=== YoBoY_ is now known as YoBoY === knome_ is now known as knome === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 [19:49] Hi pleia2, are you responsible for maintaining help.ubuntu.com? I'm seeing frequent HTTP 500 responses, as well as occaisonal very long load times for certain pages. I'm wondering if this is a known issue? [19:50] thomi: Canonical IS over in #canonical-sysadmin handles the actual hosting of these servers, and yes, it's been a known issue for some time [19:51] pleia2: are IS responsible for the code maintenance, or just the hosting? [19:51] unfortunately the moinmoin wiki software doesn't seem to haev been built for the scale we're using it at [19:51] ahhh, ok [19:51] thomi: code maintenance? [19:51] well... "fixing the bugs" :D [19:51] all we do here in ubuntu-doc is work on the actual documentation :) Canonical IS manages the software and servers [19:51] ahh, ok - thanks [19:51] and I have a meeting to run off to now, bbl [19:52] I'll head back to IS who sent me here in the first place :D [19:52] thanks for your help! === zequence_ is now known as zequence === \b is now known as benonsoftware