[00:51] tsimonq2: dholbach can probably help you with that site when he's back online tomorrow [00:51] IIRC, it's generated from some docs branch somewhere [00:54] mhall119: alright thanks :) [01:48] is the Q&A about Snaps on classic Ubuntu going to be an ubuntu on air thing? re: http://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/04/13/snaps-for-classic-ubuntu [01:49] oh, it says it right there [01:49] it is :) [01:49] good job brain, you get there eventually [02:42] pleia2: heh [02:43] that's me after I ask a question over IRC about half the time :P [06:06] good morning [06:06] hi dholbach svij [06:07] morning Kilos and dholbach [06:07] hey Kilos, hi svij [06:07] marcoceppi, please ping me when you're up later on === cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston === knome_ is now known as knome === kloeri_ is now known as kloeri [11:24] dholbach: hey, you mind giving me a hand? bug 1569561 against the packaging guide is a bit weird and I'd like to be able to just branch from Bazaar. [11:24] dholbach: it's againast 4.2.2 [11:24] *against [11:25] I saw there was a bug report, but I'm too busy to look into it any time soon, sorry. [11:25] Try asking in #ubuntu-motu [11:25] I'm sure there's somebody there who can help [11:26] someone responded saying something about UDD being dead... [11:26] it's not dead, but it hasn't received a lot of love lately [11:26] but as I said: I'm quite busy with a couple of other things right now, so #ubuntu-motu might be more helpful [11:26] sorry about that [11:27] alright, I'll just respond in the bug report, probably the best option ;) [11:27] alright that's fine :) [11:27] cool [11:29] OK... I looked at the bug report [11:29] it will be harder to fix [11:29] and I won't have the time [11:39] :) === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 [17:11] there's a podcast episode named "Blame Popey for ZFS" [17:11] indeed [17:11] They crowdsource their episode titles [17:12] and "blame popey" is a common suggestion they never use [17:12] we've reached peak popey [17:13] hah [17:20] this show is pretty good [17:20] who are these guys [17:20] "popey's attempt to get zfs in ubuntu" lol [17:33] Blame Popey for ZFS | LINUX Unplugged 140 [17:33] hmm... [17:33] lol [17:35] popey: so let me get this straight [17:35] if I buy a mycroft [17:35] your voice will be an option [17:39] yes [17:39] in theory its the default voice [17:40] man, that's awesome [17:40] I would buy one just for that [17:40] is there an example? [17:41] popey: I have an echo but I would totally dig a popey [17:41] no, not yet [17:41] only finished recording this week [17:41] ah ok [17:56] jcastro: I've watched for a while now, good show, that's Chris and I think the other guy is...Matt? :) [17:57] wow lol popey :D === JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose === zequence_ is now known as zequence === \b is now known as benonsoftware === Empyrium_ is now known as Empyrium