
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
osama_i need a loco community for my university15:31
osama_anyone there!15:32
elachecheosama_: For university?15:32
elachecheWhere are you from?15:32
osama_yeah im going to arrange a workshop on Ubuntu and for that i need at least some community support15:33
elachecheosama_: Usually a LoCo represents a Country, not a University.. I encourage you to launch a LoCo in Pakistan, as there is no loco there15:33
osama_I will love to..15:34
elachecheHold on a second!15:34
elachecheThere is this Wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PakistanTeam15:34
elachecheBut there is no info about the Team in here http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/#Asia ping wxl 15:35
elachecheosama_: Try to get in contact with that team.. Ask for their support, and help them creating a LoCo.. 15:36
osama_once i have a emailed the Loco team and I got reply that you can not launch a loco in pakistan as it is already present but i have noticed that the Pakistan's Loco is no longer exist15:36
elachecheAnd if there will be issues you know this channel, come back and we will try to help :) 15:36
osama_okay let me try agian15:38
Kilosthe loco council has much work getting all the locos going again15:39
Kilospavlushka help osama_ 15:40
elachecheosama_: Otherwise, what kind of support do you need for you workshop?15:40
pavlushkaHi osama_ !15:40
elachecheKilos: Yep, true :/15:40
pavlushkaHello elacheche !15:40
osama_hi 15:40
elachechehey pavlushka :)15:40
pavlushkabut I am in a problem, named crahed, repositories are not working.15:41
pavlushkaosama_: what's your problem?15:42
osama_as I talk to my teacher about mine workshop planning he said that you will be only doing this if you can help the students 15:42
Kiloshow far ispakistan from bangladesh15:42
Kilosand do you speak the same language15:43
pavlushkaI have to calculate the geodesic15:43
osama_once bangladesh was east pakistan so you can think its not so far15:43
elachecheKilos: too far :)15:43
Kilosok so language shouldnt be a problem then15:44
osama_yeah no...15:44
pavlushkaits adjacents are Afghanistan and India15:44
Kilospavlushka he is trying to find the pakistan loco and get something working15:44
elachecheosama_: How can we help you, to help the students and make that workshop :) 15:44
osama_yeah of course15:44
pavlushkaYeah , I might help him, let me try.15:44
Kiloshelp hi hunt down the admins and see if you can get things working15:45
Kilossee if they have an irc channel etc15:46
Kilosill help as an when i can15:46
elachechewxl: can you read this discussion when you're not AFK? :) 15:46
osama_I need my fellows to join Ubuntu I just want everyone to use Ubuntu as no one is doing this here! The milestone I have achieved in my work is I'm able to install Ubuntu on 7 students ...15:47
osama_There are some Microsoft Student Partners I want myself to be Ubuntu man and for that reason im doing all this15:48
Kiloskeep it up osama_ 15:49
osama_If someone ask me about where we can join the Ubuntu who I tell them then! atleast I need a community where I can led them15:49
osama_so now can you help me getting the Loco for Pakistan?15:51
elachecheosama_: You can kickoff the LoCo :) Do you like to share a pad togethr to help you plan the workshop?15:51
osama_#ubuntu-pk is dead don't you see the last post was in 201015:52
Kilosstart there osama_ and let them join the channel15:52
Kilosill join you there now15:52
pavlushkacant get to wiki.15:52
osama_yeah Really it would be great :)15:52
pavlushkacant get to LP15:52
pavlushkaeverything seems down15:52
elachecheosama_: Join it! Stay there 24/7 even if you're AFK, that way when someone joins again, he'll know that someone is arround.. 15:52
Kilosi am on #ubuntu-pk now15:53
pavlushkaso cant trace Pakistan15:53
osama_okay i will try to contact to Owner of #ubuntu-pk15:54
Kilososama_ join the irc channel and stay there15:55
osama_but can you tell me how I need to get started within my workshop! I need to motivate the people to join ubuntu15:55
pavlushkaosama_: have you registered your nick?15:55
Kilosand invite everyone in your group there15:55
elachecheosama_: come to #ubuntu-pk I'll try to help you on that Workshop :)15:55
osama_no not yet15:55
elachecheLet's keep this Log clean so wxl can read it and know that the Pakistanian LoCo is missing, and let's go to #ubuntu-pk and discuss there :)15:56
wxlelacheche: what's up?16:52
Kilosanother dead loco needs reviving wxl 16:52
elachecheyep wxl 16:53
* wxl sighs16:53
Kiloswe will help16:53
wxlso what do we need to do? do we have old leaders we can touch base with?16:53
elachechewxl: There was a LoCo in Pakistan, but it's not listed in the LoCo Dir, I don't know why.. 16:53
wxlelacheche: it's quite possible the LoCo Portal is messed up. are they in the LP team?16:54
elachechewxl: there is someone who's trying to get the old leaders help, but I think he can't reach them :/16:54
elachechewxl: No idea, didn't check lp16:54
elachecheonly verified locos are in lp team? or all of them?16:54
wxli would consider LP *the* canonical (lowercase c) source for information16:54
wxlthere is also a team for non-verified me thinks16:55
elachechenope, there is no Pakistan there ::16:56
wxlwell that would explain some things then XD16:57
elachechewxl: 16:57
elachechewxl: It's not listed in the LoCo Dir list, but there have a loco dir page → http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-pk/16:57
wxlthis says they're in there: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-pk16:57
elachecheAlso a wiki page → https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PakistanTeam16:57
elachecheI was searching for Pakistan x) in the locoteams page x(16:58
wxlthey're on the third page of members16:58
wxlyou need to search for 'ubuntu-pk'16:58
wxlwhich, i might add, is not a very descriptive team name XD16:59
elachecheThey are there.. Usually locos use the whol name in there :(, my bad 16:59
wxlas far as the loco portal is concerned, the best step is to file a bug16:59
wxlthey're there actually16:59
wxlas ubuntu-pk16:59
wxlnevermind, no bug16:59
wxljust a terrible name :)16:59
elachechewxl: they are using the same name in the loco portal, yes16:59
wxllast messages on the list were 201417:00
wxlwiki page not linked on the lp page17:00
wxlwhich is not good17:00
wxlpending members since 201517:01
wxlthey also have a canonical mailing list17:02
wxlit's likely the lp one is deprecated17:02
elachecheI twitted the links to the guys who were looking for the loco.. And pingged the LoCO leader → https://twitter.com/elacheche/status/72065825591200563417:02
wxli see facebook a LOT17:02
wxli suspect that facebook is where they're most active17:03
elacheche18:02:31       wxl | they also have a canonical mailing list   → Why and how? :/17:03
wxlsadly i can't see the group without logging in17:03
wxlelacheche: found it on the wiki page https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-pk17:03
wxlit hasn't been used since 2010 XDS17:03
wxli can't get to the facebook group even when logged in17:04
wxlso that's kind of out17:04
wxlit's possible hitting up the urdu translation team might help track them down17:05
elachecheThe FB page last post back to Nov 201517:05
* elacheche hates FB as well :/17:05
wxlso FB is probably our best bet outside of the urdu i18n thingy17:07
wxlelacheche: are you planning on trying to track the leader(s) down?17:08
elachecheI'll ask the guys who was looking for the loco to track them, and kickoff the loco again.. 17:08
wxlthat sounds great17:08
Kilosyay wxl i hate fb as well17:19
jcrmmUn saludos desde la ciudad de México17:33
Kiloshi jcrmm 17:36
jcrmmEstoy interesado en contactarme con personas para minar bitcoin desde ubuntu17:36
jcrmmhola Kilos17:36
Kilosi dont understand, wait for someone that does and can help you17:36
jcrmmthanks a lot Kilos17:37
Kilosif you understand english you can use that17:37
jcrmma little, I want use ubunto to mining bitcoin17:38
Kilostry asking on #ubuntu there might be someone there that can help17:39
Kilosthis channel is mainly for loco related matters17:39
Kiloshave you tried googling?17:39
jcrmmthanks Kilos, I will try googling17:40
jcrmmAnd thanks for your time17:40
jcrmmbye 17:40
Kilosgood luck17:40
Kilosbye now17:40
jcrmmthanks again, i am greatfull to you.17:41
Kilosyou are welcome17:41
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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