
Sander^homeWhats  the easiest way to publish a webapp in the appstore for testing?01:49
Sander^homeJust a hello world webapp..01:49
Sander^homeIs there an easy way of taking a github account and publishing it?01:53
AuroraAvenueAnyone up ?04:48
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lotuspsychjepmcgowan: good morning mate05:38
knightwiseis it ssible the default calendar app doesnt sync to your google account ?06:21
knightwisenever mind . i forgot to allow access in the setting menu06:27
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cariveriHi everyone. whats the way to go for an alternative for an app from the android world? e.g. public regional transportation agencies provides apps for andoird and iphone. waht would I do on the ubuntu phone?07:24
Acou_Basscariveri: see if they have a webapp? :P08:06
cariveriI just found an app. but would need to add a repository for this. a matter of trust I suppose.08:09
Acou_Basswait what? isnt it in the touch store?08:09
cariveriAcou_Bass: don't know. ain't got the phone itself yet. looking for a link to view that store via desktop pc08:14
cariveriyes got that one. but hard to search through08:17
Acou_Basswhen you said you had to add a repo08:17
Acou_Basswas it a .deb repo?08:17
cariverisudo apt-add-repository ppa:mzanetti/ppa08:17
Acou_Bassyeah ubuntu touch doesnt support PPA's as far as i know... does it?08:18
cariveridont know. I thought it is an ubuntu after all.08:18
cariverihave a look your self: http://notyetthere.org/ubuntu/fahrplan-for-ubuntu-touch/08:18
Acou_Basswoo, no PPA needed :D08:20
cariverinice. how did you find it so fast?08:20
Acou_Bassumm i clicked the search magnifying glass and typed fahrplan hehe08:20
cariverihaha :) alright.08:21
Acou_Bassi think PPA's are not fully supported in touch - yes its ubuntu underneath but the rootfs is read-only so cant just install debs to it (by default anyway)08:21
Acou_Bassthere are ways to do so but theyre 'will softbrick device if something goes weird' level recommended08:22
cariveriAcou_Bass: I thought I could tinker a little on the phone. like getting a terminal?08:22
Acou_Bassterminal is there yeah, its just a bit of a faff getting .debs to install and is usually not recommended08:22
cariveriAcou_Bass: I guess there is a reset to manufactory default function, no?08:22
Acou_Bassnot sure about that - though a re-flash i suppose isnt out of the question :P08:23
cariveriAcou_Bass: thanks. its all fine now. even an app for the town local transportation service is in there.09:19
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mzanetticariveri, Acou_Bass: don't use ppa:mzanetti/ppa, it's very outdated. All my phone apps are published in one of the 2 phone stores10:37
xphereshello, I'm trying to create a scope from ubuntu sdk, however there are no virtual device to do it and I can not add an armdevice to qt11:14
xpheresanyone knows why this happens?11:14
xpheresand second question,  I have ubuntu 15, but the emulator still does not work? is it not yet solved the problem with the emulator?11:15
Acou_Bassmzanetti: i wasnt even sure PPA's worked on the phone hehe, but thanks for clearing my doubts ;D11:16
lotuspsychjexpheres: set this channel to your favorites, and best to idle a bit longer for timezones,etc11:16
xpheresok, thanks11:17
lotuspsychjexpheres: there are also existing projects going, on the XDA forums if you like11:17
xpheresI have an app for ubuntu touch, I would like to create a scope and also to test it, however there's no way I can see it in the emulator, I just can run it in qt, if anyone can test it and report any bug it would be very helpfull11:18
xpheresIf anyone knows where to find a cheap second hand ubuntu device to test my apps I would be grateful11:27
Acou_Bassxpheres: nexus 4 on ebay ;D11:27
Acou_Bassthats what im using hehe11:27
xphereslet me check11:27
lotuspsychjexpheres: you can buy a second hand nexus711:27
xphereslet's see11:27
lotuspsychje!devices | xpheres11:27
ubot5`xpheres: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:27
xpheresit's a pitty I can not install it in my huwei p811:28
xpheresall nexus 4 are compatible with ubuntu right?11:28
xpheresis it easy too unlock boot?11:29
Acou_Bassi dont know if there are different nexus 4's, i know there are a few different nexus 7's11:29
lotuspsychjenexus7 wifi model works11:29
Acou_Bassyeah nexus 4 is easy, even i can do it and im a lazy F11:29
xpheresIf I buy an android one is it sure I can install ubuntu?11:29
lotuspsychjexpheres: check the devices page..11:29
Acou_Bassi bought a refurbed nexus 4, it arrived at like 10am and i had ubuntu up and running on it by 10:3011:29
xpheresI checked it lotus11:30
xpheresah cool acou11:30
lotuspsychjexpheres: ubuntu-touch can be installed on the official supported devices11:30
Acou_Bassthe wiki page has all the instructions you need, it literally takes 2 commands11:30
xpheresah perfect11:30
xpheresah cool11:30
xpheresand anyone knows why I can create scope projects? qt says I do not have the necessary kits11:33
xpheresI can not add arm kits11:34
xpheresI think I do not have arm compilers?11:34
Acou_Bassive a question for y'all, just a curiosity but something my sister got me onto asking11:44
Acou_Bassis there any way that ubuntu touch convergence could be done completely wirelessly? not right now obviously, but like, doe sthe tech exist? wireless HDMI?11:44
Acou_Bassis this something that ubuntu touch could theoretically support in software? assuming i had a TV that could accept it11:46
xpheresthat would be great, considering that none of supported devices as an hdmi port11:46
Acou_Basswell nexus 4 has slimport which works11:46
xpheresslimport? what is that?11:46
Acou_Bassmicro USB to HDMI11:46
xpheresmini hdmi?11:46
xpheresah ok...11:47
Acou_Basswow ogra_ ;D11:47
xpheresI guess a dirty bad solution can be done with vnc11:48
Acou_Bassthats really cool11:48
Acou_Bassi was expecting you to say 'no there are no plans, come back in 2 years and we might look into it' but there it is :D magic11:48
ogra_xpheres, VNC needs two computers :)11:48
ogra_miracast/aethercase only needs a capable monitor11:48
xpheresI like it11:49
Acou_Bassthats epic11:49
xpheresif I get one ubuntu mobile I will test it11:49
xpheresanyway I trust better cables11:49
xpheresI hope new devices come with hdmi port11:50
Acou_Bassso its all done in software then (once the TV has the right thing)? nexus 4 could theoretically do the miracast/aethercast?11:50
Acou_Bassi literally have no idea how this tech works so im probably asking dumb questions11:50
ogra_i'm not sure which phones will get it ... but afaik it depends on a driver base from android 511:51
ogra_all currently sold phones use a 4.x base11:51
ogra_so it might only be available on the M10 tablet and the new Meizu phone11:51
ogra_(both 5.x based)11:52
Acou_Bassbut i suppose that could potentially change in future, as there are android 5/6 ports for nexus (though obviously right now ubuntu doesnt use it)11:52
ogra_the code is public though ... i guess someone will backport the driver bits to 4.x11:52
Acou_Bassor that11:53
ogra_well, that would mean that the ubuntu base needs to be moved forward11:53
xpheresis there a way to run a click file in ubuntu desktop?11:53
Acou_Bassi mean, i have nothing against slimport, it works, i was just curious if wireless could be done :P11:53
ogra_which takes work ...11:53
Acou_Bassyeah, im not saying itll happen, but it theoretically could right? :D11:53
ogra_(moving your foundation to a new version usually doesnt go without bugs )11:54
ogra_i assume it will happen, but it has to happen from the community11:54
xpheresis there a way to run compiled .click ubuntu programs in the desktop?11:54
Acou_Bassxpheres: i would assume not because of the whole ARm vs x86 thing11:54
ogra_xpheres, only if you compiled them for amd6411:54
xpherescan I compile my ubuntu touch program for amd64?11:55
ogra_xpheres, i'm not sure what state the emulator is in ... might work ... but indeed it runs inside an emulation then11:55
xpheresthe emulator does not work11:55
xpheresit never worked since I started the port of my software to ubuntu11:55
xpheresno matter what I do, the emulator pop ups and shows a black screen11:56
ogra_did you wait long enough ... could be very slow11:56
xpheresyes I did11:56
xpheresnothing happens11:56
cariverimzanetti: alright thanks. could not yet test it, due to ubuntu one registration problems.11:56
* ogra_ hasnt used it in years ...11:57
xpheresWrong kit type: t is not supported to create click packages for a non UbuntuSDK target12:00
xpheresno way to compile for desktop12:00
xpheresError creating textual authentication agent: Error opening current controlling terminal for the process (`/dev/tty'): No such device or address12:04
xpheresthis happens now when I try to add armhf target12:05
xpheresanyone has an idea why?12:05
xphereshow can I solve it?12:05
xphereswhich packages I'm missing?12:05
xpheresIt is not supported to create click packages for a non UbuntuSDK target12:10
xpherescool, now there's no way I can upload new versions of my app because the click packages does not compile12:11
xpheresI have to search how to solve this12:11
xpheresplease if anyone have an idea let me know how to solve this12:16
xpheresthere's no way I can add an arm kit12:24
xpheresI think I have to install some missing packages12:25
ogra_maybe try #ubuntu-app-devel ?12:25
ogra_(many of the app devs are also here, but perhaps not all of them)12:25
xpheresmaybe I am missing qt5-qmake-cross-armhf?12:28
xphereslet's try it12:29
xpheresmaybe it is that the emulator is not running, but it never boots12:32
xphereswhy the button build and validate click packages is disabled?12:34
xpheresoh the emulator started12:38
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1427133 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu (Ubuntu) ""Build and validate click package" button disabled without explanation" [Medium,Fix released]12:57
xpherescool everything seems to be solved after I run ubuntu-sdk als root13:17
xpheresit seems privilegues prevented the sdk to acquiring required libraries13:18
clivejois it possible to install Ubuntu Touch on a Nexus 7 (grouper)13:25
ogra_only on flo13:26
ogra_(and via ubports.com on deb)13:26
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xpheresStarting /usr/bin/ubuntu-html5-app-launcher... Setting import path to:   [0416/165255:FATAL:setuid_sandbox_client.cc(126)] Check failed: IsFileSystemAccessDenied(14:53
svijogra_: hey! Didn't you made a script, which makes it easy to install a new legacy app in a libertine/puritine container? Just got a question from a user.15:30
ogra_svij, i did ... one sec15:31
ogra_svij, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15874585/15:31
ogra_(works on the M10 ... havent tried it anywhere else)15:32
svijogra_: thanks!15:32
svijyeah it's for someone with a m1015:32
* svij can't test it myself15:32
ogra_why not ?!?15:32
ogra_dont say yoou dont have an M10 yet15:32
svijbecause the insiders doesn't get much love lately ;)15:33
Acou_Basswait ogra_ that script creates a click packge from a .deb...?16:02
Acou_Bassahh wait i read wrong16:02
ogra_it creates a libertine container in the writable space (if it isnt there yet) ... installs a package in that ... and creates a .desktop file so the app has a launcher16:03
Acou_Bassi really need to get on this libertine thing, sounds really handy16:03
ogra_kind of ... there is still a lot to do16:03
ogra_ - no hw acceleration in Xmir ... means things like vlc are rather slideshow apps16:04
ogra_ - no support for keymaps unless you hack your own inot a wrapper script16:04
Acou_Bassi can live without VLC, i mostly just want emacs =)16:04
ogra_ - no support for the OSK at all ...16:05
ogra_but it is a goood start :)16:05
Acou_Basscan a libertine containerized (thats the word right...) app access, eg. my /home/phablet/Documents folder?16:05
ogra_it can access the subfolders under /home/phablet16:06
Acou_Bassahhh cool16:06
ogra_not /home/phablet itself though16:06
Acou_Bassthats fine, i only need Docs ;)16:06
ogra_with a bit of fiddling you can also get things like htop to work nicely16:08
Acou_Basshow well can i expect xmir apps to run, assuming theyre standard desktop apps like libreoffice + gimp?16:10
Acou_Bassand emacs ;D16:10
ogra_they run just fine16:11
ogra_themeing is still an issue ... and font sizes too16:11
ogra_(it is all unthemed and very tiny on my M10 tablet)16:11
ogra_but that will surely be fixed over time16:11
ogra_it is still in its early stages16:12
Acou_Basswell, i was planning to try on an N4 with convergence, and i dont really care much about themes either16:12
Acou_Bassobviously itd be nice if themes were 'there' but i can live without them16:12
Acou_Bassso, is this libertine part of any official N4 images? or is it something i have to bake on myself? im keen to give it a blast ;D16:19
ogra_might be in the ubuntu-pd channel16:19
ogra_there seems to be mako in http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu-pd/16:19
ogra_the tablet itself ships with http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en/ though ...16:20
Acou_Bassill give it a bash - ive got all weekend to burn if things go up the wall16:22
Acou_Bassthanks for the guidance so far :D its appreciated! gonna see what i can do with it hehe16:28
formaggioHi everyone, I'm trying a build but phablet-dev-bootstrap keeps getting stuck at 'error: Cannot fetch CyanogenMod/android_external_pigz'18:51
formaggioHere is the full log, after retrying with the '-c' option : http://pastebin.com/3bcH6pQT18:53
ouroumovSo, htop on Aquaris E5 is showing 1,2 or 4 cpus between successive invocations. Anyone else seeing this?19:15
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old_benzI’m trying to sync the UT repo source21:15
old_benzbut erroring on aosp/platform/external/gpg21:15
old_benzLooks like some things changed?  I had to change CyanogenMod’s superuser to ”CyanogenMod/Superuser”21:17
old_benzBasically the problems start at “phablet-dev-bootstrap phablet”21:18

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