
ali1234daftykins: is it running on a VM?00:22
ali1234i saw that type of behaviour once when the VM had plenty of "normal" memory but very low kernel dedicated memory due to the virtualization memory sharing00:22
daftykinsali1234: nah, a guys physical host that's a hex core AMD with 8GB RAM i think00:32
daftykinslong time no see :>02:31
ballHello daftykins!02:32
daftykinshow goes it?02:32
balldaftykins: It goes. I'm currently installing CubLinux in a VM to see what it does.02:33
ballI'm trying to improve my tolerance for Linux ;-)02:33
daftykinsah, funny name - is it yet another ubuntu derivative, or?02:34
ballPossibly. I'm told it's somewhere between Ubuntu and ChromiumOS02:35
ballWhat that means in practice I have yet to see ;-)02:35
daftykinshmm yeah that's a puzzling label02:35
daftykinsi just looked up where my new PC case i ordered from amazon, is02:35
daftykinsit would appear DHL Germany, at least in that town, has never heard of the Channel Islands02:36
ballThat's messed up.02:36
balldaftykins: What case did you get?02:36
daftykinsi plumped for the Antec P280, quite the fan of the 180 i bought back in 2007 - just no USB 3 :)02:37
ballthe case I just bought has USB 3.0 but my mainboard doesn't.02:37
ballbrb, baby's crying02:37
daftykinsdoh! you could get a cheap card perhaps02:37
balldaftykins: Not for this mainboard ;-)02:38
ballIt has no PCIe slots.02:38
daftykinsoh not standard eh02:38
daftykinsi had to improvise - https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rwqr9u3b2ym1xv/image-20160414_183125.jpg?dl=002:38
ballIt's standard ...it's just old.02:39
ballmITX with one parallel 32-bit PCI slot.02:40
ballProbably 32-bit 33 MHz02:40
daftykinsah yeah02:43
daftykinshmm that might exist :>02:43
ballI'll be back, hopefully in an hour or two.02:46
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:00
daftykinshrmm my change of maxconnectionsperchild caused MySQL to fall over instead, interesting17:11
ChunkzZanyone here with virgin media?17:26
penguin42ChunkzZ: Yeh17:27
ChunkzZI just logged in to my vm, it says I can upgrade to 70mbps from 50mbps. is it free? their chat isn't open right now...17:27
ChunkzZpenguin42, ^17:28
ChunkzZwhat I mean is, have you had this too?17:28
penguin42ChunkzZ: Ah, I guess is the new Vivid thing17:28
penguin42ChunkzZ: So they promised everyone they'd be doing an upgrade - when it happens depends on your area17:29
ChunkzZyeah, it says it's ready in my area.17:30
penguin42ChunkzZ: Mine still says the upgrade is coming between July and September - although it originally said it was December last year, so who the heck knows17:30
penguin42ChunkzZ: I'd go for it17:30
penguin42ChunkzZ: Actually I don't really need the 50-70 upgrade; what I do want is the increase in upstream bandwidth they're giving at the same time17:32
diddledanChunkzZ: they might need to send you a new modem thingy which costs £5.99 for the delivery. otherwise it’s all free to upgrade and it doesn’t affect your contract length (i.e. if you can leave now then you’ll still be able to leave now even though you’ve upgraded)17:33
ChunkzZdiddledan, I already have the sh2.17:36
ChunkzZI paid £20 for it so time back17:37
ChunkzZI only asked because my xbox one is killing downloads speed lol done 100gb or some so far :/17:37
ChunkzZanyway, off for a while. thanks! XD17:38
daftykinsdiddledan: ever seen a 'googlebot' hammering a site every second?17:40
daftykinsseems to be what's trashing my mates web server17:40
penguin42daftykins: Hmm Google are normally pretty good at not doing that17:41
daftykinsseems suspect doesn't it, yeah17:41
* penguin42 bets it's not google17:43
daftykins*nod* funny that i did ask if him or his friend who has a site on the same box had any enemies lately ;)17:43
daftykinsseems to be a dutch IP17:44
daftykinswhat might be the best way to block that IP from causing trouble? this guy only runs his machine from home17:45
penguin42you could add an iptables drop rule for that IP,b ut if it is someone doing something nasty on purpose it'll probably change IP17:47
daftykinslooks like apache has a .htaccess IP blocking param17:47
* penguin42 prefers to block at the IP level as a drop - potentially less traffic and they just see timeouts rather than immediate errors17:51
daftykinsmakes sense, i just didn't want to jump to filtering too quick, just have a quick glance at what this'll do first17:52
penguin42a lot of the things are scanning for particular php installations17:53
daftykinshmm yeah requests spamming are still hitting apache, so time to learn the ufw trickery17:58
daftykinsi wonder if i can do anything on his home router though17:58
daftykinsprobably pointless to look17:58
penguin42there's a chance that the router might have a thing to block by IP18:02
daftykinslooks like Austrian ISPs are in on the whole secondary SSID to give out free wifi, too18:04
daftykinsbet he doesn't even know :>18:04
zmoylan-piwhat's yours is theirs...18:05
daftykinsare there any issues with just rm'ing a bunch of old gzipped rotated logs?18:08
daftykinsall this bot action has created 50 something .gz's in /var/log/apache2/18:08
daftykinsmm looking much better now, thanks for the replies penguin42 :)18:11
m0nkey_Any thoughts on this monitor? http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682423629418:13
m0nkey_It's on sale and thinking of getting it18:13
zmoylan-piit'd take a determined cat to slepp on top of that... :-)18:14
daftykinshave you got the hardware to drive that resolution, m0nkey_ ?18:14
m0nkey_daftykins, yes18:14
daftykinswhat'll it be on?18:14
daftykinslooks like a PLS/IPS panel so that should be nice :)18:15
m0nkey_It'll be on my Windows machine, GTX 960.  Did consider a 4K but I'd need a 980Ti to drive it.18:15
daftykinsah plenty new enough card then :) my 560Ti can't handle it18:15
daftykinsdoes your 960 not have displayport out?18:15
m0nkey_It has display port, hdmi and dvi.18:16
daftykinspretty certain a 960 would do 4K out then18:16
m0nkey_I find 4K a tad too high, it looks very nice, but find text looks tiny.18:16
m0nkey_especially in things like consoles, irc. etc.. i know i can adjust the font :P18:17
daftykinsyeah, scaling controls are still a bit iffy too18:17
daftykinsi have the 1920x1080 panel model of this Dell XPS 13 9350 laptop and find it's ideal, all this QHD stuff is a waste18:17
m0nkey_heh, just looked to see what outputs I have, 1 dvi, 1 hdmi and 3xdisplay port18:18
m0nkey_Other option is to save $50 and get the 25" model.. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682423645318:19
m0nkey_The 25" model actually appears to be better spec'd18:20
* daftykins glances18:20
daftykinslooks like it claims 2 x DVI on the 25" too18:21
daftykinsyou would definitely want to use DP, of course - so might want to check what cables you get18:22
daftykinsi would imagine input lag checking would be worth it if you are a gamer too18:22
m0nkey_both screens come with vga, dvi, hdmi and dp cables18:23
daftykinsm0nkey_: did i show you my new build?18:23
daftykinscurrently the case is much delayed since my first one was damaged, so the floorputer had to be done... https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rwqr9u3b2ym1xv/image-20160414_183125.jpg?dl=018:24
daftykinsgot myself an i7 6700 with 32GB RAM and the samsung 950 Pro M.2 NVMe SSD on the corner of the motherboard beside the PCH there18:24
daftykinsusing my old nvidia GTX 560Ti until the new mid-range generation cards are announced in June/July18:25
ChunkzZdaftykins, lmao18:25
zmoylan-piwill 32gb of ram be enough? :-)18:25
ChunkzZI thought my 8gb ram 120gb ssd quad amd was good haha18:25
daftykinszmoylan-pi: i virtualise a lot, so maybe!18:25
daftykinsChunkzZ: :) only cost me £600 for the lot, the PSU + graphics being from my old build18:25
* zmoylan-pi slums it on 4gb laptop... AND 1gb rasp pi b18:26
ChunkzZnice! I paid £140 for mine.18:26
m0nkey_So, would you go with the 25 or 27" display? Thee 27" is currently on sale18:26
ChunkzZI'm on my pi 2 right now, 16gb sandisk ultra sd card. overclocked and over volted it. runs fast as hell now.18:27
ChunkzZstable, too. I love it not costing much to run. XD18:27
daftykinsm0nkey_: hmm, well i had a 25" 2560x1440 Dell U2515H in the other day and i found it quite a nice size, guess it depends on your desk + seated distance really18:27
zmoylan-pioverclocking a pi... :-)18:27
m0nkey_My current display is 24" and I like it's size18:27
m0nkey_So 25" wouldn't take much more space18:27
m0nkey_Also, it seems the specs are slightly better on the 25" model18:28
daftykins*nod* i quite like my 24s18:28
zmoylan-piwhereas 27" will mean lifting the mouse at least once to get the pointer to other side of the screen... :-D18:28
daftykinsso funny i've had DisplayPort capable displays since 2008 and yet not owned anything to use them...18:28
ChunkzZlmao total xbox one usage, 59.28GB...dahell18:29
daftykinstraffic? welcome to modern title patching18:30
ChunkzZyeah, didn't think it was possible on 50mbps18:30
ChunkzZ65gb for gta v :/18:30
daftykinsi still tend to buy discs, but the patches post install are still chunky :D18:31
daftykinsno such thing as a "quick game" anymore i find, always some huge patch to throw on18:31
ChunkzZyeah :/18:31
daftykinsi don't let my lounge stuff run on the whole 'not really turned off' mode18:31
ChunkzZonly thing of mine that is always on is my pi 218:32
ChunkzZeverything else is more or less off18:32
zmoylan-pii have 1 switch in bedroom that turns off everything and 1 in kitchen that turns off all but the pi and wifi ap it's connected to18:33
daftykinsmmm i do that with my TV area, although sometimes it makes a nasty POP when i click the one with more gear on it on, not too pleasant :)18:34
zmoylan-piand i also have 1-2 timer switches that turn things connected off at certain times.  like night time and times when i'll be out of the house.  so if i accidently leave something on it gets switched off if i don't over ride it18:35
daftykinsmakes me laugh when playing on the xbox with some friends that haven't bothered to turn off the power save settings that auto power off after x hours18:36
daftykinsyou hear this mad scramble for the remote :D18:36
daftykinsafter 5 times you'd think they'd take the 20 seconds to turn it off...18:36
zmoylan-piit powers off even if you are still using it??18:37
daftykinsyeah, really odd idea18:38
zmoylan-pithey'll release a super cool rentable bot that will not cut the power while you're using it for $5 a month... :-)18:43
penguin42you'd think you could key off the activity and not turn it off if it was in use18:44
zmoylan-pishhhhh, my way makes a tonne of money... :-)18:44
daftykinspenguin42: yeah, i think it only happened with external input devices over HDMI - tough to gauge i would imagine18:45
daftykinsi just turn all that junk off and use mine as a glorified monitor :)18:46
penguin42zmoylan-pi: What does your bot do when it's not not doing that?18:48
zmoylan-pidoes the usual nsa snooping... :-)18:48
penguin42oh ok, I just wondered if you need to keep it away from sharp implements18:48
zmoylan-pifor your protection...18:49
zmoylan-pinah.... sharp never entered the console market i don't think... :-P18:49
penguin42hmm I would be surprised if they never did18:50
penguin42zmoylan-pi: Does https://www.msx.org/wiki/Sharp_HB-8000 count?18:50
* zmoylan-pi looks...18:50
penguin42that is closer18:52
zmoylan-pii can put my hand on my heart and say i never heard of either of them...18:52
zmoylan-pia shame as sharp made some great hardware18:53
penguin42I'd guessed they made an MSX but didn't know for sure18:53
rindolfHi all. Long time.19:23
daftykinswelcome back19:24
rindolfdaftykins: thanks! How are you?19:26
penguin42rindolf: Hey19:27
daftykinsall good here ta, just playing with VMs on my new PC - yourself?19:27
rindolfdaftykins: today I worked on inkscape and previously on mageia.19:28
zmoylan-piis it a new pc if it doesn't have a case yet? :-)19:28
rindolfand i tried to play Hashi but didn't have the nerve for it.19:28
daftykinszmoylan-pi: totally!19:28
penguin42zmoylan-pi: Is it a new PC if you replace everything except the case?19:29
rindolfpenguin42: hi, whats' new?19:29
zmoylan-pino it's an upgraded pc... even if the only part from the original is the case19:29
MartijnVdSaccording to Microsoft, as soon as you replace the motherboard/CPU it's a new PC, I think?19:30
daftykinsi kept the PSU and graphics card, plus drives19:30
zmoylan-pisometimes a new network card can make microsoft twitchy19:31
penguin42rindolf: Not much, all good19:31
rindolfpenguin42: nice19:32
directhex_i think the licensing thing is pretty much "upgrade motherboard"20:00
directhex_but it's not my department20:00
daftykinsyeah it's x number of device changes, typically 3+ major components20:08
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=== Zacketh is now known as Xack
directhex_that's WGA checks, which is orthogonal to the actual license permissions20:54
directhex_you can change your GPU a hundred times, and you're licensed to do so20:55
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daftykinshmm i don't agree, plus that's only a single item20:58
daftykinsnot really seen a lot of this in practice since XP days, mind you20:59
directhexWGA is a coarse effort to implement the licensing requirements. it is not, in itself, the licensing requirements21:02
directhexif you get told to bog off by WGA, you phone the phone activation number, and you get activated. you're not being sneaky, as long as you haven't upgraded your motherboard21:02
daftykinssounds a lot like hair splitting, this convo21:02
zmoylan-piit did mark a new level of ms sneakiness when they installed the wga software as a performance improvement piece of software iirc21:03
directhex(directly replacing one board with another under something you could consider a warranty replacement is fine)21:03
directhexwhich of us is the MS employee? :p21:03
zmoylan-pii used to work just around the corner from ms in ireland... there were times when we had problems with their software were the joke in the office was to pop around with a baseball bat and ask them /directly/ :-P21:04
daftykinsi'm not aware of anyones employment status!21:05
ali1234licencing is pretty much the art of hair splitting, what did you expect?21:11
zmoylan-piit more than anything else drove me to linux.  not having to worry about licence keys and activations and other such silly barriers21:11
daftykinsprobably for the necessary granularity to not go undetected21:12
daftykinsyeah, i can see how it might21:12
zmoylan-piof course at the time i had to activate a lot of win xp over a touch tone phone on hands free typeing in 36 digit number on phone and then on keyboard to activate so that might have biased me somewhat... :-)21:13
ali1234well the GPL has just as much scope for disagreement as any other licence21:13
zmoylan-pithat's why we have so many variants of gpl21:14
diddledanJust have to look at the zfs issue for that21:15
directhexis it?21:47
directhexwe should ban those21:47
zmoylan-picould be worse... could be the long dark tea time of the soul...21:47
popeyDie Hard 2 on C4+1 \o/21:47
daftykinshaha, checking that friends web server again i see another googlebot, but this time it's actually a google IP21:48
zmoylan-pigreat christmas movie... goes well with all the family squabbles...21:48
daftykinsfind it odd when you folk are excited by films on broadcast TV given modern tech though21:49
zmoylan-piwell i have a dvd rip here of die hard 1-4 iirc21:49
popeyi like surprises21:49
daftykinsone step better than my dad hanging onto his VHS collection of recorded-from-TV including the 10 o'clock news21:50
* zmoylan-pi ties popey's shoelaces together... :-P21:50
ali1234"After this operation, 1,462 MB disk space will be freed."21:50
zmoylan-pisomeone in another irc channel on hearing the news of blake 7 actors death is now rummaging for his vhs or dvd set of blakes 7... didn't have betamax for some reason...21:50
ali1234i'm slightly worried by this21:51
daftykinsali1234: haha21:51
diddledanzmoylan-pi: channel 4 from 9 this evening21:51
diddledanOh popey already said21:52
ali1234well i couldn't figure out how to use solr21:53
zmoylan-piand been on c4 they won't edit out rude language... they'll edit in extra... :-)21:53
diddledanSomeone on the news on 4 at around 6:30 said the b word21:54
zmoylan-pioooooh belguim... how rude... to the americans...21:55
penguin42haha I hadn't realised that it was used only in American versions of the 3rd novel22:00
zmoylan-pii only heard about the american version when douglas adams died and it was discussed on slashdot and one group of geeks was looking at the others going what the hell are you talking about belgium for?22:02
zmoylan-piyou just expect the book to be the same everywhere22:04
zmoylan-pii think it's when i first heard of last chance to see as well...22:04
popeyoops.. E: Unable to locate package kinkscape22:07
daftykinsFreud would be proud22:09
ali1234blah this sucks22:10
daftykinspackage hell?22:11
ali1234solr 3 is useless22:11
ali1234newer versions need java 822:11
ali1234is juju still a thing?22:11
directhexi ended up using make-jpkg to put oracle java 8 on my servers22:12
ali1234there is supposedly a ppa but i ain't touching that22:12
daftykinsis that because gentoo, or you don't fancy using webupd8's PPA?22:12
daftykinsi think they essentially package oracle's installer22:12
ali1234this is ridiculous. i just want a turnkey search appliance. i don't want to write schemas. i don't even know what a schema is.22:13
directhexit's someone who sits & makes evil plots22:15
zmoylan-piminimum requirements, one volcano base22:15
daftykinsone Brains22:16
penguin42popey: Oh, that'll be the vector plugin for gimp then?22:16
zmoylan-pibaldrick came up with schemas22:16
penguin42ali1234: https://xapian.org/docs/omega/overview.html ?22:18
daftykinsthe most cunning schemas of all22:18
ali1234penguin42: reading...22:19
penguin42ali1234: xapian-omega package  - not tried it but someone I know I think was involved in the search stuff a while back22:19
zmoylan-pibut it does cast a little doubt on the brains requirement...22:19
ali1234https://xapian.org/docs/omega/quickstart.html that looks easy enough...22:20
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ali1234hmm... this seems pretty speedy22:39
ali1234seems to work22:46
ali1234just got to get the cgi onto the webpage now22:46
ali1234http://al.robotfuzz.com/~al/teletext/search.cgi - it works23:24
penguin42oh I wondered if that's what you were using it for :-)23:25
penguin42ali1234: Could probably do with filtering out the teletext characters from the search results somehow23:28
ali1234yeah, not sure how i'd do that23:28
ali1234even better would be to display them properly23:28
ali1234that might actually be easier23:28
ali1234just add the right css23:28
penguin42you've got the display stuff done in CSS ? Neat - even double height?23:29
ali1234it's pure html23:29
ali1234no images at all23:29
penguin42very nice23:29
ali1234yeah telesoftware23:29
penguin42there are a few noticeable errors on most pages - like the CEEFA( in that one - I hate to think about the code23:30
ali1234page numbers are also links23:30
ali1234but only if the page actually exists23:30
ali1234(fastext as well)23:30
penguin42hth did you manage to get double height decoded in CSS23:32
ali1234it uses a different font which is half width and font-size:200%;23:34
ali1234it isn't done with two rows of text like mode723:35
ali1234the html generator just turns it into one line23:35
penguin42ah ok23:36
ali1234i'm out of vhs tapes now23:37
* penguin42 may have a pile23:37
ali1234i kind of want to ask people to send me more, but i don't want to get thousands of tapes23:37
ali1234mainly because there's bound to be people who dont understand they have to be recorded off the tv23:38
zmoylan-pidid bbc not keep archive of ceefax?23:53
zmoylan-pidid bbc website offer access to ceefax pages? rte irelands tv station did.23:55
ali1234not that i know of23:55
ali1234it's the same stuff. all the systems were linked23:56
zmoylan-pithere was a crude version that could be reached via web.  might be on waybackmachine23:56
ali1234i have pages back to 198223:56
ali1234other people have recovered pages from the 70s23:57

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