
BlakeOh thanks so much! :)00:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:09
lmw!help help00:09
lmwDoes Debian have a permanent sid channel?00:10
bazhang#ubuntu+1 lmw but not sid00:10
lmwThank you00:12
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serianox#join #archlinux00:41
Guest34615anyone else run into an error when starting Corebird on Ubuntu 16.04?00:49
Guest34615the error is the following: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.baedert.corebird' does not contain a key named 'accel-show-settings'00:50
tewardGuest34615: #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 support00:50
Guest34615thanks teward... question though00:50
HathadarI installed g++ v5 however g++ -v shows gcc version 4.8.4 (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1)00:51
HathadarHow do I install and use the latest g++/gcc on ubuntu?00:51
Guest34615have any idea how to troubleshoot this type of problem dealing with dconf? os is there any documentation on it00:51
jiffeanyone know how I might be able to get gpu load with nvidia cards?00:53
jiffeI was able to do it with my amd cards using amdconfig00:53
zykotick9Hathadar: just sayin' but changing gcc version is a _huge_ deal.  are you sure?  good luck, you'll need it.00:54
Bashing-omjiffe: ' sudo nvidia-xconfig ' ?? is what you are referring to ?00:54
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Bashing-omjiffe: Be aware the use of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is depreciated .00:57
Mitchell92Hello... I'm a computer networking major, I bought another laptop to toy around with and then bring to class in the fall for note taking next semester. I really love it and it runs amazing on XUbuntu... At the same time, I really wanted to try out gnome 3 again. Its a dual core i5 (6th gen) with 4GB of RAM and Intel HD 530 graphics. Would it be suggested that I reinstall everything and use the gnome variant of Ubuntu to do this, or could I01:05
Mitchell92just install Gnome and remove XFCE?01:05
munch_28Anyone know intimate details of Netflix Desktop app? I'm trying to kill it, but the Ubuntu launcher is still showing it to be in use01:06
munch_28right clicking it, and clicking on quit doesn't stop it from being in use01:07
Mitchell92Netflix is now supported on linux?01:08
munch_28_Can anyone help with Top and killing Netflix Desktop?01:09
sdkMitchell92: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Installation01:09
kurrosmunch_28_: if i recall correctly it was plugin-container01:09
Mitchell92sdk, I'm aware of ubuntu gnome... I already have XUbuntu installed. Do I need to reinstall and install Ubuntu Gnome to run Gnome 3, or is there another way, if so, would it work as needed?01:10
kurrosMitchell92: its a really old app that uses silverlight via wine01:10
sdkMitchell92: I think you can do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop"01:11
munch_28_kurros: I did kill that PID, It's still showing lit on my launcher....01:11
kurrosMitchell92: do what sdk says and when you log out there will be a new selector above your username on the login screen to choose the desktop environment01:11
jiffeBashing-om: I don't think nvidia-xconfig is an analog to amdconfig01:11
Mitchell92okay, kurros ... Thanks01:12
kurrosmunch_28_: dang. sorry its been a long time since i had to use that app01:12
zykotick9jiffe: i have NO idea what amdconfig does... but nvidia-xconig just creates a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file...01:13
jiffeI could use amdconfig to poll for gpu clock info, gpu load, gpu temperatures etc01:13
jiffeI was hoping to find something similar for nvidia01:13
munch_28_kurros: you don't use netflix then? I'm hoping that there is a better app then Netflix Desktop01:13
munch_28_Have a lot of issues with it01:13
zykotick9jiffe: there is a gui, nvidia-settings i believe...01:14
jiffenothing command line?  I don't have a monitor on this machine atm the moment01:14
kurrosjiffe: nvidia-smi will show what you want I think01:14
zykotick9jiffe: what's the point of nvidia drivers if you don't have a monitor attached?...01:15
Bashing-ommunch_28_: There is google-chrome that runns Netflix out of the box .01:15
jiffezykotick9: because gpus have a lot of cores, this machine will be used for training neural networks01:15
Ben64jiffe: nvidia-smi ?01:16
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jiffeyup /usr/lib/nvidia-352/bin/nvidia-smi looks like it gives me all that info01:24
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goddardanyone familar with serial communications and needing root/sudo?02:16
sendqanyone most-likely02:27
dotcomWith SEO?02:27
sendqFriday night it a bad time for IRC02:27
bobby_where i can join ubuntu community ?02:51
bobby_where i can join ubuntu community ?02:57
Bashing-ombobby_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/ ???02:59
Bashing-omyokawa: ubuntu support here .03:01
cfhowlettyokawa, this not a chit chat channel.  ask your ubuntu support question03:01
yokawai know bro03:02
yokawawhere are you from bro03:02
yokawai got it03:02
cfhowlettUBUNTU questions?03:02
yokawabut we can chill while someone ask something about ubutun?03:02
yokawaoh ok03:03
yokawar you in japan?03:03
yokawabut who are you ?03:03
yokawai mean are you a moderator here?03:03
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:03
yokawaonly registered users can use these commands?03:04
cfhowlettyou would be happier in #ubuntu-offtopic03:05
yokawathis is a support channel but i asked u some questions03:05
yokawaand u didnt reply me03:05
yokawatell me about ur ubuntu please03:05
yokawaim using ubuntu 14 lts03:06
yokawashould i upgrade to 1503:06
cfhowlettyour machine, your choice03:06
yokawayes ur right03:06
yokawaim all up dated03:06
bobby_I want to set  /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method with low but cant access permission to edit03:07
cfhowlettbobby_, sudo gedit should open it03:07
yokawau must use sudo03:07
bobby_cfhowlett : still not work03:07
yokawau must be doing something wrong then03:08
bobby_Could not create a backup file while saving “/sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method” , i click "save anyway" but not want03:08
bobby_this instructions http://askubuntu.com/questions/115142/how-to-set-power-profile-at-boot not working to me03:10
yokawayou should explain us more03:10
yokawawe are not soothsayers03:11
cfhowlettbobby_, rename the existing file so it won't request the backup then edit/create a new file03:11
yokawau must be doing something wrong03:11
yokawatell us what u are doing step by step03:11
bobby_now i follow http://www.techytalk.info/ubuntu-open-source-ati-radeon-driver-power-usage-tweaks/ . .I think my problem solved in a minute after i reboot ( last step ) .03:16
cfhowlettjayesh, enough03:23
cfhowlettask your support questions03:23
jayeshi was just checking Sorry. :)03:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:24
MneuroIs there a fix for "steam is out of date" in Ubuntu 16.04?03:24
jayeshDo any ! has experience in Android proggramming?03:24
cfhowlettjayesh, the #android channel?03:25
jayeshGee, thanks,03:25
cfhowlettMneuro, ask #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 support03:25
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[Saint]Why isn't lmvetad used by default?03:46
[Saint]lmv.conf makes a specific note about it not being used by default even if the service modules are present - why is this?03:47
cfhowlettThousands of tools are not used by default03:47
dw1last ~$a03:48
[Saint]Those thousand of tools also don't bitch about not being used during boot, though cfhowlett.03:48
[Saint]The way I see it it has no obvious downsides, some very clear benefits, and its presence silences and annoying fallback warning during boot with LVM.03:50
goddarddoes the ufw block serial communications?03:50
nomicbecause serial communications use ports03:51
[Saint]So I was wondering what the reasoning behind not having it available by default, in fact, not even enabling it even if the service modules are present and active.03:51
[Saint]Given that to my view it has no obvious downsides and very clear benefits.03:51
=== prince is now known as King`
Kriophorosmy issue: I did passwd -e in terminal to make my user password expire, so my friends at home could go freely onto my desktop, but I'm stuck out of it now, as the desktop doesn't seem to load after login in (it redirects me back to the "after boot" login interface. I tried changing the password through root in recovery mode but I still can't access the desktop after logging in with the new03:52
Kriophorospassword, any ideas?03:52
[Saint]It doesn't help you now, obviously, but...why didn't you just make them a guest account?03:53
cfhowlett^^^ this ^^^03:54
[Saint]also - you can fix this trivially from a liveCD|DVD|USB03:54
goddardserial uses UDP/TCP03:54
goddardhow can i unblock a port03:55
goddarddoesn't seem my firewall GUI offers the correct parameters03:55
Kriophoros[Saint], I did it in a hurry and didn't expect it to "break"...03:56
=== King` is now known as King
[Saint]Actually - I use server installs too much these days.03:57
[Saint]...isn;t there a guest account _by default_ on all the GUI/desktop installs?03:57
[Saint]mount some shared storage, bingo bango, guest users that can't ruin your day.03:58
coffeeguyhi i've been getting a loud alarm sound on my desktop monitors speakers, just out of the blue?03:59
[Saint]anyway - yeah, single user mode, or fixing this externally from a live install is probably your best bet here Kriophoros03:59
cfhowlettcoffeeguy, turn off the alarm?03:59
coffeeguymuted them and later after i removed cinnamon it did it again03:59
cbjaxxKriophoris, did you unlock you account after resetting the password? sudo passwd -u <account>03:59
Kriophorosthere's something weird, too, the name of my session seems to have a mistake in it. it's Krios instead of Krio, so I can't change the password for "Krios" after trying "passwd Krios" in root (because it'd reply the user does not exist)04:00
coffeeguycfhowlett good idea though i don't remember installing one hehe04:00
=== King is now known as King-
coffeeguyalso what does D-BUS daemon not running mean?04:00
cfhowlettcoffeeguy, I would suspect you enabled one somewhere.  check your clock settings?04:00
Kriophorosperhaps I don't use the command correctly, but i haven't changed the user account's name04:01
Kriophoroscbjaxx: did not à04:01
coffeeguycfhowlett, i just checked it, it shows add event but evolution hasn't even been setup04:02
[Saint]Kriophoros: maybe when you get this sorted in the end you can look at doing some proper user management that doesn't rely on inherent trust of users whom may or may not have any idea what they're doing at any given time on an account you need to be functional.04:02
BlooperBoyI am in need of some support. I decided i want to setup email with my domain/server (ubuntu 14.04) and I do not know how to access the configuration screen04:03
BlooperBoyit says it's already installed04:03
cbjaxxBlooperBoy: What mail server are you using04:05
ching-pong-bing-ching pong bing bong04:06
eftmi installed grub on /dev/sda and grub still doesn't show up on boot (it goes straight to windows). what gives?04:06
cfhowlettching-pong-bing-, stop04:06
cfhowlettthis is ubuntu support.  ask your support questions.  play elsewhere04:07
ching-pong-bing-okay sorry04:07
roygbivhello excellent people04:08
coffeeguyum what is bioset?04:09
Kriophoros[Saint]: thanks04:10
roygbivis xfs still being actively used and enhanced?04:10
BlooperBoyI am usiong postfix04:10
BlooperBoyI am at a point right now that I do not understand how to add users to it04:10
cbjaxxBlooperBoy: If you are using postfix you can use dpkg-reconfigure postfix, if it is some other you can use dpkg-reconfigure <mail server>.04:11
cfhowlettBlooperBoy, might ask #ubuntu-server   as well04:11
vincent42hi all, I'm using terminator as terminal, is there a way to avoir "alt+space" generating a fake space in instead of normal space ?04:19
vincent42there's no case where I need to have this fake space caracter and I often leave my thumb on alt a bit too long04:19
vincent42I think it's a "non breakable" space04:20
BlooperBoythank you guys for everything you guys do04:21
BlooperBoygood bye :)04:21
[Saint]perhaps that is a support task best suited to the developers of said software?04:21
[Saint]IMO it doesn't really fit into Ubuntu support other than "I happen to be running this on an Ubuntu host", and I'm not really sure if that fits the scope of Ubuntu support or not.04:22
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tgm4883[Saint]: the general rule is, if it's in the repos, we try to support it04:35
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revisualizeGreetings and Hello. I have a bit of an issue. I have a p.o.s. computer and I installed a RAID1 with the motherboard. I attempt to do mdadm -E /dev/sda && mdadm -E /dev/sdb ... for /dev/sdb = This Slot : 1 (out-of-sync) & Migrate State : rebuild & Map State : normal <-- degraded The problem that i have is the boot process tells me that the OS needs to do the rebuild but, I can't figure out how to do the rebuild. mdadm: device /d05:20
m_anish__on Ubuntu installing slapd and phpldapadmin, what should be the default cn, dn values?05:20
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whatever_sb_KeyError: Identifier('sendq') (file "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/sopel/tools/target.py", line 65, in clear_user)05:24
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
m_anish__on Ubuntu installing slapd and phpldapadmin, what should be the default cn, dn values?05:39
lotuspsychjem_anish__: your on ubuntu server?05:43
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LodizIs there anyone that successfully got bumblebee working with 16.04?06:35
abb4shi every body , i want to build OpenCv by Cmake but it return an error that say : file DOWNLOAD HASH mismatch06:48
abb4scan you help ?06:48
syadminhello.... I've been hit by this bug where I cannot update my Ubuntu 14.04 because of this error:   "Requires Installation of Untrusted Packages" .  If I press OK, the procedure halts. What can I do???  There is history of this bug since 2012!!!06:57
abb4ssyadmin:  perhaps ubuntu wont give update for your version07:00
abb4ssyadmin:  no sorry , i didn't see 14.0407:01
Seveassyadmin: disable all non-official repositories and try again.07:02
syadminabb4s: Are you fucking kidsding me? 14.04 LTS ????07:02
syadminuh... I don't see custom repos07:03
abb4ssyadmin:yeah ? it seems the bug fucked in your brain .. lol07:03
azir018hey, i've a problem of displaying java applets even by installing icedtea on ubuntu 15.10, any idea?07:03
Seveassyadmin: pastebin the output of: more /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | cat07:03
Seveasabb4s: syadmin: mind the language please.07:04
Seveasazir018: it's 2016, java applets are a thing of the past07:04
azir018so how to make a java web component to get shown in 2016 using firefox?07:05
Seveasgood morning07:06
ubuntu-mateEvening in Oz07:06
Seveason the internet it's always morning :)07:07
ubuntu-mateFair enough..07:07
azir018Seveas? any idea?07:07
ubuntu-mateHas anyone got multi touch working on HP Stream 11?07:09
syadminSeveas: I seem to have network problems07:11
MultbrelchHi all - NFS: can several clients access a server the same time? It should work, righ? However, it doesn't in my case ...07:18
SeveasMultbrelch: yes, that should work07:30
Seveassyadmin: what brings you to that conclusion?07:30
hendIBTjoin ubuntu07:31
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sancho_salve, qualcuno saprebbe delucidarmi sulle condizioni dell'architettura fibra in Italia?07:40
jnhghyHi, I'm trying to upgrade an ubuntu 10.10 to the latest lst but I'm getting error on apt-get update: Something wicked happened resolving 'us.old-releases.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)07:43
ikonialooks like that mirror is gone07:43
jnhghyping-ing for us.old-releases.ubuntu.com also returns an error... so what should the link be?07:43
ikoniaI'd strongle recommend you not upgrade from 10.1007:43
ikoniajust do a clean install (after you backed up your data) 16.04 is out, stable, LTS in a few days07:44
jnhghyso there is no way to upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04/14.04?... weird...07:45
ikoniathere is07:45
ikoniabut in my view, it's took big a jump to go through that process,07:45
ikoniayou'd be better served in my view, to backup your key data and do a clean install of a modern releaes (eg: 16.04 out in days)07:46
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slappymcfryUbuntu logo in the wild http://www.nzma.ac.nz.08:26
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computeris there a way to format a USB flash drive in ubuntu? when i right click the drive in Files i get format option but it does not work. am I doing something wrong?08:39
EriC^^computer: click on the dash icon and type disks08:40
sam_yanIn ubuntu 15.10,does all services started by d-bus or sd-bus ?08:40
computerEriC^^: ok what do i do now? i am not sure what to click08:40
EriC^^computer: click on the disk, then in the right side select the partition and click the cog next to the minus sign at the bottom and choose format08:41
=== ubik is now known as Guest37557
=== red_ is now known as Redbeardt
computerEriC^^: excellent. is there a way to format the whole drive instead of individual partitions?08:43
Ben64use gparted08:43
EriC^^computer: you can delete all the partitions and make a single partition and format it08:44
RedbeardtCan someone tell me how to run something in the terminal so that the terminal will not wait for the process to end before continuing, but also suppress console output from that program? I tried "firefox & > /dev/null" but that didn't do the trick.08:44
EriC^^firefox >/dev/null &08:45
computerEriC^^: i deleted all partitions and i got freespace, i tried to format it but i get an error08:46
EriC^^firefox >/dev/null 2>&1 &08:46
EriC^^if you want to suppress both stdout and stderr08:46
EriC^^computer: did you make a partition using the whole free space?08:46
Redbeardtthanks EriC^^!08:46
EriC^^no problem Redbeardt08:46
dylanhey guys could you guys help me with a problem08:46
computeryes, i think i figured it out, i make 1 partition for the whole drive, i get an error, but if i repeat it it works somehow, is this expected?08:47
EriC^^computer: not really08:47
dylanim running elementary os built on ubuntu and my printer is a hp envy 5530 its wifi enabled but it comes up that the scanner cant be used08:47
Ben64dylan: elementaryos is supported in #elementary08:48
computerEriC^^: let me walk you throug, 1. deleted partitions, 2. cannot format therefore made 1 partition, 3. get error but partition gets made, 4. format works08:48
EriC^^what was the error?08:48
computerEriC^^: Error wiping newly created partition /dev/sdb108:48
EriC^^computer: ok, you could use gparted to do it08:49
EriC^^sudo apt-get install gparted08:49
computerEriC^^: thanks08:50
EriC^^computer: no problem08:51
FlamewolfI need some help08:52
Ben64!help | Flamewolf08:54
ubottuFlamewolf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:54
Flamewolfahh, ok. my bad08:54
FlamewolfWell, i'm installing ubuntu 14.04 and i apparently need some kind of partition at the start of my drive that works as an MBR for the system. Can anybody help me out with that?08:56
Ben64can you explain a bit more? what tells you you need it? how are you installing? is it dual boot?08:57
ikoniais this the efi boot partition you're talking about ?08:59
FlamewolfOkay. So, it's a dual boot between windows 10 and ubuntu 14.04 via USB. im told after the partition selection part that i need a certain partition. i believe it might be the EFI boot partition.08:59
ikoniaubuntu via usb ?09:00
ikoniawhat does that mean ?09:00
ikoniayou boot via usb ?09:00
ikoniawhat does that actually mean09:00
FlamewolfI'm gonna be completely honest, i have no idea. i'm just relaying what my friend told me. i'm clueless with this kind of stuff and i want to learn more, so i thought that downloading it would be the best way.09:01
ikoniaFlamewolf: is your ubuntu install on a usb disk09:02
ikoniaok, thats a terrible solution in my view,09:02
ikoniaso I don't really want to deal with that09:02
FlamewolfFair enough.09:02
FlamewolfWait, i think i got it. THanks, though!09:04
EriC^^Flamewolf: mbr is the master boot record of the disk, it's what the bios looks at when it's looking at the disks to boot09:04
EriC^^Flamewolf: it's the first 512bytes of the disk and it also contains the partition table09:05
EriC^^when ubuntu installs, it installs grub to the mbr of the disk, and so you get a grub menu next time you boot if that disk is first in boot order and you select which os to boot09:05
ikoniathis whole thing is going to fail if the usb disk is not plugged in - even to boot windows09:06
FlamewolfIt is currently plugged in.09:06
ikoniaas it will require the grub config which is on the usb disk to display the menu/be aware of the boot options09:06
ikoniathe second you unplug that, you won't be able to use the machine to boot anything09:06
heap_hi, why there is no mc package in ubuntu repo09:07
EriC^^^ that's not true09:07
FlamewolfThanks for the help! I'll probably be back later, though.09:07
ikoniathat is true09:07
ikoniaif it can't find the grub config it won't know what to boot09:07
EriC^^ikonia: how about the disk after the usb?09:08
lotuspsychje!info mc | heap_09:08
ubottuheap_: mc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.8.13-3 (wily), package size 501 kB, installed size 1586 kB09:08
ikoniaEriC^^: what about it ?09:08
ikoniaEriC^^: the boot sector is not on the mbr - so it won't know what to chain load09:08
EriC^^ikonia: ..the bios would boot it09:08
ikonia(the windows boot sector)09:08
ikoniagrub replaces the boot sector for the chain load09:08
heap_lotuspsychje: ?:) what does it mean09:08
EriC^^ikonia: you said if he installed ubuntu to his usb, and unplugged the usb, the pc wouldn't be bootable anymore09:08
ikoniaso unless your windows MBR is on a totally seperate "non-pribary boot disk" it won't boot09:08
lotuspsychjeheap_: wich ubuntu version are you running?09:09
heap_how can i find out?09:09
ikoniaEriC^^: he installed ubuntu to it, the installer normally detects the primary boot disk to put grub on, not the install disk09:09
lotuspsychjeheap_: lsb_release -a09:09
ikoniayou can install to /dev/sdd - but grub will still go onto /dev/sda09:09
ikonia(at a simplistic level)09:09
EriC^^ikonia: he's going to select his usb as "bootloader location" in the installer, obviously09:09
ikoniaEriC^^: obviously ?09:09
EriC^^why *would* he install it to the primary disk09:09
EriC^^ikonia: of course09:09
ikoniaEriC^^: he didn't even know what he was booting from09:09
EriC^^ikonia: that's why we're here :)09:09
lotuspsychjeheap_: the package mc is available for install for you09:10
heap_apt-cache search mc09:10
heap_its not there09:10
ikonia!info mc09:10
ubottumc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.8.13-3 (wily), package size 501 kB, installed size 1586 kB09:10
ikoniain the universe repo it is09:10
heap_i dont know09:10
heap_i did apt-cache search mc09:10
heap_no results09:10
ikonia"t is in the universe repo"09:10
heap_ikonia: what does it mean?09:11
ikoniathe package midnight commander is in the ubuntu repo called universe09:11
lotuspsychje!universe | heap_09:11
ubottuheap_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.09:11
heap_hmhm is there any way how to get size of the directory?09:13
heap_othere then using du09:13
ikoniaheap_: thats the correct tool from the command line09:13
ikoniaright click on it from the file manager09:14
heap_it shows different sizes09:14
heap_on 2 identical dir on different physical drives09:14
ikoniawhat does09:14
EriC^^heap_: probably a block thing, apparent size vs the blocks it takes up09:14
ikoniadifferent physical drives - could have anything such as different block sizes,09:14
heap_so whats why i need to see something to be able to compare09:15
ikoniaheap_: what exactly are you trying to do09:15
heap_i mean to compare sizes of directories09:15
heap_i have dir X on drive A and also drive B09:15
ikoniawhat's the problem you're trying to solve09:15
heap_and i need to be sure if it was copied from A to B without problems09:16
ikoniaso you could use rsync09:16
heap_i did09:16
ikoniait will checksum the whole directory09:16
heap_but i wanted to do some doublecheck09:16
ikoniayou did09:16
ikoniarsync will checksum the directory09:16
heap_there is no other check?09:16
ikoniathat is the best check09:17
ikoniayou're not adding any value doing anything else, infact you're adding confusion09:17
heap_ikonia: ah ok09:17
heap_so no other check is poosible?09:17
EriC^^heap_: if it's checksummed it's pretty much checksummed09:18
lokienhey guys, I'm having problems with emacs installation. can anyone help me, please? http://pastebin.com/333Y4xT109:18
lokienI removed it lately and can't install it ever since09:18
ikoniaheap_: I've just answered that for you09:18
EriC^^heap_: i think du -b shows the size without block confusion, for what it's worth09:19
ikoniabut won't that show the different block count ?09:19
ikonialokien: quick cheat, just make /etc/emacs24/site-start.d09:19
ikoniathen it can cd and complete it09:20
ikoniait looks like you've screwed up the common package,09:20
lokienikonia: yups, I don't know how/when though09:20
ikoniadoesn't matter when, just fix it,09:20
ikoniareinstall the common package ? make the directory so the install completes, force a removal of the common package so it doesn't try to upgrade it09:21
ikoniapick your approach and go09:21
lokienikonia: I created the directory, but it still throws me an error09:21
ikonialokien: can it cd into that directory09:21
ikoniais the error the same ? is the error different09:22
lokienikonia: I can cd into it, so, I suppose it can09:22
ikoniais the error the same09:22
lokiendifferent, I'll paste it in a sec09:22
lokienikonia: http://pastebin.com/jxBZzZs309:22
heap_ok thanks guys09:22
lokienoh, I have to create some more directories, I guess09:23
ikonialokien: come on - it's the same error, just a different directory09:23
ikoniaapply some logic and walk it through09:23
lokienikonia: 'kay, thank you09:23
ikonialokien: it seems more sensible to remove this whole package if you no longer want it09:23
ikoniaor re-install it09:23
heap_EriC^^: du -hs shows also different sizes -;-(((09:24
ikoniaheap_: of course it will09:24
ikoniayou've just done the same command as before - but with human readable format09:24
ikoniaheap_: is there a reason you are ignoring what you are being told ?09:24
EriC^^heap_: try du -sb09:24
lokienikonia: I tried to, but it was throwing another error. now it succeeded though09:24
heap_ikonia: i got lost09:25
ikoniaheap_: just trust the rsync09:25
ikoniayou're making a problem where one doesn't exist09:25
heap_ikonia: okay09:25
lokienikonia: now it works! thank you very much09:27
ikoniayou fixed it yourself09:28
ikoniaso thank yourself09:28
heap_EriC^^: -sb same issue09:48
heap_so thats weird09:48
EriC^^not really09:48
heap_there is no tool in linux to count total dir size09:48
heap_between different devices09:48
heap_Ben64: what09:50
heap_Ben64: i use du and results are different.09:50
Ben64heap_: different than what09:51
ikoniaheap_: how many times do you have to be told09:52
ikoniaheap_: you keep saying "ok - I trust the rsync" then ignoring everything else and keep complaining09:52
ikoniaheap_: it's getting tedious now, TRUST the rsync checksum - it is the best confidence you will get09:52
lokif client A needs information from Client C; should it be passed via Server B?09:53
ikonialok: you've just said something that makes no sense09:54
heap_ikonia: because i like to double check with different tools09:54
lokikonia: i want to understand how client server model works09:54
heap_ikonia: i dont trust one tool09:54
ikoniaheap_: you've already double checked09:54
ikonialok: this is not the channel, nor is #debian09:54
ikonialok: look at ##progamming and ask a more specific question, such as could someone explain 2 tier client/server architecture09:55
heap_ikonia: doublechecked how? to 2 times run rsync?09:56
ikoniaheap_: no - trust the rsync09:56
ikoniaheap_: you are making a problem where one doesn't exist09:56
ikoniathe rsync does the copy and the checksum verifys the copy09:56
ikoniathere is your two checks, the file list, then the checksum09:56
ikoniatrust the checksum, you are creating a problem,09:56
lokikonia: thanks for advice09:57
sancho_hi my volume indicator is not working, i can scroll up and down but volume won't follow my directive. what can i do to ripristinate functionality?09:58
dreadkopphey guys. i cannot get fanspeeds via sensors. anyone might have an idea? Sensor is Fintek F71889F09:59
heap_ikonia: ok i have to trust it10:04
de-factodreadkopp did you "sensors-detect" ?10:05
de-facto!info lm-sensors10:06
ubottulm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.4.0-2 (wily), package size 83 kB, installed size 367 kB10:06
dreadkoppde-facto: yeah. i get readouts for temperatures and voltages but fanspeeds are reported as 0 rpm10:09
sancho_i solved but don't know how lol10:10
de-factodreadkopp i had to manually edit /etc/sensors3.conf for mine to work properly10:10
de-factoi think there are some snippets found for sensors not included in the distro package on their website10:11
dreadkoppde-facto: okay, will check it. however while pwm values are detected an can be changed it seems i do not get any rpm speeds from the chip? http://pastie.org/1079963610:14
de-factodreadkopp idk the exact cause, i just made the experience that for my chip i had to slightly customize since it also was partly working only with the default config10:15
de-factodreadkopp hmm it seems their website is down but maybe https://web.archive.org/web/20150627203042/http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/Devices could help a bit10:18
dreadkoppthanks for the link :)10:19
phelixCan someone please help me figure out how to install nvidia with multiple monitors... i have tried like 100 different tutorials from google. I have reinstalled ubuntu like 4 times.. nothing seems to work10:25
phelixbeen at this for like 10 hours10:27
dreadkoppphelix: you installed the proprietary drivers?10:28
phelixive installed one from website ive installed from apt-get install nvidia-current about 20 different ways10:29
dreadkoppphelix: which one is your card? and what is the problem exactly?10:31
phelixgerforce GT 74010:32
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phelixonly time it works is on fresh install. I can go to the system preferences and additional drivers and select the nvidia option. But only 1 monitor displays. Even if it see's all of them i can't get any other monitor  to dispolay anything10:33
phelixi tried installing it from command line now with sudo apt-get install nvidia-352 and now I am in a login loop i type my password and it just repeats10:34
dreadkopp352 seems about the correct one. You get correct resolution at loginscreen?10:35
OnkelTemHi all10:36
OnkelTemI wonder at the mess of all those .desktop files in the system10:36
dreadkoppat this point driver should be allready loaded. So your loginloop might be due to something else10:37
OnkelTemCan anyone provide a link to an overview of this mess?10:37
phelixyeah for a single monitor it seemed to be ok10:38
phelixbut no other monitors would display anything10:38
phelixlogin loop happened after i tried to install a different version10:39
de-factophelix try installing the official nvidia-current from ubuntu repos and then use nvidia-settings to adjust monitors10:42
phelixfrom their website with the .run file?10:43
de-factonope nothing from nvidia directly10:44
phelixwhat ppa has the best nvidia-current?10:44
de-factofrom the ubuntu repositories10:44
de-facto!info nvidia-current10:44
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.131-0ubuntu0.15.10.1 (wily), package size 4 kB, installed size 19 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)10:44
phelixjust what comes stock with ubuntu install?10:45
de-factoyeah i would recommend to go with those10:45
phelixive tried that like 4 times10:45
de-factohave you used nvidia-settings on that?10:45
phelixonly 1 monitor will display10:45
de-factoso what was the exact problem you encountered?10:46
phelixafter then installing from command line then i just get login loop10:46
de-factoso you installed nvidia-current on a fresh ubuntu install without installing from third party and get a login loop?10:46
phelixyes on my most recent install10:47
phelixso right from straight fresh install just go to shell and try sudo apt-get install nvidia-current?10:48
phelixdon't need to add any extra ppa?10:48
ChunkzZhi, where can I download the 16.04 RC?10:48
de-factoyes dont use third party, they might mess up your config10:48
phelixand then reboot ?10:48
EriC^^ChunkzZ: there's no RC, just the daily image10:49
ChunkzZyou sure?10:49
EriC^^i think so, an op here mentioned it earlier10:50
de-factoChunkzZ you might want to join #ubuntu+1 for that10:50
EriC^^^ good idea10:50
partrobI am facing a problem with ubuntu m running xubuntu 14.04 I am unable to loack screen with ctrl+alt_del and xflock4 command11:01
partrobWhen I run the command  system going into black screen then I have to reboot to work again11:01
billydazpartrob you have to disbale ctrl+alt+del first11:10
boxmeinwonder if i can setup smartcard logins or something via lightdm11:10
xphereshello, what is the channel for ubuntu developers?11:12
lotuspsychjexpheres: #ubuntu-devel11:12
lotuspsychjexpheres: is it for a question or to help contribute?11:13
xpheresit is a question regarding ubuntu sdk, I develop apps for ubuntu phone11:13
lotuspsychjexpheres: there is also #ubuntu-touch and the XDA forums to help11:14
xpheresah thanks11:14
requiemdwho is familiar with systemd? check pls http://pastebin.com/h9KQ8zxt11:15
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adinorteylawerteheya all11:27
adinorteylawerteam new to thi schat but i like it11:27
adinorteylawertewho here is a developer11:27
lotuspsychjeadinorteylawerte: you joined the ubuntu support channel, to ask ubuntu issues11:28
lotuspsychjeadinorteylawerte: so only ubuntu questions here, other chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:29
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adinorteylawertedoes anyone have any idea how i could customize my ubuntu login screen?11:30
EriC^^adinorteylawerte: anything in mind?11:30
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EriC^^you can change the background and remove the dots and sound easily11:31
ropowhere shoud i put my enevironmet variables in .bashrc?11:32
brainwashrequiemd: does 3proxy appear in the process list after starting the service?11:32
requiemdbrainwash: no11:33
brainwashrequiemd: did you try to start 3proxy directly?11:33
requiemdbrainwash: yes, when i starting it directly - it working well11:34
brainwashrequiemd: maybe you need to add Type=forking to [Service]. that's what other service files for 3proxy suggest.11:36
brainwashrequiemd: other than that, you may want to ask in #systemd11:37
requiemdbrainwash: i will try ty11:38
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bot_hello guy's11:40
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Zaitzevugh, tried to launch a game and now 2 of the 3 monitors are disabled. How do I re-detect them? Do I have to reboot or restart X?11:42
lotuspsychjeZaitzev: reboot or xrandr --auto perhaps11:43
Zaitzevah, xrandr worked. Thanks! :)11:43
lotuspsychje!yay | Zaitzev11:45
ubottuZaitzev: Glad you made it! :-)11:45
OnkelTemHow to start something BEFORE window manager starts?11:45
RaspberryCan I make my one HexChat server?11:45
OnkelTemI switched to AWM and would like to rand xrandr command before AWM actually starts11:45
OnkelTemto run*11:45
Zaitzevdoesn't look like Starbound wants to play nice for me :p11:46
bazhangRaspberry, an ircd, sure but you should choose the proper channel for it11:46
ChunkzZikonia, y'know 16.04 LTS, will there be a server image?11:47
ikoniaChunkzZ: yes there will - and as I said before #ubuntu+1 for 16.04 discussion11:48
bekksChunkzZ: Yes.11:48
ChunkzZikonia, okay.11:48
ChunkzZbekks, thanks.11:48
Gruburguryes now im here11:48
GruburgurSo whats new in the latest Ubuntu?11:49
lotuspsychjeGruburgur: join #ubuntu+1 please11:50
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bekksGruburgur: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WilyWerewolf/ReleaseNotes11:50
boxmeinOnkelTem: use xinitrc, but this means you have to make a generic "xinitrc" desktop file and switch to that in lightdm instead of "Ubuntu Desktop"11:50
ratracebekks: that's not latest :)11:51
boxmeinOnkelTem: for example11:52
bekksratrace: It is the latest release.11:52
bekks!16.04 | ratrace11:52
ubotturatrace: Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+111:52
OnkelTemboxmein: I use KDE so I'd like to do it with KDE way :)11:52
ratraceI'm pretty sure Gruburgur was asking bout Xenial :)11:53
boxmeinOnkelTem: uh, the KDE way assumes that KDE is going to handle running the scripts...which it can't do if it isn't started?11:53
requiemdbrainwash: true, it wasn't start because of daemon mode of process in 3proxy.cfg11:54
OnkelTemboxmein: what isn't started? Ok, let me explain what I do. I want to run custom xrandr command to properly layout my monitors. Also, I've replaced Plasma with AWM, so I have some way to run my command before AWM starts or it will need a restart if xrandr starts after11:55
OnkelTemI (need to)+ have11:55
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alcoderhi, this question is regarding , ensuring the FAT32 SD card is clean (wrt unrecoverable files) before i pass it to next person. The method i followed, is dd if=/dev/zero of=file.txt count=1024 bs=32505856 (32G), and wrote to the sd card with split utility  , split --verbose --bytes=3G ./file.txt  /media/hifiuser/4CDB-130A/file12:05
alcoderwill this ensure that all previous contents in the sectors are over written?12:06
lotuspsychjealcoder: test it with photorec, and try to recover data from it...if photorec cant find it, its gone12:06
boxmeinOnkelTem: hm, no clue then. you might get away with going straight to X config and skipping the xrandring12:09
OnkelTemboxmein: thanks, will check it out. Currently I'm reading about customizing KDE via Xsetup12:09
OnkelTem                      12:09
boxmeinOnkelTem: KDE seems fancy... why did you transition from unity?12:10
alcoderlotuspsychje, thank you,12:10
OnkelTemboxmein: I've never actually used untity. My background is: fluxbox, blacbox, Gnome2, Gnome3... and I loved Gnome3 until its developers had broken keyboard layout support and afaik 14.04 ships with that broken layouts12:12
OnkelTemboxmein: so I had to switch to KDE12:13
boxmeinOnkelTem: my cycle has currently been gnome-unity-gnome-awesome-lxde-mate-unity-cinnamon-awesome-xmonad-unity, I skipped out on awesome/xmonad because they were neat but have a lot of maintenance and setup overhead before they get to a daily use state12:13
boxmeinOnkelTem: wait, so your X keyboard layouts broke?12:13
boxmeinis that related to unity/etc at all, :o12:14
OnkelTemboxmein: currently not - KDE has no such an issue12:14
OnkelTemboxmein: as for AWM - totally agreed, and I spent about two weeks (to the moment) and yet haven't tammed it12:14
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OnkelTembut! I see a plot on how I will make it do what I want. In any way, I see my future tied to either DWM or AWM :)12:16
boxmeinOnkelTem: once I spend considerable time setting it up how I want and implementing cool UI I'll get to use it too :P12:17
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andyworkis there some permission I can set on a file to prevent deletion?12:30
EriC^^andywork: chattr +i /path/to/file12:32
andyworkEriC^^: thanks man12:35
EriC^^andywork: no problem12:35
chaoukican someone tell me what this means :12:40
chaoukiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)12:41
chaoukiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:41
EriC^^chaouki: it means something else is using dpkg like software-center or another terminal12:41
chaoukioh yes I'm using software-update12:42
chaoukiso when I finish I can install normally ?12:42
chaoukithanks :)12:43
EriC^^no problem :)12:43
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MaybeADumbQuestihello - why are the file / edit / help menus not in the window of the application? Is that a glitch or by design?12:59
baizonMaybeADumbQuesti: i dont understand your question13:01
lotuspsychjeMaybeADumbQuesti: if you mean on unity, its a setting you set menu's ontop visible or not13:01
baizonMaybeADumbQuesti: its a design, but you can also change it13:01
MaybeADumbQuestiWhere do you change it? And is there a reason why somebody would want to leave it like that or is it 100% personal preference?13:01
ouroumovIt's personal preference13:02
lotuspsychjeMaybeADumbQuesti: appereance icon/2nd tab13:02
MaybeADumbQuestiFor the longest time I thought the app was corrupted or something because I didn't see the menu bar at the top of the screen, out of the window13:02
MaybeADumbQuestiAwesome! Thank you!13:03
MaybeADumbQuestiOut of curiosity, is there a functional reason why some people like it the other way?13:03
macskayHey guys, i'm trying to setup a postfix server. At the moment I can send mails from the CLI, but can't receive any. When trying to "telnet" to port 25 it tells me "Connection closed by foreign host". Has anyone experienced that before?13:03
ikoniamacskay: it's not configured properly13:04
ikoniamacskay: are you doing this on a home connection13:04
macskayNope on a dedicated server13:04
ikoniamacskay: ok - so you need to configure postfix to listen on that address and have control rules in place of what can connect to it13:05
hexhaxtronCan someone suggest me a cheap scanner/printer that works well with Ubuntu?13:05
ikoniamacskay: a look at the logs will tell you why it's closing straight away13:05
DEFKORhello, check out my debian, http://sh.st/Iex1p , i built from linux from scratch using mac UI13:05
macskayikonia: I did that hang on, i'll show you my conf.13:05
ikoniamacskay: I don't want to see your conf13:05
ikoniamacskay: look in the logs and that will tell you why it's closing straight away13:05
lotuspsychjeMaybeADumbQuesti: no menu text can be less confusing for the users who like it13:05
DEFKORplease give me some feedback :)13:05
ikoniaDEFKOR: no thanks13:05
macskayikonia: Hm yes, but why can I send mails when it's closing down?13:06
ikoniaDEFKOR: this is an ubuntu support channel13:06
ikoniamacskay: "send mails when it's closing down" ???13:06
macskaywell you suggest the mailserver closes down, thus I can't connect via telnet, but why can I send mails from CLI when the mailserver is down13:06
ikoniamacskay: the mail server isn't down13:07
ikoniamacskay: it's refusing connections from your host13:07
ikoniasending mail from the command line is probably referencing localhost13:07
macskayoh you meant "closing down" as in "closing down" the connection to my host from home13:07
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ikoniamacskay: I mean exactly what I said, it's refusing connections from your host13:07
lotuspsychjehexhaxtron: hp printers work very well, but other brands with the right drivers also working13:08
nuno_nunestransform ubuntu in windows 10: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Windows+10+Transformation+Pack?content=17132713:14
lotuspsychje!discuss | nuno_nunes13:15
ubottununo_nunes: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:15
chaoukiI have a problem in booting from GRUB to windows13:15
chaoukiI had horizontal colored lines that dispear in 10 seconds13:15
chaoukihow can I fix that13:15
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BluesKajHiyas all13:22
znrheya peeps! I have an issue with my 'new' screen. After setting the resolution - a part of the image is outside the screen... how can I fix this?13:26
bekksznr: Sounds like your screen doesnt support your selected resolution.13:29
znrbekks:: is there a way to get around this?13:31
bekksznr: Select a resolution that is supported by your screen.13:32
znrthe screen itself - according to the specs - should support the resolution13:32
bekksSo which exact model is it?13:32
znrwhich file to edit?13:33
bekksFile to edit?13:33
bekksYou cannot magically make your screen support resolutions :D13:33
bekksWhich resolution do you use?13:34
znrbut I can manually edit the values13:34
bekksWhich values?13:34
znr1280x1024 was not to choose13:34
bekksznr: And which resolution ARE you using then...?13:35
znrCRT-1: 1360x76813:35
bekksznr: thats a resolution not supported by your screen.13:36
znrcan not even get the screens name in nvidia-settings13:36
bekksznr: Use a supported resolution. Maximum is 1280x1024 for your screen.13:36
znrI edited the nvidia-settings to use 1280x1024 now (manually) and it works - kind of13:38
wh3ko19Is there any desktop environment like Cinnamon that works well with Ubuntu? I really like how Cinnamon works, but it's been getting increasingly unstable.13:38
wh3ko19Can't get Japanese IME support to work properly.13:39
wh3ko19When I do "shut down" it gives a popup that says "Really shut down?" with the only option being "cancel"13:39
wh3ko19Various other issues.13:39
wh3ko19I am thinking I might have to switch to Arch with Cinnamon, but I don't know how much of the stuff in my home folder and whatnot will be compatible across distros.13:40
bekkswh3ko19: For a stable release, just use Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu or Xubuntu.13:41
wh3ko19Those are not desktop environments...13:41
bekksUbuntu uses Unity, Lubuntu uses LXDE, Kubuntu uses KDE and Xubuntu uses XFCE13:42
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wh3ko19Yes. I'm looking for something similar to Cinnamon.13:42
wh3ko19And I won't use Mint for security reasons.13:43
bekkswh3ko19: None of them is.13:43
wh3ko19Hm. Guess I'll have to switch to Arch.13:43
wh3ko19Anyone know how difficult the switch is?13:43
bekksFor a desktop environment? :)13:43
wh3ko19No, I think Cinnamon has better support for Arch.13:44
bekkswh3ko19: Expect thiings tp break regularly with every update, since Arch is a rolling release distro.13:44
bekksExpect things in your home not working, since Arch may use different settings.13:44
wh3ko19It's kind of a pain, I really wish Mint weren't such a colossal mess.13:44
bekksBesides that: Good luck. You'll need it.13:44
wh3ko19I really love Cinnamon.13:45
bekksThere is even Ubuntu MATE.13:45
wh3ko19I think I prefer GTK3.13:46
andyworkwait mint is a mess?13:46
rud0lfhow do they bring new versions? they make Ubuntu's mate13:46
captainfantasticis docker for xenial not in their ppa yet?13:47
bekkscaptainfantastic: Ask in #ubuntu+113:47
wh3ko19andywork: Last time I used it it was decent but there were a lot of concerns expressed about the security and the way updates are handled.13:47
wh3ko19andywork: Then recently a compromised ISO was released in the wild.13:48
lotuspsychjelets not discuss mint issues here13:48
ouroumovwh3ko19: go with Ubuntu MATE13:49
LaserAllanHey guys, I am trying to play some video files but for some reason it asks for a plugin tht aprently is missing13:54
LaserAllan"video/ -x unknown decoder"13:54
TheSuperGeekLaserAllan: which software ?13:54
bekksLaserAllan: So whats the output of "file yourvideofile"?13:55
LaserAllanTheSuperGeek: VLC Media Player and i've also tried the "video" player tht comes with it13:55
andyworkLaserAllan: do you get any sound?13:55
LaserAllanandywork: Sound but no video13:55
bekksLaserAllan: So whats the output of "file yourvideofile"?13:56
andyworkLaserAllan: you probably need to add a PPA for H.26513:56
LaserAllanbekks: I guess i should do that in the terminal?13:56
bekksLaserAllan: Correct.13:56
LaserAllanOk lemme see13:56
bekksandywork: How do you know, without even knowing anything about the video?13:56
andyworkalright, sorry, no I don't know13:57
svakali    /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER svakali ezfbwtzfzfcr13:59
LaserAllanbekks: EBML file, creator matroska13:59
LaserAllanbekks: thats what I could find it13:59
LaserAllanIt plays on my plex server fine but not if i wanna play it with a software13:59
BluesKajsvakali, put that command in the serverbox , not the chat14:00
LaserAllanbekks: I dunno if that helped but just to let you know thats the output14:01
reeedhi guys. i need help with a grub problem and #grub seems dead (111 nicks, no replies).14:01
reeedi installed GRUB on a second disk, with a small ext2 partition containing the grub files14:02
reeedwhen I boot the second disk, GRUB drops into a rescue shell because it cannot locate the ext2 partition14:02
lotuspsychjereeed: wich ubuntu version are you on?14:02
lotuspsychje!grub | reeed14:03
ubottureeed: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:03
reeedbut i didn't lose GRUB14:04
reeedGRUB can't find the partition.14:04
reeedbut the super-grub2-disk rescue CD can.14:04
BluesKajreeed, uefi or bios?14:04
reeedreal old laptop14:04
reeednot a hint of EFI14:04
reeedgrub-install went well (using --boot-directory /mnt)14:05
BluesKajok then just run sudo grub-install dev/sdX  whatever the drive dev name is14:06
reeedUbuntu on the first drive is fine.14:09
reeedi'm trying to get GRUB to boot off the second disk14:09
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lotuspsychjereeed: you want 2 grubs? perhaps if you tell us your endgoal with all this?14:12
reeedthe second disk will be moved onto a separate machine14:16
RedbeardtBloody hell. Anyone know what the issue could be as to why I can't 'browse files' on my Samsung Galaxy S3 over Bluetooth from Ubuntu?14:18
RedbeardtDuckDuckGo isn't helping much14:18
lotuspsychjereeed: why dont you place the hd directly in the second machine, and install grub from your wanted ubuntu?14:19
reeedit's because the target machine is an old laptop with a bad display, i have no chance to set the BIOS to boot from anywhere other than its harddisk.14:20
lotuspsychjeRedbeardt: you have developer mode enabled on your phone? tried blueman on ubuntu?14:20
reeedi know it boots from HD well.14:20
reeedi must have a working boot before i move the disk over14:20
lotuspsychjereeed: no cdrom in that laptop?14:21
reeedsorta a headless setup14:21
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LaserAllanIt seems that I cannot play .mkv files for some reason14:21
LaserAllanother formats works just fine14:21
reeednot sure if the CD drive still works. and I haven't tried to see if it boots from CD before HD14:21
Redbeardtlotuspsychje: Yep I have it enabled. I haven't tried blueman so I'll give that a shot. Thanks.14:21
lotuspsychjereeed: there's a nice 'plop boot manager' that can force old laptops to boot ubuntu usb14:22
reeedah, but you have to setup the BIOS to boot from USB, no?14:23
lotuspsychjereeed: no, the plop boot manager will get you a menu, and choose the usb14:23
lotuspsychjevery handy14:23
reeedthat's the thing -- I can't go into BIOS. I don't know the keystroke, and connecting an external monitor doesn't work until BIOS POST is done.14:23
reeedhow do I boot plot bootmgr?14:24
lotuspsychjereeed: check their website and burn to a cdrom14:24
flux242hi, i couldnt remember a tool that would save all changes made to /etc. A little tip mayby?14:24
reeedok will try that. thanks lotus14:24
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: vlc should play .mkv by default, weird14:25
LaserAllanlotuspsychje: it plays mp4 and other formats14:25
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: got the right graphics driver active?14:25
LaserAllanlotuspsychje: actually that I don't know since i just installed it like 2-3 days ago14:26
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: can you check your additional drivers section, to see wich driver is active?14:27
Redbeardtlotuspsychje: No apparent change with that blueman thingy :p14:28
lotuspsychjeRedbeardt: hmm not sure then, perhaps check your syslog/dmesg or connect your ubuntu with a cable?14:29
Redbeardtlotuspsychje: Aye I checked dmesg but everything looks dandy in there14:30
Redbeardtlotuspsychje: The browse file button seems to do nothing! Oh well. USB it is.14:30
lotuspsychjeRedbeardt: you got other devices to work on your BT?14:30
lotuspsychjeRedbeardt: perhaps its the BT chipset thats not recognized?14:31
lotuspsychje!ru | timursergeevich14:31
ubottutimursergeevich: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:31
RedbeardtIt's recognised and paired, and I can even do 'send files', but not 'browse files'. Hah!14:31
Redbeardtlotuspsychje: I just noticed that every time I click 'Browse Files' i get one of these in dmesg "[21389.033226] input: 74:45:8A:75:64:C7 as /devices/virtual/input/input1814:32
RedbeardtI guess I've clicked it 18 times now >_>14:32
lotuspsychjeRedbeardt: wich ubuntu version is this?14:33
LaserAllanlotuspsychje: Where do i check which driver is active?14:34
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: additional drivers section, or sudo lshw -C video (behind driver=)14:35
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LaserAllanlotuspsychje: I pmed you, hopefully that was ok14:36
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: ok looks good14:37
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: can you start vlc from a terminal, try to play the mkv and pastebin us the output of errors?14:37
Redbeardtlotuspsychje: This is.. a 16 LTS daily. I guess I should be in #ubuntu+1.14:38
lotuspsychjeRedbeardt: yes, lets move to there14:38
citizen_anyone active?14:49
EriC^^what's the problem?14:49
citizen_just not having anyone around to ask linux questions in real life and then finding someone on irc that is active.14:51
EriC^^no i mean what's the linux problem?14:51
citizen_oh, i have a process that is running 49.50% of my cpu (x2)14:52
nedstarkin real life, i call richard stallman for all of my linux questions14:52
EriC^^citizen_: which process?14:52
citizen_i would like to find it i guess with htop or ps aux and then research what the process is and find out if i can fix it or if its normal14:52
EriC^^citizen_: ok, type top and it should show up at the top14:52
citizen_sorry i dont know how to talk back to you in green14:52
EriC^^looks like a mounting daemon for samba from the name14:53
akikcitizen_: if i'd have to guess it's indexing your samba share14:53
citizen_pid-23359 user-me  pr-20 ni-0 virt-655780 res-12192 %cpu=99.7 %mem-0.2 command-gvfsd-smb14:54
EriC^^citizen_: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=130330014:55
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1303300 in samba "gvfsd-smb-browse causes 100% CPU usage" [Unspecified,New]14:55
citizen_i will have to reaserch samaba but im sure i dont have it installed this is a fresh install of lubuntu with just gedit conky and ciaro-docker installed so far14:55
citizen_nice thanks ubottu checking it now?14:55
citizen_can i ask how you were able to find it so fast?14:55
EriC^^citizen_: there's also this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/53202414:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in Ubuntu One Client "duplicate for #532024 gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix released]14:55
EriC^^citizen_: i typed gvfsd-smb in google14:56
citizen_genuis lol14:56
EriC^^lol :D14:56
aclaudemAny gtk high contrast themes besides the one ubuntu comes with? (I already checked gnome-look)15:00
citizen_high contrast like black and white?15:01
aclaudemDoesnt have to be black and white, but yes15:01
citizen_my wife was just looking at those lastnight i think the website was boxlook.com or something to that effect15:02
aclaudemOh yeah thats the openbox+gtk2 (old gnome)15:02
aclaudem(Ill check if they have gtk3)15:03
citizen_they do im almost positive15:03
citizen_no problem15:03
aclaudemI just wonder if they have the same ones I saw on gnome-look but worth a look15:03
citizen_i just finished themeing my box so if any more questions just ask15:03
citizen_deviantart has some too15:04
citizen_none of those bug reports have a fix yet =(15:06
aclaudemok so boxlook is the same stuff as gnomelook, and Id checked deviantart already boo. Wish I were good at this stuff so I could make my own :S15:07
citizen_anyone have anyidea how to get conky to display tailf .bash_history15:07
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citizen_what are you wanting high contrast the icons or the whole shebang15:08
aclaudemJust the theme not the icons15:08
citizen_with DE15:08
aclaudemGnome shell15:09
aclaudemBut I dont need a shell theme just a GTK theme15:09
aclaudemThanks citizen but Ive been looking already since last October :)15:10
aclaudemThats why I asked15:10
citizen_lol there was only about 8 to choose from anyways that sucks man15:10
aclaudemThe default high contrast looks good most of the time, it's just apps like firefox and hexchat look like windows millennium :P15:12
aclaudemOK, fine, like windows 98.15:13
citizen_i follow you man but dont have the creative mind to envision your set up15:13
citizen_li1309-23.members.linode.com https - how can i find out why that link is always connected to my outbound internet using 400b/sec15:14
afidegnumhello, please I am having problem installing PHP-GDAl on ubuntu trusty,  have you every successfully tried ?15:15
akikcitizen_: "sudo lsof -i" shows your connections and processes15:19
citizen_its katana forinsics coming from my plex server15:20
citizen_strange cuz thats a LE forinsics company15:20
clifferafter installing openldap and phamm, im getting the error "invalid dn (vd=cembot.de,o=hosting,dc=cembot,dc=de)" but upon running "ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=cembot,dc=de' '(objectclass=*)'" the ouput just shows infos about the dn: http://pastebin.com/VZnJedWy . where can i look for errors next?15:22
stacks88when i iptables-save and reboot the rules are gone. where do i need to save them ? iptables-save > /path/to/where ?15:23
stacks88to keep them going15:23
clifferstacks88: do you have iptables-persistent installed?15:26
citizen_can i make a ufw rule to block a ip address block from .1 - .25515:44
citizen_at once or 255 seperate rules15:45
superfirelord42citizen_: should be able to do it at once, although I am a tad out of date on the syntax.15:47
citizen_superfirelord42: can you tell me what the search term for such a thing would be?15:49
superfirelord42citizen_: I found this: https://www.guyrutenberg.com/2009/11/07/blocking-ip-range-using-ufw/ (sorry, don’t have a favorite shortener atm)15:50
superfirelord42citizen_: and I assume you would just alter your /21 to be a larget netmask15:50
hylianjust curious, if i were to do a fresh install of ubuntu 16.04 beta 2, and then when the finished project came out on april 21st, after updating, would I then have the non bets version, or would I be running the beta version until i re-installed?15:50
citizen_superfirelord42: thanks - this is my first foray into blocking stuff or working with ufw15:51
citizen_hylian - i think it would change as soon as you did a distr-upgrade or even maybe upgrade && update15:51
tanstaafl74Anyone know about mount commands for windows host -> ubuntu guest shared folders?15:52
akikcitizen_: for example is defining a network space from to .25515:52
hyliancitizen_: hmm, thanks. I am considering jumping the gun and installing 16.04 now, because i know those servers are gonna be slowed down a bit on the 21st.15:52
citizen_i lose it where the /24 is covering the whole block15:53
citizen_ is /24 a option or modifier type command15:53
superfirelord42citizen_: This may help a tad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4_subnetting_reference (I am reading it now as a referesher myself)15:54
tanstaafl74I'm using "sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=user,gid=user Source /home/user/Source" to mount some shared folders, which works fine, but they're locked with permissions 77715:54
tanstaafl74Does anyone know the mount command to use if I want 755?15:54
tewardtanstaafl74: umask=002215:54
akikcitizen_: /24 is the netmask =
tewardtanstaafl74: but lets do some otner important things first15:55
tanstaafl74teward: inserted where into the mount command? before the -o or after?15:55
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tewardtanstaafl74: find the UID of your user, and GID of your user.  Use the Numbers.15:55
citizen_hylian - i like trying new stuff also i beleive a few of the flavors are 16.04 also you could just run it in a vm till then and test it out that way15:55
dean_I have a problem with my keyboard. wireless keyboard works fine and the laptop keyboard works fine on windows but the laptop keyboard is glitchy on linux. Not just ubuntu. Have tested arch and debian. The shift key works on and off and the ctrl key clicks by itself sometimes.15:55
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citizen_thanks superfirelord4215:55
tewardtanstaafl74: your -o then becomes: -o uid=####,gid=####,umask=000015:56
tewardtanstaafl74: your -o then becomes: -o uid=####,gid=####,umask=002215:56
tanstaafl74teward: thanks, I'll give it a shot15:56
citizen_akik  - let me finish reading these two articles i feel as if i ask any more basic questions i wills tart to embarrass myself15:56
tanstaafl74teward: that did the trick. Thanks much.16:00
tewardtanstaafl74: you're welcome16:00
citizen_akik: so /24 is basically with out typing each out?16:01
akikcitizen_: no it's just 256 addresses for hosts16:02
EldunarHello, i received a usb drive, but its kinda broken. There is no partition table and in lsblk there is only: "sdb      8:16   1  14,6G  0 disk" but i can not create new partition table in gparted. IT says that there is input/output error. Any ideas?16:02
akikone for the network and one for the broadcast16:02
akikcitizen_: the page you were linked to is the old way. read the cidr page that is linked from that page16:03
superfirelord42sorry, i must have followed some old links :P16:04
akikcitizen_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing16:04
citizen_okay so to find out the ip i need to block i type nmap li1309-23.members.linone.com i take that i address and sudo ufw deny from (found address)/2416:04
dean_ I have a problem with my keyboard. wireless keyboard works fine and the laptop keyboard works fine on windows but the laptop keyboard is glitchy on linux. Not just ubuntu. Have tested arch and debian. The shift key works on and off and the ctrl key clicks by itself sometimes.16:04
citizen_reading that now akik thanks16:04
citizen_dean - i seen a fix for something like that in lubuntu where it would do that with numlock i will try to find the addy for you16:05
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RedbeardtHey uh, what's a decent media player for Ubuntu these days? The threads I'm finding are almost 10 years old.16:07
dummy9when i have something like firefox & spotify running my hdd light is constantly lit & system is slow?16:07
RedbeardtPeople seem to tout Amarok but that needs KDE16:07
citizen_redbeardt - vlc16:07
akikRedbeardt: vlc16:07
citizen_dummy9 htop whats top three processess16:08
RedbeardtJust VLC eh haha alright16:08
citizen_yep sudo apt-get install vlc16:08
dummy9what's htop16:08
citizen_htop is a CLI system monitor i think16:09
citizen_so you would launch a terminal and type 'htop' hit enter16:09
derp_commanderwhat will happen if I dd a disk image consisting of multiple partitions and an MBR onto a partition of another drive?16:10
citizen_derp_commander- sounds like you would end up taking a few asprin to help with the headache16:11
dean_citizen: Thanks dude. Think I fixed it in the weirdest way. I ran "xev" as someone suggested on launchpad. It just stopped being dodgey. Hopefully I will not have to run it everytime I start the computer :P16:11
superfirelord42derp_commander Now I am curious what that would actually do 0.o16:11
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derp_commandersuperfirelord42: oh joy, that's never a good sign16:11
clifferrunning slpad: can anybody explain why the /etc/ldap/ldap.conf is pretty much empty on ubuntu and how to include schemas?16:12
citizen_dean - np man16:12
superfirelord42I sort of wonder if I have a machine to spare to test this….16:12
citizen_cliffer are you opening as root?16:12
Redbeardtwow VLC looks so much "cleaner" somehow on Linux16:12
Redbeardtcompared to Windows16:12
citizen_i even use it on android16:12
cliffercitizen_: yes, i contains one line which is not comment16:13
derp_commandercitizen_: hm, I might be able to do what I want more properly with kpartx16:13
citizen_cliffer that was my only guess boss16:14
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: try it on a VM maybe?16:14
citizen_derp - how is that any different from just booting a backup on new drive?16:15
citizen_not vm but what your trying to do16:15
abhinav--hello, if I install 16.04 beta 2, how will I upgrade to the final release when it comes out?16:15
dean_Ah it's back again. This is the most annoying thing ever.16:15
superfirelord42derp_commander: I assume it wouldn’t be useable really. Maybe you could mount it if you have the offsets for the partition beginnings and endings. I don’t know what happens if your dd exceeds your partition size either. I would hope it would not overflow to the next partition (I assume that it wouldn’t because that sounds like it could be a security flaw if it did)16:15
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: I once exploited a security bug caused by a school's dual-boot configuration, since the systems could access each other's partitions16:16
citizen_dean - you run conky also?16:16
derp_commanderwhich exposed the system credential files since OSX didn't recognize NTFS's ACLs16:17
superfirelord42derp_commander: You know what, I’m gonna do it, spinning up a VM now. I hope I have the disk space to try it.16:17
dean_citizen_ nah i dont have a conky at the moment why?16:17
nedstarkabhinav--, after it's released, you can upgrade like they describe here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes16:17
BluesKajabhinav--, just update, upgrade and full upgrade and you'll endup with latest 16.04 next thurs16:18
citizen_nedstark you should get that stickied for the topic lol16:18
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: well, I'm just gonna use kpartx, since I ain't running experiments on my hard drive16:18
nedstarki would just stick with beta until 16.04.1 anyhow16:18
nedstarkthats when it's really, really final16:18
abhinav--BluesKaj, that simple? thanks :)16:19
abhinav--nedstark, thanks :)16:19
citizen_dean if you had conky you could add in ${execi 2400 xev}16:20
citizen_then it would just keep running that every time before it was needed16:20
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citizen_a redneck ductape and bailing wire fix i know but should hurt any system resources16:21
andyworkare daily builds available as torrents?16:22
kitty_kogomeleaving bye16:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:48
auronandaceAutistic: difficult for anyone to help unless you explain the problem16:48
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superfirelord42Btw, if anyone was curious, derp_commander’s situation he proposed works exactly like you would expect.16:53
akiksuperfirelord42: did you expose one partition to your vm which in turn contained other partitions and a mbr in the beginning?16:56
superfirelord42I created a second 100MB drive with 1 ext3 partition on it and then dd’d it to a 47MB partition and a 200MB partition. The 47MB ran out of space (as I hoped). The 200 won’t mount. I’m trying to guess the superblock location offset now16:57
jayjoI have 14.04 and a bluetooth mouse that is sooo sensitive even at the lowest seting. Is there a fix for this?16:58
hep7hello ppl16:58
hep7have this problem, ubuntu keeps showing hidden files, can anyone tell why?17:01
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ouroumovhep7: you must have hit CTRL + H in nautilus17:01
ouroumovIf you do it again, you'll toogle that behavior17:01
IndustrialI installed Ubuntu 15.10 on HDD17:02
IndustrialI now have a SSD and I can boot from that with UEFI.17:02
superfirelord42akik: AHHA! I got it! sudo fdisk -lu /dev/sda3 let me scan for the partition boundries and then I used a sudo losetup -o 1048576 /dev/loop0 /dev/sda317:02
IndustrialWhat is the best way to move the Ubuntu install over from HDD to SSD ?17:02
superfirelord42I can now fsck it and mount it!17:02
hep7ouroumov: thanks.17:03
superfirelord42I have no idea why I would use this, but it amuzes me greatly17:03
IndustrialCan I just reinstall Ubuntu on SSH, boot from that, copy the old home dir from HDD and overwrite it on the SSD?17:03
compdocIndustrial, clonezilla is great, but how much bigger is the hdd than the ssd?17:03
IndustrialThe HDD is 1TB, the SSH is 128GB17:04
IndustrialSSD, sigh17:04
IndustrialGranted everything on the HDD stays there, if I install another Ubuntu on SSH and copy over, will I break anything by copying over my homedir?17:05
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compdocuse clonezilla, and then expand the paritions with gparted17:06
compdocor install from scratch17:06
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citizen_sudo ufw deny from - to block all possible options17:16
superfirelord42citizen_: yes I believe17:18
citizen_should i run that as a CLI or add it as a custom rule via gufw?17:19
superfirelord42Up to you, I am out of date in that regard.17:20
hep7it didn't help17:21
citizen_hepatitis - what didnt help17:22
hep7can anyone tell why it keeps showing hidden files?17:22
citizen_do you have that option check on your file broweser17:23
citizen_is that option enabled in your .desktop17:23
citizen_brb rebooting17:24
hep7well i know how to to check/uncheck that option17:25
maheshhi guys..i have small doubt please dont think foolish..normally people every time use sudo to get and install something to have root permissions,instead of typing password everytime,why cant we in root everytime??someone said we should nt be in root all the time..please guys clarify me17:25
akikmahesh: you can accomplish that with "sudo -i"17:27
maheshakik :yes normally i will use sudo -i only to get in to root17:27
superfirelord42mahesh: Are you asking why we should not from a security/safety/design standpoint?17:27
hep7no one?17:28
maheshsuperfirelord42 : i dont know much about am a newbie ..what is security/safety/design standpoint?17:28
akikmahesh: ubuntu has chosen to do it that way17:29
maheshsuperfirelord42 : why we should not be in root ,once we are in normal user ,we will use sudo -i or something to get in root ,but my doubt is can we be in root all time?17:29
heebiejeebiesit makes it harder to totally screw up your system accidentally under a normal user account17:30
superfirelord42mahesh: One reason possibly (and people may argue on this), is if you run everything in root, if something gets exploited, it will have access to everything. Example: (not saying its prone to hacking etc) firefox17:30
superfirelord42You wouldn’t want to run it as root17:30
heebiejeebiesif you have to type "sudo", you have to really mean what you're about to type :P17:30
maheshinstead of using sudo apt-get install etc  ,if we are in root no need to type password everytime right?17:30
superfirelord42Also it helps prevent you accidently rm -rf / (done it before accidently while in root)17:30
heebiejeebies@mahesh correct.17:30
\nihep7 are you using nautilus? ctrl+h to toggle hidden files visibility17:31
maheshheebie : but if we are aware of what we are doing ,no problem right even if we are on root everytime?17:32
hep7nautilus is a dir/explorer?17:32
heebiejeebies@mahesh any software you run as root will have full powers to destroy your system17:32
dean_I've been having a keyboard issue for days now. My ctrl key presses by itself and the shift key releases by itself. Its not hardware. windows works fine. can anyone help?17:32
hep7\ni: what is difference if i uncheck from the menu?17:32
maheshsuper : yes i agree with rm -rf ..but any other particular reason?17:32
heebiejeebies@mahesh if you accidentally run malicous code as a normal user, damage is somewhat limited. If you accidentally run malicious code as root, it could be really really bad17:34
superfirelord42mahesh: It helps prevent applications that can be exploited or can cause damage from having full access.17:34
maheshheebie : suppose as example we are installing virtual box and chrome and vlc etc etc files ,,so instead of typing sudo apt-get install ,why can't i be in root directly? will it distroy my system?17:34
hep7\ni: every time i open it it shows hidden files17:34
\nihep7 I'm not sure17:34
hep7\ni: i can see the shortcut is ctrl+h17:34
mahesheven we are using sudo right for that also ,but it would nt be a problem?17:34
superfirelord42mahesh: its really more from a design/safety/security reason.17:34
heebiejeebies@mahesh "sudo" command = "run as root". It does the same thing17:34
\nihep7, for me it remembers my last choice17:34
hep7\ni: yes it is not remembering it17:35
hep7\ni: mine is really buggy17:35
dean_There's no danger in becoming root if you are doing so to perform administration tasks and exit when finished. but it will mess up the permissions of some files if you do normal tasks under root.17:35
maheshso you people also  agree that it's better to not be on root always?17:35
superfirelord42derp_commander: in case you were curious, experiemental results are in.17:35
dean_Like if you download a movie under root the file will be owned by root.17:35
hep7i think every update has some surprise with bugs17:36
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: so, lets hear 'em!17:36
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superfirelord42mahesh: I am sometimes always root, but I play with virtual machines that I delete in very small amounts of time and some embedded systems. Its still not always great to do17:36
dean_mahesh You are better off to use sudo where possible. dont't actually become root.17:36
dean_I've been having a keyboard issue for days now. My ctrl key presses by itself and the shift key releases by itself. Its not hardware. windows works fine. can anyone help?17:36
derp_commanderdean_: though there are some interesting edge cases, Kali for instance17:37
superfirelord42derp_commander: I did a double test earlier. It won’t overflow the partition size. So if your destination is too small, your gonna have a bad time.17:37
heebiejeebies@dean_ what do you mean by your "shift key releases by itself"?17:37
OflorHey, I am trying to install Ubuntu on my x86 transformer tablet, but I can't get wifi running.17:37
hep7anyone else?17:38
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: ok, but what happens in general when you try to dd a disk image onto a *correctly sized* partition?17:38
heebiejeebies@dean_ like, you type and get a few uppercase, but then all lowercase characters while you're physically still holding the shift key down?17:38
OflorIt's working in win10, but it's not listed in lspci and lsusb17:38
superfirelord42derp_commander: if its bigger, of course it won’t mount, but I ran fdisk -lu /dev/sda3 and then I did sudo losetup -o 1048576 /dev/loop0 /dev/sda3 && fsck /dev/loop017:38
hep7what major bugs 16.04 has?17:38
dean_heebiejeebies Exactly! It's so annoying. I'm a programmer and it's driving me crazy17:38
superfirelord42fsck found ext3 fs perfectly17:38
OflorThe tablet is Asus T100HA and the wifi module is some of broadcomm's17:38
dean_And every now and then ctrl presses itself and depending on the key i press something mad might happen17:39
maheshi installed qemu on my ubuntu ..any one can tell me command to get debian jessie on other terminal17:39
superfirelord42derp_commander: the partitions can be mounted using fdisk to find the start blocks. That being said, I don’t know why anyone would ever do this intentionally to themselves :)17:39
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: so it found the partition even though it's nested like that?17:39
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: either on accident, or by masochism17:39
dean_derp_commander Kali is based off debian. Debian suggests having a root user and no user with sudo rights. Ubuntu suggests the opposite. Different views on security I guess17:40
derp_commanderdean_: not different views, different purposes17:40
superfirelord42Yes, because fdisk doesn’t care that /dev/sda3 is a partition rather than being like /usr/sda3.img, to it, its both a file. It reads it as such.17:40
derp_commanderKali isn't meant to be a general purpose distro, and you'd be crazy to try to use it as one17:40
superfirelord42derp_commander: so I would say it found the partition boundries/starts by design. It worked (mostly) as intended17:41
akiksuperfirelord42: it's better to learn how to do it in case you need it one day :)17:41
dean_derp_commander. I would say that debian and ubuntu provide the same purpose.17:41
heebiejeebies@dean_ wired or wireless keyboard?17:41
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: what if that image contained multiple filesystem types?17:41
superfirelord42akik: true17:41
derp_commanderdean_: Kali is a special-purpose derivative of Debian, not Debian proper17:42
dean_heebiejeebies: laptop keyboard. I have a wireless keyboard also but that works fine.The laptop keyboard works fine on windows17:42
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superfirelord42derp_commander: I assume your loop would be larger than your FS so you do risk overwriting your other partitions if you try to dd of=/dev/loop0, but then you are writing to an image of an image of an image or something.17:42
superfirelord42derp_commander: but you could create a loop mount for each offset partition on the device and mount it.17:42
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: diskception!17:42
superfirelord42That being said, the same commands I got it to work with would work on the image directly to mount it as a loop.17:43
superfirelord42One of the beautiful things about treating everything like files. :P17:44
dean_derp_commander: yup i understand that. I used kali for a long time. Cool distro. But it follows the same sudo / root principle as debian. I was just trying to say that debian and ubuntu have contrasting views on the best way to perform admin tasks17:44
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: indeed17:45
derp_commanderdean_: strictly speaking, all sudo does is elevate a given process to root via setuid17:45
derp_commanderI think, one of those two17:45
dean_derp_commander: Yeah I know but everyone was discussing this and I was trying to make small talk while trying to get my keyboard fixed :P17:46
* derp_commander hi-fives newjersey17:47
superfirelord42dean_: then again, I always just apt-get install sudo17:47
* newjersey high five derp_commander 17:47
alfatauhello all. I'm looking for some offline file organization software that does not rely on a db. I found tagspaces quite similar to what was in my mind, however it relies on renamed filenames and I don't like it. Isn't there some standard linux tool to add/modify tags on files? Also, I'm using btrfs filesystem now, and I wonder why it did not introdu17:47
alfatauced some attributes like tags to add to files, to be able to perform semantic searches...17:47
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: I always use aptitude for things, since apt-get's wonderful dependency resolution trashed one of my systems17:47
dean_superfirelord42: That would mean you were already root....17:47
superfirelord42dean_: true, but I could have gotten there via su and then lock the root account behind me later via sudo17:48
superfirelord42derp_commander: true, but old habits….17:49
dean_die hard?17:49
dean_Mr robot reference?17:49
derp_commandersuperfirelord42: old habits die very quickly in the face of adverse stimuli17:49
superfirelord42derp_commander: likely17:50
sunnyredaardvarkHow do I interpret the output of `sensors` from package `lm-sensors`. Why are there three cpu temps on a dual core cpu? One is part of acpi, but what it is? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15877850/17:50
derp_commandersunnyredaardvark: most computers have an array of temperature sensors17:50
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derp_commanderlooks pretty straightforward in your case. one sensor for each core, and one more for the PCI adapter17:51
derp_commandermine has additional ones on the GPU, motherboard, hard drive, intake port, and fan exhaust17:52
sunnyredaardvarkderp_commander: What is the one called 'cpu temperature' in ACPI17:53
derp_commandersunnyredaardvark: ah didn't see that. probably another one situated on the CPU's housing17:54
clifferwhere do i config openldap in ubuntu? i removed /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and /usr/share/sldapd/sldap.conf but apparently the removal has no effect18:10
artisanIndiaI want to give access of my server to my brother with a new account I want him to have complete ownership on his folder without interfering other files he should also not be able to see my files nothing just the folder assigned to him18:15
Bashing-omartisanIndia: Make a group and add your brother to that group : http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions .18:18
artisanIndiais chroot an option Bashing-om18:19
Bashing-omartisanIndia: You will have better control at the group level .18:19
artisanIndiaok going through the article18:19
clifferartisanIndia: why does a normal user not work?18:19
artisanIndiaI want him to be a sudoer on his folder only18:20
clifferartisanIndia: this doesnt make sense to me, pls explain18:20
artisanIndiaI want a account on my server which will host files of my brother to make changes on his files etc he definitely need sudo permission but I dont want him to list or change my files18:21
Bashing-omartisanIndia: A user has complete control in "his" home directory - only !18:21
artisanIndiathis question on SO explains clearlly http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/208960/how-to-restrict-a-user-to-one-folder-and-not-allow-them-to-move-out-his-folder18:22
clifferartisanIndia: why does he need sudo (root) if he only has access to his files?18:22
artisanIndiaif I login to this newly created account using su --login username and I try to do mkdir it says permission denied18:23
artisanIndiahe should have read/write access to his files18:23
clifferso you did su --login brother; mkdir someDir?18:23
artisanIndiabut I got permission denied issue18:24
clifferwhat about su --login brother; cd; mkdir someDir?18:24
hep7who wants to try an android app?!18:25
artisanIndialooks like it is working how about rescricting him to view no files but his folder18:26
k1l_hep7: better ask in #android18:26
Bashing-omartisanIndia: " i solved my problem by this way : " looks good to me as as advised in the uppers .18:26
clifferdo you know why it is working now?18:26
hep7k1l_: too many paranoids there18:26
artisanIndiaBashing-om: the article you gave me is way too long18:26
clifferartisanIndia: do you know why mkdir it is working now?18:26
artisanIndialet me see if I can make it work out18:27
k1l_hep7: well its offtopic here. better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic since this is technical ubuntu support only18:27
hep7k1l_: right18:27
Bashing-omartisanIndia: Reading is good ... you have a long life .18:27
hep7k1l_: i am just asking all18:27
clifferBashing-om: n1 answer :)18:27
artisanIndiayes I know because I was trying to make a directory in the new-user/some-folder18:27
artisanIndiawhose owner is root18:27
artisanIndiacliffer: ^18:29
clifferi dont think so18:29
hep7k1l_: btw my os is really buggy18:30
clifferlets assume your are root, current dir /home/root/. after login as your brother, you are brother, current dir /home/root/. mkdir now creates a folder in /home/root/ (which is denied for your brother). if you change first to your brothers home dir (with cd) and mkdir then, it works18:31
clifferartisanIndia: ^^18:31
SmashcatHi, anyone know why Ubuntu can't see my second GPU? I have 2 x GTX680's, using the Nvidia drivers (downloaded from the Nvidia site). It can only see 1 card though. lspci shows both cards. Disabled the Nouvelle driver.18:31
artisanIndiayes it does work cliffer18:31
clifferregarding openldap: on ubuntu, apparently the /etc/ldap/slap.d/ dir is used for schemas, not the config file. is there any way of automatically converting the schemas from /etc/ldap/schemas/ to slad.d dir?18:32
artisanIndiabut by logging into my root user I created a directory which ultimately belongs to user root so after logging to my brother I was not able to create a directory inside that directory which was created by user root18:32
artisanIndiaafter changing the ownership of /my-brother/the-directory I am able to create directories inside18:33
clifferartisanIndia: thats correct18:33
clifferso what is your question?18:33
artisanIndiaone problem is solved18:33
maddawg2soooo turns out aliens are real18:34
artisanIndiathe second is if my brother logs into my server with his credentials I dont want him to see my files he should be limited to his folder only18:34
artisanIndiayou found them maddawg218:34
k1l_!ot | maddawg218:35
ubottumaddawg2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:35
alkisgartisanIndia: how is your brother logging in to your server? via ssh? or sftp? or a graphical login manager?18:35
maddawg2neighbor just got arrested by immigration18:35
artisanIndiaI havent tried yet logging into his account alkisg let me check now and get back18:35
alkisgartisanIndia: no I mean how are you planning for him to use your server18:36
artisanIndiavia ssh alkisg18:36
clifferartisanIndia: normally, he shouldnt be able to change to your home dir18:36
cliffertry to cd /home/your_user as your brother18:36
alkisgartisanIndia: then he'll need an operating system, he'll need to see /usr, /bin and the other folders. So he can't only be seeing his own home folder. You can prevent him from seeing your own folder, and you can use a chroot to setup an operating system just for him.18:37
artisanIndiayes you are right I just tried creating a file by logging into the serve rusing his account and that account is not able to create or delete a file because the ownership of those files are root18:38
artisanIndiathanks guys18:38
artisanIndiathanks cliffer alkisg and Bashing-om18:39
jasonmercive got a bit of a battery issue with my 15.10 install, not quite sure how to fix it18:45
Bashing-omartisanIndia: :) .. All is well that ends well .18:45
Erixmint questions welcome here?18:45
Bashing-om!mint | Erix18:45
ubottuErix: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:45
jasonmercso for some reason Ubuntu tell sme my battery is critically low when it in fact is not, and will suspend my PC, forcing me to turn it off and on again18:46
jasonmercmy laptop is charging, and the battery appliet thing tells me it is at 1%18:46
jasonmercwhen going into the power statistics, that tells me it is 85%18:46
jasonmerchow do I get these in sync?18:47
blackdr4g0n-5128ciao !list18:48
ubottublackdr4g0n-5128: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:48
rvanlaarI'm trying the current ubuntu 16.04 daily and I can't boot into a graphical mode to install ubuntu.18:59
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) will be the 24th release of Ubuntu. It is due to be released on April 21st. Discussion in #ubuntu+118:59
DJonesrvanlaar: Probably worth asking in #ubuntu+119:00
DJonesThats the main support channel for development releases at the moment19:00
rvanlaarDJones, thanks, I will19:00
hamsterpowerWhy are there 3 main starting branch in this linux history tree? (Debian, slackware, redhat) Did Linus Benedict Torvalds allow other people to start developing from this point?19:04
k1l_hamsterpower: #linux for that talk19:05
SmashcatAnyone here got Steam working with Ubuntu 14.10 (64 bit)?19:06
k1l_Smashcat: 14.10?19:07
Bassemi dont know how to update firefox flshplayer plugin im using ubutnu 14.0419:07
dongforcedoes anyone wish to join dong force19:07
Smashcatk1l_: I mean 14.0419:08
OhYeahBabyhow can i find out about all these extras that i can install such as basic ubuntu server?19:09
k1l_Smashcat: so what is the exact issue19:11
OhYeahBabyits ok i found out ;)19:11
Smashcatk1l_: Steam doesn't launch after install. Get libGL errors like: "libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast"19:13
Smashcatk1l_: Looked up other hacks to get it working, but they don't apply to my install (I don't have the files they refer to in some of the hacks)19:13
SeTH_1join #deepweb19:13
FuchsSeTH_1: /join19:14
SeTH_1ok, tks19:14
SeTH_1fuchs is a brazilian19:14
Fuchshighly unlikely19:14
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SmashcatHmm, pretty sure it's the dual GPU setup - looks like Ubuntu is pretty unstable using 2 graphics card with 5 monitors. Apps keep crashing - where it's 100% stable under Win1019:16
Guest96409anyone installs any server software on smartphone/mobile?19:19
rindolfSmashcat: it may not be a general problem.19:19
rindolfGuest96409: on Ubuntu-based phones?19:19
Guest96409on any smartphone rindolf i have not came across any ubunutu based phone; does it exist?19:20
rindolfGuest96409: this is #ubuntu19:20
k1l_Guest96409: this channel is technical ubuntu support only19:20
Smashcatrindolf: It seems like any GLX app crashes, or locks up. This is a brand new PC, except for the 2 GTX680's - z170 MB, M.2 drive, 64GB DDR4 etc etc. No probs with Win, but unstable under Ubuntu when I use both GPUs. They're not getting hot either, according to the nvidia-settings app19:21
rindolfSmashcat: ah, nvidia.19:22
Smashcatrindolf: I never use AMD GPUs - find them terrible under Windows.19:23
Fuchsdon't worry, they are also terrible in Linux19:23
Fuchsanyway, what we'd need is a backtrace from one of the applications crashing19:23
Fuchsso we'd have a rough idea where it happens19:23
Fuchsmight be some common library. However, nvidia being the culprit is unlikely unless all of them use OpenGL in a way or the other19:24
rindolfI have an ATI Mobility Radeon card on my laptop and it works fine and I also had a Radeon HD 2600 or something on my old P4 machine.19:24
athendSmashcat: there was a guy on #linux who figured out the exact same error today, but he was on Debian 8.3.19:24
SmashcatFuchs: Yep it's all apps that use OpenGL I believe19:24
rindolfI used the open source drivers.19:24
FuchsSmashcat: such as?  And: do you get apport or the likes popping up after a crash? That would give a backtrace19:25
Smashcatrindolf: Yeah, I need the acceleration from the latest drivers though. Wanted to test out Steam on Linux19:25
ubuntu086Hello, anyone know about setting up a .cshrc in ubuntu home directory? Trying to follow toonbooms instructions on doing a linux install. http://docs.toonboom.com/help/harmony-12-2/advanced-server/installation/linux/install-new-system.html#install_linux_2031713030_109666919:25
SmashcatFuchs: Chromium when viewing WebGL pages19:25
ubuntu086they said itll work on ubuntu too with a little extra work.19:25
SmashcatAlso GLXGears - just locks up19:26
rindolfubuntu086: hi, did you install tcsh?19:26
rindolfubuntu086: why do they require tcsh anyway?19:26
FuchsSmashcat: can you create an nvidia bug report with sudo nvidia-bug-report.sh, uncompress it and put it in a pastebin?19:26
mike_papaHow do I unlock luks partition with graphical passphrase prompt? GUI version of udisksctl unlock19:27
SmashcatFuchs: Yep, does that work only after an app crash?19:27
FuchsSmashcat: should work in general to get an idea of your setup19:28
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Fuchsbecause at least glxgears should not die19:28
SmashcatFuchs: This is what I get from Chromium after it crashes on a WebGL page, after about 10 seconds usually: [4971:4971:0416/202646:ERROR:logging.h(813)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.GetManagedObjects: object_path= /: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetManagedObjects" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager" doesn't exist19:29
FuchsSmashcat: should not be related. Can I see the nvidia bug report generated file?19:29
SmashcatFuchs: Yep, doing it now...19:30
snfgfWhat's the default logging daemon?19:31
derp_commandersnfgf: systemd19:32
SmashcatFuchs: Ah it's too big for Pastebin19:32
Fuchstry a different one :)   (you did uncompress it so it is plain text, yes?)19:33
derp_commanderSmashcat: put it into a txt file and upload it to filebin or catbox19:33
SmashcatFuchs: Here's a download link: http://expirebox.com/download/bed07a0fbacd43739c48ccd7651291e8.html19:33
snfgfderp_commander: Thanks. So I don't need syslogd? Or does systemd use syslogd?19:34
SmashcatFuchs: Yep it's uncompressed19:34
derp_commandersnfgf: I think syslogd is now part of systemd19:34
FuchsSmashcat: okay, interesting. First of all: you seem to be using Xinerama, I recommend you don't. See if you can get the screens to work without it, in nvidia settings19:35
FuchsSmashcat: in addition to that, for odd reasons your gamepad seem to be triggering a crash, I'd report that19:35
Foxfinitygah sorry chrashed yes back to the toonboom thing I've installed tcsh19:35
SmashcatFuchs: I can't access the top 2 displays without Xinerama - as they're on the second GPU.19:36
SmashcatFuchs: I don't have a gamepad connected :)19:36
SmashcatFuchs: I might just disable the second GPU again though. It seemed ok before I enabled it and Xinerama19:37
FuchsSmashcat: seems to be the keyboard, then19:37
FuchsSmashcat: yeah, the report warns you of instability if you enable xinerama and composite (which is needed by most things today)19:37
SmashcatFuchs: Yes, it's a gaming keyboard (Logitech G910)19:37
FuchsSmashcat: I think it should be possible without xinerama though, hang on19:37
SmashcatFuchs: I can move the mouse into the top screens without xinerama, but cannot move or open any windows in them, so they're kind of useless :)19:38
FuchsSmashcat: have you tried mosaic?19:38
SmashcatNope, just have the default DM here19:38
Fuchshttp://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3580/~/how-to-configure-mosaic-on-linux  << this thing19:38
derp_commanderFuchs: that's a browser ain't it?19:38
Fuchsit's an nvidia technologie, not a display manager or the likes19:38
FuchsSmashcat: have a go with that, because Xinerama should be dead and buried19:39
SmashcatFuchs: Ok thanks, looks like this will be a 2 cup of coffee job :)19:40
derp_commanderFuchs: so what should replace it?19:40
Fuchsprobably. Doesn't look too complicated though, the article is lenghty due to various configurations (single GPU, dual GPU, dual GPU with SLI etc.)19:40
Fuchsderp_commander: xrandr mostly, for odd edge cases: see above, for nvidia mosaic does19:40
Foxfinityhttp://docs.toonboom.com/help/harmony-12-2/advanced-server/installation/linux/install-new-system.html#install_linux_2031713030_1096669 but yeah  I need to setup .cshrc on the home directory. I don't any experience with .cshrc files or what they should look like.19:40
Jordan_UFoxfinity: Why are you using tcsh?19:42
derp_commanderFuchs: RandR seems to have it's own problems19:42
Fuchsthe csh should create it when ran the first time, Foxfinity19:42
Fuchsso check if it is really needed to create one19:42
Fuchsderp_commander: such as?19:42
Foxfinitywell it's part of the setup toonboom install. .cshrc needs to launch toonboom according to the docs.19:43
Foxfinitythe docs are for centos but the tech said it would work on ubuntu too.19:43
Fuchsif they need anything specific in that cshrc, I'd ask them19:43
derp_commanderFuchs: might not apply to the current version, but there at least used to be some limitations on it19:44
Fuchsotherwise I'd just go with a default, which should be created on first use19:44
Fuchsderp_commander: such as?19:44
k1l_Foxfinity: the standard shell from ubuntu is bash19:45
derp_commanderRandR 1.2 permits only one virtual screen per display device. It is not possible to assign each monitor on a device to a different screen (sometimes called https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaphod_Beeblebrox#Cultural_references), or to combine monitors from multiple devices into a single screen.[4] One practical limiting effect of this is that it is not possible to run a different19:46
Fuchsyes, but that odd software requires csh, for whatever odd reason19:46
derp_commanderhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_manager on each monitor, since window managers are limited to one per screen. Some of these specific issues are resolved in RandR 1.3.[5]19:46
Fuchsderp_commander: you know how old even RandR 1.3 is, yes?19:46
Foxfinitygotcha good call on it being there already19:46
Fuchsderp_commander: so a kind request: unless you have half an idea of what you are talking about, stay out of it.19:46
derp_commanderFuchs: no, and it says only some of them were address19:46
Foxfinityhow would you launch a program in it?19:47
FuchsFoxfinity: as in every other shell: you specify the program to start, if it is not in $PATH: with the full path19:47
Foxfinitythat easy eh?19:47
FuchsFoxfinity: I wouldn't recommend starting anything directly from a (login)shellrc, but if, then the company / person offering said software should have it documented19:48
Foxfinityalrighty, hey thanks for all your help fuchs19:51
Fuchsyou're welcome19:51
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Bassemcan some one help me update flshplayer plugin for firefox20:02
FManwhat problem are you having?20:03
citizen_i need to block all outgoing https using ufw from cli20:04
Bsimscitizen_: block outgoing port 80 done20:04
citizen_80 is http correct?20:04
citizen_and 443 is https?20:05
citizen_okay so i blocked all outgoing 44320:05
rindolfcitizen_: you can serve HTTPS on different ports.20:06
citizen_still showing a connection to li1309-23.members.linode.com20:06
citizen_so it would be easyier to block all outbound connections to that address20:06
citizen_lol you guys see how i spelt easier there20:07
zzwish wings20:08
citizen_sudo ufw deny from
citizen_still aint stopping it20:09
FManhow do you have malware on Linux? I have learned to read very broken language on IRC :) but I noticed how you spelt "spelt" ;)20:10
BsimsFMan: apt-get install gnome3?20:11
citizen_i think its something to do with plex20:11
citizen_wait why are you asking if its malware like a rootkit already on a fresh install?20:12
citizen_have to come from my router then wouldnt it20:12
FManI have no idea what you have... did you try to find the source of the traffic going to there?20:13
citizen_how would i do that20:13
=== diskord is now known as Diskord
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FManI would probably start by shutting down programs and seeing if it continues, then rebooting20:16
FManalso the process list might show something, but probably not20:17
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=== Diskord is now known as _Diskord
mike_papaI'd like to run script on logout. Either from lightdm, or tty. Is there any single place for that? .bash_logout will work on bash only, and cleanup-script in lightdm.conf will work on lightdm logout only.20:55
_Diskordhow can i upgrade python from 3.4.3 to 3.5 on ubuntu 14.04 using apt-get?20:57
Apachezwhats the recommended way today with ubuntu 15.10 if I want the live cd iso to be extracted onto a usb drive and still be used as a "live cd" (that is readonly mode)?21:06
k1l_Apachez: you mean making it a regular live-usb?21:08
k1l_Apachez: what os do you use?21:08
robin_debspaceHi! I'd like to install Ubuntu 15.10 on my MacBook. I've already got a bootable USB, booted my MacBook from that and noticed that the live environment seems to have all the required drivers (WiFi, graphics, etc). Now if I want to actually install this, do I only need to shrink my system partition to create some space, or do I need anything else such as a bootloader?21:19
auronandace!mac | robin_debspace21:25
ubotturobin_debspace: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:25
=== madagu is now known as MadAGu
mekhamii just installed ubuntu yesterday, and it's started logging me out on a loop21:25
mekhamimy computer also just made a beeping sound that sounded like a flatline21:25
mekhamifrom the motherboard21:25
mekhamibeep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeep21:25
mekhamii'm scard someone hold me21:25
robin_debspaceubottu : Thanks! I also just found a video on YouTube that explains the steps, seems pretty straightforward! Fingers crossed that it'll actually just work like that :-)21:30
ubotturobin_debspace: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:30
dean_Hi. I'm having an issue with the keyboard on my HP - Pavilion laptop. The Shift Key seems to release itself at random. So does the alt key. This makes it impossible to alt + tab to switch windows or to write in capitals. On top of that the ctrl key presses itself at random. Which causes me to open new tabs and close documents and stuff.21:40
dean_I've tried a lot already but if anyone has any suggestions fire ahead :] thanks guys.21:40
dean_By the way the keyboard works fine under windows so I don't think it's hardware.21:40
Apachezk1l_: I think I nailed it, Startup Disk Creator... now I just need to find out how to remove that "try or install ubuntu" popup along with selecting correct keyboard layout so make life easier for the user who will be using these "readonly" usb drive21:44
SmashcatCan anyone tell me how I'm supposed to restart an interface now in 14.04? ifup/ifdown no longer seem to do anything. /etc/init.d/networking stop does nothing either21:48
Bashing-omSmashcat: Try ' sudo service network-manager restart ' .21:49
flickwitwhoreuse su -c "command"21:50
flickwitwhoresudo is less secure21:50
k1l_flickwitwhore: what?21:50
flickwitwhoreit is a better security practice not to add users to the sudoers file21:50
k1l_flickwitwhore: its not.21:51
SmashcatThanks that's the one. So the old ifup/ifdown and networking scripts are just redundant now? Wonder why they've left them lying around...21:51
flickwitwhoreusing su -c "command" has the same functionality and forces users to know the root password21:51
flickwitwhorewhy isnt it?21:51
k1l_flickwitwhore: this is #ubuntu and ubuntu is build around using sudo21:51
Fuchsand where root, by default, is passwordless and disabled, so that won't work21:52
k1l_flickwitwhore: so stop giving bad advice. if you want the ways other distributions run root then see #linux or the other distros support channels21:52
flickwitwhoremy most sincere apologies.21:52
SmashcatJesus, adding a new dick to a RAID 5 array takes a while. Been "reshaping" for 13 hours now, and only at 58% :)21:56
Smashcats/dick/disk/ :)21:56
eliyaakoubje cherche a reactiver thor svp21:59
squinty!fr | eliyaakoub21:59
ubottueliyaakoub: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:59
k1l_eliyaakoub: for french try the #ubuntu-fr channel21:59
LaserAllanhey guys, If i want to have TS3to autostart, how do i go about doing that?22:04
LaserAllanSo I don't have to run the script all the time22:04
=== fox_ is now known as Deathfacejackal
Apachezso ehm... when using startup disk creator to create your live-cd on a usb drive, how do I preselect the keyboard layout to be swedish instead of default english? That is so the user booting on this usb drive wont have to each and every time go to the upper left and select proper keyboard layout22:21
Apachezlocale=se nor locale=sv in grub.cfg on the usb drive seems to have solved that22:21
Apachezand locale=sv_SE didnt work either22:27
Apachezrunning "locale" in terminal outputs expected data but when pressing swedish chars on the keyboard anything but swedish chars is displayed in terminal...22:28
ubuntu-matecan anyone help me install ubuntu22:29
Narwhaalubuntu-mate: download it, open the file, click install, done22:30
Bashing-omubuntu-mate: I am sure someone can. what is the hardware and software environment ?22:30
Narwhaaldo people honestly need to ask for help to install an ease-of-use operating system :/22:31
Bashing-omNarwhaal: Anxiety does take a toll .22:34
Narwhaalanxiety ?22:34
Narwhaalwhat means22:34
Narwhaalwait let me google22:34
Narwhaaljust use it on a spare pc .. it's easy enough22:35
Bashing-omOnce we have done it .. we know there is nothing to it . Just that 1st step. huh ?22:35
=== mrchairman is now known as bigdog
Narwhaalfirst step is to get in ease of environment22:38
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Narwhaalso VM or cheap PC (like $30 cheap)22:38
ArabicSoapHello people, I'm trying to install Ubuntu along side Mac. But the only option I get during the installation is to erase disk and install Ubuntu, is there any other way to install Ubuntu along side Mac OS X?22:40
Bashing-om!mac | ArabicSoap22:41
ubottuArabicSoap: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:41
raven-noirArabicSoap. Do you have Grub22:41
=== Monthrect is now known as Piper-Off
UserUSdoes ubuntu preform proprietary drivers during initial fresh install? Specifically 16 beta 222:43
UserUSand nvidia driver22:44
raven-noirI think he should install ubuntu with grub to avoid all troubles then partition the hard drive to make space for mac osx22:45
ArabicSoapraven-noir: no what is grub?22:47
Bashing-om!grub | ArabicSoap23:00
ubottuArabicSoap: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:00
skypcehey guys23:08
skypcehow can i try the snap packages in ubuntu 16.04?23:08
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that skypce23:08
m000gleCould someone please explain how to completely disable the HDMI sound devices on my workstation?  I assume there is a configuration file where HDMI audio can be blacklisted, or something similar, but I'm not sure where to look23:08
bazhangm000gle, using pavucontrol/padevchooser? what have you tried so far23:09
skypcehey m000gle disable hda intel audio from bios23:10
skypceyou have integrated audio right?23:10
m000gle@skypce This is the the DisplayPort/HDMI a pair of Nvidia GTX760 video cards23:11
m000gleIntegrated udio has already been disabled via BIOS, as I use a USB DAC23:11
m000gle@bazhang both HDMI/DP audio output options are set to off using pavucontrol23:15
m000gle@bazhang I am hoping to fully disable them, so that they are not even an option in pavucontrol, or the system audio settings23:15
skypcem000gle, so try with alsamixer23:15
skypcehey what append with ubuntu 16.04 bottom launcher, has not intelli hide always appear23:16
Apachezfinally solved it, there is way too many outdated docs out there regarding Ubuntu23:16
Apachezsolution, alter /boot/grub/grub.cfg on the live-cd for Ubuntu so the bootstring also got this:   locale=sv_SE setkmap=se keyboard-configuration/layoutcode=se   now swedish as locale and swedish keyboard will be preselected right after boot when you choose "try ubuntu"23:17
skypceApachez, create a gist23:17
skypcemay be someone like you need that answer23:18
Apachezpfff, they will have to go through that hard path as me digging through outdated and obsolete docs for an hour or two :P23:19
shanemikelhello everybody23:23
shanemikelI just switched my monitors over to a DP 1.2 Daisy chain.  I'm using a dual head display, and right now, they're both rotated vertically.  I've been using the vertical orientation for a few days with no problems, but just after I switched over to the daisy chain, I get an error on login "Could not apply stored configuration for monitors".. Once I open the settings menu (without touching anything) the monitors switch to the way I set23:25
shanemikelthem up and everything works23:25
shanemikelthe error window consists of a bunch of messages with "CRT" ni em23:26
shanemikeland resolutions23:26
HathadarI am trying to change the background color on my terminal.  Google would have me click on edit->profiles in the terminal but such navigation buttons do not exist.23:48
citizen_its alright guys you aint gotta say hi23:49
Kallishi there, looking at moving my windows server over to a linux server and am just going about setting up samba with acl, was just wondering if there was an easy way for me to copy all current user acl's that are in place on the windows server over to the new samba linux box please or do i need to redo all acl for all users on all directories, using ubuntu server 15.10, for now the ubuntu server will just start off for file23:50
Kallisserving so i will continue using the windows server for ldap and a couple of other bits as i slowly migrate away23:50
KallisHathadar, are you using unity ?23:51
KallisHathadar, if so edit -> profile preferences23:51
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shanemikelI'm back23:56
shanemikelI was the guy asked the question about dp1.2 daisy chain23:57

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