
diddledanwhodathunkit: https://twitter.com/tinyrevolution/status/72031237510719897800:23
zmoylan-pii miss the shoot me i'm irish 80s...00:24
diddledanat least the irish troubles had reason on both sides. republican: give us our land back. unionist: we keel j00 before yoo keel us.00:26
zmoylan-pi...simpler times...00:27
diddledanthe islamist war seems more "we hate everything. we go boomboom"00:27
diddledanit's like the psygnosis game lemmings where you need to remove the remaining blocker lemmings so you make them blow themselves up00:28
zmoylan-pioh nooo...00:28
diddledanI wonder if self-detonation counts as entry into the Darwin awards?00:29
zmoylan-pionly if its unintentional i think00:29
diddledanI hate premature detonation. you get all worked-up and blow your load early00:30
zmoylan-pior your mouse needed cleaning and made the levels that little more difficult in middle of level...00:31
diddledanI miss mouses with balls00:31
diddledanyou're in the middle of a doom deathmatch and your mouse stops responding when your mate has finally got themselves a chainsaw00:32
diddledanI hated that damned chainsaw00:33
zmoylan-pii _loved_ the chainsaw... only my bosses pc had a sound card at first so i could use the noise of chainsaw to find him...00:33
diddledannow see that's the difference. you run towards the sound. I run away. fast.00:34
zmoylan-pii knew the levels well enough to run backwards with the machine gun on those instances... my own tail gunner... :-)00:35
diddledanspecifically this one: https://act.eff.org/action/tell-congress-stop-the-burr-feinstein-backdoor-proposal00:36
diddledanso. ubuntu on windows. it's a bit too much like running it as a vm for my liking - the only real interoperation between windows and ubuntu on windows is via the filesystem.00:46
diddledane.g. I can't link my gpg-agent running on windows with the bash shell or Vicky verky00:48
diddledanthat I can see, I mean00:48
diddledanCygwin at least has ssh-pageant to link to a putty-style ssh key agent (which I have provided via kleopatra from gpg4win with my gpg key)00:49
diddledanI wonder if my yubikey would work in the bash shell for gpg signing, too00:50
daftykinscould change?00:50
daftykinssometimes it just makes sense to segment hosts too00:50
diddledanimagine I wanted to run a docker container, too. that would mean jumping out of bash into a normal windows powershell or cmd.exe to run the docker commands and then back into bash to do other stuff00:51
diddledanI have a hard time imagining any dev that WSL is being targeted at NOT wanting to run docker00:52
diddledanalternatively vagrant (or both)00:54
diddledanI need cake03:18
diddledanI have cake03:22
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davmor2Morning all08:10
Myrttitime of day08:11
bashrctop of the morning08:11
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davmor2bashrc: I hate you, Now I got this stuck in my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15qc3_joy5A08:25
brobosti1onmorning boys and girls.09:00
=== brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon
popeyI bought a dehydrator, made some dried apple crisps, they're yummy. Now looking round the house for other things to put in it :)09:07
popeyparsnips may be next09:08
=== foobarry_ is now known as foobarry
foobarryand mango09:08
foobarryanything found in graze boxes09:08
Myrttijust need to calculate is it more economical to go to a Grapevine or whatever and get a bag from there. Rather keep it to something that you can't buy readymade.09:09
Myrttiif it were Finland, I'd recommend drying forest mushrooms09:10
Myrttibut it's not autumn and mushroom picking isn't that big in UK09:10
popeyI'm not doing it for economy09:11
popeyI don't like that we throw away some of the fruit / veg before it gets eaten09:11
popeyI'd like to preserve some to make snacks for the kids to take to school rather than buy ready made processed crap09:11
foobarrybanana turns rubbery and is goregous09:12
popeywe often have grapes left over, which eventually go bad, so probably gonna do some of them09:12
foobarrywill it cure meats?09:12
popeyi love dried banana, like the stuff you get in the "health food" shops09:12
popeyIt was a fb post from a co-worker who made loads of dried jerk beef in his that made me think of buying one09:13
Myrttiyeah if you're not buying fruit specifically. Just pointing out that IIRC the dehydrator might take a surprising amount of leccy so if you're either using something that you might be throwing away or are doing something that you can't buy readymade, then you're better off09:13
popeyespecially as it's on for many hours09:14
popeytook 6 hours to dehydrate 2 apples :)09:14
popeydeffo filling it up every time. no economy doing only half the trays09:14
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davmor2popey: how did you get on with your Mate?09:28
DJonesMorning all09:37
popeydavmor2: my what?09:39
davmor2popey: Mate your birthday present of gord etc09:40
popeyoh, Mate!  ðŸ˜ƒ09:41
popeydunno, not used it yet09:41
popeycured it and then haven't used it09:41
davmor2popey: Man you suck today dude ;) You're going to have to be especially awesome for the rest of the day to make up for it :D09:42
popeyIf Rich Hall is on tour near you, go and see him, he's entertaining :)09:44
davmor2popey: not a big fan of rich hall, I'm more a bill bailey, milton jones kinda guy but I know that people who do like him have a proper good time at his gigs09:55
popeyFriend of the family donated a thinkpad to me. 2GHz / 1.5GB RAM / 40GB HDD. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T4310:19
diploWhy don't I get donations like that :)10:31
zmoylan-pii have people who keep trying to give me tvs when they hear i don't have one...10:35
davmor2diplo: your dry sarcastic wit annoys your family and friends, whereas popey's makes him more appealing just a guess10:36
diplodavmor2: meeeooooowwww! :P10:37
popeyNah. I helped this woman move from her thinkpad to a mac10:37
popeyShe bought a macbook air and wanted to move her email and files from Outlook Express (!) to Apple Mail.10:37
popeyTurns out, not as easy as you think, but do-able :)10:37
zmoylan-piwas thinkpad running windows or lunix?10:37
popeyWindows 9810:37
davmor2popey: ouch10:37
zmoylan-piwin98... wow...10:37
popeyWhich I am now imaging with clonezilla to my server in case she ever asks for some random file off it10:38
popeyno, xp, sorry10:38
zmoylan-pithough i did like outlook express as 1) it worked 2) it was simple...10:38
davmor2diplo: He says it's because he helps people but I bet it is the dry sarcastic wit really ;)10:38
popeyIt had a 512MB stick (512MB on board too). I just rummaged and found a 1GB stick to put in it.10:39
popeyIt's i386 only though, not 64-bit.10:39
popeyConsidering what to do with it.10:39
zmoylan-piit'll run a lot of distros nicely... :-)10:39
diploI'm still amazed by who is still running XP, my girlfriends school still runs it on their laptops!!!10:40
popeyconsidering making it command line only, no gui10:40
diploThey RDP to a Win2008 server10:40
zmoylan-pi50million chinese botnets can't be wrong... :-)10:40
davmor2popey: might make a nice test box for the low powered desktops like Lubuntu/Xubuntu etc10:40
popeyyeah, that's a good point10:41
* popey gets the latest lubuntu, xubuntu and mate i386 images :)10:41
diploIt's down to that they have no cash to buy newer hardware and current hardware doesn't support Win7 and up10:42
davmor2popey: also if it is all intel might make a nice unity8 play ground too :)10:42
zmoylan-piif 2016 would stop killing my childhood heros i'd be most grateful... http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-3604153410:43
popeyHeh, next month, this Thinkpad T43 will be 10 years old!11:23
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
popeyhttp://termbin.com/amxu - bios date is 05/18/200611:23
popeyooh, there's a bios update from 9/6/2006 :)11:24
zmoylan-piin a few years it can get a moped licence and become an autonomous vehicle... :-P11:25
popeyit's sturdy enough11:25
zmoylan-pithe bike would use it for protection...11:25
popeyToday I learned, Clonezilla is based off Ubuntu Wily :)11:26
zmoylan-pimerry christmas11:43
davmor2popey: testing is off of xenial :)12:04
davmor2popey: and stable is off of trusty iirc12:04
davmor2popey: oh and there are debian versions too12:05
popeythe one I grabbed was wily interesting12:05
davmor2popey: I think they have like proper stable, current and testing iirc stable is trusty, current is wily and testing is xenial iirc12:06
davmor2popey: iirc current is what is dl'd by default12:06
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Myrttimyrtti@eeyore:~$ free                                                                       Exit Code: 112:18
Myrttizsh: fork failed: cannot allocate memory12:18
davmor2man this is weird https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onZMS1di6Mc13:51
davmor2however I think I like it13:51
diddledandavmor2: I like that!14:28
ujjainJames forgot ___ the lights before he left. a) to turn out b) turning out15:14
ujjainIt's no use ___ to him. He doesn't listen. a) to talk b) talking15:14
ujjainboth a and b seem fine to me?15:14
davmor2ujjain: James a, it's no use b.15:16
ujjainah ok, thanks a lot15:17
davmor2ujjain: technically both are correct but one sounds better so would be the one to use. James forgot turning out the lights doesn't sound right, whereas it's no use to talk to him doesn't, but the reverses both do sound right15:19
ujjainYeah I understand, one sounds better, thanks a lot.15:22
Myrttidavmor2: I personally couldn't feel the difference between the options in the latter15:24
Myrttibut I'm outsider anyway15:25
Seeker`"it's no use to talk to him" doesn't flow as well15:37
* diddledan listening to the ubuntu podcast15:50
diddledanit's the year of the Linux desktop?!15:50
diddledanI'm addicted to cake16:07
Myrttilemon drizzle? red velvet? chocolate? strawberry?16:09
diddledancoffee or chocolate or carrot16:09
diddledanit's gotta have a good creme16:10
Myrttiwe had some Tesco lemon drizzle last week and it was so much better after we kept it in a fridge for a while16:10
Myrttithe filling inside got firmer16:11
zmoylan-piaged cake...16:13
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zmoylan-pithey want in on standing up for the little people thing that apple has going on...17:04
daftykinspro: my new case is on the way.20:22
daftykinscon: it's coming from Germany o020:22
zmoylan-piso not going to arrive before weekend then...20:27
daftykinsnot sure how fast DHL can move, amazon's estimate is Wednesday20:29
diddledansuckity suck suck20:42
AzelphurI ordered a bunch of stuff from aliexpress, the one item I ordered with express shipping got lost in the post, the rest of it all arrived already21:02
Azelphurfml :<21:02
daftykinsdoing pretty well for a life when concerns are deliveries!21:03
AzelphurI'm also proud of myself, my apartment complex charges £75 for a replacement key (rfid), I cloned the thing, I have 10 now.21:36
Azelphurand the keyfobs themselves are £10 for a 100 on eBay.21:37
daftykinsyou could have a guest per day of the month!21:37
AzelphurI still haven't figured out the radio transmitter for the car-entry though, https://www.reddit.com/r/RFID/comments/4etfwd/can_anyone_help_me_identify_this_find_an/ maybe someone has some insight on that :)21:38
ali1234get an rtl-sdr and reverse engineer it21:53
ali1234433MHz transmitter, 125kHz tag21:59
ali1234Azelphur: ^22:01
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
Azelphurali1234: nice find22:20
Azelphurali1234: I wonder how you'd program one of these, whether it has a separate "key" for the buttons / rfid, or whether programming the rfid also programs the buttons23:00
Azelphuralso, mine is very similar but not identical to that one, looks like that might be a newer model or something23:02
Azelphurali1234: this might be very useful? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Universal-Cloning-Electric-Gate-Garage-Door-Remote-Control-Key-Fob-433mhz-Cloner-/230746937342?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l636823:05
Azelphurfound one for £3.43 and from UK, well worth a punt I guess23:08

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