
sick_rimmitOoops got booted coming back00:38
* clivejo cries00:46
clivejoleft all alone00:46
telegram<sgclark2>: Aww :(00:46
clivejotalking to myself00:47
clivejoanyone about?01:08
telegram<ovidiuflorin>: I am, now...06:50
vipsoee: and the lag got back07:57
vipi think it is network related07:57
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lordievaderGood morning.08:46
Mamarokhm, did somebody ping me? I can't see it in the backlog ....09:51
Mamarokanyway, folks, we have several people not finding a database for amarok when upgrading to Kubuntu 16.04, could you please check the package dependencies? MySQLe is mandatory for Amarok09:52
vipwhat third party drivers?09:55
Mamarokvip: secure boot locks down your system to only use proprietary software, it is a way for windows et al to make sure no other OS can be isntalled, if you use Linux you should disable secure boot09:58
vipI am using windows too, uefi works for me 10:00
Mamarokyou can read up about that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/SecureBoot10:01
vipand never saw that dialog when upgrading10:01
vipMamarok: thanks10:01
Mamaroknormally with Kubuntu you should not be bothered, but other Linux distros do not have a certified UEFI key and will not work with secure boot enabled10:02
Mamarokvip: btw, when asking questions, you should avoid just giving a link to a picture, msot people will ignore that if there is no context given10:03
soeeoh Clementine is much more activly developed than Amarok ? http://news.softpedia.com/news/clementine-1-3-free-music-player-is-a-massive-release-with-over-150-changes-503036.shtml10:03
vipa friend of mine upgraded to vivid recently, and got problems with grub; it nistalled grub-pc instead of grub uefi (or something like that), and he couldn't boot to kubuntu10:04
vipgotta try to reboot ;)10:04
Mamaroksoee: not so sure abut that, it's basically just one guy, we are about to release 2.9 and then work on porting to Qt510:04
Mamarokwe fixed one of the releae blockers last week10:05
Mamarokand I am tempted to ignore the Musicbrainz issue and just release 2.9 anyway10:05
soeeMamarok: oh that would be cool, i think there were some talsk aout replacing Amarok as  a default music player dueto development problems ?10:05
Mamarokamarok on Qt5 builds and plays music, but it is very pre-alpha as the plsma applets all need to be ported to QML, and nobody knows QML well enough right now ...10:06
telegram<Clifford>: Mamarok I think I pinged you10:11
telegram<Clifford>: It was regarding taglib 1.1010:12
telegram<Clifford>: There was a FFE opened to package 1.10 for Xenial to fix a number of bugs. I was looking for people who could test it10:13
Mamarokyes, valorie also asked about it, we need to change some CMake test, I will look into that this we10:14
Mamarokelse it should just work fine10:14
telegram<Clifford>: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/+bug/154637310:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1546373 in taglib (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Please update to bugfix release 1.10" [Medium,Triaged]10:15
vipsoee: dod your login bug returned?10:15
telegram<Clifford>: I don't know enough about the lib to test it10:15
soeevip nope10:16
Mamarokclivejo: the package should be fine AFAICS, but our CMake tests for STRLESS isntead or VERSION_LESS, so it is seen as being too old10:17
vipah, lucky one10:17
vipor I need to delete all *appletrc* files10:17
Mamaroknow if somebody with CMake foo could confirm it is OK to just replace STRLESS with VERSION_LESS and this would not break everything, would be great10:18
soeevip: this is most likely related to some widget10:18
vipod desktoprc10:18
telegram<Clifford>: soee: would you do me a favour and test Muon for me please10:18
telegram<Clifford>: Also anyone else who is interested10:18
soeebut what is strange - last time - the problem showed up for me after switching from intel to nvidia pofile10:18
vipsoee: i'm on intel only10:19
soeeclivejo: what chnaged there ?10:19
vipbut removing that file helped10:19
soeevip: please report it all under bug report, provide as much info as you can :)10:19
telegram<Clifford>: There are a couple of bug fixes and version bumps10:19
soeevip: what did you do, what did you noticed, what do you think might be the problem etc.10:20
telegram<Clifford>: Also should contain locale data now10:20
soeeclivejo: where is this new version ?10:20
telegram<Clifford>: My xenial ppa10:20
soeeclivejo: i never remember it :D can you share the link ?10:21
telegram<Clifford>: Not easily!10:21
telegram<Clifford>: I is mobile!10:22
soeeclivejo: https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/xenial ?10:22
soeeodd, it does not show any updates for me after adding this ppa10:24
telegram<Clifford>: You do apt update first10:25
soeei did .. :)10:28
soeeclaydoh: is it anyhow connected to discover ? i have tested yesterday 5.6.2 version of discover and have it installed atm.10:29
soeeclivejo: ^10:29
soeeyhm, clivejo http://paste.ubuntu.com/15868664/10:34
telegram<Clifford>: I don't know. Discover migrated out of muon package10:35
telegram<Clifford>: So I don't think the muon package will affect it10:35
soeemaybe i had added your ppa and did the update in the meantime10:36
telegram<Clifford>: But maybe having a updated libqapt would help discover10:36
vipsoee: i suppose, it's network (wifi), I'll try on cable10:44
clivejosoee: can you test if this bug has been fixed - https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/127546/10:44
clivejoI tested it last night, but I was tired and a little drunk :/10:48
clivejoand was sidetracked learning new swear words10:51
clivejoanyone else having issues with Kontact and Amarok with the PHP version thingie my bob10:53
clivejoThe amarok database reported the following errors:10:54
clivejoGREPME MySQLe query failed! (2000) mysql_embedded: Shutdown complete10:54
clivejo on init10:54
clivejoIn most cases you will need to resolve these errors before Amarok will run properly.10:54
* clivejo has no idea what that even means!10:55
Mamarokclivejo: this has been reported by a lot of people already, the MySQL database is simply missing10:55
clivejoand I cant read my emails10:55
Mamarokone guy solved it by isntalling mysql-server, but that shouldn't be necessary, normally mysql embedded is enough10:56
clivejoMamarok: it was fine until MySQL 7 was pushed out10:56
Mamarokbut it looks very much like a packaging problem10:56
Mamarokwhat did they change?10:57
clivejothey made MySQL7 the default10:57
Mamarokup until libmsyclient18 it works here10:57
Mamarokyes, but what changed in 7 that was not there before?10:57
clivejothat I have no idea10:57
MamarokI bet they shuffeld around libraries to server packages that should be in client10:58
clivejobut the same change is causing me problems with adonaki10:58
Mamarokbecause isntalling mysql-server fixes it apparently10:58
clivejolets try that10:59
Mamarokand amarok needs to be compiled against libmysqld-pic10:59
* clivejo does not like important foundation packages changed so close to release date10:59
Mamarokyeah, that is not a good idea, but apparently they did that a lot this time around *sigh*11:00
clivejoMamarok: confirmed, installing mysql-server fixes that error message in Amarok :)11:01
clivejothankyou :)11:02
clivejokontact still not working, Ill reboot11:02
Mamarokyeah, they packaged differently, and should be notified about it11:04
telegram<Clifford>: Do you have a LP account?11:04
clivejomaybe I spoke too soon11:05
clivejoAmarok is still complaining11:05
clivejobut its loading the main window and working this time11:05
clivejoand akonadi personal information management service is not operational11:06
clivejoMamarok: when you say they are packaged differently, do you know how?11:09
clivejohas noone else got this?11:17
clivejosoee: ?11:17
clivejohow rude!11:19
clivejoMamarok: I have libmysqlclient20 installed :/11:25
clivejohi slhk_11:26
soeesorry my little nephew was playing with my laptop :D11:28
clivejosoee: you're on xenial?11:28
clivejofully updated?11:28
clivejono problems with kontact or amarok?11:28
soeei use Amarok for radio streams and it works fine, mp3 also play nice11:29
soeei do not use kontact11:29
soeebut it starts and work :D11:30
* clivejo gives up11:32
soeeclivejo: with the muon all seems to work as described in this commit. One thing to notice if we mark some packages to be installed then than click to "Unmark all" (it gets unmarked) rhan click to "Revert" packages seems to be marked again (Unmark all button is active)11:35
clivejoif its a bug can you log it against Muon so Carlo can have a look at it11:36
soeebut they are all higlighted all the time 11:36
soeebut im glad teh muon works again :)11:38
soeei will have some suggestion regarding UI, UX11:38
clivejosoee: do you have different languages installed?11:38
soeeclivejo: how do i test it ?11:39
clivejodrop into another language and see if Muon is translated11:39
soeei have muon localized to PL11:39
clivejois it displaying in PL?11:39
clivejothe UI/Menus etc11:39
soeeclivejo: yes11:40
clivejodid it before?11:40
soeeclivejo: im not sure how it was before tbh. http://wstaw.org/m/2016/04/16/Screenshot_20160416_134022.png11:41
clivejowell thats one item can be checked off!11:41
clivejothanks soee!11:41
* clivejo doesnt like having to webmail all his email accounts manually11:43
* clivejo is NOT a happy bunny today11:43
soeeuse Thunderbird11:44
clivejokontact was working fine!!11:44
soeeand on a phone AquaMail :)11:44
soeebuy pro: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kman.AquaMail&hl=pl11:44
soeeand be happy bunny :)11:44
clivejoI have a mail client on my phone, its connects into Kolab :)11:45
clivejojust like Kontact used to do11:45
soeewee KTorrent for KF5 is available officially11:49
clivejomy mailbox is being suspended, "Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit is 1 GB, which is defined by the administrator, are running at 99.8 gigabytes, you can not send or receive new messages until you re-validate your mailbox."12:01
clivejobloody big mail box!12:02
clivejoI blame Launchpad12:02
BluesKajHiyas all13:22
clivejohi BluesKaj13:25
BluesKajhey clivejo, how goes the battle ?13:26
dokosgclark, cantor autopkg tests fail13:26
clivejowhich battle?13:26
BluesKajjust an expression for how are things, clivejo 13:26
clivejoregarding Kubuntu, Im losing the battle13:27
BluesKajguess you guys in the Uk don't hear that one too often13:27
BluesKajclivejo, somehow I doubt that13:28
clivejomy system is in such a mess13:28
BluesKajI have faith :-)13:28
clivejoKontact is broke, so is amarok13:29
BluesKajok, I wasn't aware since I  don'r use them13:30
clivejoIve been pretty stable from I moved to Xenial, yet a wekk before launch my system is unuseable for me13:30
BluesKajlaunched amarok with a warning, but it did open ...haven't set it up yet 13:35
clivejowhat was the warning?13:36
clivejoabout MySQL?13:36
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BluesKajclivejo, yes it warned something about mysql, but I didn't understand what it meant13:51
clivejook, no prob13:53
clivejojust trying to understand whats going on13:53
Mamarokclivejo: this seem to be the problem: bug #157121516:50
ubottubug 1571215 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok uses mysql config option that is removed in 5.7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157121516:50
Mamaroknow somebody has to reassign this bug to mysql, as it is not caused by amarok16:53
mamarleyIt looks like the change in the name of the configuration argument by MySQL was purposeful and that the applications using it need to update accordingly.16:58
sgclarkSo wait, let me get this straight, they pushed a game changing application ( mysql ) that requires upstream intervention one week before release? seriously? But they probably sent an email so that makes it ok...17:58
* sgclark gives up17:58
mamarleyIt only affects applications that both use MySQL embedded and have that configuration option in their configuration files, but yes, they should have pushed that upgrade months ago.18:01
sgclarkamarok and akonadi are major, akonadi broken breaks all of pim, this is unacceptable. period.18:01
sgclarkAnd here I thought we might pull this off.18:03
mamarleyAnd you still can.  It is a dead-simple patch.18:03
sgclarkmamarley: feel free then. thanks.18:06
mamarleyIt isn't a patch against MySQL though; it is a patch against Akonadi and Amarok to remove the deprecated configuration option from the configuration file.18:07
mamarleys/remove/replace with the new equivalent18:07
mamarleyI will download the Amarok source and see what I can do.18:08
sgclarkI appreciate that, I can mimic your changes with akonadi.18:09
sgclarkdoko: yofel is the autopackage expert. I can try but have zero experience.18:10
mamarleysgclark: Almost done.  Sorry this is taking so long.  Someone from Oracle already had made a patch, but it was against a much older version and therefore required extensive manual rejiggering to apply correctly.18:48
sgclarkDon't be sorry :) I am thankful for the help!18:48
clivejomamarley: clivejo: For amarok, I think there's a .local/share/amarok/my.cnf or something like that, with a myisam-recover=FORCE, that should be myisam-recover-options=FORCE18:52
mamarleyHmm, yeah, the change I made might only work for new installations...18:53
mamarleyAnyway, I uploaded it to https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages18:53
clivejodoes that make any sense to you?18:53
mamarleyThat configuration option is hardcoded into MySQLEmbeddedStorage.cpp.  I just uploaded a patch that fixes it there (based on the version of MySQL against which Amarok is being compiled).18:54
mamarleyI'm not sure if fixing it there will work for existing installations though.18:55
clivejoMamarok mamarley: Skuggen works for MySQL18:56
clivejotrying to get to the bottom of these MySQL issues18:56
mamarleyOK.  I am 99.9% sure that the patched version I just uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages will fix it for new installations; I am just not sure about existing installations that get upgraded.18:59
Skuggen5.7 changes quite a bit, so mysql_upgrade should really be run for existing installations that come from 5.6 or older19:00
Skuggenmamarley: There was also an issue with mysql_install_db, I think19:00
mamarleyI really know very little about how MySQL is used in Amarok; I just updated the patch someone made to correct that configuration option.19:01
mamarleyThe original patch is from https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354255.19:01
ubottuKDE bug 354255 in Collections/Local "[PATCH]: Handle removed --myisam-recover option in MySQL 5.7" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:01
SkuggenIt runs mysql_install_db --force [...]19:01
Skuggenforce will no longer work, so should be removed. Also, if it relies on getting a root user with no password, it needs to add --insecure19:02
SkuggenIn general it would be better to move to using mysqld --initialize instead, but swapping out a few options on mysql_install_db should retain the old behavior19:02
mamarleyI have grepped through the entire source code tree and I don't see that command anywhere.19:03
sgclarkakonadi iuses mysql heavily I am certain. I absolutely cannot believe this got pushed so close to release... we are going to be so damn broken it is not freaking funny.19:05
* sgclark gives up again19:05
mamarleySkuggen: Oh, is that in Akonadi?  I was looking at Amarok.19:06
Skuggenmamarley: Gah, right. Yes, for amarok it was only the config issue, I think19:07
clivejosgclark: it looks like the issue with 5.7 was resolved in the update you pushed19:07
clivejoversion 15.12.319:07
SkuggenWe've fixed quite a few packages with similar issues, but they failed on building, so we caught it sooner19:07
clivejojust need to fix the depends to use 5.7 now19:07
* sgclark is confused19:08
Skuggenclivejo: That was for an existing setup, right?19:08
SkuggenSo not a fresh database19:08
clivejoI dunno how it would react to a fresh install19:08
sgclarkwhy is everyone claiming it is broken?19:09
clivejobecause it appears to be19:09
SkuggenBroken on new installs19:09
clivejoyou and rbasak uploaded two different versions with different depends19:10
clivejomy system grabbed rbasak version and broke19:10
BluesKajanyone notic ethe broken links to the neon ppa here: http://neon.kde.org/download19:11
BluesKajor iso 19:11
Skuggensgclark: The dependency on mysql-server/client-core-5.6 | virtual-mysql-server/client-core19:11
clivejoBluesKaj: Neon is not Kubuntu, you need to ask in #kde-neon19:12
SkuggenBut that dependency will actually work, sort of, since 5.7 provides the virtual package as well19:12
BluesKajclivejo, well since JR was involved I thought you guys would have some info 19:13
clivejobut you have to install 5.7 first19:13
clivejootherwise it wants to install 5.619:13
mamarleysgclark: clivejo: Skuggen: I can confirm that the package I uploaded to https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages does fix the Amarok problem, both for new installs and upgrades.19:13
clivejomamarley: do it is an issue with Amarok?19:15
mamarleyclivejo: Correct.19:15
clivejois there a bug open for it already?19:17
clivejowhat would we need to get this patch into the archive?19:20
clivejoSkuggen: do you know any MOTU?19:20
BluesKaj had a lrge upgrade a few hrs ago and the amarok issue seems to have resolved itslf for me at least, I have the landing and staging-plasma ppas installed19:22
Skuggenclivejo: Probably ask in ubuntu-release19:22
mamarleyclivejo: The Amarok thing? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354255 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/157121519:23
ubottuKDE bug 354255 in Collections/Local "[PATCH]: Handle removed --myisam-recover option in MySQL 5.7" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571215 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok uses mysql config option that is removed in 5.7" [Undecided,In progress]19:23
Skuggenmamarley: I'm the reporter on the second one19:23
clivejomamarley: would you mind posting your patch on that bug?19:23
sgclarkyeah I do not have rights for amarok. 19:24
mamarleySkuggen: Oh, cool.  It was actually your patch that I started out using, but I had to modify it because the Amarok code had changed since you wrote it.19:24
mamarleyclivejo: Just the patch or a debdiff?19:24
sgclarkakonadi I do though, is there anything needing done?19:25
clivejosgclark: yeah, it needs synced with the archive19:25
Skuggenmamarley: Ah, no that's the first one, but Terje Røsten (he also works at MySQL)19:25
sgclarkumm what needs synced?19:25
clivejoand the build deps bumped to 5.719:25
clivejotheres been rebuilds 19:25
sgclarkclivejo: rebuild of what? where ? 19:26
mamarleySkuggen: Ah, OK.  Sorry.19:26
sgclarkI cannot reead minds19:26
clivejosgclark: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/a/akonadi/akonadi_15.12.1-0ubuntu4/changelog19:29
sgclarkclivejo: I do not understand what I am suppose to do with a changelog.19:30
clivejojust add them into the 15.12.3-0ubuntu2 changelog19:31
sgclarkoh ffs19:31
clivejothere have been uploads to the archive that we havent got in our xenial_archive branch19:32
sgclarkthis is why we need to move back to launchpad19:32
clivejosurely they need to be synced?19:32
mamarleyclivejo: I uploaded a debdiff to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/1571215.  I do not, of course, have the right to upload anything though.19:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571215 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok uses mysql config option that is removed in 5.7" [Undecided,In progress]19:33
sgclarkright, they made changes without coming to us.............19:33
clivejotheres beeing nothing big19:33
clivejosgclark: *nods*19:33
sgclarkthese people are killing me. This is my last release.19:33
clivejowe can only do what we can do19:33
clivejobaby steps!19:33
SkuggenAh, rbasak can do it I think19:34
clivejoIve tried to ping him19:34
clivejobut ideally we should do it and commit it back to debian19:35
SkuggenYeah, he's ok uk time (I'm in Norway), so it's getting late19:35
Skuggenon uk time*19:35
* clivejo borrows ovidiu-florin's flux capacitor and goes back in time19:36
sgclarkok so my last upload broke it because we do not have his changes... 19:37
clivejowell not really19:38
sgclarkthis diff is big and scary19:38
clivejothe problem is that they have decided that 5.7 is the default version in Senile19:38
sgclarkwhat do you mean not really?19:38
sgclarkthis diff is pretty big?19:39
clivejoand when we built apps we used 5.619:39
clivejowhat diff?19:39
clivejomost of the diff is the source code between 15.12.1 and 15.12.3, no?19:40
sgclarkdiff of our upload and his changes, looks like source was changed. 19:40
sgclarkI am so confused right now it is not funny19:40
sgclarkI wish I just stayed in bed.19:40
clivejothe only diff we need to carry on is the packaging19:40
clivejothe Rebuild against libmysqlclient20 and Depend on mysql-{server,client}-core-5.7, not 5.6, for the switch to19:40
clivejo    MySQL 5.7.19:40
clivejothe source code is upstream19:41
clivejonout to do with us :P19:41
clivejoso we just need to add ubuntu3 and ubuntu4 into our packaging19:42
clivejobump the version to 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu2 and Bobs your uncle19:42
clivejoif we do move our packaging to Launchpad will this kind of thing stop happening?19:44
sgclarkyeah we would have the changes19:47
sgclarkbecause they would be using same repo19:47
sgclarkperhaps he is not aware that we are on debian git. Still would have been nice to get a ping...19:48
vipsoee: marshmallow for s5 in europe19:49
clivejovip:  link?19:50
Mamarokand why were we not notified about this? I am pretty ure neither Amarok nor Akonadi were told that there were changes needed19:51
vipclivejo: only in polish, http://android.com.pl/news/62711-marshmallow-dla-samsunga-galaxy-s5-sprawa-ruszyla-do-przodu-i-ota-trafia-do-europy/19:51
vipnow it is in north korea and usa, then sri lanka and germany19:51
Mamarokso if somebody could tell me what needs to be changed, ideally making a review request for it *sigh*19:53
* Mamarok pesters ate unsensible downstream mysql packagers who ruin my 2.9 release19:53
mamarleyMamarok: I would guess they tried compiling Amarok and Akonadi against the new MySQL and figured that since the compile succeeded that everything was OK.19:53
mamarleyMamarok: Anyway, I posted a patch that fixes it to that Launchpad bug.19:54
Mamarokmamarley:  am pretty sure they didn't even try, as they don't give shit about KDE applications19:54
mamarleyI know they tried compiling it but it would seem they never tried running it.19:55
Mamarokthey certainly didn't19:56
Mamarokcan somebody make a patch for upstream, please?19:57
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
soeevip: not yet20:00
soeethe state is "Tmobile testing"20:00
sgclarkakonadi uploaded20:00
* clivejo hugs sgclark20:03
clivejoyou're a star20:03
sgclarksadly I don't think we have anyone on our team that can upload amarok20:04
sgclarkand now I can't even login in launchpad..20:04
clivejoIm gonna try poke rbasak20:04
clivejohes the guy bumped the mysql version to 5.720:04
sgclarkyeah he is on the server team. Nice guy actually, still mad at him though. hah20:05
SkuggenWe vastly underestimated the amount of work needed to transition from 5.6 to 5.7, unfortunately :|20:05
clivejohe must have upload rights20:05
SkuggenYeah, I see a note from him that he can upload a fix for amarok20:06
clivejoI wonder could we assign him to that bug with the patch?20:06
clivejosgclark: are you seeing the conversation in release channel?20:12
sgclarkclivejo: only the one I am having atm. which conversation?20:13
clivejojust wondered if you had seen it20:14
* clivejo is encouraged to hear sgclark talk about the next release20:15
sgclarkabout muon? I have no interest. I do not see why we insist on keeping a dead package.20:15
clivejoits not dead!20:15
clivejoworks great actually20:16
sgclarkbut upstream is using plasma-discover, why shouldn't we use what upstream wants us to use?20:16
clivejoMuon is upstream20:16
sgclarkit is only more overhead. And you can see that right? 20:16
sgclarkclivejo: KDE does not maintain that anymore.20:16
clivejobut a lot of end users prefer it20:17
clivejoCarlo is maintaining it20:17
sgclarkif you got someone too, fine. but I am not going to break myself getting it in archive.20:17
clivejoRick and Ovidiu have also stepped forward20:17
sgclarkyou can fight that fight if you want, just saying I am not.20:17
sgclarkthere are plenty of fires I need to learn how to put out.20:18
clivejodo I have the rights to upload stuff?20:18
sgclarkNo, afraid you need to start studying for -dev20:18
sgclarkI really encourage you to do so. We need you.20:19
* mamarley gives sgclark a fire extinguisher.20:19
clivejois there a guide on studing for -dev20:20
sgclarksadly no20:21
sgclarkRiddell / sitter / shadeslayer / yofel was my guide. 20:22
* sgclark misses the old team20:22
clivejome too20:23
* mamarley three20:25
telegram<marcinsagol>: Well jump to Neon and you are in the same team :)20:29
valorieok, have tested Muon from Clive's PPA and it seems to be working well20:31
valorieI just did my mountain of updates I'd been putting off for a few days20:32
sgclarkI can barely keep up with Kubuntu. No jumping to neon for me. sorry.20:33
sgclarkinfact I am failing miserably with Kubuntu.20:34
sgclarkBut I tried. heh.20:34
mamarleysgclark: Don't be too hard on yourself.  You are doing great!20:34
mamarleyMost of the problems that have occurred have not been your fault.20:35
sgclarkNot really. We need someone with MOTU to succeed. 20:35
ScottKsgclark: If you need something uploaded and it's all ready to go, I don't mind dputing it.20:35
mamarleysgclark: True, but it isn't your fault that we don't have one of those.20:36
sgclarkThe time and commitment required to obtain such a thing, will need to be considered.20:36
clivejoI volunteered, but they laughed20:36
sgclarkScottK: !! let me dig up amarok bug20:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571215 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok uses mysql config option that is removed in 5.7" [Undecided,In progress]20:36
ScottKsgclark: Just point me to the source package that I can download/then upload.20:37
sgclarkScottK: I think this is still in launchpad. Let me see if I can commit patch at least.20:37
ScottKOK.  I don't wan to mess with git or bzr, just point me at a source package (n a PPA is fine)20:38
mamarleyI uploaded it to https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages20:38
clivejoScottK: how do you feel about Muon?20:40
ScottKclivejo: If sgclark reviews/approves I'll upload it.20:40
sgclarkScottK: use mamarley s link20:40
clivejothats not gonna happen :(20:40
sgclarkScottK: it has been tested. (amarok that is)20:41
mamarleyDid someone other than me test it as well?20:41
ScottKclivejo: I don't have time to really investigate.  I'm happy to be an upload bot for sgclark, but that's about all I can manage.20:41
* sgclark feels special20:42
clivejohi rbasak20:42
rbasakI'm just catching up on scrollback in #ubuntu-release.20:42
rbasakBut I need to go :-/20:42
sgclarkhi rbasak I think we have things sorted now20:42
rbasakAnything I can help with?20:42
rbasakOK. Sorry for the late change. We were hoping to land MySQL 5.7 much earlier than it did, but got held back by various issues (all resolved now)20:42
sgclarkmysql bit us a few times, but we got it now, just an FYI we are currently on debian git so we did not get your changes.20:43
rbasakLet me know if you find anything else. I'm happy to help.20:43
sgclarkwe are moving back to launchpad next release, so this won't happen.20:43
rbasakOK. No worries. Sorry I didn't follow the Vcs header. I think we could do with some better tooling on this.20:44
rbasak(it's partly an issue with who can push there vs. who can upload where and having to do something different for the ~100 packages I needed to update)20:44
mamarleyI would also like to learn the process for staging stuff and doing merges with Debian to ease the workload on everyone else, hopefully.20:44
rbasakIn the server team, we've developed a git-based merge workflow. Tooling is a little behind but we're working on it.20:45
rbasakIt's essentially a rebase workflow for the Ubuntu side.20:45
rbasakhttp://www.justgohome.co.uk/blog/2014/08/ubuntu-git-merge-workflow.html was my write-up a while ago. It's developed since then, including keeping the git Ubuntu-side stuff on Launchpad.20:46
ScottKMamarok: FYI, regarding your https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=354255#c2 - the commit you reference actually breaks MySQL 5.7 and makes it work with < 5.6.  the patch in the bug makes it work with either.20:46
ubottuKDE bug 354255 in Collections/Local "[PATCH]: Handle removed --myisam-recover option in MySQL 5.7" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:46
rbasakWe'll update the docs soon. In case you're interested to use it (no requirement)20:46
mamarleyScottK: And my patch was based on the patch attached to that bug, but updated since the Amarok code changed since then.20:46
ScottKmamarley: Yep.20:47
* ScottK is not completely sgclark's muppet.20:47
ScottKmamarley: Nothing to apologize for.20:51
ScottKsgclark and mamarley: amarok uploaded.  20:51
ScottKThe release team will still need to manually accept it.20:51
sgclarkthank you very much ScottK20:51
ScottKyou're welcome.20:51
valorieScottK: how about uploading Muon?20:52
valoriefrom clive's ppa20:52
valorieI just tested it, and have tested previous fixes as well20:53
ScottKvalorie: if sgclark says it's ready, I'll upload it.20:53
valoriehow have you been?20:53
mparilloThank you ScottK20:53
ScottKBusy with life and Debian.20:53
ScottKNot missing the Canonical/Ubuntu politics.20:54
valorieseems to be getting friendlier, and more fun20:55
valoriewe even had a party yesterday, and got a bit of the way into packaging20:55
* valorie is reading the Debian Policy manual atm20:56
* sgclark begrudgeonly installs muon from clivejos ppa20:56
valoriethank you, scarlett!20:57
ScottKvalorie: Fundamentally, Ubuntu is not at all what it was as a project when I joined a decade ago and I don't see it heading back in that direction, so I'm unlikely to get super involved again.20:58
valorieScottK: I still love you!20:59
valorienothing lasts forever20:59
telegram<marcinsagol>: @sgclark2 i tested this muon and seems to be fine.20:59
valorieand you do us good work still, both here and in Debian20:59
valorieScottK: what are the Debian devels thinking about snappy?20:59
ScottKI don't think they are thinking about it at all.21:00
clivejoScottK: what are your thoughts on Kubuntu moving packaging to LaunchPad?21:00
ScottKclivejo: I don't think I have a vote.21:01
valoriewell, more and more people are using vms, and vagrant packages, etc.21:01
clivejojust curious on your view21:01
ScottKclivejo: I don't really have an opinion.21:02
valorieI think snaps might be useful, but as for moving there 100%, that seems not good to me21:02
sgclarkwoah what is all this translation stuff going on twith muon install21:02
ScottKvalorie: Yes, but snappy is counter to the way that Debian systems are designed to work.  21:02
sgclarkguess it installed though. 21:02
valorieScottK: exactly21:03
mamarleyScottK: I agree with you there.  It sounds like a Bad Idea.21:03
valorieand you are our upstream21:03
valorieto me it seems like one more way to test21:03
valorieand perhaps get things onto phone or tablet21:03
valoriebut not beyond that21:03
* sgclark thinks muon is not very pretty21:04
clivejofrom first impressions snappy is a way to straight jacket a users control of what gets installed21:04
telegram<marcinsagol>: Does snappy = a much bigger package size?21:04
ScottKclivejo: You aren't far off.21:04
sgclarkCould not download packages and clicking details does nothing.21:04
clivejojust a blob, that the system is told to install21:04
sgclarkclivejo:  ^21:04
ScottKtelegram: If you have any experience with how Android or Apple do system updates, it's like that.21:04
mamarleyBasically, meaning in a sucky way compared to traditional Linux packaging.21:05
ScottKamarok got accepted.21:05
sgclarksnappy is a bigger package because it bundles all libs etc into the lib21:05
mamarleyWhich sucks, because then you need to update every package that depends on a library when you update the library.21:06
clivejosgclark: you have to mark packages for installation21:06
clivejothen "Apply Changes"21:06
clivejoThe "Full Upgrade" button marks all packages for which an upgrade is possible, then you have to click Apply for it to go download and install21:07
sgclarkwell that details button is broken.21:07
clivejowheres the details button?21:08
sgclarkI know what is faioling, the google ppa security strength too low..21:08
sgclarkfailed to download packages popup21:08
clivejowhen you clcik on a package the details should be displayed in a panel on the bottom21:08
sgclarkclicking details generally leads to the failure message.21:09
sgclarkI think we are having a failure to communicate moment lol21:09
* clivejo nods21:09
sgclarkso my apt-get update has a failure message. This triggers in muon as expected.21:09
sgclarkbut the popup has a button <details> and when clicked, the expected result would be a message box with the failure.21:10
sgclarkinstead clicking the button does nothing.21:10
sgclarknot a packaging problem though.21:10
sgclarkcode problem.21:10
valoriethat seems broken generally in Plasma, I've noticed21:11
valoriethe details about failures never seem to do anything21:11
valorieperhaps I should file a bug21:11
sgclarkyes lol21:11
valorieor maybe it's fixed by now21:11
clivejothats true21:11
valoriewhen we catch up I'll check21:11
sgclarkotherwise muon seems fine21:11
clivejowhen akonadi was failing for me earlier I noticed the "Details ..." button did nothing21:12
sgclarkScottK: you have my approval for Muon. thanks21:12
telegram<marcinsagol>: It needs a lot of love when I've comes to UI/UX21:12
ScottKsgclark: OK.21:12
clivejosgclark: RE: woah what is all this translation stuff going on twith muon install 21:12
ScottKsgclark: Where do I find it?21:12
clivejowhats that about21:12
clivejoits actually two packages libqapt and muon21:14
clivejooh wait, got an email from Carlo21:15
clivejoIt has been pointed out to me that we shouldn't depend on a patch version (that is qapt 3.0.2). Therefore the release version should be qapt
clivejodoes that really matter to us at this point?21:17
valoriewhen will he make the release, clivejo?21:17
clivejodidnt say21:17
clivejobut will involve changes to libqapt version number and also muon cmake 21:18
sgclarkuh come'on21:18
valorieright, of course21:18
sgclarkI approved the ppa version. no more messing about.21:19
valorieyeah, we're too close to LTS to mess about21:19
valoriefor sure21:19
valoriebut our first backports should be pretty awesome21:19
clivejosgclark: believe me, Im not messing, put too much time into trying to figure it all out21:19
clivejobut muon at present is uninstallable in Xenial21:20
valorieoh, you mean without your PPA version21:20
sgclarkI approved what is in you ppa right now. nothing more.21:20
clivejovalorie: on a clean Xenial, if you install muon it wont install as it requires libmoun21:21
valoriewhich is why we need your ppa21:21
sgclarkoh wait21:22
sgclarkI tested another muon in your ppa...21:22
clivejowhat other muon?21:23
clivejoshould be 4:5.6.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa2 21:23
* ScottK waits.21:23
clivejono no21:23
clivejoits in https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/xenial/21:23
telegram<marcinsagol>: https://plus.google.com/+AJReissig/posts/DNMMxj1jx4821:25
sgclarkok works the same as the other one haha. ScottK https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/xenial/ approved muon and libqapt21:29
clivejoScottK: will I remove the PPA cruff and put them in misc ppa ? 21:31
ScottKIt's fine, I can remove that.21:31
valorieI've removed landing and misc21:33
valorieI want the real stuff, right from archive21:33
clivejoyou saying mine is fake?!?21:34
valorieI have your PPA21:34
sgclarkshould all be there, well except maybe cantor, but I don't think I am going to be able to learn autopackage testing and how to fix failures in such short time. :(21:34
* sgclark runs away from the mountain of things she needs to learn still21:35
valorieclivejo: I'm just saying that other from your archive, I'm xenial vanilla21:35
valoriesgclark: everybody needs time off occasionally!21:35
sgclarkyeah but my time off is spent with my KDE hat. No where to run!21:36
ScottKclivejo: FYI, there are some changes in the symbols file that weren't done.  I'm taking care of those.21:36
ScottKLook in debian/libqapt3.symbols for MISSING21:37
clivejomust have missed them21:37
clivejothere were a lot!21:37
sgclarkoh no!21:37
valorieaha, perhaps that's why the buttons weren't working21:38
valoriemissing symbols21:38
ScottKclivejo: muon 5.6 doesn't have a orig tarball.  That won't do.21:40
valoriesgclark: but you'll end up being super-smart!21:40
valoriejust don't do the exhaustion part21:40
* sgclark tacks super smart onto her resume21:42
clivejoScottK: it did have one locally21:44
ScottKclivejo: It's not in the PPA, is it?21:44
ScottKSome how you made a native package out of it.  That needs to be fixed.21:45
clivejogot muon_5.6.0.orig.tar.xz here21:46
ScottKclivejo: Do you see it here: https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/xenial/+packages22:00
* sgclark does not see muon at all there22:01
clivejothe source was sent as muon-5.6.0.tar.xz22:01
clivejoIve extracted and repacked as tar.gz22:01
clivejoand trying to upload22:01
ScottKOK.  Also, please go back and fix the symbols file on libqapt and reupload22:02
sgclarkxz should be fine22:02
clivejoxz seems to make it into a native package :/22:02
* sgclark is pretty sure all kde is xz22:03
clivejonow LP is reject it22:09
clivejoScottK: sorry for the delay, I had to upload to a new PPA because LP was complaining about source already being there22:15
ScottKIt looks like it was there in an upload you deleted.22:15
clivejoyeah, I keep forgetting that LP takes ages to actually delete packages22:15
valoriepoor janitor gets tired22:16
clivejoanyways this is the source - https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/muon/+files/muon_5.6.0.orig.tar.xz22:16
ScottKclivejo: Did you check the symbols file is correctnow?22:16
clivejoScottK: I believe so, but Im getting so tired, Im making mistakes :(22:17
ScottKOK.  I'll have a look.22:17
clivejosorry, getting late here, its 23:1722:17
ScottKJust remember.  Sleep is for the weak.22:18
valorieI thought it was a unix command?22:19
clivejoScottK: is Debian planning to package muon?22:26
ScottKProbably, but I haven't had much time to work on Qt-KDE stuff recently.22:27
valorieon pins and needles -- is it working?22:27
clivejoor they too hardcore for GUI's22:27
* clivejo waits on LP to publish22:28
clivejoScottK: I removed the PPA versioning from them too22:29
ScottKThere's still a few symbols issues.  I'll fix them.22:29
valoriedebian uses GUIs!22:29
valoriebut reading the Policy Manual brings up all sorts of low-level stuff back into my consciousness22:30
clivejooh there are new symbols!22:30
ScottKYeah.  I have it fixed locally.22:32
ScottKDoing a test build.22:32
clivejoScottK: what do you usually work at?22:33
clivejolike what do you enjoy doing?22:33
ScottKI find distro development fun.22:35
ScottKBetween $work, children, etc there's not as much time for fun as I would like.22:35
clivejowhat part of the world are you from?22:36
soeeprobably Melmak:)22:36
soeeand here is his photo: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/nonsensopedia/images/f/fc/Alf-po3.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060120221031 :D22:37
ScottKclivejo: you need to bump the minimum libqapt-dev version in build-deps to
ScottKclivejo: I'm in the US, outside Baltimore, MD.22:37
clivejohow to I push new version to my PPA?22:41
clivejoneed to bump libqapt3 (>= 3.0.1+git20160315), libqapt3-runtime (>= 3.0.1+git20160315) as well22:41
ScottKI'll take care of it.22:44
clivejothanks :)22:44
ScottKFor the record, http://hernandotoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Scott-Kitterman.jpg is not me.22:46
clivejoif it was you, you would probably say that too!22:47
valoriehaving met Scott, I guarantee that last photo is not him!22:50
ScottKI can be found here http://i.imgur.com/dTcH1.jpg22:50
valoriewho is on your right there, ScottK?22:50
clivejoI think I only recognise two people there22:51
valorie5 I recognize, 4 I don't22:51
sgclarkOne of these years we need to meet ScottK, I am in your neck of the woods every year.22:51
clivejowhich one is Scott?22:51
valorieRohan, Aurelien, someone (Jussi?) ScottK22:51
valoriethen 3 unknowns22:52
clivejowho beside Jon?22:52
valoriekneeling, Alex Fiestas and Riddell22:52
ScottKOn my right (photographer left) is Jussi.22:52
valoriehe was younger then22:52
valorienow all responsible and a dad and stuff22:53
ScottKWe all where.22:53
sgclarkin fact I will be there end of July22:53
clivejowhere was that?22:53
clivejowhat is a felony?22:55
sgclarkyoou did very bad things 22:55
sgclarkand got arrested, generally followed up with prison time22:56
clivejoI heard it in movies and assumed it was bad22:56
sgclark(commited a crime)22:56
valorienot just a misdemeanor, but a serious crime22:56
* clivejo remembers back to the time he almost got arrested on a bus in Pittsburgh22:57
clivejothat was probably a felony22:58
valoriewhat were you doing, evil Irishman?22:58
sgclarkwhat did you do?!22:58
clivejobeing too Irish22:58
valorieoh dear22:58
valoriethat sounds serious22:59
clivejoI asked my friend if he had any crack today22:59
ScottKOK.  libqapt and muon uploaded.22:59
ScottKUp to you all to convince the release team to accept them.22:59
ScottKsgclark: ^^^22:59
valorieScottK: thank you ever so much22:59
sgclarkScottK: thanks!!22:59
clivejooff duty police man overheard it and assumed I was dealing22:59
sgclarkwe already have Ffe approved22:59
ScottKclivejo: Where do you live?22:59
sgclarkclivejo: lol22:59
clivejoCo Fermanagh, N Ireland23:00
clivejogreen, wet and cold23:00
clivejoand living 30years behind the rest of the world23:00
ScottKI believe I have been there.23:01
clivejolike a time bubble23:01
clivejoyou would know if you have been here!23:01
ScottKI don't recall exactly the route I went on when I was in NI.23:01
clivejowhat where you doing?23:01
ScottKI lived in Dublin for half a year when I was at University on an exchanged program and at one point rented a car to see the sites, including up north.23:02
clivejoduring the troubles?23:02
ScottKSort of.  It would have been in 1985, so they weren't over, but they weren't horrible at the time.23:02
clivejomust have been a shock for ya23:02
ScottKNot really as I've studied world politics and history a lot, although going through one British Army check point at night and failing to dim the car's headlights got a bit tense.23:04
ScottKSecond time in my life I had a loaded gun pointed at me.23:04
clivejoI remember picking up a car load of Americans in Dublin and as we approached a border checkpoint there was army men point guns at us.  They totally freaked out and started screaming!23:04
valoriethat's no fun23:04
clivejothey'd never seen someone with a gun before23:05
clivejoI thought everyone and their dog had on in the US23:05
valoriethe news does portray us that way indeed23:05
clivejoI was used to them, but to someone whos not those checkpoints must have been scarey23:06
valoriethere was that time that sgclark and I were waving guns about....23:06
sgclarkI had aka-47 machine guns pointed at me in Mexico23:06
valorienever happened!23:06
sgclarkthat was intense23:07
valoriemachine guns are a bit touchy23:07
sgclarkwas a time when they were fighting drug cartels23:07
valorieno ma'am, no thank you23:07
clivejoLP #157126223:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1571262 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) "my computer's name is not "Bastien's computer"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157126223:07
* clivejo giggles23:07
clivejothats critial23:07
clivejoand assigned to Sebastian Lackner23:09
clivejomight be his23:09
* clivejo loves kde-connect23:12
sgclarkme too23:12
valorieamen, it's lovely23:12
clivejoanyone use bitcoin?23:15
sgclarkno, still not even sure what it is...23:16
clivejoelectronic payment system23:16
ScottKbitcoin is dead.23:17
clivejobut feels like a bit of a pyramid scheme23:17
valorieonce the thieves proved they could steal it, it sort of died23:17
clivejoif you have computing power you can mine them23:18
valorieright, but what's the point?23:18
clivejotransfer money23:18
valoriesecurity was the point, and it is proven not to be secure23:18
valorieclivejo: I agree we need that23:18
valoriebut so far, we limp along with paypal23:19
clivejoI dont think the security was broken23:19
valoriewhich sucks indeed23:19
clivejoit was the wallets the key were stored got stolen23:19
clivejomaybe move this to offtopic!23:20
valorieperhaps I'm a dunce, but I fail to see the diff23:20
* sgclark rebooting after updates brb23:21
clivejosgclark: did you use muon to upgrade?23:23
sgclarkclivejo: no but I installed stuff with it earlier.23:24
* sgclark is a console person23:25
clivejoit grows on you 23:25
clivejoI been using it for a few weeks now23:25
valorieI use it mostly for information23:25
sgclarkif I were to go to a store I would likely use discover, very pretty23:26
valoriethe search is good, and the tabs are handy in each package display23:26
valorieI don't like software stores23:26
valoriebut I usually use the cli also23:26
sgclarkyeah seem like overkill lol23:26
valoriefast, simple23:26
sgclarkI generally know what I want to install :)23:27
valorieme too, but I look stuff up for other people all the time 23:28
valoriein #kubuntu23:28
ScottKqapt was accepted.23:39
ScottKStill waiting on muon.23:39
clivejoScottK: release channel have picked it up23:43
clivejofew concerns23:43
* ScottK waits for the comments section in his blog to explode: https://skitterman.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/future-of-secure-systems-in-the-us/23:50
ScottK(although not as much as when I published the KC/CC email dialog)23:51
sgclarkahh blog.. I need to do that23:52
ScottKmuon accepted too23:54
clivejo:) thanks ScottK23:55
mamarleyScottK: Richard Burr is the worst.  I didn't vote for him last time and I won't vote for him this time either.23:55
ScottKmamarley: I don't know that it matters who wrote the bill.  I don't get a sense that it would have been much different if the vast majority of Senators or Congressmen had written it.23:59

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