
zequencezsyncing the ISO now. Still no change to ubiquity05:21
zequenceSeems to install, and seems like everything is where it's supposed to be05:39
zequenceJust realized the slideshow was still saying we include shotwell, so removed that05:52
zequenceI'm not going to bother with this, so if someone else would like to fix this, be my guest. I'm about done with this cycle now.06:19
zequenceBug 156969706:19
ubottubug 1569697 in ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio lightdm background is black before first login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156969706:19
cubWhat was the channel for off topic?08:57
sakrecoercub: #ubuntustudio-offtopic09:32
sakrecoermy tired eyes red 'zequencing the iso now'09:33
sakrecoeri think kryten had a fix but i also know he is busy elsewhere atm... i'll see if i can reach out and let him radiocontrol me :D09:34
sakrecoerre: bug 156969709:35
ubottubug 1569697 in ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio lightdm background is black before first login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156969709:35
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sakrecoeri've got a few very insightfull hints from krytarik about the lightdm issues, but he lacks time to assist me in doing it.. i understand about 77% of what needs to be done... anyone want to join me in squashing the bug? :)15:24
krytariksakrecoer: Huh?  I said it's not about *my* time - doing it right now.15:25
sakrecoeroh.. sorry, i missunderstood... not sure i grasp the difference.. however, i didn't mean to put a wrongfull light on you...15:32
OvenWerkschecking new alsa-utils package. Some new QT5 stuff too.16:12
OvenWerkszequence: despite your email, the list of updates in the past few days is quite long :)16:28
OvenWerksthough I do expect our changes will be low.16:29
zequenceOvenWerks: Right, there may be some changes to the base stuff16:31
zequenceBut, nothing in particular to the multimedia stuff, I would think, other than subsystems and pulseaudio16:32
zequenceOvenWerks: Did the alsa-utils thing get fixed?16:37
OvenWerkszequence: not sure yet, have to reboot again. The /run/alsa directory is still not there, but there is not a message about alsa in dmesg this time.16:39
OvenWerkszequence: the plymouth theme is much nicer. But on boot it goes by so fast as not to be seen :)16:40
OvenWerkszequence: alsa-utils is still not working. /run/alsa still does not exist.17:02
OvenWerkszequence: but then it did not exist in older versions than x either. 17:23
OvenWerkszequence: alsa re/store has changed signifcantly from 14.04.17:26
OvenWerkseven from early 16.0417:29
OvenWerkswill try by manually creating /run/alsa.17:48
OvenWerkszequence: tried manually creating /run/alsa... vanishes on reboot.18:00
sakrecoerwas about time i tried the gnome-software center :D completly passed me by somehow..18:01
sakrecoer(that would have been a good candidate for "favourites")18:09
sakrecoergood thing we kept greybird, the gnome window doesn't look to foreign next to it18:09
OvenWerkssakrecoer: why would you put a software installer in favourites?18:15
OvenWerkssakrecoer: it gets high use... (well once use to install synaptic) right after install... after which it never gets used again.18:17
zequenceSoftware should have been put in favorites. We could still do it, though it's not exactly a critical bugfix18:17
OvenWerksfavourites should only have applications people use almost every time they use the computer18:17
zequenceWell, software is likely one of those18:18
zequence..not counting nerds like us18:18
OvenWerksnot after the first few days.18:18
zequencePeople don't even know it's there18:18
zequenceTwo things I'm missing from favorites, just to simplify things for people - software and system settings18:19
OvenWerkszequence: there is truth in that. It's item lable in the desktp file doesn't help.18:19
OvenWerkssettings has it's own icon already.18:19
zequenceAlso, qjackctl has some merit being there18:19
zequenceYep, but it's not self evident for non XFCE people18:19
OvenWerksqjckctl +118:19
zequenceI even didn't know right away where the logoff button was, not being used to Windows style18:20
zequenceUsed to having that in the top right corner with the system functions18:20
OvenWerkscertainly settings in favourites would mirror the system appliactions menu.18:20
OvenWerksI think xubuntu has software in settings.18:21
sakrecoerOvenWerks: settings is always visible18:21
sakrecoerit's got super-favourite status :)18:22
zequenceI wouldnt' care too much about duplicating things. Better it is really simple to find the important stuff18:22
sakrecoer:) yeah :) i was reflecting about software because it took we a while to find it first, until i searched...18:23
sakrecoerit's got a new name appart from having a new icon18:23
zequenceDon't think a regular user appreciates the amount of difficulty a new user may have18:24
OvenWerkszequence: I was wrong, xuxbuntu has software in favourites.18:25
OvenWerksSo we can follow that.18:25
zequenceSo, I would put those three there, actually. 1) qjackctl 2) software 3) system settings18:25
sakrecoerfont manager? :p18:25
zequenceIs that something one would use every day?18:26
zequenceqjackctl is a really fundamental tool. You always start with that18:26
OvenWerkszequence: it is one right click to remove something from favourites after one gets tired of them :)18:26
sakrecoerif you work with graphcis, and have as many fonts as we distribute, you would use it a lot... but i'm not convinced it qualifies, so i'd say it doesn't18:26
zequenceAlso, should we disable the hover thing? Not sure how Xubuntu does that18:27
OvenWerkszequence: I like hover because it means less clicks to get somewhere.18:27
sakrecoerxubuntu has the hover off last time i checked... i for one would like it removed18:27
OvenWerksI think I added that. feel free to take it out.18:27
OvenWerkshover is sort fo second best to using the applications menu.18:28
OvenWerksThe applications menu is faster than whisker. But if people like whisker that is fine too.18:29
zequenceOk, so I'll prepare two bug reports, just to be pedantic about the two changes that we are making18:29
zequenceSo, anyone disagree with adding the three favorites I mentioned?18:29
sakrecoeri'm in favour18:30
OvenWerksas discussed. my likes are not important I agree it will help newbys18:31
* OvenWerks will not be using whisker as his daily application starter.18:32
sakrecoeryour likes _are_ important OvenWerks :)18:32
sakrecoerbut i get your point18:32
zequenceHeck, I don't even use Ubuntu Studio as my daily system. But, I do use it in my studio18:32
OvenWerkssakrecoer: to a point, but ease of use for first time users is more important.18:32
zequenceFirst Bug 157005118:33
ubottubug 1570051 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "whisker menu is missing some favorites" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157005118:33
sakrecoeri use ubuntustudio all day everyday :318:34
sakrecoeri also happen to be the newbiest of us all :D18:34
zequenceI'm a Debian/Gnome person myself18:34
zequenceI do rather use Ubuntu Studio in the studio. It comes alive there18:35
sakrecoernice diaporama fix zequence. maybe we could have made a new screenshot of "software" but it would also imply changing the text.. and it works as is..18:35
OvenWerksMy personal desktop is US, but there is a server, two xubuntus and a kubuntu as well. (plus a raspian)18:36
sakrecoerah, servers and rasps :p they work alone, if not they are badily configured :D18:36
zequenceOvenWerks: What do you have on your server? ubuntu?18:36
OvenWerkszequence: yes. 14.0418:37
zequenceI actually use Ubuntu for my Steam machine as well, but for servers, only Debian18:37
sakrecoermy servers also run ubuntu18:37
sakrecoermain one is still 12.04 tho. the 14.04 one is collecting dust on a shelf atm18:37
OvenWerksthe server is headless and cli only.18:38
zequenceI have one rasbian too18:38
sakrecoeri put osmc on my my rasp18:38
zequenceBug 157005218:38
ubottubug 1570052 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Hover setting in whisker menu was not intended and should be removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157005218:38
OvenWerksthe RPi is going to be the brain for my HW control surface.18:38
sakrecoernice OvenWerks ! :)18:39
zequenceOh, please confirm both bugs, just to be sure18:39
OvenWerksdone, both confirmed18:40
OvenWerkszequence: I will also add it to the iso tracker.18:41
OvenWerkszequence: I have added it to post install on the QA site so it will show in the "bugs to watch for" area.18:44
zequenceOvenWerks: Ok, thanks.18:44
zequenceI'll be making the changes right away and uploading. With a little luck, they will have passed through before tomorrows build18:45
zequenceIf anyone would like to take a look at the lightdm bug, pleas do18:45
sakrecoerit seems kryten is fixing the lightdm bug18:45
zequenceOh, nice18:45
sakrecoeryes! <318:45
zequencekrytarik: Is that true? Cause, then I'll wait with uploading until you're done18:46
* OvenWerks didn't notice something wrong with lightdm.18:46
sakrecoerOvenWerks: no background on first boot18:46
sakrecoeralso the icon-theme is missing..18:47
OvenWerkssakrecoer: Ah, no default bg then.18:47
sakrecoeri should probably file a bug for that one...? because i think krytarik is fixing that too..18:47
zequencesakrecoer: That would be good, yeas18:48
OvenWerksI just wish it span screens though :)18:48
sakrecoerok, going at it :)18:48
zequencesakrecoer: When I do these bug reports, I just go to http://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio and report it there. Then, I repurpose it for the package in question18:49
zequenceIf it were a linux bug, I would use the terminal, in comparison, to gather all the info about the system. Also18:49
sakrecoerok, i'll do like that then :)18:50
zequenceIf I need a sponsor, I'm more particular with the bug reports18:50
zequenceIn this case, it's good to have bug reports so that the archive admin can see that I'm not uploading junk18:50
sakrecoerzequence: by "repurposing"... what do you mean? Changing the "Affects" field?18:52
zequencesakrecoer: Exactly18:53
zequencesakrecoer: Put the package name under "Package" and save18:53
zequenceor, next to, to be more precise18:53
sakrecoerlightdm gives me loads of results ...18:54
sakrecoerbut it is ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme right?18:54
sakrecoeror is it ubuntustudio-default-settings ?18:55
zequencesakrecoer: It's the theme, but, we seem to have somewhat duplicate stuff in -default-settings18:55
zequenceSo, I would use ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme in this case. If there are fixes in both packages, the bug will be mentioned in both18:56
sakrecoerok thanks! :)18:56
zequencesakrecoer: Right, you could add more packages, if you want. But, I'm not sure if both are involved18:56
sakrecoerBug #157005618:57
ubottubug 1570056 in ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme (Ubuntu) "Icon-theme missing in lightdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157005618:57
zequenceA worse problem, btw. Just noticed. The keyboard layout in lightdm is in English for me18:58
zequenceWe've had that in the past, but we fixed it by removing a package18:59
zequenceI'll report that too. I wouldn't know right away how to fix it though18:59
sakrecoerzequence: you didn't change lightdm theme to numix it appears? i'm with it anyways, since we keep the greybird windows.19:01
sakrecoeri'm *fine with it19:01
zequencesakrecoer: No, I didn't. Next time maybe we can work out those details a little sooner. Felt like it wasn't worth stressing this time19:03
zequenceActually, I'll need to double check the keyboard layout19:04
sakrecoeri like it better likeit is now. i mean, i was out for "consistency" anyways :D19:05
sakrecoerdoesn't make sense to have dark dialog boxes and bright app windows in my world :D better bright windows, period :)19:05
zequenceYep, the keyboard layout in my newly installed system is US English19:05
zequenceLet's try to fix our own dark theme for next release, or at least before the next LTS19:06
zequenceOne thing I would like to get rolling is backports, so I will probably do that as a hobby this summer.19:07
zequence(though, I need to check what snappy means in the infrastructure of things first)19:07
sakrecoerzequence, i tried to create a new user with a password with characters that are different between swedish and english and i had no problem19:10
sakrecoerah, but i see your chat now :)19:10
zequencesakrecoer: You should see the keyboard layout at the top bar19:10
zequence..of the login window19:10
zequenceUnless you changed it, it should be US English after a fresh install19:11
zequenceIf you haven't had that in an older installation, this may be due to a recent change19:11
sakrecoeri have it in swedish19:11
zequenceWe had this problem before. I'll need to look more into it, but don't have time more today.19:12
zequenceBig 157006019:12
zequenceBug 157006019:12
ubottubug 1570060 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Wrong keyboard layout with Ubuntu Studio" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157006019:12
sakrecoerbut i picked swedish in the live-iso menu19:12
sakrecoeri realized that if i picked english, i had to set it appropriately when selecting the keyboard layout in the install dialogue when installing within a test-session19:13
zequenceThis is only in the login window. Not in the desktop session19:13
sakrecoeryes, yes19:13
sakrecoerit is in swedish here Sv_se19:13
zequenceSo, could be it is quite a recent change that does this then19:14
zequenceBoth my recent installs have this problem19:14
sakrecoerbut like i said, if you pick english in the live-boot menu, you have to actively chose swedish layout in the install dialogue after19:14
zequenceYes, but that part works either way - the desktop gets the right keyboard layout19:14
sakrecoeri think it is in the order of input panels in the install dialogue19:14
sakrecoerno, it didn't 19:15
zequenceI did that way too, for one of my installations. Didn't make any difference19:15
sakrecoeri rebooted, because i had first picked english, and i couldn't type "@" in a terminal19:15
zequenceYou're talking about the live ISO now. Not the installation19:15
zequenceIf you want to confirm, do a new installation today to find out19:15
sakrecoerthe isntallation from live-boot19:15
zequenceYou're talking about the keyboard layout during installation, not after it19:16
zequenceAnyway, I have some work to do now. bbl19:16
sakrecoerzequence: once installed, i have it in swedish19:16
sakrecoerbut the hole system is in swedish19:17
zequencesakrecoer: Just do an install today to confirm, ok?19:18
zequenceOtherwise, you are talking about something else19:18
sakrecoeri just did!19:19
zequencesakrecoer: You installed today, and the keyboard layout in the login window is in Swedish?19:19
zequencesakrecoer: Is your language also in Swedish? (mine isn't)19:20
zequenceI have two recent installs with the same problem. One of them I did just a few hours ago19:20
zequencesakrecoer: Instead of rebooting next time, just go into system settings and change the keyboard layout there. Doing it in the boot menu will have no extra effect19:21
sakrecoeri installed it 20 minutes ago19:24
sakrecoerchosing swedish did affect my live-session, and then at install swedsih and swedish layout were already selected19:24
zequencethe live session is irrelevant19:25
sakrecoeryes i know19:25
zequencesakrecoer: So, not only your keyboard layout is Swedish, but also the launguage setting, is that right?19:25
zequenceOk, so try using English language and Swedish keyboard layout19:26
zequenceThat at least gives a clue to the problem19:26
zequence..when installing, that is19:26
sakrecoerok i will try that19:26
zequenceProbably whatever is selecting the keyboard layout is doing so based on language instead of keyboard layout19:48
krytarikzequence_, sakrecoer_: Done.20:49
zequence_krytarik: Ok, thanks. Will check it out20:56
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
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zequencekrytarik: Seems like you really cleaned up that package20:59
zequencekrytarik: What does the option "keyboard=onboard" do?21:01
krytarikYep, quite a bit. \o/21:01
krytarikLink the accessibility thingy to the already installed Onboard.21:01
zequenceAh, right. Accessibility.21:02
zequenceOk, going to upload both packages now.21:02
zequenceSome kind of problem with the changelog. 21:03
zequencekrytarik: Did you test build it?21:03
zequencekrytarik: The other one was -default-settings21:04
krytarikNope, didn't - no idea what that could be.21:05
zequencekrytarik: April. On my Debian system, it needs to be abbreviated toApr21:07
zequence"Apr", that is21:07
krytarikOh crap.21:07
zequenceI'll fix it.21:08
krytarikLet me fix that.21:08
zequenceI might as well, since I'm already doing it21:08
zequenceYep, that was it :)21:08
krytarikNah, I want the history right.21:08
zequenceOk, be my guest then21:09
zequencekrytarik: What are you using to edit the changelog. Not dch?21:09
krytarikYeah, doing it manually still. :P21:10
zequencekrytarik: Did you push yet?21:46
krytarikzequence: Yep, just. :P21:48
krytarikAnd sorry for the noise. :321:49
zequencekrytarik: No problem. But, I would probably start using dch, just to make my life easier :)21:50
krytarikYeah, I figure as well - every time I fiddle with that line manually. :P21:51
zequencekrytarik: Hmm, you overwrote the bzr branch. I suppose it is legit to do sometimes, but it means the one who pulls must do the same21:57
zequenceNot exactly the like the linux kernel repo with huge amounts of activity, but could potentially cause some headache21:58
krytarikYeah, I know. :321:59
sakrecoer_what is "noise" in this context?22:26
krytariksakrecoer_: That I had to fix the "April" one - and on top of that '--overwrite'. :P22:27
sakrecoer_ah, like side-effects, collateral damage to one's time? :D22:29
krytarikAnd possibly one's inbox, yes. :P22:32
sakrecoer_aah of course! collateral damage thing didn't quite sound right in the situation..22:34
sakrecoer_zsynch is giving me a 7.1% diff since i synched earlier this evening :D is it already uploaded and build?22:37
zequencesakrecoer_: usually builds at around 20.0022:40
zequenceOr, before. I guess, UTC time. Not sure22:40
zequenceThere are rebuilds sometimes too22:41
zequence..but not today22:41
=== sakrecoer_ is now known as sakrecoer
sakrecoerget that weird bug again with the "download updates while installing" geryed out. Says "no internet available" but im writing this from that machine..23:31
sakrecoerbug 156171623:32
ubottubug 1561716 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Download updates while installing Ubuntu Studio" greyed out in installation dialogue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156171623:32
sakrecoerhehe, earlier today failed to see shotwell is still in the slides... i guess the slides aren't uploaded yet, zequence ?23:41
sakrecoerzequence: confirming the keyboard layout bug. it set US english on the login screen.23:53
sakrecoersystem is in english, and i specifically set the layout to swedish. once logged in its all good, but still, the password being hidden and all...23:55

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