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lazyPowerGreetings, I've got a question about projects in relation to jujucharms and how launchpad is setup to warehouse charms which seems like a very specific tier of preconditions that have to be met in order for anything to work in here...11:47
lazyPowerI've got a charm project that exists in a user namespace, but anytime you attempt to file bugs, it states that the package doesn't exist in the jujucharms collection. If i remember correctly this is due to how charms work in launchpad, that only a promulgated charm gets this via aliases11:48
lazyPoweris there a way i can alias a project? As the new charm store is decoupled from launchpad, and its entirely reasonable to want bug tracking on a package that only exists in a users namespace11:48
cjwatsonNot really, I'm afraid.  The best you can do is add a bit of text that points people to some top-level project that you use for bug tracking (perhaps only for bug tracking).11:54
wgrantBut it's not clear that the charms distro still makes sense in the new world, in which case aliases are irrelevant.11:55
wgranteg. you'd file bugs against https://launchpad.net/postgresql-charm rather than https://launchpad.net/charms/+source/postgresql11:55
wgrantThe latter was a hack that was meant to be replaced three years ago anyway.11:55
wgrantlazyPower: Why do the branches need to stay under https://launchpad.net/charms?11:55
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lazyPowerwgrant well, it doesnt now that you've said that12:42
lazyPoweri agree12:42
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MezAs there's nothing in the topic... Issues with launchpad atm?14:37
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=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Firefighting: one haproxy frontend failed | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cjwatsonsysadmins are investigating14:41
tjaaltontopic says "one haproxy frontend failed", did it also break ppa builds?15:27
tjaaltonthey're stalled15:27
cjwatsontjaalton: We stopped buildd-manager for the duration to avoid compounding the damage.15:27
cjwatsontjaalton: Should be back up soon.15:27
tjaaltonok, cool15:28
cjwatsonTurns out the buildd-manager really doesn't like half its librarian uploads failing.15:28
giovinois it safe to assume this CA error is related to the haproxy being angry15:37
cjwatsongiovino: How long ago was that?15:40
cjwatsongiovino: Both frontends look OK to me at the moment.15:40
giovinolet me test again15:40
giovinoi’m seeing it right now on a this15:41
giovinoDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS15:41
giovinoit could me just me in theory… ?? i didn’t test too much as i noticed there were many issues with launchpad…15:41
giovinohere’s the full output15:43
giovinosame error on os x box from same Internet connection15:44
giovinosame error on ubuntu box in AWS too15:45
giovinoprobably not just me :)15:45
cjwatsongiovino: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15832590/15:47
giovinohmm how could i see it on three different boxes two different networks?15:48
cjwatsongiovino: Perhaps they all happen to have very out of date CA certificates?15:49
cjwatsonI don't know, but it doesn't look like a Launchpad problem to me15:49
giovinoos x too?15:49
giovinohmm ok15:49
cjwatsonOh, hmm, I see it from another network15:50
giovinogood.. i’m not insane15:50
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cjwatsontjaalton: should be better now15:54
cjwatson(and your earlier upload was reprocessed)15:54
tjaaltoncjwatson: cool, thanks15:54
cjwatsongiovino: still looking, but I think this is unrelated to the outage15:55
giovinook.. i’ll do some reserach too.. how it first popped up for me is ansible yelled at me when it was trying to add and ppa15:56
giovinomy guess something has changed.. the first thing i did was to look to see if lanuchpad has a new ssl cert which it does not appear it does15:56
cjwatsongiovino: can you find an HTTPS site that *does* work on the affected systems?15:58
cjwatson'cos on mine I get the same on slashdot.org, sourceforge.net, reddit.com, microsoft.com15:59
cjwatsonwhich rather suggests it's a local problem15:59
giovinohmm .. github.com throws same error too15:59
giovinoyea ok.. letting launchpad.net off the hook.. i suspect we’ve (the internet) have some other issue16:01
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tjaaltonsomething wrong with the publisher still?16:40
cjwatsontjaalton: please can you give details if you have a problem16:41
cjwatsonit's not fun to have to guess :)16:41
tjaaltoncjwatson: sorry :) https://launchpad.net/~freeipa/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages opendnssec has been trying to get published for some time16:41
cjwatsonThere does seem to be something wrong there; let me see.16:43
tjaaltonI did upload -1.5 quickly after 1.4 when things were somewhat offline, then deleted those and uploaded 1.6 which then built16:43
tjaaltondunno if that has something to do with it16:44
cjwatsonThe publisher has been globally stuck since the nutmeg outage.16:44
tjaaltonahah, ok :)16:45
cjwatsontjaalton: Should recover soon.16:53
tjaaltoncjwatson: cool, thanks!16:53
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tjaaltonLP is really slow syncing with debian23:02
tjaalton18h since I uploaded sssd point-release there23:03
tjaaltontomorrow maybe..23:04
wgranttjaalton: Debian may be having dak issues; all the mirrors I see are about 20 hours23:08

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