
ahoneybunmhall119: 600:06
mhall119ahoneybun: you're putting a Column in a PageHeader?00:46
mhall119ahoneybun: did you mean for the Column to be the PageHeader.content ?00:49
ahoneybunidk tbh00:55
ahoneybunI fixed somethings00:55
ahoneybunbut when I move to a new page with pagestack the old content is still there00:56
ahoneybunmhall119: ^00:56
ahoneybunI put a } on the end of PageHeader so it should not be that way00:57
ahoneybunso I think I'm doing something wrong with PageStack01:00
mhall119ahoneybun: you should define your root page in a separate QML file01:01
mhall119or at least outside of the PageStack01:02
mhall119ahoneybun: see how I did it here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ureadit/4.0/view/head:/Main.qml#L8401:02
ahoneybunmm don't really see it01:03
ahoneybunso I put the PageHeader under01:05
ahoneybunmhall119: this shows it in01:05
ahoneybunmhall119: 601:05
ahoneybunyour code is so crazy ahead of me01:09
ahoneybunthat does make it better01:11
ahoneybunmhall119: one of my ListItem is being pushed into the header01:12
mhall119ahoneybun: try changing your Column to a ListView01:22
ahoneybunmm I added topMargins to anchors01:26
ahoneybunListView is better?01:26
ahoneybunthat broke everything01:27
ahoneybunmm I have a back button on the rootpage01:31
mhall119a Page will look for a Flickable child, and will use that to set the clipping for the PageHeader. Since ListView is a Flickable type, that's usually all you need to get around the header overlap issue01:31
ahoneybunidk what I'm doin anymore01:32
ahoneybuncan we screenshare XD01:32
mhall119ahoneybun: want to put it up on etherpad for me to look at?01:32
ahoneybunhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15803335/ main.qml01:32
ahoneybunI need a hangout to talk lol01:33
* mhall119 is lazing on the couch with the dogs01:33
ahoneybunhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/15803342/ home.qml01:33
mhall119I can do a hangout tomorrow if you have time then01:34
ahoneybunalright I want to get this ready then get it ready for a tablet UI01:34
ahoneybunit looks better then the current store version at least01:34
ahoneybunwith the new PageHeader I don't really need to use PageStack anymore01:35
ahoneybunbtw you can do a voice call with no video lol01:36
ahoneybunso if I leave it on the same qml file it does not show that back button on the home page01:43
tgm4883So looking at packaging. How can I setup debian packaging and have it install a file to a different location based on which version of ubuntu it's being installed on02:09
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matv1hm is setting automaticOrientation deprecated?08:12
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immesys_sorry, repeating, my internet died. Where can I see an example QML file for a desktop app with title, menu bar etc12:38
immesys_I'm especially struggling with getting device scaling to work, my laptop with HiDPI screen has ridiculously small fonts12:40
immesys_and I don't know if I am supposed to use ApplicationWindow as my root or something else12:40
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mhall119pmcgowan: bzoltan: is 15.04.4 the current development (moving target) framework, or is it stable now? Was it part of OTA-10?15:22
pmcgowanmhall119, part of ota 1015:23
mhall119ok, so it's "current", what is the new "development" framework?15:23
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mhall119pmcgowan: ^^ ?15:46
bzoltanpmcgowan: i think it is safe to assume that it is 15.04.515:58
bzoltanmhall119: ^15:59
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mhall119thanks bzoltan16:10
mhall119bzoltan: pmcgowan: I've updated the API docs on developer.ubuntu.com to use 15.04.4 as the current framework16:15
mike00hi all, how can I add a translation to my app?18:57
mike00what I have to write in the .pot file?19:00
rahnhaHi, i am newbie. Is there any way to create database file locally (using sqlite) for scope then update that file through entrying data through scope and also show data fron database file on scope......19:18
mike00How can I create the .po file?19:42
mike00I have some problem with my app on launchpad, so translators can't translate my app yet.. :(19:43
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mike00please, is there anyone in this channel?19:59
JanCmike00: usually you create a .pot file using a special tool like xgettext, then the translators create .po files using a translation tool/editor (e.g. Launchpad)20:09
mike00I have already the .pot file20:10
mike00and I've got some problems with launchpad20:11
mike00I modified the .pot with gedit and then save it as en.po is it correct? the SDK create me also the mo directory...20:13
mike00I set my phone language to English but the app isn't translated...20:15
rahnhaHi, i am newbie. Is there any way to create database file locally (using sqlite) for scope then update that file through entrying data through scope and also show data fron database file on scope......20:15
mike00I think you can try with U1.db api, but On my pc doesn't wotk and I'm not sure...20:16
rahnhaok, thanks.20:18
rahnhabasically i want to create scope, which will create datafile and update that using option on scope then present the data in graph.....I am curious it will work for scope?20:20
rahnhaalso i am curios about using golang for scope development..... where can i find api for golang for scope20:26
rahnhaon official site... it showing for c++ and javascript20:27
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