
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:59
lotuspsychje_morning baizon05:03
baizonhi lotuspsychje_05:05
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
baizonubuntu rocks :D05:21
baizonok, im off to work, see you05:23
lotuspsychjedax: lol..<duoi> hi, i bought ubuntu cd's from the ubuntu store on ebay and i still haven't received them. 200$ is a lot of money so i'd like to find out where my cd is.06:01
daxthe amarok -> DRM thing is odd also06:01
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
lotuspsychjewelcome :p06:43
boathank you06:43
lotuspsychjeboa: you can discuss ubuntu stuff here06:43
lotuspsychjeboa: so you made a sort of NAS on ubuntu?06:44
lotuspsychje12TB lol06:44
lotuspsychjeboa: what ubuntu version running?06:44
boagot a 5tb wd black for 16006:44
boauh let me look06:45
boamy windows server would reboot too muchg for my liking06:46
boaso i moved to linux06:46
lotuspsychjegood choice06:46
boait only has an a8 in it though. might upgrade to a xeon06:46
boais there an offtopic channel?06:47
daxthe line between here and there is occasionally fuzzy06:47
boa3 channels for ubuntu06:47
lotuspsychjeboa: well you running ubuntu, so06:47
lotuspsychjeboa: lot of channels to choose from06:47
boajust wasntsure if offtopic was permitted here06:48
daxmore than three ;) /msg alis list #ubuntu* -min 10006:48
dax(and that's just the ones with over a hundred people...)06:48
lotuspsychjeboa: well lets say, we dont need whole day car talk here :p06:48
lotuspsychjeboa: #ubuntu-offtopic for the most far away stuff06:49
lotuspsychjein here for more ubuntu related stuff06:49
boabut ya06:50
boa /dev/mapper/media-volume    12T   28M   11T   1% /mnt/lvm06:50
lotuspsychjesweet lord :p06:50
boaim taking it lvm isnt that common these days06:51
boais zfs more common?06:51
ubot5`For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS06:51
boawow this sounds way better06:51
boais there no way to get the nvidia binaries in ppa07:15
lotuspsychjeboa: we dont recommend external ppa's07:18
lotuspsychjebbl sunny weather08:01
=== hi is now known as Guest34805
BluesKajHeyas all10:51
lotuspsychjegood afternoon14:17
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj, got your lag solved yet?14:57
BluesKajit's not lag , my ISP sent me an email last night about the local servers being woked on this morning, updates and upgrades suposedly to give us better service, so the internet connection is still off and on atm15:01
lotuspsychjeoh right15:01
BluesKajan apparent 10% increase in speed for no cost,but I haven't noticed much difference yet15:04
BluesKajI'll wait til later today , it's still about half of normal on the last speed test15:06
BelzeboobsHello loosers...15:09
lotuspsychje!language | Belzeboobs15:10
ubot5`Belzeboobs: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:10
Belzeboobslotuspsychje: How is my language wrong?15:10
Belzeboobsubot5`: Man is designed to learn mostly by mistakes, therefore embarrassment is a vital part of the human equation.15:10
lotuspsychjeBelzeboobs: check what the trigger says...'polite'15:10
Belzeboobslotuspsychje: I don't know.15:10
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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