
n-iCe's back01:41
CapprenticeHI! Im getting this error on Lubuntu 15.10: e1000e 0000:00:19.0 enp0s25: Reset adapter unexpectedly [  197.382071] e1000e: enp0s25 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: None02:58
CapprenticeIs there any way to fix it?02:58
CapprenticeI have enabled ip forwarding in it as Im currenlty deployed it as the HTTP cache for my Network.02:59
CapprenticeIf you need any further info pls ask.03:00
Caerushello, maybe someone can point me in the right direcction. Is there any form of throtlewatch for cpu in lubuntu/ubuntu?06:04
CaerusI have an old pentium m laptop with lubuntu that i mostly use for reading/programming but when i sometimes watch instructional videos the temps go all the way to 71-72 celsius.06:05
hateballCaerus: Well, it's possible to throttle yes... but if watching videos uses more CPU then that is for a reason06:08
hateballSo you'd most likely end up with choppy/unusable videos06:08
Caerusvideos look fine on lower resos but they stutter on hd so i reckon it is throttling, i just wanna be sure at what temp06:09
emersont1why would my lubuntu just hang on the blue booting up screen, but is fine in recovery mode06:09
hateball!info cpufrequtils06:09
ubottucpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 008-1 (wily), package size 37 kB, installed size 227 kB06:09
hateballCaerus: You can use that ^06:09
emersont1!info lightdm06:10
ubottulightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.16.7-0ubuntu1 (wily), package size 118 kB, installed size 640 kB06:10
emersont1!info ssdm06:10
ubottuPackage ssdm does not exist in wily06:10
Caerusthank you hateball, appreciate it.06:10
emersont1!info sddm06:10
ubottusddm (source: sddm): modern display manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.0-0ubuntu11 (wily), package size 245 kB, installed size 1092 kB06:10
hateballCaerus: so what you want to do is set the scaling governor to powersave, to run at lowest possible speed06:12
hateballCaerus: you can also do it manually with something like: echo powersave |sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor06:13
Caerushateball, i'll try that, if it doesn't work all to well i'll just watch videos on the desktop pc, think im pushing the edge on this hardware06:14
emersont1why would my lubuntu just hang on the blue booting up screen with no sign of moving on, but is fine in recovery mode06:15
Caerusstill tho, this lxde on lubuntu really brought this beaten up laptop back to usefulness :D06:15
Caerusemersont1, were you messing with modprobe before that started happening?06:16
hateballemersont1: can you edit grub options and remove "quiet splash" so you can see where it hangs?06:16
emersont1okay, i can bet my bottom dollar where it is though, i thought a reinstall would fix it06:17
emersont1i bet it's an fsck thing06:18
Caerustry running it on recovery mode?06:24
=== leszek_ is now known as leszek
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
Guest02Lubuntu 14.04.4 My skype freeze and when i shut it down stop / kill it will not run anymore. It is allways shut down after i start it. What can be wrong ?22:30
n-iCeno idea22:30
n-iCeworks fine here.22:30
n-iCepurge files22:30
n-iCeand try again22:30
wxland don't install from the repos, but from the skype site itself22:30
Guest02How can i remove skype ? It is installed from canocial.22:31
n-iCesudo apt-get remove skype ?22:31
Guest02Is i have to use that coomand only or can i remove it in synaptic where i install it ?22:38
n-iCewhere ever you want22:39
n-iCeis the same22:39
n-iCejust uninstall it22:39
Guest02What is the diference between mark fro removal and mar for complete removal ?22:41
ianorlinn-iCe, synaptic package manager22:46
n-iCecompletely remove will remove configuration files in /etc directory, but never touch personal configuration files in your home folder, that can only be removed by hand.22:46
ianorlinnot synaptics that is for touchpads22:46
n-iCeI know.22:46
n-iCeComplete removal is equivalent to sudo apt-get remove --purge application22:46
n-iCeComplete removal is equivalent to sudo apt-get remove --purge application22:47
n-iCeso I would use it22:47
Guest02Why is it better to install from the skype site instead of synaptic ?22:47
n-iCeGuest02: dude, uninstall the synaptic package22:48
n-iCeand install from the site22:48
n-iCedownload the .deb and install it from there22:48
n-iCeGuest02: do you know how to open a terminal?22:48
Guest02Yes but i rare use terminal.22:49
n-iCeok open it22:49
n-iCesudo apt-get remove --purge skype22:49
n-iCeand type Y when asked to remove all.22:49
n-iCeonce you did it download this: http://get.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-6422:50
n-iCesave it, once downloaded, go in the terminal to /home/youruser/Downloads22:50
n-iCeand write: sudo dpkg -i skype-ubuntu-precise_4.3.0.37-1_i386.deb22:50
n-iCeand that's all.22:50
Guest02Will try it soon. Just removed the skype folder manually.22:51
n-iCeGuest02: apt-get remove is better22:51
n-iCejust type what I told22:51
Guest02I removed in synaptic first then the folder it was still there.22:51
Guest02I think it give the same coomands.22:51
Guest02Is the skype beta ?22:52
Guest02A new skype then.22:52
n-iCedownload and install22:53
Guest02Why a beta is it a later version then ?22:54
n-iCehttp://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ use the one you want22:54
n-iCeI'm telling you how to make things work, and you are not listening.22:54
n-iCeI know it works, because I use it.22:54
Guest02There is several versions. I dont know what file i shud use.23:00
n-iCethe one I told you...?23:00
Guest02there is for ubuntu 12 ubuntu 10, debian fedora dynamic opensuse..  it must be ubuntu but there is 2.23:02
Guest02I have not muc idea.. I use synaptic mostly.23:02
Guest02And i dont know how to run them in terminal.23:03
n-iCescroll up, read me.23:04
n-iCeand do what I say.23:04
n-iCeDon't know what you can't do If I told step by step what to do.23:04
wxlGuest02: if you get a .deb file from Skype, you can just double click it. gdebi will take care of it for you.23:05
Guest02I understand.23:06
Guest02Is this way any betetr then synaptic ? Is not the result the same ?23:06
wxlthey're two different ways of installing software using underlying tools but through a gui23:07
Guest02.        /home/youruser/Downloads    no such file or directory23:15
Guest02I set in my user but it not find this directory.23:18
n-iCewhat's your user23:21
Guest02my name23:22
Guest02but it is strange the skype is still here from before.23:22
n-iCecopy and paste: sudo apt-get remove --purge skype23:22
Guest02I just use that command.23:23
n-iCeand what does it say23:23
Guest02It runs and then it tell me to use autoremove.23:24
n-iCeand you clicked y?23:25
n-iCeNow, use: sudo apt-get autoremove23:25
Guest02i dont know. i removed skype bin in synaptic instead. i think it was it.23:29
Guest02stupid things. i reinstall skype now and it still shut downs.23:46
Unit193If you run it from a terminal, does it say what's wrong?23:47
Guest02I cud not find the directory.23:47
n-iCeyou clearly did not do what I say23:48
Unit193That also has nothing to do with anything I said, the directory is unimportant.23:49
Guest02I know. but when i dont find the directory   /home/youruser/Downloads   i can not do much.23:49
n-iCeuse logic23:49
Guest02i downloaded skype.23:49
n-iCeI asked your username and you never replied to me.23:50
Guest02I dont want to give my name in here.23:50
Unit193n-iCe: cd ~/Downloads/ would work fine.23:50
n-iCeUnit193: better23:50
wxldont' forget we can always tree some directory :)23:50
wxl`tree ~ | pastebinit` shoudl track down said file23:51
wxlor for that mattter `find ~ -iname *.deb`23:51
Guest02no such file or directory23:57

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