[00:01] I asked in ubuntu-release. Was ok'd by inifinity [00:01] doko: could you be more specific about "mess"? [00:02] sgclark, are you sure that all these builds succeed an don't need any interaction / give backs ? [00:02] doko: they have been in testing for some time now. However, if something has changed... [00:03] sgclark, testing? [00:03] like libc6 then well no. [00:04] doko: What is the problem? I asked for approval and recieved. I don't know what you are looking for here. [00:04] sorry, I don't understand [00:05] sgclark, you're uploading packages which will ftbfs if not built in some particular order [00:05] which is why I am retrying them. [00:06] if you're doing that, fine. I didn't see that in the past [00:06] however it seems we have a bigger problem. libc6 changed and we have a FTBFS which could be a problem. [00:06] and I am looking into it. [00:07] please file a bug report and make it pciority critical [00:07] ok thanks [01:34] : valorie: could you find someone to test install taglib 1.10 in my xenial ppa? [01:36] : It seemed to build OK locally so I uploaded to my PPA. But be warned it might be horribly broken [04:04] clivejo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15842017/ [04:04] what is the packagename? [04:07] because: [04:07] sudo apt install --reinstall taglib [04:07] Reading package lists... Done [04:07] Building dependency tree [04:07] Reading state information... Done [04:07] E: Unable to locate package taglib [06:17] libtag1v5 etc on latest xenial build https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/1.9.1-2.4ubuntu1/+build/8130584 [06:24] acheron: was that for me? === mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin [07:57] good morning [07:58] morning soee [07:58] Apps 16.04.0 are available on depot :) [07:59] :D [07:59] gonna package them soee? [07:59] sure ... :D [07:59] i see Scarlett had some problems with uploading Plasma 5.5.5 :/ [07:59] thats your homework for tonight :) [08:00] to have apps 16.04.0 ready for testing in a PPA [08:01] yuck [08:01] do you have by default installed: gtk3-engines-breeze ? [08:01] symbols craziness in taglib [08:05] clivejo: did you see my questions to you earlier? [08:09] yes, but I dont understand [08:10] also I dont know if this is a build or runtime lib [08:11] soee: you could say that [08:12] I really feel sorry for sgclark and yofel [08:12] must feel like they are on a slippery slope, one step forward, two steps back [08:22] * clivejo sees muon has a fix for the unmark all bug [08:25] : Good Morning friends šŸ˜ƒ [08:25] : It's PARTY Day [08:32] * clivejo is gonna explode [08:32] : /me doesn't really grokk what all that stuff means [08:32] : Is that good or bad [08:33] it just replaces the tag with my username in IRC [08:34] -*- clivejo is gonna explode [08:35] my Three in Touch app wont work because Iā€™m in a foreign place! [08:35] : /O\ Ah Pants ! [08:35] I need a 3 network signal for it to work, surely that defeats the entire purpose of the app! [08:37] they get paid in GBP, have my UK postcode and speak English, yet Im the foreign one! [08:38] I can bearly understand what she is saying! [09:02] oh gosh, if I'm attending the party, I'd better get to bed [09:02] best of luck everyone [09:32] FYI: Looks like future KDE PIM 16.08 release will depend on Qt 5.6 (to use QtWebEngine in all it's new beauty). How problematic would that be for xenial backports? (Discussion on kde-pim mailing list) [10:05] allee: it would mean backporting Qt. Wouldn't be our first time, but I'm not sure how well that's going to work. We'll have to just make some test packages and see what happens [10:09] yofel: Okay. Good. That doesn't sound it makes you/kubuntu devs too nervous ;-) [10:12] Most/all of Qt 5.6 is already packaged in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-011/+packages. === Squt is now known as Sput [10:18] mamarley: fwiw: qt5.5 -> qt5.6 reminded me about the painful bluez4 -> bluez5 state when kde required 5 and *ubuntu was stuck with 4. PPA does not automaticly imply that all qt/kde apps work with 5.6. We'll see in autuom ;-) [10:19] I think that PPA also has recompiled the stuff that is necessary to recompile against 5.6, so you might be able to test it now if you wanted. [10:21] mamarley: okay. right now I'm busy testing xenial (getting grey hairs due to akonadi) I hope we can introduce it soon at work .. [10:51] Howdy all === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [10:54] Hi BluesKaj [10:57] hi allee [10:57] something wring with the neon images for users, the users link doesn't work , but there's no expalnation. I suppose it's better than providing a link to defective images. [10:58] http://neon.kde.org/download [10:58] oops, scuse the typos , still on my first coffee [11:09] yofel: so Apps 15.12.3 and Plasma 5.5.5 are in archive now no ? :) [11:11] looks like it === yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Final Beta Freeze in effect | Plasma 5.5.5: X/archive, Apps 15.12.3: X/archive, FW 5.18: X/archive | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging [11:11] 2 sec faster than me with topic :D [11:12] yofel: if someone finds time, can we now upload 5.6 to taging and latest frameworks to start on backports? [11:12] *staging [11:46] : Party day Friends [11:46] : Please could some check that this link works [11:46] : https://plus.google.com/b/112102796730023795852/events/cd5cm4806f1sp8mc7gkasvv971o [11:47] : Please can you share this info round your networks [11:47] : http://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-part-2/ [11:49] Sick_Rimmit , the urls work ok [11:58] no cam or mic on this pc , besides I'm 3M away from the monitor/TV anyway so no point being an active participant , but I guess I could be an observer [12:00] : It's cool, there is an IRC Chat feature in there as well. The idea was that folks can engage Multimedia, Just Audio, or Just chat. [12:00] no the stuff is not all done, it was a complete disaster. libc6 was updated and made things go BOOM. I am not happy in the least. [12:00] : Here is a link to the conference server [12:01] : http://kubuntu.blindsidenetworks.net/kubuntu/ [12:01] : password: welcome [12:01] : that is for public consumption [12:01] : please do go test it out [12:02] : sgckark /o\ Oh No!! [12:03] yofel: I am not even sure how to proceed, things are in quite the broken state due to this. [12:04] Sick_Rimmit , what's this party all about anyway ? Like a yest for nextweek or something? [12:04] test rather [12:04] wtf would something like libc6 even be updated this close to release.. /cries [12:04] sgclark, what went boom? [12:04] sgclark: is it really that bad? I only 4 sources that are FTBFS on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/#kubuntu [12:05] dunno what to do about those libc failures though.. [12:05] the bugfix releases -> archive [12:05] *only see [12:05] oh? well the piles of failures in my inbox led me to believe more. [12:06] * sgclark just woke up from a restless night. [12:06] someone else might've retried those [12:11] I get this warning when doing updates: "AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors." It doen't seem to affect the upgrades tho. [12:11] hmm yep, someone did fix something. [12:14] well thanks mystery fixer. I guess I will hunt down isnan patches upstream for the rest. [12:38] It looks as if BBB relies on flash, correct? [12:39] BBB? [12:59] Big Blue Button [13:15] http://davidrosca.blogspot.com/2016/04/audio-volume-improvements-in-plasma-57.html [13:15] BluesKaj: you were using Kmix i think - now you will be able to switch to plasma-pa :D [13:17] not using pulseaudio deliberately, no need for unnecessary extra audio processing [13:18] soee,^ [13:20] ah :) [13:20] running without pulse only works forintel-hde users since the intel driver integrates/links much better to alsa than other audio chip drivers [13:20] hda [13:22] the intel audio drivers are more complete and don't need to rely on pulse to link alsa to web audio for example [13:45] marble ftbfs, anybody working on it? [13:45] and on the various autopkg test failures? [13:59] yofel: I was rejected for libkf5sane libkf5kface ktp-kded-integration-module. I have pushed the tags to git if you could upload. Thanks. [13:59] doko: yes [14:44] hummmm GNOME Maps, more like OpenStreetMap in a nice GNOME wrapper, yet not a mention of OSM in the article - https://www.linux.com/learn/introduction-gnome-maps [14:47] has anyone tested taglib? [14:53] clivejo: I think building amarok against is the biggest test needed as afaik that is its main purpose in life for us. [14:56] any friendly neighbourhood amarok devs? [14:59] clivejo: meet Mamarok [14:59] o/ Mamarok [15:07] Ok libc6 patches all pushed and uploaded, just waiting for them to be approved. afk a bit. [15:14] sgclark: Great job! :) === Jobava_ is now known as Jobava [15:32] oooo 253 updates today [15:33] If you were running staging already, they aren't really updates, just the official repository packages of what was already in staging. [15:34] true [15:34] Im seeing libc6 updates though [15:35] vlc === Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz [15:35] mesa stuff [15:35] lots of non KDE stuffs [15:36] ah a FF update [15:37] * clivejo crosses fingers it somes crashing while loading buildlogs via KCI [15:37] stops [15:37] is taglib a runtime lib? [15:38] I guess its both [15:38] * sgclark curses the libc6 update [15:38] I dont understand how that can happen [15:38] like so close to launch [15:38] right?! [15:38] insane.... madness [15:38] I was so not expecting that [15:38] also how can php version be just changed all of a sudden [15:39] I thought with an LTS it would be only stable, proved and tested stuff [15:39] clivejo, php and glibc had FFe's [15:39] oh well. hopefully the new uploads will go through soon [15:39] sgclark: what does the patch consist of? [15:40] isnan is now std::isnan [15:40] everything using isnan went BOOM [15:40] aka cmath [15:40] doko: I understand that, but there are lots of things relying on those packages [15:40] which is why I am shocked such a thing would be updated this close to launch. [15:42] in my mind its akin to trying to re-work a foundation once a house has been built, one mistake could bring the whole lot down! [15:42] lol yes good analogy [15:42] clivejo, did you read my email about the test rebuild? at least you should have been aware of that for about two weeks [15:43] doko: Im quite new at this, a lot of stuff goes over my head [15:43] subscribe to ubuntu-devel-announce [15:43] how all the blocks go together still baffles me! [15:44] mamarley: You say from -staging Did that pass through -landing? [15:44] http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20160401-xenial.html [15:44] doko: the few of us left are new to the whole release process. [15:44] sure [15:44] I think he means staging-misc [15:44] live and learn. I uploaded patches so we should be good. [15:45] Ive been around Ubuntu for some time, just not the details of how it all works behind the scenes [15:45] and no I missed the mail, been out of town. Not to mention my mailbox is jammed, so behind :( [15:46] I guess I believed the Ubuntu fairys did all this when I was dreaming [15:46] me too hahahahah [15:46] now I have nightmares about symbols and FTBFS [15:46] I had NO idea how much Riddell did until now.. [15:47] and not having rights to do what needs to be done adds an extra factor of failure. [15:48] tis very frustrating. [15:48] that is usually the way, noone sees true work happen, its only when it stops doing what it should we looks at it! [15:48] bit like my car really [15:49] doko are you on the release team? [15:49] no [15:50] subbed to ubuntu-devel-announce now, better late then never haha [15:51] how do I get my kubuntu email on LP page rather than my real one? [15:52] click the edit and add it? [15:52] Ive tried :/ [15:52] LP tries to send an email and I never get it to ack it [15:53] An email message was sent to 'clivejo@kubuntu.org' with instructions on how to confirm that it belongs to you. [15:53] clivejo: it send the email to your default account, these are forwarding emails. [15:53] but I dont get any email :/ [15:53] : I know clivejo [15:53] : I had this problem, [15:53] : There is something broken [15:53] : Sitter knows what it is [15:54] : I asked him if he could look at my email, and he fixed it [15:54] : I think it's some update script [15:54] oh wait, got an email [15:54] : Also I believe ovidiu also knows, but no one here has the rights to fix it [15:55] oh, its just amessage asking a request had been made to add a new email [15:55] saying [15:55] how long before this party I am not ready for? [15:56] I think I needs a few dozen energy drinks [15:56] me too, I did not sleep well at all :( nightmare of launchpad failed buillds endless... [15:56] sgclark: I don't have any more permissions than you do. [15:56] shadeslayer: can you help out? [15:57] oh ouch [15:57] again bit by the lack of permissions [16:00] we seem to have mountains of ubiquity bugs piling in. I guess I need to figure out that package... That will be my party. [16:00] afk till party. Need to get some RL stuff done. [16:02] what time does it start? [16:03] : That's sounds like a good party sgclark. [16:03] : Maybe we could break that out into room2 and have a Bug Squish [16:04] : Starts at 20:00 BST, I hope to be there from 19:30 [16:19] : @Sick_Rimmit anything technical you need set up before the evening? === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [16:35] I would prefer not to be put in a room by myself as I have no clue what I am doing === Jobava_ is now known as Jobava [17:44] Hi folks, can some of you mucking about with Muon please chime in on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover/+bug/1570551 [17:44] Launchpad bug 1570551 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "FFe: Merge plasma-discover 5.6.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] [18:47] sgclark: hi, I see your mail inquiring changes to libapt, is there something wrong? [18:47] *libQapt [18:48] slhk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-discover/+bug/1570551 [18:48] Launchpad bug 1570551 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "FFe: Merge plasma-discover 5.6.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] [18:50] sgclark: found bug, fixed bug [18:50] this was important, since 0.9.4 will be uploaded to Xenial likely tomorrow [18:50] and this issue starts to appear with that version of AppStream [18:51] with that patch Discover should be safe :) [18:51] and this discover is going to run with all other Plasma compenents only at 5.5.5? [18:52] Plasma 5.6 will NOT be going in xenial. well perhaps backports, but not till after release. [18:52] sgcalrk: it does so here [18:52] and on Debian [18:52] it is in your ppa? [18:52] at least we didn't get any bug reports since end of March [18:53] yes, please test it if you have the time! [18:53] yeah... [18:53] well after it buillds I will [18:53] I'm about to release libqapt 3.0.2, which is required by Muon. *should* be binary compatible with current 3.0.1 as far as Discover is concerned [18:54] I hate the word *should* this close to release... [18:54] *should* turned into a pile of FAIL for me lawst night. [18:54] I am very tired. [18:55] the only change is the addition of two signals [18:55] sgclark: if it helps, the Ubuntu team with GNOME Software is in pretty much the same position, if not worse [18:55] too much churn too close to the release [18:55] :( [18:56] and fixes inside functions, but Muon won't run without that [18:56] great, plasma-discover works fine here, but kdesu just crashed ^^ [18:56] uh [18:57] ok, I tested the updater too now, works well [18:57] not much proress information, but that hasn't been there before too, AFAIR [18:59] glibc 2.23 is very nice to have, but they should have put it in much, much earlier. [18:59] slhk are you Carlo? [19:00] http://kubuntu.blindsidenetworks.net/kubuntu/ [19:00] Party Conference link [19:01] password: welcome [19:01] clivejo: yes [19:01] hi o/ === ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube [19:08] welcome :) [19:09] hi :) [19:09] I am going to have to miss this party too because I have to drive for an hour after work today, same as last time. :( [19:09] slhk: regarding libqapt - https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=libqapt.git&a=commitdiff&h=e63d3239a7846eb968151ebdd4f12e0921e0f13a [19:10] whats the purpose of void cacheReloadStarted(); and void cacheReloadFinished(); === nodoubleg is now known as nodoubleg-lunch [19:13] clivejo: to notify Muon that it has to reload the list of packages [19:13] thats a function? [19:13] they are Qt signals [19:14] Muon connects to them [19:14] sorry, I havent coded in years! [19:15] * sick_rimmit waves to slhk Hi [19:15] great to see you slhk [19:16] libqapt (master) v3.0.1-2-g6db4227 * Carlo Vanini: src (2 files) [19:16] Fix "ReInstall" action not being enabled. [19:16] Fix mark/Unmark for ReInstall of a package. [19:16] Testing Done: [19:16] http://commits.kde.org/libqapt/6db42277651409eeb92fa4f67c64f85434db387e [19:16] libqapt (master) v3.0.1-3-gf68d7c1 * Carlo Vanini: CMakeLists.txt [19:16] Change version to 3.0.2 [19:16] http://commits.kde.org/libqapt/f68d7c194c8791b69a1b08dc07f14938b8c24820 [19:17] muon (master) v5.4.3-182-ge831ea5 * Carlo Vanini: CMakeLists.txt [19:17] Change required version of libqapt to 3.0.2 [19:17] http://commits.kde.org/muon/e831ea56cb6fa8a6c28f787cd9ecc26e98a45f87 [19:17] muon (master) v5.4.3-183-gd43729b * Carlo Vanini: CMakeLists.txt [19:17] Change version number to 5.6.0 [19:17] http://commits.kde.org/muon/d43729bee432dfe4aaa9fdf49a5aeaa591fa5451 [19:24] ximion: plasma-discover works I guess. I don't use software centers so probably not best person to test. [19:25] sgcalrk: maybe we can get someone else to check if it works too then? [19:25] but actually, I am pretty confident that this is relatively safe to merge [19:25] Anyone want to test plasma-discover? https://launchpad.net/~ximion/+archive/ubuntu/tests [19:27] ximion: since it is not a bugfix release we would need a MOTU, of which the core team no longer has. So you will have to bug some like perhaps shadeslayer or if you have any connections.. [19:28] not in the KDE realm, and most are incredibly busy at time to get Ubuntu itself released properly [19:28] the core team should really have a MOTU... [19:29] really? you think? we also need 52 hours in a day. [19:29] sgclark: this version in this test ppa is 5.6.2 isnt this compatible with plasam 5.6.2 only ? [19:30] this is what happens when you have a handful of volunteers working on such a massive thing. [19:30] soee: no, there are no Plasma 5.6 specific dependencies in there [19:30] soee: nah I ran it with 5.5.5 [19:30] ximion: what should this fix ? [19:31] soee: outdated metadata being used in the software center [19:32] * soee is to scared to look at his discover thingie :| [19:32] it doesn't fix a massive issue, which is why it should only go in after a bit of testing (I can confirm that it works well for me here) [19:34] ximion: is this intended http://paste.ubuntu.com/15858055/ ? [19:35] soee: yes, that's part of the merge with Debian [19:35] libdiscovercommon doesn't exist there [19:35] (its contents are in plasma-discover-private, mainly) [19:36] ok it installed fine [19:36] ximion: anythign i should do to test it ? [19:37] check if applications show up, you can install and remove, and if updating stuff works [19:37] and if you can find the things you are looking for in the SC [19:38] if you don't notice any issues, it's fine :) [19:41] ximion: yes it works pretty good [19:42] though UX is a tragedy here :( [19:43] soee: as in "it's a regression" or as in "not worse than before"? [19:44] ximion: not worse than before - interface sucks here for a long time :D [19:46] jap, I also have alignment issues here, but those have even been worse before the upgrade [19:47] so it's an improvement [19:48] simplicity ftw. https://it.uib.no/ithelp/images/e/eb/MSC_SoftwarePage.png [19:49] take a look at GNOME Software for that simplicity ^^ [19:49] ximion: so what are next stpes with this discover pacakge ? [19:49] soee: finding someone to ACK the FFE and upload it to the archive [19:49] yofel or shadeslayer maybe [19:50] I am only DD and Kubuntu member, I can't do anything to the packages in Xenial :P [20:27] yofel not MOTU yet either. would have to be shadeslayer or Quintasan_ maybe? dunno [20:38] sgclark: honestly, I think managing the distribution without much power to do changes is a really bad situation [20:39] I agree whole heartedly. This has been a nightmare. [20:39] not your fault, but maybe the people who left can help the ones who are still there to gain the administrative powers to do changes when necessary [20:39] * sgclark is ready for retirement [20:42] It is what it is. I am weighing my options on whether or not I will do another release. The amount of time and effort that will be needed to obtain such powers I just don't see happening. I have got to get my career or any paying job going. [20:42] does kubuntu have a good pension plan? [20:42] hah [20:58] sgclark, the KCC and UCC meeting? [21:38] eakk [21:38] whats up with KCI [21:40] 4 hours usually means the connection to launchpad is failing [21:44] yup [22:12] I left too valorie maybe they will get the hint. haha [22:51] muon.install:usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/muon.mo [22:52] what about the libqapt ones? [22:54] qapt-gst-helper.qm, qapt-gst-helper.mo, qapt-deb-installer.qm, qaptbatch.mo, plasma_runner_installer.qm, qapt-deb-installer.mo, plasma_runner_installer.mo and qaptbatch.qm [22:55] all being build, but not being installed [22:55] integram was removed by: ovidiuflorin [22:58] they are one for each binary package generated from the libqapt source package [23:01] libqapt3-runtime didn't ship any *.mo [23:01] the plugins? [23:02] no they are binaries (command line programs) [23:02] : test [23:03] : Fail [23:11] Hi [23:13] temp_my_bot_bot was removed by: ovidiuflorin [23:13] integram was added by: Sick_Rimmit [23:15] integram was removed by: ovidiuflorin