
george_eQuestion... I have a repository being imported from GitHub and someone sent a pull-request. If they added submodules in the pull request but later removed them and squashed the commits - is it safe to merge?02:54
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wgrantgeorge_e: That should be fine if it was rebased so that any commits including submodules no longer exist.04:07
george_ewgrant: awesome, thanks.04:09
tjaaltonwgrant: ok, syncpackage output is just misleading then04:28
wgranttjaalton: Howso?04:39
tjaaltonit says lp hasn't picked up the new version04:43
wgranttjaalton: rmadison reports 1.13.4-1, but all the mirrors I've checked only have 1.13.3-1. Perhaps dinstall works but mirror pushes don't.04:47
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hyakuheiHey, can anyone help with 2fa?07:11
wgranthyakuhei: 2FA is part of Ubuntu One, not Launchpad. #canonical-sysadmin is your best bet.07:14
hyakuheiThanks wgrant08:40
tewardif there's a bug report filed as spam, who do I bother to get the entire report removed?13:27
cjwatsonteward: answers.launchpad.net/launchpad13:27
nsantoscjwatson: hi, we have an issue with some pending packages on https://launchpad.net/~oil-ci/+archive/ubuntu/production/+packages , they are marked as "built but not yet published" for quite a while now... could you take a look and maybe fix their status?14:58
nsantoscjwatson: it's canonical-oil, doberman, and weeblclient, all latest builds for trusty14:58
cjwatsonnsantos: looking15:09
nsantoscjwatson: thank you15:09
cjwatsonnsantos: how long is "quite a while"?  this is a private PPA so I can't look directly15:09
nsantoscjwatson: since yesterday evening15:09
clivejohi, can PPA's be configured to give certain diffs?  ie can I configure my PPA to only show diffs with the archive and not previous PPA builds?15:09
cjwatsonclivejo: I don't think so, sorry15:10
clivejoawww :(15:10
cjwatsonnsantos: can you give me an example package name/version?15:13
nsantoscjwatson: canonical-oil-0.1.12~bzr593~precise-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa115:14
nsantosdoberman-2.6.0~bzr326~trusty-0ubuntu1  and  weeblclient-1.1.0-30-g1cce500~trusty-0ubuntu115:14
nsantosthose are the 315:14
cjwatsonhmm, I see logs of those being published15:15
nsantoscjwatson: jhobbs will add you to the ppa in the next few minutes so you can look directly15:16
cjwatsonnsantos: yeah, I was just going to ask for that, thanks15:17
nsantoscjwatson: they are ok for trusty, but somehow hang for precise15:17
cjwatsonnsantos: oh, the versions you gave above were specifically for trusty15:17
nsantoscjwatson: soory, the other way around, ok for precise, hang for trusty15:17
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clivejoI am trying to add my kubuntu email to my LP page.  I click on the Add button but I never recieve an actual email with an embedded link to link on, anyone know how to fix this?15:57
cjwatsonnsantos: any word on that PPA access?15:59
cjwatsonclivejo: I'm almost out of time for the week and will need to wait for a long log sync before I can check anyway, so I suggest asking a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad with details16:00
clivejonot a huge problem anyway, but just wondered if there was something i was doing wrong16:01
nsantoscjwatson: you should have access now16:09
cjwatsonnsantos: Thanks.  Just setting myself up to have a look at the on-disk-published archive too.16:14
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cjwatsonnsantos: still looking, though these versions are making me go cross-eyed16:38
cjwatson0.1.12~bzr593~precise-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1, I can't even16:38
nsantosI know... sorry16:38
nsantosappreciate you looking16:38
cjwatsonit seems to be judging the packages it just published as eligible for removal, for some reason16:40
cjwatsonnsantos: Oh, I see.  The history is a bit involved; are you OK with me discussing it here (a public channel)?17:01
cjwatsonI'd just be exposing names, versions, and times.17:03
nsantoscjwatson: sure, or go to direct message17:12
cjwatsonRight, I'll explain it in a query.  It's basically a package copy race.17:12
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naccwhy is an archive.owner (e.g., launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"].main_archive.owner) "https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~ubuntu-archive" ? ... i don't think the example for "Get dsc-files for sources in an archive" is working (with the devel API)17:52
dobeybecasue archive.owner is a link toa a team or person, and ubuntu-archive is the team that owns the main archive17:54
naccdobey: ah ... but then i'm not sure but that get_dsc() example isn't accurate, right? because afaict, that's not where the dsc files can be found anymore (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+archive/+files/cobbler_2.4.1-0ubuntu2.dsc vs. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/cobbler_2.4.1-0ubuntu1.dsc)17:59
dobeyi am not sure what example you're referring to18:00
dobeyurl for the example?18:01
naccsorry! https://help.launchpad.net/API/Examples18:01
dobeyyour first url doesn't specify which archive18:02
dobeyhmm, yeah, that example seems wrong18:02
naccdobey: ok :)18:02
dobeyat least for distribution archives18:03
dobeymight work for PPAs18:03
naccack, i'll figure out a better way -- i've got it mostly working, just need to figure out how to get from either a distribution or archive to "ubuntu" or "debian" :)18:04
cjwatsonwhat the heck is that example doing18:07
nacccjwatson: i've been struggling to figure that out myself -- mostly because it was wrong18:08
dobeycjwatson: looks like it's a not particularly pretty way to get the .dsc files from a PPA18:08
cjwatsonyes I know what it *thinks* it's doing18:08
naccdobey: the problem is the reference to the "previous examples" of an archive is the main ubuntu archive, not a PPA18:09
naccso maybe something got reorg'd at some point and that did work, not sure18:09
dobeynacc: i think you want i.package_upload.custom_file_urls18:09
dobeynacc: and pick the one out of that result set which ends with .dsc18:09
cjwatsonerr you don't want custom_file_urls for dscs18:09
cjwatsonno no no18:09
dobeyoh no?18:09
cjwatsondscs aren't custom, they're source18:09
cjwatsonnacc: I've simplified that example so it should actually work18:10
nacccjwatson: thanks!18:10
dobeycjwatson: what the heck is a custom file then? :)18:11
cjwatsonusing sourceFileUrls would likely be better, but fixing the example for that was more work and it introduces complexities like different spelling between API versions18:11
cjwatsonso whatever18:11
cjwatsondobey: weird things like d-i image tarballs, UEFI images for signing, that kind of thing18:11
cjwatsonall the strange exceptions18:11
nacccjwatson: that results in something like18:12
naccwhich isn't found18:12
cjwatsonoh right, sorry, will fix harder18:12
nacccjwatson: np, thanks for your help!18:12
cjwatsonnacc: try now18:12
cjwatsonwait, no18:13
cjwatsonnow :)18:13
cjwatsonI don't know if that code predated web_link, or if the author was just unaware of it18:14
cjwatsonmy guess would be the latter18:14
cjwatsonand ~owner/+archive is very very old since that's the >8yo assumption that a user has exactly one PPA18:15
nacccjwatson: awesome, thank you!18:15
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