
krytariktsimonq2, phillw: As to why the alternate images are oversized as of late, fonts-noto-cjk is to blame as usual :P - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.xenial/revision/32002:10
tsimonq2krytarik: thank you for looking into this :)02:11
tsimonq2krytarik: next time please also ping wxl ;)02:11
krytarikWell, I only saw you two discussing this on the ML.02:12
krytarikBut thanks for doing that for me now. :P02:12
tsimonq2krytarik: he *just* went home for the night02:14
tsimonq2krytarik: or respond on the ML thread :)02:14
ianorlinphillw no respins occured today05:50
ianorlinI might be the only one awake now05:50
phillwianorlin: okies, afaik the cron is not turned off, so they should kick in about 17:00 UTC10:59
phillwtsimonq2: if it is the lang-packs, then Julien has already resolved it :)11:00
tsimonq2phillw: I read the ML :)11:29
phillwand now, we wait :)11:29
tsimonq2indeed ;)12:05
tewardwho does the RPi images here13:38
tewardcrit-level issue13:38
tewardflexiondotorg: ping13:40
tewardurgent ping, rather13:40
tewardflexiondotorg: same issue affecting MATE Rpi image, affects Lubuntu RPi image13:40
teward'cept I can't file the bug13:40
flexiondotorgI pulled down the 15.10 download links.13:40
tewarddo you do the Lubuntu RPi image or do you know who does?13:41
tewardflexiondotorg: phillw asked me to verify the Lubuntu image as well13:41
tewardand it has the same issue :)13:41
teward16.04's unaffected13:41
tewardjust 15.1013:41
flexiondotorgI've committed a for for 16.04.13:41
flexiondotorgOnly 2 files have the wrong perms in the 16.04 images.13:41
tewardflexiondotorg: ack, thanks for poking.  wanted to make sure, though, you're aware that I did test this on the Lubuntu, 'cuase phillw said he couldn't find the issue, but it does exist on the copy on his mirror :p13:42
flexiondotorgteward, Thanks for reporting it :-)13:43
phillwgood that it is in progress :)13:44
tewardflexiondotorg: you said you pulled the ISOs, does that mean for Lubuntu as well?16:14
tewardphillw: ^ suggest waiting for new ones16:14
tewardrather than leave the bad ones16:14
phillwI'd wait for RC for 16.04 images. For 15.10, the released images should be fine.16:16
tewardthe RPi images for Lubuntu have a blaring security hole16:18
flexiondotorgIs it worth going for RC 16.04 images or just go with release images on the 21st?16:18
teward/lib has incorrect ownership, and bad permissions -same as the MATE 15.10 images16:18
phillwflexiondotorg: they are worth spinning up. we can test them.16:19
phillwI'm happy to do them between other tests16:19
flexiondotorgphillw, I'll make a Lubuntu 16.04-rc this weekend and sync it to you server.16:19
flexiondotorgI'll ping you here when it's ready.16:20
flexiondotorgSound OK?16:20
phillwsounds like a plan :) The RC's should be out Sat latests.16:20
flexiondotorgI just focus on Lubuntu RC.16:21
flexiondotorgI'll try and get it to you tonight.16:21
flexiondotorgWe have an internal Ubuntu MATE RC.16:21
phillwwe're just waiting for cron to spin today's iso's - once that is done - go for it :)16:22
flexiondotorgThe only reason for making the Ubuntu MATE rc is becauce we've removed stuff we used to ship.16:22
phillwwell, at this late stage, and rc for lubuntu should be pretty much what will ship on 21st16:24
phillwjulien has only hacked the alternate image.. the desktop has been left pretty much untouched.16:27
tsimonq2wxl: ping17:57
wxltsimonq2: what up?17:57
tsimonq2wxl: confirm http://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-16-04-release-candidate/ ?17:57
tsimonq2wxl: Lubuntu 16.04 LTS will be delayed?17:58
wxltsimonq2: that only discusses the release candidate17:58
wxltsimonq2: which is to say the final testing image17:58
tsimonq2wxl: but release candidates aren't official milestones, are they?17:59
wxlwell :/17:59
tsimonq2like Beta * and Alpha *17:59
wxli guess yes17:59
wxlthink about it like this:17:59
wxlthe tuesday before the release of beta 1 on thursday an image is frozen17:59
wxlthat frozen image is the testing image for beta 117:59
wxlthe image may change over time, but ultimately, some variation of it will get frozen and released on beta 118:00
wxlwe tend to think of milestones as the actual release18:01
tsimonq2but then if it's just a candidate, why make an announcement? I'm not understanding that...18:01
tsimonq2but the actual release won18:01
wxlbut there is a frozen image that should be announced18:01
tsimonq2*won't be delayed?18:01
wxlbecause that is the key to start testing18:01
tsimonq2I see18:01
tsimonq2makes sense18:01
tsimonq2sorry :)18:01
phillwwxl: tsimonq2 alternates are still over size... I've just put it on the ML for Julien.18:02
wxlaccording to release team, rc's start after final freeze, but that doesn't mean that it will be immediately after18:02
wxland ultimately, rc's should not be the sign to start testing18:03
wxlthat should be the sign to start testing more vigorously18:03
wxlwe should ALWAYS be testing dailies18:03
wxlhowever some contributors only want to bother when they have rc's18:03
tsimonq2I see, makes sense18:04
ianorlinsooner we find the bugs the more time to fix them18:07
wxlwhat ianorlin said18:08
wxlwe're having a dsicussion on #ubuntu-release about getting rid of the whole idea of rc's18:08
wxlbecause really no image is "released"18:08
wxlit's just frozen18:08
ianorlinI still would want dailies to be easier to track when the last one has been tested though so a testcase doesn't go a month with no one testing it and we get bad coverage18:11
wxlianorlin: write a bug against the tracker!18:12
ianorlinwxl I did18:12
ianorlinbug 154387118:13
ubot93bug 1543871 in Ubuntu QA Website " iso tracker hard to find last time a daily build was tested " [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154387118:13
wxlianorlin: oh! did i confirm it?18:13
wxlno i didn't18:13
wxli'll get on that18:13
ianorlinwxl yes I don't see no rc's working well without that18:19
=== gsilva is now known as gsilvapt
phillwhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily/pending/ :(22:12
wxlwell ubottu knows it22:13
phillwwxl: this is after Julien stripping out the lang packs, that we had hoped would bring it in on size22:14
phillwsome thing after beta1 blew up in size....22:15
phillwwxl: but, I have proven the backup plan today if we cannot ship an image CD sized that can handle RAID etc.22:18

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