
crucerioHi, in alacarte I cannot find the "favorites", but I would like to add some *.desktop files to this menu.11:00
xubuntu97wI installed xubuntu 15.10 on my new dell i76500u15:25
xubuntu97wi have a little little font size on my applications15:26
xubuntu97wlike rstudio, firefox etc15:26
titmouse_flockmaybe this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9NciaMUnn-pN183ak9hQTVORE0/view?usp=sharing15:31
titmouse_flockoh, look this https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9NciaMUnn-pUmxTWFYtb3VPdlk/view?usp=sharing15:33
titmouse_flockyou need increase font size or increase dpi15:36
xubuntu29whi, I am william,and I want to konow if you could teel me how can I instal lxqt on xubuntu right. No crash.15:42
xubuntu29wAnd I am having problems whit repositories (sorry english is not my language) I want to add some indicators and then when I can always I got a system problem... nor crash but annoying things...15:45
Artemis3xubuntu29w, why not try the lubuntu 16.04 iso?15:46
xubuntu29wMy vlc is not working well... But I want lxqt right in the machine. Can anyone help me?15:47
Artemis3vlc not working?15:47
Artemis3best you can do is wait a few days, and get the lubuntu 16.04 iso.15:48
xubuntu29wI worked one month at xenial 16.02 on the second day I got 120 bugs in my library then I talk a lot whit the english guys my karma goes to 633... Kkkkkk they do not let you change nothing that chage kernel... And I as user of xenial know It in development is super heavy. Really!15:51
titmouse_flockXububtu 1404 work well. 2 year without crash. I recomend!15:51
xubuntu29wYes. I agree, Just want to live the adventure of lxqt... I am not a programer (?) but I whis I would... got books... got little videos from youtube... live in a small town...15:54
xubuntu29wcan I upgradeto 16.04 xubuntu from the 14.04? how?15:55
titmouse_flockafter relize - ofcource15:56
xubuntu29wYes I wil wait.Thank you very much! More news?15:56
xubuntu29wfive days...15:58
titmouse_flock21 april can reliaze  16.04. Coming sun :315:58
titmouse_flockIt says that the changes will be at least a 14.0415:59
xubuntu29wAlright so far so god then...16:00
xubuntu29wI'm leaving. Thanks!16:01
xubuntu29wIn a few min will be doing stuff on xubuntu. I am installing it, cause lubuntu 14.04 crash and I lke more xubuntu.16:03
xubuntu29wHope thesystem help me that time... Kkkkkk16:04
xubuntu03whow can i resolve the problem of font size16:22
xubuntu03wvery small in all my appliactions16:23
krytarikxubuntu03w: That was responded to sufficiently already before you dropped out earlier: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2016/04/16/%23xubuntu.html#t15:3116:27
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ShalokShalomhi there :)17:58
ShalokShalomis it true, that snappy is something like the Google Play Store?17:58
ShalokShalomno mirrors anymore?17:58
ShalokShalomand no forks?17:58
NairwolfShalokShalom: Not really19:14
bizancioHi... I'm struggling when trying to upgrade xubuntu 14.10 -> 15.0419:21
bizancioWhen I click "upgrade" in the last screen, nothing happens and the screen freezes: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade19:21
bizancio(they are not exactly the same screens b/c I'm using buntu but I'm using update-manager -d)19:21
bizancioI get blocked on "Release Notes" screen19:22
bizancioMaybe I have to wait? But seems frozen19:22
bizancioOh.. now it's working... I just had to wat about 1 or 2 minutes19:23
bizancioNot very user frienly :P19:24
ShalokShalomNairwolf: not really?19:41
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