
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
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=== MichaelTunnother is now known as MichaelTunnell
=== MichaelTunnell is now known as MichaelTunnother
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xubuntu805hi all14:15
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=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
LinuxNinjahHello, I'm new to xubuntu and I was wondering... is it safe to install nvidia's .run driver in xubuntu? It broke my debian system when I did it but I really want to test out the vulkan api21:31
LinuxNinjahim on 14.0421:32
geniiProbably better to use the xorg-xedgers PPA before doing that21:34
LinuxNinjahhmm I don't know alot about that do I sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-xedgers21:34
LinuxNinjahand then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade?21:35
geniiI put an extra x in there, apologies21:36
LinuxNinjahand whats the package im looking for in there21:36
geniinvidia-current, same as usual21:37
LinuxNinjahokay, I'm currently using compton to vsync in xfce that wont cause any issues right21:38
LinuxNinjahjust to make sure21:38
LinuxNinjahsorry for so many questions lol but so im running i think nvidia 352 driver... I added the ppa and did apt-get update ... so if I install nvidia-current thats it?21:40
geniiShould be, yes21:41
LinuxNinjahI dont see an nvidia package there21:41
LinuxNinjahi see amd and intel etc but not nvidia21:41
geniiLooks like they separated out the proprietary drivers now from that PPA21:50
LinuxNinjahso is there any safe way to install nvidia vulkan driver or should I wait? I need to keep this system alive21:51
geniihttps://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa is where the proprietary ones are at now21:51
RoadRunnerdo I need to do some special configuring of pulseaudio to make projectM work with Audacious?22:58
RoadRunnerand if so how to do it...22:59
ninjahhey after upgrading xubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 during boot all I get is /dev/sda2: recovering journal and /dev/sda2:clean blahblah and a blinking cursor forever23:11
ninjahhave important docs need to get back in to the system23:12
ninjahi was able to login using the command line what should i do23:14
ninjahI think its a graphics driver issue how do I configure nvidia driver from the command line? (enable it) after apt-get install nvidia-current23:21
ninjahlol ok i fixed it just removed the nvidia driver I had installed and then installed 36423:33

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