
Kilosgreetings pakistan15:54
pavlushkaHello every one!15:55
Kiloshi guys15:56
Kilosthis is the start15:56
elachecheHello :)15:56
Kilosnow invite users here15:56
osama_indeed it is15:56
elachecheosama_: You can kickoff the LoCo :) Do you like to share a pad togethr to help you plan the workshop?15:56
elachecheosama_: I was organizing evnets (Talks/workshops) with my LoCo (Ubuntu Tunisia) since 2011.. I guess I can help :)15:57
Kiloshi Researcher15:57
osama_okay lets do this together15:57
elachechehey philipballew :) :D15:57
pavlushkahi philipballew !15:57
Kiloshi philipballew15:57
elachechephilipballew: you auto-join this channel! Why? do you know old leaders? :D15:58
elachechephilipballew: osama_ here is trying to get in touch with the old team, can you help?15:58
osama_How did you get start with your workshop? share your experiences please!15:58
philipballewelacheche, I came here for something a while ago and I added it to my favorites I think. I guess i never left...15:59
elachecheosama_: https://etherpad.net/p/ubuntu-pk Let's have a brainstorming here :)15:59
elachechephilipballew: I thought that I was the only one who did a such thing x) :D16:00
elachecheosama_: write what's in your mind, what do you want to do.. I am at work, I need to finish qwith something and I'll write my experience :)16:00
philipballewelacheche, ha! No worries.16:00
philipballewnot that I am agabist to getting to know the people here in the group though. but you all probably have very busy lives16:01
osama_I'm typing there like for no reason please give a wave there https://etherpad.net/p/ubuntu-pk so I can know that you are listening16:03
Kilososama_ you must be patient with the guys, often work loads keeps them away for hours16:18
Kilosjust make sure you are on this channl full time16:18
Kilospavlushka check if all the old peeps havent gone to facebook as well16:19
elachecheKilos: https://etherpad.net/p/ubuntu-pk Join, and let us know if you have suggestions :)16:27
Kiloselacheche how can i make the etherpad print bigger?16:33
elachecheKilos: Just Zoom using your browser like any other page :)16:36
pavlushkaosama_: are you from Lahore?16:42
Kilosi go eat17:01
Kilosnow osama is gone already18:37

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