it installed without any problems. | 03:02 |
squinty | virtuosoj, seems it's also available via 16.04 repo's spotify-client-0.9.17 | 03:06 |
squinty | virtuosoj, anyways off to watch some tv with the wife..... hope you get your problems sorted out. :-) | 03:08 |
Oderus | what is the default window decoration program and theme lockations for kubuntu 16.04? | 04:39 |
Beelsebob | <- interesting bug | 04:41 |
Beelsebob | 0 packages eh? | 04:41 |
Oderus | anyone know what is the default window decoration program and theme lockations for kubuntu 16.04? | 05:36 |
DiamondSword | Mike1, how can I make TLP both work on plugged in and plugged off? | 06:35 |
DiamondSword | I think it only runs when plugged off.. | 06:35 |
[1_a] | nacc: i updated my kernel to 4.5.1 | 06:44 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 08:13 |
mariusko | I have troubles with Docker daemon in 16.04 beta: | 08:49 |
mariusko | "start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.178" (uid=1001 pid=11507 comm="start docker ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/upstart ")" | 08:49 |
mariusko | See | 08:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1569763 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?" [Undecided,New] | 08:49 |
mariusko | I had to use the upstart startup alternative as the other one didn't work | 08:49 |
mariusko | Also ubuntu-bug is segfaulting... | 08:50 |
lotuspsychje | pezet91: see daily iso url | 09:08 |
lotuspsychje | in topic | 09:08 |
pezet91 | thanks, i see ;) | 09:08 |
lotuspsychje | pezet91: just keep in mind its still in development right now | 09:08 |
lotuspsychje | !final | pezet91 | 09:09 |
ubottu | pezet91: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal. | 09:09 |
pezet91 | i know ;) | 09:09 |
lotuspsychje | ok good luck | 09:09 |
pezet91 | thanks | 09:09 |
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]Oscar | I'm trying to install 16.04 beta 2 on an SSD, but it crash with grub-uefi. It is impossible to close the error windows, so the crash report does not start, and there is no bash active... Can I help you with this in any way? | 09:56 |
lotuspsychje | !uefi | ]Oscar | 10:30 |
ubottu | ]Oscar: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 10:30 |
pezet91 | hello, how to disable x server in ubuntu 16.04 on system start? | 10:49 |
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BluesKaj | Howdy all | 10:55 |
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thresh | hi. Why does systemctl now says 'Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nginx; bad; vendor preset: enabled)' ? | 12:07 |
thresh | it was 'Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nginx)' in 15.10. | 12:07 |
thresh | what does "bad" mean? | 12:07 |
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ha55an | question, anyone having issues with openconnect VPN not showing up under network manager? | 13:37 |
ha55an | install openconnect and network-manager-openconnect-gnome, but when creating vpn, I only see vpnc, and pptp, no openconnect | 13:38 |
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justintv90 | How can i connect remotely to my windows vps via RDP on Ubuntu? | 13:53 |
ha55an | justintv90, there is a client preinstalled called Remmina. | 13:55 |
justintv90 | Thanks | 13:57 |
fjg | hey quick question, is steam working yet on 16.04? | 13:59 |
lotuspsychje_ | fjg: should be, if its not !bug | 14:00 |
lotuspsychje_ | fjg: there is also #ubuntu-steam and #gamingonlinux if you like | 14:01 |
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fjg | cool thanks! will try and report back | 14:01 |
fjg | hm, steam not starting up after install finishes. | 14:08 |
jtaylor | fjg: amd gpu? | 14:09 |
jtaylor | if so you need to preload a i386 libstdc++ | 14:10 |
jtaylor | and some things won't work anymore | 14:10 |
jtaylor | the problem is amd doesn't support linux anymore with their driver | 14:11 |
jtaylor | it *might* get fixed at some point, but thats probably in the many month time scale | 14:11 |
jtaylor | but at least their new free in-kernel drivers work very well for the desktop | 14:12 |
jtaylor | just not so great for games | 14:12 |
jtaylor | the commandline to start steam on 16.04 is: LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/" steam | 14:13 |
jtaylor | and then you just ahve to test what still works and what doesn#t | 14:14 |
fjg | that works, thanks! | 14:14 |
fjg | ok, will explore a bit and take note of any bugs, thank you again | 14:16 |
mariusko | Any ideas about this one?: | 14:24 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1569763 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Cannot start with upstart in 16.04 beta" [Undecided,New] | 14:24 |
jtaylor | upstart is still used? | 14:24 |
jtaylor | fwiw docker starts for me with an machine upgraded from 14.04 | 14:24 |
jtaylor | service start | 14:25 |
jtaylor | though probably the correct command is now systemctl | 14:25 |
teward | is disabling plymouth splash screen still the same as before? That is, editing the grub settings, and removing the "quiet splash" options in the grub cmdline linux default items? | 14:36 |
lotuspsychje_ | teward: yeah txt booting should be "" instead ot "quiet splash" | 14:37 |
lotuspsychje_ | and sudo update-grub before reboot | 14:37 |
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teward | lotuspsychje: thanks, wanted to make sure it was still the same | 14:40 |
alkisg | dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc allows one to do that with dialogs instead of editing text files | 14:41 |
lotuspsychje | alkisg: nice trick | 14:42 |
alkisg | (and you don't need update-grub afterwards either) | 14:43 |
teward | alkisg: indeed, nice trick, but i'm old-school ;) | 14:59 |
alkisg | well, then updating grub also warns about user-modified configuration files, so it's an additional reason to learn new tricks :) | 15:00 |
teward | :P | 15:04 |
teward | alkisg: that must be new, because /etc/default/grub has never caused those errors when I update it | 15:04 |
teward | even with upgrades | 15:04 |
alkisg | teward: all configuration files give prompts when they are first changed by the user, then a new packaged version comes out | 15:06 |
alkisg | You may have been lucky to not get an updated version | 15:06 |
alkisg | It's not specific to grub, it's how conffiles in debian have worked for ages | 15:06 |
lotuspsychje | alkisg: on my 850 pro ssd, i almost see nothing of plymouth anymore, so im not changing to txt boot anymore | 15:08 |
lotuspsychje_ | another xenial bug i found | 15:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1569970 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Nautilus does not start" [Undecided,New] | 15:35 |
kallo82 | Hello | 15:38 |
lotuspsychje_ | hi kallo82 | 15:38 |
lotuspsychje_ | what can we do for you? | 15:38 |
kallo82 | im a PHP Developer, is it safe to install 16.04 , install oracle java and apache2 and mysql ? | 15:38 |
lotuspsychje_ | kallo82: 16.04 is still in developing, not ready for daily use until final | 15:38 |
kallo82 | is there any risk factors up to this moment ? | 15:38 |
SwedeMike | kallo82: see what the topic says. | 15:39 |
lotuspsychje_ | at 21 april, final releases | 15:39 |
kallo82 | at final should i reinstall or only install updates ? | 15:39 |
SwedeMike | kallo82: updates. | 15:39 |
lotuspsychje_ | !final | kallo82 | 15:39 |
ubottu | kallo82: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal. | 15:39 |
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
kallo82 | Is it stable at this moment ? | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | kallo82: yes, but that doesnt mean nothing cant go wrong | 15:41 |
teward | lotuspsychje: see my comment on the bug | 15:41 |
lotuspsychje | teward: lets c | 15:41 |
teward | lotuspsychje: E:UnableToReplicateInStockUbuntu | 15:41 |
teward | (from the latest daily and a fresh install dist-upgrade'd) | 15:41 |
teward | lotuspsychje: you've got a modified desktop entry though for nautilus autostart, with 'display=false', that's not the 'stock' entry that I see in my fresh install | 15:42 |
teward | as i said in the bug | 15:42 |
lotuspsychje | hmm | 15:42 |
teward | otherwise, I get similar error outputs, but there's no 'fatal death' here | 15:42 |
teward | (and the only reason I figured you have a different .desktop is cause Apport added it, and indicated it was modified) | 15:43 |
SwedeMike | kallo82: if you want to be even more certain, I'd wait 3-6 months after final release. It's all a matter of how much risk of breakage you can tolerate. | 15:43 |
=== Bluefoxicy_ is now known as Bluefoxicy | ||
lotuspsychje | teward: NoDisplay=false change to true right? | 15:44 |
kallo82 | SwedeMike: i think so , my laptop is for business use im not gona take the risk, whats the linux kernel version in this release ? | 15:44 |
kallo82 | SwedeMike: is it v 4.2 ? | 15:44 |
teward | lotuspsychje: ah, i misread, but yes that's the only difference between you and the default install on the daily | 15:44 |
SwedeMike | kallo82: | 15:45 |
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lotuspsychje | teward: same error output | 15:46 |
teward | lotuspsychje: stupid question, but are you sure everything's up to date? | 15:46 |
lotuspsychje | letys find out :p | 15:47 |
teward | because it seems like you are having an issue where the default installs aren't actually having issues | 15:47 |
mariusko | jtaylor: " unrecognized service" | 15:47 |
lotuspsychje | teward: updating.. | 15:48 |
teward | lotuspsychje: also, those 'errors' you see don't appear to be critical errors, they're the GTK warnings, etc. that I always see when executing 'nautilus' from the command line | 15:48 |
teward | (so nothing 'new' there) | 15:48 |
lucas-arg | hey guys i have an i5 ivybridge cpu with intel 4400 video card. i have to put xhci_hcd.quirks=262144 in kernel options to enable shutdown of my laptop properly, i think i might be configuring something wrong?? | 15:48 |
jtaylor | mariusko: sorry just docker now, it used to be | 15:48 |
lotuspsychje | teward: well i start from terminal, because gui icon doesnt wanted to find out | 15:49 |
mariusko | Failed to start docker.service: Unknown unit: docker.service | 15:49 |
teward | lotuspsychje: you may wish to include that in your bug. | 15:49 |
teward | to state that you tried in CLI after trying to open it from the GUI | 15:49 |
teward | but, again, default doesn't break, so... | 15:49 |
mariusko | with systemctl. service docker restart gives "start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.127" (uid=1001 pid=16100 comm="start docker ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/upstart ")" | 15:50 |
lotuspsychje | teward: lemme update and reboot first | 15:50 |
mariusko | I use upstart as boot option as the normal one stucks at "kubuntu" logo | 15:50 |
teward | mariusko: were you root user when you ran `service docker restart`? Did you use `sudo` with the command? | 15:50 |
teward | (I see that error when I run `service * restart` (where * is any service) and I am not using sudo) | 15:50 |
lucas-arg | laptop reboots instead of shutdown no idea? | 15:51 |
lotuspsychje | sudo reboot | 15:51 |
lotuspsychje | teward: nautilus back in action | 15:53 |
teward | lotuspsychje: always make sure you have everything updated before filing bugs | 15:53 |
teward | especially with the devel release | 15:53 |
teward | something may have been interfering, so either a reboot or an update or both fixed things :P | 15:53 |
lotuspsychje | teward: ill mark it solved | 15:54 |
teward | lotuspsychje: I assume we can mark the bug as "Invalid, it actually works now." ? | 15:54 |
teward | ok | 15:54 |
lotuspsychje | ok | 15:54 |
teward | if you comment that it was fixed after updating and rebooting, I'll 'Invalid' the bug | 15:54 |
lotuspsychje | teward: invalid and solved :p | 15:57 |
mariusko | teward: sudo yes | 15:57 |
mariusko | Uhm, actually not, but when I am, then it gives "docker start/running, process 21133" but the process is not there | 15:58 |
dave0x6d | Hmm, did something change in the way Ubuntu deals with PAM? | 15:58 |
mariusko | $ sudo /usr/bin/docker daemon | 15:59 |
mariusko | FATA[0000] Error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver: "/var/lib/docker" contains other graphdrivers: devicemapper; Please cleanup or explicitly choose storage driver (-s <DRIVER>) | 15:59 |
mariusko | What does that mean? | 15:59 |
mariusko | Solved by removing /var/lib/docker/devicemapper | 16:03 |
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ZrL` | hi there, i try to upgrade to 16.04 for some tests with update-manager, but there is nothing to upgrade... | 18:45 |
ZrL` | someone can help me ? | 18:46 |
k1l_ | cli or gui? and what is your actual release? | 18:46 |
ZrL` | with gui, and i'm on ubuntu gnome 15.10 | 18:47 |
k1l_ | alt+f2, then "update-manager -d". the -d is for developer | 18:47 |
ZrL` | already done | 18:47 |
k1l_ | since its not done yet and you might break your system | 18:47 |
ZrL` | and it says that i'm already up to date | 18:47 |
ZrL` | k1l_, i'm ok with that | 18:48 |
k1l_ | what is "lsb_release -d"? | 18:48 |
ZrL` | Description:Ubuntu 15.10 | 18:48 |
ZrL` | i have disable all PPA | 18:49 |
k1l_ | hmm | 18:49 |
ZrL` | change mirror to main server | 18:49 |
k1l_ | "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" does it work? or bring errors in terminal? | 18:49 |
ZrL` | update, upgrade & dist-upgrade | 18:49 |
ZrL` | zoreol@kb-avalaptop:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d | 18:50 |
ZrL` | Recherche d'une nouvelle version d'Ubuntu | 18:50 |
ZrL` | Aucune nouvelle version trouvée | 18:50 |
ZrL` | in french ;) | 18:50 |
ZrL` | no new version found | 18:50 |
ZrL` | no errors too :) | 18:50 |
k1l_ | could be due to some ubuntu servers got hardware failure and they are replaced right now. it was which was needed for upgrades | 18:51 |
ZrL` | k1l_, sad story :( | 18:52 |
ZrL` | i'll wait then, thanks for your help | 18:52 |
alkisg | ZrL`: grep ^P /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ==> what's the output of that? | 19:01 |
ZrL` | alkisg, i'll try | 19:02 |
ZrL` | Prompt=normal | 19:02 |
alkisg | Hrm, ok, if it was "Prompt=never", it would explain it | 19:03 |
BluesKaj | ZrL`,LTS only ? | 19:13 |
drhalan | hi all. i am trying to build qtcreator 3.6 on xenial. however i always get this error ¨Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: help". any idea what package i could be missing? | 19:24 |
drhalan | also. why isnt qtcreator 3.6 in xenial? :( | 19:28 |
nacc | !latest | drhalan | 19:36 |
ubottu | drhalan: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 19:36 |
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pepee | hi. did you people notice the amount of memory that mysql uses in xenial? | 21:10 |
uebera|| | pepee: Are you referring to a certain situation in particular? (I'm currently testing w/ the 10.1.13 Wily packages; in a three-node galrea cluster, the first node consumes 158.8MB upon startup--not too bad) | 21:21 |
uebera|| | have not looked at mysql v5.7 until now, though. | 21:23 |
pepee | uebera||, right after being installed, it uses 500+ MB | 21:23 |
pepee | this is mysql, though, not mariadb | 21:24 |
uebera|| | "impressive". | 21:25 |
uebera|| | pepee, have you had a look at ("ps and other system status programs may report that mysqld uses a lot of memory. This may be caused by thread stacks on different memory addresses. [...]") | 21:30 |
pepee | oh, nice, I just broke the whole thing by trying to remove mysql/install mariadb | 21:32 |
uebera|| | yes, this is a known problem (if you were using mysql 5.7), see Ubuntu launchpad. If you purge everything, it'll eventually work, though ;) | 21:33 |
pepee | yeah, I noticed that the configs/dbs were still there. thanks for the suggestion | 21:34 |
stststs | can I get the debian installer to use 4.4 kernel for a trusty install? I'm able to use newer kernels from here: and I would assume that xenial-netboot would contain the 4.4 kernel but that doesn't seem to be the case? do I just have to wait until xenial is released or something? the xenial kernel package is already available from the trusty | 22:43 |
squinty | stststs, this channel is for 16.04 support trusty is in #ubuntu | 22:47 |
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argentininanlost | hey guys, in 14.04 i could install nvidia and use nvidia-settings to make a xorg.conf file and make it work so i can have all configured, but in xential it does not work | 23:22 |
argentininanlost | is there any way i can do this?? | 23:22 |
pepee | bah, he left :( | 23:37 |
House_ | hi all. i've got SSSD+AD integration working on a headless install of 16.04 server. what's the right/best way to allow users (me & gf) to mount smb shares from my NAS, without giving full sudo to each user? | 23:47 |
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