
mrgoodcati joined but i can't talk...12:46
mrgoodcatis it just announcements?12:46
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Is this the telegram.me?12:54
cmaloneyCheck with gamerchick02. She's the one running it.12:56
cmaloneyShe's on G+ in the community12:56
mrgoodcatnot really worried about it anyways12:56
jrwrenshe has us mutted ;p12:59
mrgoodcatit seems that way13:00
mrgoodcati'm sure its a channel setting that people are muted by default13:00
ColonelPanic001what's telegram?13:51
mrgoodcatjust a chat client13:55
mrgoodcattheir primary selling point is security and encryption13:56
jrwrentelegram is not signal :p14:07
jrwrentelegram got some bad press a few years ago:  http://unhandledexpression.com/2013/12/17/telegram-stand-back-we-know-maths/14:08
=== nodoubleg is now known as nodoubleg-lunch

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