
pavlushkaop pavlushka02:05
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
pavlushkaHi Researcher !!!17:45
pavlushkaOur missing osama_'s LP I guess is https://launchpad.net/~m-osamabinomar17:54
pavlushkaHis youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbVftrGgxbj_CpXlc4WTpgA17:55
pavlushkaHis twitter ac https://twitter.com/h4ck3r_man17:57
Kiloshi pavlushka18:59
pavlushkaYes Kilos , elacheche has found Osama before me on twitter, dont know about others19:00
Kiloscool, he must tell osama to e here all the time19:01
Kiloswe have told him before19:01
pavlushkame too19:01
pavlushkaHe is a hacker by passion I think, osama19:01
Kilosyes but he must be here and help get the loco sorted19:02
Kilosim half a world away and trying to help him, he should be here as well19:02
Kilosthere are many clever ubuntu peeps there19:03
Kilosthat whole part of the world has gone facebook mad19:04
pavlushkaNow we have to just wait laying our trap to catch them, lol19:05
Kilosi will talk to the loco council and the cc this week and see if we can come up with some workaround with the fb thing19:06
pavlushkaKilos: so that FB can sell data mined info!19:07
pavlushkagoogle, FB, yahoo, these free services are all about data mining.19:08
Kilosi dont know but its useless everyone is on fb and no one to help peeps on irc or even approve new peeps that want to join19:08
pavlushkabut there's no alternative to LP, atleast they should keep up LP same time.19:09
pavlushkabeside FB19:10
Kilosyes but to convince them is where the hassle comes in19:10
pavlushkaKilos: and it is not even any big deal to just maintain the LP page!!!!!!!!!19:11
Kilosno thats what i find so hard to understand about the mentality of some clever peeps19:12
Kiloslp hasnt got pictures19:12
pavlushkalol, may be,19:12

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