
inetprogood morning everyone 04:31
inetprooh and a special good morning to chesedo 04:31
inetprocongratulations on your winning scope 04:32
inetproThe winners of the Ubuntu Scopes Showdown 2016 have been announced! Congratulations to Roman Shchekin, Ricardo Silva, Michael Weimann and Pieter Engelbrecht for your winning scopes, and to all participants for your efforts! More details can be found at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2016/04/13/ubuntu-scopes-showdown-here-are-winners/04:32
anton_mayGood morning all.04:42
pavlushkaGood morning everyone!05:00
pavlushkagood morning inetpro !05:00
pavlushkaKilos: শূভ নববর!05:17
Kilosmorning pavlushka and all others05:17
pavlushkaশূভ নববর! to all05:17
pavlushkaশূভ নববরষ! to all05:17
pavlushkaKilos: শূভ নববরষ!05:17
pavlushkaMorning anton_may !05:17
Kilosi dont understand that pavlushka 05:18
anton_mayBounjorno Pavlushka05:18
Kilosand im not going to used google translate05:18
pavlushkaKilos: Happy New year in Bengali,:)05:42
mazalmaaz tell TheMurdz Give me a shout when you have time , have some feedback for you05:43
Maazmazal: Okay, I'll tell TheMurdz on freenode05:43
mazalHi pavlushka 05:43
pavlushkaHello mazal !05:43
mazalI like this part " a snap package contains all of its dependencies "05:54
=== zeorin_ is now known as zeorin
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy 06:14
mazalMorning thatgraemeguy 06:20
mazalMore oom Kilos 06:20
mazalWhat do you guys think of that snap packages ( as described in the link I pasted )06:21
thatgraemeguysounds like the way OS X distributes apps06:24
thatgraemeguyit's bloaty and unnecessary IMHO06:25
thatgraemeguyif 15 apps all depend on library X which is 200MB, then you have to download the 200MB 15 times, once in each snap bundle06:25
mazalhmmm , good point06:26
MaNLso same as how windows ends up in practice as well then06:28
=== MaNL is now known as MaNI
thatgraemeguyIf you say so.... I wouldn't know, thankfully :)06:30
mazalI wonder how they will implement it , will the user have a choice between the deb or snap when installing something06:30
MaNIthe idea seems to be that you use the snap for when the deb isn't available - or something along those lines06:32
MaNIthough I'm curious if the system will actually know this and handle it elegantly if the deb then does become available later06:33
mazalTime will tell I guess06:33
MaNII mean otherwise it is no different from just downloading a .run like some software companies put out :p Except with a trendier name06:38
superflygood evening everyone06:49
superflyincluding kmf06:49
superflykmf: I sent a mail to Obsidian about sponsoring DebConf via the contact form on the site last night06:50
kmfsuperfly .... thanks send it throught to marketing@ ....06:50
kmfI'm on that liost06:51
TheMurdzMorning gents!06:53
superflyhi TheMurdz06:53
thatgraemeguythat's presumptuous of you! :P06:53
superflykmf: OK06:53
Kilos-hi guys, anyone having probs connecting on telegram or is it just me?07:29
Kilos-laptop and pc no connection07:29
Kilos-have they been hacked at last07:30
chesedomorning all07:34
Kilos-hi chesedo 07:34
chesedoand ty inetpro and happy new year pavlushka07:34
pavlushkachesedo: thanks, :)07:35
chesedothatgraemeguy: snaps also do not have to ship with their debs (can still specify them as debs)... it is more for when the snap will rely on a new version of a debendency that is not going to be in the repos07:36
chesedoI personally love how a update will not download the whole snap, but only the parts that changed07:38
superflyKilos-: yes, we are too08:06
Kilos-ty superfly 08:17
superflyKilos-: it seems to be working again08:20
Kilos-still dead here08:30
Kilos-cant even get online with the webchat08:30
Kilos-the odd message goes through 08:31
Kilos-telkom tech has just been here and reckons there have been many complaints about the speed, so going to advise tower upgrade08:36
bushtechKilos-: holding thumbs for you. Vodacom advised me of the same last year. Nothing yet08:41
MaNIsome residents association or other will probably block the upgrade :p08:50
superflyKilos-: https://twitter.com/telegram/status/72052932595983564808:51
Kilos-the prob is that the tech just sends in a report and someone else has to approve the cost08:51
Kilos-i go see superfly 08:51
Kilos-hee hee added my 2 cents worth08:54
Kilos-where is MENA08:55
superflyMiddle East North Africa09:02
Kilos-uh oh 09:11
LangjanHi guys09:11
Kilos-what broke09:11
Kilos-ohi Langjan 09:11
Langjanme broke, loan?09:12
Kilos-join the family09:12
Langjanhi there Kilos- 09:12
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
LangjanMens moet niks weggooi nie, nie eens 'n strepie nie...09:13
Kilosbushtech my speed is ok today09:13
Kiloshoe gaan dit daar Langjan 09:13
LangjanGoed dankie Kilos - sjoe jou spoed lyk goed09:14
Kilosja en ek kerm vir nog09:15
LangjanMyne loop gewoonlik so net onder 2 MBps09:15
Langjanjoune is naby aan 1009:15
Kilosyay telegram fixed it seems09:16
Langjantelegram? Did not know they still existed09:16
Kilosits a chat tool Langjan 09:17
Kilosvery lekker 09:17
Kilosfast and secure09:17
Langjanlike xchat?09:17
Kilosyou get telegram-desktop for you pc09:18
LangjanIf we have different tools we will lose contact?09:18
Kilosill always be here man09:18
Kilosuse telegram to aus to my girls and to ian09:18
Kilosyou can have group chats as well09:19
Kilosand it works in pidgin09:19
Langjanwhats pidgin? Posduiwe?09:19
Kilosand works on anything that can go to the internet09:19
Kilosnee man09:19
Kilospidgin is in the repos09:20
Kilosinstant messaging from all the other things all in one place09:20
Kiloskeep up old man09:21
LangjanWhy do I have you?09:21
Kiloshaha ok09:21
Kilospidgin can do off the record chats as well for sectret stuff09:22
Kilosso does telegram if one side is using an android device09:22
Kilospidgin gives the option for start secret chat09:23
KilosTelegram Messenger09:26
Kilosliked your Tweet.09:26
Langjanmine? which one09:28
Kilosmine man09:28
Kilosthats what twit place says09:28
Kiloswhats broken Langjan ??09:29
LangjanHey Kilos  you there? This pidgin wants to fly but dont know where to09:35
Kilosdont you know anyone on mxit or msn or aim or telegramd09:36
Langjanno, except maybe you09:36
Kilosoh my09:37
Kiloskeep up man09:37
LangjanNo, why? I have enough to keep me busy09:37
Kiloshow do you stay in contact with your kids in aus09:37
Kilosapart from skype09:37
Langjanvia whatsapp, email, FB and skype09:38
Kilosyou have to keep up with the kids09:38
Kilosai! fb09:38
Kilosyour kids must have android fones and tablets09:39
Kilostell them to get telegram mesesnger in the app store09:39
Kilosnothing you use is secure09:39
Langjansecure from?09:40
Kiloshi chesedo 09:40
Kilosfrom other peeps listening in or reading09:40
superflyKilos: looks like Telegram is back online09:40
Kilosskype keeps records of everything too09:40
Kilosyes superfly its working fine again09:41
Kilospidgin bing bonged me when it came online09:42
KilosLangjan with telegram when you finished chatting you delete your chat and same other side then there is no record of it anywhere09:44
LangjanSo telegram is sitting in my archive manager and pidgin wants to fly, where do I go from here?09:44
Kiloslets get you links09:44
Langjanwhich golf course?09:44
LangjanWhat do I do there? 09:46
Kilosonce installed you will see in pidgin when you add someone from telegram you enter their cell number there09:46
Kilosand if they are online you can chat instantly09:46
zipperHow are you humans doing?09:48
Kilosgood ty zipper and you09:48
zipperKilos: Signal is secure.09:48
zipperTelegram is not.09:48
Kiloswhat isnt?09:49
zipperTelegram isn't secure09:49
Kiloswhy not09:49
Kilosyou can explain, i go chase sheep out of herb garden09:51
Kilosor give a link that explains why it isnt secure09:52
LangjanLooks way too complicated to my liking09:53
Kilosthey offered 200K in dollars to anyone that can crack it09:54
Kiloswhat now Langjan 09:55
Kilosone setup pidgin rocks09:55
LangjanI have more than enough to keep me occupied09:57
LangjanWhat is GitHub? 10:00
Kilosfunny place where peeps work on stuff10:00
chesedoor more accurately a repo for git version controlled stuff (much like launchpad)10:05
mazalOk then , now I have so many connection I almost have one for each device10:10
mazalHi Langjan , zipper , superfly , chesedo10:10
mazalOom Kilos , guess what happened this morning10:11
Kiloswhat mazal 10:13
mazalTelkom came and fixed my landline10:14
mazalNow I have 3 connections hehehehe10:14
mazalThe cancellation department still didn't do their work and cancel the service , so technitians decided to fix the line10:14
Kilosoh my10:14
mazalHere this response of where they found the problem:10:15
mazalAnd I qoute10:15
Kiloswell now you cant complain about being offline anymore10:15
mazalThe flat next door cut off the cable.10:15
Kilosoh my10:15
mazalWhen asked why they said and I qoute " We didn't know what this cable does so we cut it off "10:15
mazalCan you believe that !10:16
Kilosnice neighbours to have10:16
mazalno comment10:16
mazalI go shower , l8tr10:17
chesedomazal: does their power cable run through your department by any change :P10:19
Kilosmaybe thats why no hot water10:20
mazalchesedo, don't be giving me ideas :)10:41
=== jellie is now known as zipper
Kilosoh my the pro went13:18
Kilosoh wb inetpro 13:18
Kiloswhats with you quassel peeps13:19
Kilosinetpro i noticed apt does kernel stuff as well13:20
inetprowhat's this thing about kernel stuff you are talking about?13:20
Kilosheaders and such man13:21
Kilosnow i gotta go to desktop and see what13:21
Kiloslinux packages13:21
inetprosome packages need 'apt upgrade' others need 'apt dist-upgrade'13:22
Kilosbut aptitude does them all13:22
Kilosmaybe ill stick with aptitude13:22
thatgraemeguyupgrade only upgrades packages where such upgrade would not remove other packages or pull in new packages13:23
inetproKilos: with aptitude you also get safe-upgrade and full-upgrade13:24
thatgraemeguydist-upgrade will also upgrade packages that remove existing packages or pull new dependencies13:24
Kilosand if i use synaptic and let that upgrade?13:24
Kiloswill that do all13:24
thatgraemeguythen you tell us....13:24
thatgraemeguyyou're the only one that uses that GUI nonsense :P13:25
inetprothanks thatgraemeguy13:25
Kilosi have always used aptitude13:25
* Kilos sulks13:25
Kilostoo much to remember13:27
Kilos2nd day no ballie nap13:27
thatgraemeguybeen up since 2.30ish, could do with a nap o_O13:28
Kilosouch why13:28
thatgraemeguyI do 03:00-05:00 neighbourhood watch patrol on tuesday and thursday13:29
Kilosgood man13:29
* Kilos doffs hat13:29
thatgraemeguyand when I can on weekends13:29
Kilosi think thats how you say it13:30
thatgraemeguywell look at that13:30
thatgraemeguynot often a boertjie teaches a soutie an english phrase... ;-)13:31
Kilosi am english man13:31
* thatgraemeguy doffs his hat at Kilos 13:31
thatgraemeguyoh, lol13:31
thatgraemeguyok then13:31
thatgraemeguythere you teach me something else13:31
Kilosjust grew up amongst van der merwes13:32
thatgraemeguyyip same13:32
thatgraemeguyI even married one13:32
thatgraemeguynow I have 2 little ones13:32
thatgraemeguythe english is weak all around me :-o13:32
Kilosthey have some cute chicks13:32
Kilosor had in my young days13:33
Kilosmany are fat today i see13:33
Kiloseven in school13:33
Kiloshi spinza you have been quiet13:35
Kiloslater all, shepherd duties13:36
KilosMaaz coffee on16:22
* Maaz flips the salt-timer16:22
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!16:26
=== aquarat_ is now known as aquarat
KilosMaaz danke16:27
Kiloshi aquarat 16:27
CryterionHi everyone16:55
Kiloshi Cryterion 16:55
Cryterionheya Kilos16:56
CryterionTor browser has some serious privacy bugs atm16:57
inetprogood morning everyone 17:09
inetprowhat do you do if you mounted a partition on /usr accidentally? 17:10
inetprokom nou oom Kilos, jy kan mos nie vir my so ignoreer nie 17:16
Kilosskuus man was besig om maag te vul17:18
Kilossudo umount17:18
inetprogaan nie werk nie 17:18
inetprosudo is onder /usr 17:18
Kilosthen become root and umount it17:21
Kilossudo -i17:21
Kilosholy moly man, how can you ask me such heavy questions17:22
Kilosim only an appy geek remember17:22
Kiloshi kfm17:26
Kiloskmf 17:26
KilosMariusoft hoekom so stil?17:27
Kilosdont be shy, join in the madhouse chats17:28
kmfHi Kilos 17:42
inetproKilos: /usr/bin/sudo18:05
Kilosdoes root not bypass that18:05
inetproif you mount something on /usr all the bin stuff plus more are gone18:05
Kiloshow did you mount it inetpro ?18:06
Kilosby accident of course18:06
inetproyes man18:06
Kilosthink how18:06
Kilosthen work out a reverse to it18:07
inetprowhile you mount it the mount is still active18:07
Kiloswht did you mount again18:07
Kilosthe whole /usr/bin?18:07
Kilosor /usr/bin/bla/bla18:08
Kiloshow did you mount it by accident?18:08
Kilosexplain carefully18:09
inetproKilos: say for example mount you do mount /dev/cdrom /usr 18:10
Kilosjust reboot man18:10
Kilosthat means mount the cdrom with /usr18:11
Kiloswas that a typo18:11
inetproeverything on the CD will be on /usr in stead of the usual system stuffs18:11
Kilosyeah i see that now18:11
inetproI didn't do it... was just a trick question for you18:12
Kiloswont rebooting solve the prob18:12
inetproyep, reboot will fix it18:12
inetprowell done Kilos18:13
Kiloswhat made you think of trying me like that18:13
Kiloshere i thought you had made a mistake18:13
Kilossee not all your time spent with me has been a waste18:14
inetproKilos: Top new questions this week at Ask Ubuntu18:14
Kilosi actually remember much better than when i started18:14
Kilosyou go hunting there to trick me18:15
Kilosholy moly18:15
Kilosyou so evil18:17
Kilostorturing me18:17
inetproand here's another one for somone else to answer:18:19
Kilosbushtech_ thats yours ^^18:20
inetprooh you can do it as well if you want Kilos18:20
Kilosi dont play with vm things18:20
Kilosif you cant swim you dont jump into the deep end of the pool18:21
Kilosbut ill look at it18:22
Kiloscan he use traceroute and tracepath commands there18:25
Kilosinetpro that ubuntu vm is what actually18:27
inetprouh, Kilos don't ask me now, I didn't put the question18:27
Kilosdo you understand it man18:27
inetproam just pointing others to an interesting question18:27
Kiloshe needs to grant the pc permision to get to the server18:28
Kilosis that right18:28
inetproeven this one, is another interesting question with no answer, yet18:28
Kilosone thing at a time man18:29
Kilosso i think that other funny thing is needed18:30
* Kilos thinks18:30
inetprogo answer it at askubuntu.com 18:31
Kilosthe thing you use to aloow one pc to share another ones internet connection'18:31
Kilosi asking you18:31
inetprooh my18:31
* inetpro too tired to think now 18:32
Kilosthe thing i used to allow one pc to  share net18:32
inetprowb MaNI18:32
Kiloswhen using iptables18:32
Kilosfunny word18:32
Kilossomething some forward18:33
inetproKilos: why so quiet now, is it that difficult?18:49
Kilosi cant remember the word18:49
Kilosi think thats it18:50
Kilosbut ive closed that link18:51
Kilostoo heavy for me to work out unless i can see what happening18:51
inetproyou are forgiven18:52
Kilosyou win inetpro i give up18:52
inetprobut just today18:52
Kilosforgiven for what?18:52
inetprofor not helping those dudes man18:52
Kilosyou so cheeky18:53
inetprocan't believe you just let them struggle like that18:53
Kilosi have enough probs man18:53
Kilosseems pakistan also went fb then went to sleep18:53
inetprousually you would ask someone to tell them to come here to get help18:54
Kilosyes but you said you are tired18:54
inetprohaha slimjan18:54
Kilosactually that would be for fly18:54
Kilosyou think im just a pretty face18:55
inetproek gaan slaap nou18:56
inetprogoeie nag oom18:56
Kiloslekker slaap boetie18:56
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:17

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