
n-iCeso Guest0200:16
n-iCehow is it going00:16
n-iCeyou are doing something ridiculously easy so hard00:16
Guest02I know. But i still dont can open the directory so i installed from synaptic. But maybe it can be 14.04.4 is not fit to this skype. Skype for linux is not updated ofen.00:18
n-iCeok will you do what I say?00:18
n-iCein order to make it work, yes or no?00:18
Guest02Without the directory i can not install it in terminal.00:19
n-iCeyes or no?00:19
n-iCethink your answer.00:20
Guest02I was try. cud not find the directory.     no such file or directory. Will not try anymore.00:21
n-iCei'm done00:21
n-iCegood luck00:21
Guest02I dont know why it not find the directory..  I know you try to help. Thank you anyway.00:22
n-iCeI did not ask about your directory.00:22
n-iCeyou need to learn to read00:22
n-iCeyou don't know how to read00:22
Guest02save it, once downloaded, go in the terminal to /home/youruser/Downloads00:23
Guest02you give me this.00:23
Guest02no such file or directory.00:23
Guest02I think synaptic is more easy anyway. Why use terminal when you can do it i a meny.00:24
n-iCebecause synaptics packages are OLD00:25
n-iCebut man00:26
Unit193!info skybe-bin partner00:26
ubottuPackage skybe-bin does not exist in partner00:26
Unit193!info skype-bin partner00:26
ubottuskype-bin (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service - binary files. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 19643 kB, installed size 43366 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)00:26
Unit193n-iCe: Really?00:26
n-iCeUnit193: hehe actually I have never installed something from synaptic itself, no idea was the same version, otherwise, I'm using the same lubuntu version and works perfectly00:30
n-iCeGuest02: open a terminal, and type: skype00:30
n-iCesee if it runs if it and crash00:30
n-iCetell me what does the terminal say about the error00:30
Guest02Synaptic skype is the same
Guest02I have shut down that computer.00:31
Guest02When it be to complictaed i let it be.00:31
n-iCenot sure how much will you progress in life thinking that way00:32
Guest02Linux is not always easy.00:32
n-iCelife is never easy00:32
Guest02Sometimes it is crashing and all that and i have to reinstall.00:32
n-iCecurious, how old are you?00:32
n-iCesince you did not even tell your computer user name, I'm really curious.00:33
Guest02I use my name as username. I dont want to give my name out everywhere on internet.00:34
Guest02When linux crashing it makes me tired.00:34
n-iCeWell it is 2:35am where you are right? that's why you are tired.00:35
Guest02but anyway i was travel for some weeks ago and my lubuntu on my netbook was crashing. it is boring when that is happens.00:36
n-iCeI have never have any issue00:38
Guest02It was the updates make it crashing. When it be to complicated and i try for hours.. It is better to reinstall all.00:39
=== AntiSpamMeta2 is now known as AntiSpamMeta
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
onlnranyone know a lightweight app I can use to take screenshot of area I specify10:03
onlnrlike I run a cmd takesnapshot snap.png, and it will give me a rectangular on the screen and I use mouse or keyboard to choose area and press enter or something, and it will save it10:04
hateballonlnr: scrot10:25
hateball!info scrot10:25
ubottuscrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-16 (wily), package size 16 kB, installed size 70 kB10:25
Laurenzotakahashi nani ga11:02
onlnrnani nani11:08
onlnrctrl shift v doesnt paste middle mouse button like selected text13:14
ricebeansHow do I use Miredo to connect to the IPv6 internet?14:47
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest66545
ricebeansHow can I use the IPv6 internet on an ISP that only has IPv4 connectivity?17:12
wxlricebeans: totally NOT a lubuntu question, but—17:13
wxlricebeans: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+IPv6-HOWTO/chapter-configuring-ipv6-in-ipv4-tunnels.html17:15
=== AntiSpamMeta_ is now known as AntiSpamMeta
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
calebmillerkb3When I try to remove 'whoopsie' via spt-get remove or apt-get purge, it is also attempting to remove lubuntu-desktop. Is this intended? How can I get around this?18:10
wxlcalebmillerkb3: go for it. it's only an index file.18:10
calebmillerkb3how can I verify that it's only an index file?18:11
wxlcalebmillerkb3: http://packages.ubuntu.com/wily/amd64/lubuntu-desktop/filelist18:11
calebmillerkb3I notice now that the total file size is 115kb combined, so that makes sense. The lubuntu-desktop suite should be quite a bit larger.18:11
wxlyou can change amd64 to i386 or the release name from wily if you like18:12
calebmillerkb3ah, no kidding18:12
calebmillerkb3wxl: thanks18:12
wxlcalebmillerkb3: np18:12
=== gsilva is now known as gsilvapt
calebmillerkb3is there a cli command for printing the file list of a package?18:54
Unit193If it is already installed, dpkg -L packagename18:56
calebmillerkb3nice, thank you18:56
Unit193Sure.  Check out 'apt-file' for packages not yet installed.18:57
ChunkzZwhat is a daily build?19:49
n-iCea build made dialy19:49
* n-iCe grings19:49
ChunkzZn-iCe, I mean this http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-live/pending/ was released today...19:49
* n-iCe grins19:49
n-iCeLubuntu 16.04 is not out yet19:50
n-iCethey release daily images, fixing bugs for developers.19:50
ChunkzZwhen is the release candidate?19:50
n-iCe23 I think, can't remember.19:51
n-iCeor 21?19:51
n-iCelet me google it19:51
n-iCeApril 21st19:51
n-iCeApril 21st19:52
n-iCeWarning /!\ FinalRelease Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.0419:52
n-iCeSo 21 :)19:52
n-iCeJust 6 days.19:52
n-iCeThe question is, can you wait?19:52
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== PresidentPip is now known as Pipton
citizen_hows it? anyone active?23:39
wxlcitizen_: whatcha need?23:42
citizen__i have a question about where the file is located to edit what starts on startup (autostart config i think)23:43
wxlthis is in the docs23:43
wxlif you start here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu23:43
wxlyou'll see a "HOWTO" link23:43
wxlclick that23:43
citizen__i also have another questions about how to get a storage level for each home folder?23:44
citizen__okay thansk wxl23:44
citizen__man your usualy the guy that answers my questions for the past week or so i appreciate it23:44
wxlthen go to the boot, etc. section23:44
wxlwhich will eventually lead you here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login23:44
wxlfromm there it should be pretty obvious23:45
wxland yeah no problem23:45
citizen__ahh i was almost there23:45
wxltrying to lead a horse to water as it were :)23:45
wxland you want to know the size of all the home folders?23:46
citizen__each indiviual home folder (2) plus total storage of whole hdd23:46
citizen__for conky23:46
wxlso let's say you have /home/one and /home/two23:47
wxlyou want to know the size of both of those23:47
citizen__seperate and total23:47
wxlany change you have either of them on separate partitions?23:47
citizen__no same internal hdd23:47
wxli don't mean different volume (device), i mean different partition (section)23:47
wxlsuffice it to say, it's not hte default, so i'm going to guess the answer is no23:48
wxl`df` is best to get all your filesystem sizes23:48
citizen__no same partition i am sorry was confused for a sec23:48
wxl`df /` will get you the root23:48
wxlthe -h switch will make it human-readable i.e. use K, M, G rather than bytes23:49
wxlor do -H if you prefer si (KiB, MiB, GiB, etc.)23:49
wxlyou could `man df` to get more info23:50
wxland of course you can pipe it through awk to get only the columns you want23:50
citizen__i think i am not explaining it well enough give me a moment to pastebinit23:51
wxlwell that's one part of your problem23:51
wxlthe other part is different23:52
citizen__now i feel worse, i tried sudo gedit .conkyrc | pastebinit23:54
citizen__says empty files23:54
citizen__dang i got put the full file postition dont i23:54
citizen__crap i got so many windows opened im logged in to hexchat twice, what is the stock window manager for lubuntu?23:55
wxlif you want to send a file to pastebinit, just cat it23:56
wxland wm is openbox23:59

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