
DalekSeckrytarik: `date -R`01:26
krytarikHah, yes that too.01:33
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sakrecoerthinking about posting a litle reminder about eminenet release, and add a little call for testing on our social media. would that be a good thing?06:50
sakrecoeror do we prefer having the test-calls within the devel channels?06:51
zequencesakrecoer: We have announced testings on our social sites before09:42
sakrecoerzequence: ok, i'll cook some lines and pastebinit first. i feel its important that it be clear that the test-release is _not_ the release.10:08
zequenceThat Thomas guy on the mail list doesn't seem to be used to mail lists. He sent an answer to both me an Jimmy directly, thinking that that was the practice10:10
zequence..and maybe thought the mail list is just for information10:10
zequencesakrecoer: ^10:10
zequenceI redirected him to the IRC channels, as well as encouraging him to keep using the mail list for replies10:12
sakrecoeri remember having that problem with gmails webclient: replybto list was a separate button. but that was years ago..10:50
zequenceOh, yes. Chaning email clients can be disastrous10:50
sakrecoer*reply to list10:50
zequenceWe should both be using autospell bots10:50
sakrecoeryes :D anyways, glad you helped him out. got a good vibe from his text-tone :)10:51
krytarikI notice that ~ubuntustudio-dev isn't subscribed to bug mail of -lightdm-theme and -icon-theme (https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+packagebugs) - and the first isn't even listed here for some reason: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+maintained-packages13:54
krytarikAlso, who wants to have the of including this in the changelog?: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-menu/trunk/revision/10913:57
krytarik+ favor13:57
OvenWerkskrytarik: For menu changes, I don't think I would list each one so much as just listing menu updates or something like that.14:06
krytarikOvenWerks: That one fixed LP bug 1549732 though - and the comment generated due to that doesn't reflect it.14:21
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1549732 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1549732). The error has been logged14:22
krytarikNot that it'd matter now for the bug report still, but nevertheless.14:24
OvenWerksAh, I didn't realize that.14:25
OvenWerksI thought you were talking about changes in release notes.14:25
krytarikAh no, just 'd/changelog' of it.14:26
krytarikAnd yes, I noticed afterwards that it might be mistaken as such.14:27
OvenWerksI don't know if it is best to change the changelog or just manually set the bug to fixed (fix released) With package name and commit number.14:29
OvenWerksFixing the changelog requires another upload.14:30
OvenWerkson the other hand, it would be ok to change the change log and not upload till some other change is made.14:31
OvenWerksbut that would only set it to fix commited.14:32
krytarikAs I indicated, it was already set to 'Fix Released', just without relevant changelog entry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/imagemagick/+bug/1549732/comments/10 - and yes, I'd not want another upload just for that either.14:35
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1549732 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1549732). The error has been logged14:35
krytarikActually nvm, but that version (0.24) was never actually released, it seems - so we might have to fix that still: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/253311451/ubuntustudio-menu_0.23_0.25.diff.gz15:17
krytarikOhai Rosco2!  Regarding your comment on LP bug 1561776: "I wish there was a won't fix status like in Debian" - actually there is. :)15:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1561776 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-desktop is missing synaptic in 16.04" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156177615:24
Rosco2krytarik: Hi. Back from a short holiday and ready to work on the release :-) 15:27
Rosco2Unfortunately only bug control can do the "won't fix" status15:28
krytarikDifferent than in Debian?15:28
Rosco2Yes - anyone can set any status in debian15:28
Rosco2causes some ping pong :-)15:29
krytarikAh, ok - wouldn't know. :P15:29
krytarikThat is, I did see that at least I can't select it there.15:32
Rosco2It's one of the tags you can add15:35
krytarikI mean on LP - see it in the list, but can't choose it.15:36
Rosco2Ah - yes15:36
Rosco2That is what I meant about bug contrrol15:36
Rosco2Have to be a member of the Bug Control Team15:36
Rosco2We can prbably select it for our own packages (for the upstream bugs)15:37
krytarikIndeed - just checked that on LP bug 454082.15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 454082 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "ubuntustudio-controls fail to write NICE settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45408215:41
autumnahi, first time ubuntu studio tester here, so apologies if this is a silly question. If there is a bug in one of the display (known on XFCE end) but there is an alternative package that can give that functionality. is it worth reporting or best to just ignore? Thanks. :)15:44
zequenceautumna: If there is a bug, it should be reported, period.16:06
zequenceThat's how developers may become aware of them16:06
autumnaok thanks. just checking.16:12
zequenceOops. Seems like the selector for lightdm greeter is for language, and not keyboard. Going to check17:06
zequenceYep. I just assumed it was for keyboard layout. Never seen a drop down for language before17:11
Rosco2zequence: just doing a fresh install now to check it out17:14
Rosco2normally clicking through so fast - I forget what it looks like17:15
zequenceRosco2: I disabled that bug already, after double checking. I didn't even test the keyboard. Just looked at the menu and figured it was for keyboard layout17:16
zequenceNow I did, of course17:16
zequenceThe only thing missing from the ISO which will build today is ubiquity artwork. Still waiting for two branches to get merged17:17
zequenceOther than that, think everythings kind of wrapped up now17:17
Rosco2Yeah - thanks for the announcement too17:20
Rosco2Will create a Release Note page on the wiki over the weekend ready for input from everyone 17:21
zequenceRosco2: Yeah, I knew you would probably do an announcement later, or I thought maybe you were waiting for a milestone to appear on the ISO testing tracker. Either way, now felt like a good time to encourage testers to grab an ISO and get a feel for it.17:25
Rosco2Won't hurt to send another one out once the tracker is set up17:28
zequenceRosco2: Not at all17:50
sakrecoeri subscribed ~ubuntstudio-dev to ubuntustudio-icon-theme and ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme bug repports20:20
sakrecoerRosco2 and zequence i will echo the call for ISO testing on social media tomorrow. :)20:21
sakrecoerbtw zequence, is the diaporama during install in liveboot uploaded now?? i look forward to see it, which branch is it in again?20:33
zequencesakrecoer: dioprama?21:02
zequenceThe ubiquity changes are not merged yet21:02
zequenceubiquity is the installer21:02
sakrecoerzequence: thats the name, i wasn't sure anymore :)21:04
sakrecoeri have to log off, g'night y'all!21:04

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