
bluesabreflocculant: commented again on bug 1513590 and marked invalid for the project. If you agree, we can also mark the Ubuntu report as such.00:07
ubottubug 1513590 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "unable to delete items in menulibre" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151359000:07
bluesabreflocculant: unable to reproduce bug 151518400:09
ubottubug 1515184 in menulibre (Ubuntu) "Crash when selecting a category in a new entry" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151518400:09
bluesabremaybe somebody else from !team would like to take a peek00:09
bluesabreand that basically leaves thunar00:11
bluesabreand libreoffice00:12
bluesabretwo things I am unlikely able to fix :D00:12
bluesabregoing to test the existing patches to see if any of those thunar bugs (all really the same bug) are lessened00:18
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, I turned on ddebs for one of the PPAs, and disabled skippy-xd.00:23
bluesabreUnit193: ddebs?00:24
Unit193Automatic -dbg packages called -dbgsym, or something like that.00:24
krytarikbluesabre: Regarding your translations shuffling, that's not necessary: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline00:29
bluesabrewell, suppose I'll push an xfpanel-switch update then for funsies00:38
bluesabrewhile trying to recreate the thunar bug... I may have found a new one01:12
bluesabrewhen will the madness end01:12
drcWhen you stop trying to fix things...if debugging is the art of taking out bugs, then coding is the art of putting in bugs :)01:14
Unit193Craaaap. :P01:14
bluesabrebug 157015301:21
ubottubug 1570153 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar crashes when moving files with SIGSEGV in __GI___libc_free()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157015301:21
bluesabrexfpanel-switch uploaded, we'll see what happens next01:52
Unit193Uploading Virii?01:52
bluesabrethat's probably it for uploads... tomorrow final freeze goes into effect (likely before I get home)01:58
bluesabremaybe we'll figure out thunar before release :)02:00
pavlushkaHello every one!05:07
pavlushkaHow can I request to add an keyboard layout to Xubuntu?05:07
pavlushkathe alpha 16.04 was supporting it but in beta, its gone.05:07
pavlushkatopic 2: echo lines are not there before booting kernel and initrd image in grub, its good to know whats happening so I had to re-edit that.05:13
pavlushkafyi, I use Bengali Jatiya Keyboard Layout.05:15
pavlushkafor typing Bengali.05:15
flocculantbluesabre: 1513590 yup mark it invalid for ubuntu too and thanks for having a look at 1515184 too06:26
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Reklanflocculant, Tried to reproduce bug 1571053 unable to do so in a VM or on Hardware.. moved the files well over 100 continuously.10:30
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1571053 could not be found10:30
Reklanbug 1570153 that is10:31
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #1570153 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1570153). The error has been logged10:31
ReklanThunar crashes when moving files with SIGSEGV in __GI___libc_free()10:31
bluesabreslickymaster: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfpanel-switch/1.0.4-0ubuntu110:42
bluesabreknome, flocculant: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/16.04.510:43
flocculantbluesabre: nice :)11:04
flocculantReklan: thanks for checking that 11:04
flocculantseems to be one of those thunar sometimes people see it things :(11:05
bluesabreflocculant: so, if that lands in time for the image, we can kick the duplicate imagemagick entries from the bug list11:22
flocculantyup :)11:22
flocculantI think once we move out of 16.04 we really need to think about thunar 11:23
flocculantand you were completely right in -offtopic :p11:24
flocculantI did have a quick look at caja and nemo (Ithink those are the names) as well as pcmanfm11:24
flocculantmostly to prove my usb3 issue was everywhere - one looked more of a fit to us visually than the others 11:25
bluesabrecaja and nemo are a bit more polished, definitely11:25
flocculantbluesabre: and that LO theme thing is a bit odd - I did 6 or so yesterday - same thing in all of them11:27
flocculantand was apparently like it for a while - I just missed it - saw it wasn't breeze and thought no more of it11:27
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, its probably a bug that is actually in libreoffice... it picks randomly from whats available, and galaxy comes with lo11:27
bluesabrethere might be something we can do to lock that in the config, but it would probably be ugly11:29
flocculantI guess we should think about that though even if it is 11:29
flocculantwould make it pointless to have elementary at all otherwise 11:29
flocculant*though* people could at least use it 11:30
bluesabreI can experiment with it11:30
flocculantmy fault - should have caught that before11:30
bluesabreits hit and miss, could be most folks are seeing the elementary theme and just a few are not11:31
flocculantcould be11:32
flocculantat least you saw something different to me11:32
flocculantanyway - end result is it's *now* and we have it to try and work out lol 11:32
flocculantoff again now - bbl11:33
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Reklanflocculant, just doing todays iso, as we are nearing the RC, do you want ALL bugs reporting (i.e VM reboot, Ubuntu 1 BMarks etc) or just the  newer ones.. i.e Static IP box, and LO elementary theme..12:39
Reklannvm didn't see you gone.. will add all of them.. you can always delete them  :-)12:43
pavlushka repositories are not working. no ping from repository, mtr tool can trace it with ip!!!15:46
PaulW2Upavlushka: May be a local problem? I've downloaded today's updates using both the "main" and GB settings for the Ubuntu repositories.16:07
flocculantreklan - just in case you read logs: report what you see even if it's old, put it on tracker16:34
flocculantthe chance of fixing things diminish rapidly now - but we can put things on release notes so people are aware16:34
flocculantyou can report the vbox reboot if you want - that's one I *will* ignore - it has a special status on release notes @LEAVE THIS ONE FOREVER PROBABLY :p16:35
knomebluesabre, saw that, thank17:20
flocculantanyone know the mechanism behind being subscribed to a bug18:12
flocculantthat is if 'xubuntu bugs' isn't auto subscribed to something here https://bugs.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs would the person reporting have to physically subscribe someone to it? 18:12
flocculanttalking launchpad here 18:13
krytarikflocculant: Unless the bug report is linked anywhere else, like the QA trackers, or another person/team relevant to the package is subscribed to it, it'd seem yes.19:07
flocculantkrytarik: that's what I thought19:16
flocculantand if it's tracker it says so "This bug has been reported on the Ubuntu Package testing tracker."19:23
flocculantbut it doesn't actually subscribe you - it just reports to LP if tracker is involved19:24
flocculantso if it's one of our packages we're subscribed to I'd see19:24
flocculantanother reason why reports there work :)19:25
flocculantknome: made a couple of minor changes to other mm's19:33
knomeflocculant, k19:34
knomegoing to publish it next19:35
knomeflocculant, oh, straight to x.org? nice19:35
flocculantknome: the small details - for after release, things like how do people change the way the power icon shows different options - which is currently a command to add to settings then you can fiddle in settings editor19:35
flocculantjust a thought19:35
knomeyes, we can do more of them19:36
flocculantknome: yea - when I know it's on x.org I'll do changes there :)19:36
knomepleia2, social media time19:36
knomepleia2, https://xubuntu.org/news/my-media-manager-other-alternatives/ is out and tweeted19:37
flocculantI do wonder why there's the option to change the wallpaper in seconds 19:40
flocculantknome: and checked wallpapers (again I think but nvm:)19:41
pleia2it's on g+ and fb now19:43
flocculantpleia2: thanks :)19:43
knomepleia2, mind pasting the links here so i can forward to those who participated in creating the article?19:45
pleia2no login walls, yay19:47
knometwitter tells me 54% of our audience buys cheese.19:50
knomeand only 49% chocolate candy19:50
flocculantgot to be wrong19:50
knomeaudience being followers19:50
davmor2knome: so you're saying twitter is full of mice19:50
* knome shrugs19:51
knomeno idea19:51
flocculantif 100% of twitter followers ate grass you could use that argument19:53
davmor2flocculant: no then I'd say they were cows not mice :P19:54
knomeor hippied19:55
knomehippies too19:55
flocculantdavmor2: or sheep19:56
flocculantnot *our* followers in particular you understand19:56
davmor2flocculant: That would be a better metaphor I guess19:56
davmor2flocculant: ^19:57
flocculantif that's shawn ... 20:02
flocculantphew ...20:03
flocculantthink I'll grab someone else's image and hope the suspend/cursor thing is global20:22
flocculanteeny meeny miny mo ... 20:22
flocculantif it affects ubuntu more chance of it getting fixed :p20:26
flocculantand evening Unit193 :)20:29
ochosilate evening all20:47
flocculantochosi: evening :)20:48
ochosiuhm, you wanna replace thunar..?20:48
flocculantnot this or next week :p20:49
ochosiyeah, obviously20:49
ochosibut even very generally speaking?20:49
Unit193ochosi: It's got everyone upset that it likes crashing so much.20:49
flocculantif it keeps causing issues like it has been then why not20:49
ochosiyeah, but i guess that's partly due to updates in gvfs20:49
ochosiit used to be quite stable a few releases ago20:50
ochosiand there wasn't any massive thunar development20:50
flocculantwell yea maybe gvfs is causing the problems - but I don't see much in the way of people complaining about other file managers which I assume use gvfs as well20:50
ochosihave any of you tried going back to an older thunar version?20:50
ochosiyeah, it might be that other file managers have some gvfs stuff implemented differently, hard to tell, i'm no thunar expert20:51
ochosii only browsed the source code very superficially20:51
ochosistill, i'd think it's worth trying to figure out what's wrong with it20:51
flocculantof course20:51
Unit193ochosi: Though doesn't matter if it is gvfs that causes it, still crashing.  If you have a 50/50 chance, yeah that's not good.  Personally yes I'd like to keep thunar, though it'd need fixed.20:52
flocculantochosi: just ftr it's not just me :)20:54
Nairwolfhi ;)20:54
NairwolfDo you remember what I said yesterday about 13 April daily ? The theme of nm-applet was weird, and it was difficult to distinguish power level of Wi-Fi signals20:55
NairwolfI've tested with a reclean install, and it's the same bug...20:56
ochosii thought flocculant also tested with a clean install20:56
flocculantNairwolf: though it could be your eyes 20:56
flocculantochosi: I did20:56
flocculanteg - while you might not find them very distinct difference others do 20:56
Unit193Eyes, monitor, video drivers, etc? :P20:57
Nairwolflet me send you the imgur link20:58
Nairwolflook this : https://imgur.com/eDtA2Qm20:58
Nairwolflook nm-apple wifi signals20:58
ochosithose are fine20:58
ochosiapart from XIXI all your wifis have bad signal -> not our fault!20:59
flocculantNairwolf: unless you're talking about the lock icon20:59
ochosiyeah, still not sure why the lock icon is white20:59
ochosishouldn't be the case and isn't in 15.1020:59
Nairwolfwhat is the lock icon ? 21:00
Nairwolfochosi: yes most of my wifis have bad signal, but I've found coulors make it difficult to distinguish low level and high level21:01
NairwolfMaybe it was like that in 15.10 before21:01
NairwolfDidn't notice21:01
NairwolfI'm sorry, I am not able to test more the daily tonight...21:07
ochosihumm, i think i might've found the root cause of the light lock icon...21:08
flocculantNairwolf: no need for apologies :)21:11
flocculantochosi: someone seeded eraser?21:13
ochosii wonder though whether we'll be able to test the fix in time21:15
ochosieven more so whether we'll be able to get it into the image, even though it's a trivial one (if it works)21:15
flocculantochosi: well if we can get it on a ppa we can test it 21:16
flocculantwhether we can get it landed is another thing21:16
ochosiit'll automatically land in the shimmer daily PPA21:17
Unit193With the nasty versioning. :321:17
flocculantochosi: ok - I'll set the laptop up to that daily then and check tomorrow if someone reminds me - and I'm sure Nairwolf would if asked ;)21:18
ochosii just requested a build there, so whenever that one is done (it estimates ~12mins) you can upgrade and test21:18
flocculantif I'm still kicking tonight I'll have a look21:19
ochosinow it says 2mins21:19
ochosiin case that motivates you ;)21:19
ochosialready building21:19
flocculantatm I'm just trying somethings with this cursor missing on suspend issue21:20
flocculantand *think* possibly found something else ... 21:20
slickymastergreat bluesabre. Thanks21:24
flocculantbluesabre: bug 1568604 I just checked one of the comments from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=81513521:25
ubottuDebian bug 815135 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "No cursor displayed" [Normal,Open]21:25
ubottubug 1568604 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "xubuntu 16.04 beta loses mouse cursor when returning from sleep" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156860421:25
flocculantchange to vt1 then back to vt7 and cursor comes back, also I http://askubuntu.com/questions/504307/ubuntu-14-04-changing-intel-graphics-driver-configurations > anyname.conf and change sna to uxa - cursor works after suspend 21:26
bluesabreochosi: thunar development sped up after 1.6.3, with lots of contributors and accepted patches... things also started breaking at that point21:27
flocculantoh hey bluesabre :)21:28
bluesabrehey flocculant21:29
flocculantochosi: here? https://launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ubuntu/daily?field.series_filter=xenial21:29
flocculantbluesabre: I'll be gone I expect - I'm pretty sure that the LP cursor bug can upstream to that debian one - but not confident enough to add it :p21:30
ochosiflocculant: yup21:32
ochosithis is the build https://code.launchpad.net/~shimmerproject/+archive/ubuntu/daily/+recipebuild/111823721:33
ochosisorry, gotta go take care of the little one21:33
flocculantok - just not showing up yet21:33
flocculantochosi: s'ok :)21:33
ochosiif it helps, maybe sean can pull in the changes to xubuntu-artwork and release/upload a new version21:34
ochosiif it doesn't, i'll try to fix it on the weekend21:34
ochosigotta run, night everyone!21:34
ochosibluesabre: yeah, true, maybe i gotta talk to hjudt21:34
flocculantochosi: night :)21:35
flocculantI'll check the icon theme in the morning ... 21:53
flocculantnight all21:53
slickymasternight flocculant 21:54

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