
ScottKIt's not really a partisan issue.00:00
mamarleyYeah, probably not.  It is just embarrassing that the senator from my state was instrumental in its creation.  We already have a reputation of being backwards enough as it is, and now with the encryption bill and HB-2…00:01
mamarleyLuckily, most big tech companies are opposed to both of those things.00:01
sneleyofel: sgclark: clivejo: guys update manager systray icon is broken again after newest update04:35
sneleit was fixed by yofel in staging04:36
snelebut after installing newest updates systray icon is broken again (doesn't refresh/shows updates when there is none)04:36
sneleyofel did backport commit from this bug report which fixed the bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34760204:37
ubottuKDE bug 347602 in Updater "Update Manager systray icon and info still reports pending updates after updates applied" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]04:37
sneleplease backport the fix (again)04:38
telegram<sgclark2>: I am going to bed... if he did not commit the fix... I will have to look tomorrow.04:38
telegram<sgclark2>: Or is that muon?04:38
telegram<sgclark2>: Regardless sleeping.04:38
snelesgclark: this is the commit https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=discover.git&a=commit&h=749f5be5ebc7b56143e9952d085f396f3bd6590504:39
snelesgclark: good night sweat dreams04:39
telegram<sgclark2>: I am on my phone...04:39
telegram<sgclark2>: Thanks. Will look into this tomorrow04:40
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soee:< http://news.softpedia.com/news/opensuse-tumbleweed-users-get-kde-plasma-5-6-2-linux-kernel-4-5-1-mesa-11-2-0-503056.shtml08:20
valoriewell, we just gotta get it all packaged up and ready to backport asap08:23
valorieonce our release is shipshape08:23
* valorie just build base pbuilder08:43
valorieand now I can't seem to remember the passphrase for key '/home/valorie/.ssh/id_rsa'08:53
valoriegoing to bed08:55
sick_rimmitGood Morning09:06
sick_rimmitJust finished a write up on Kubuntu Party09:06
telegram<marcinsagol>: hiho09:06
dokosgclark, clivejo, whover: kcachegrind-converters/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: php5-cli11:02
clivejoI noticed someone going around changing those too11:03
clivejotrying to move to PHP711:05
clivejodoko: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/k/kcachegrind/kcachegrind_15.12.1-0ubuntu2/changelog11:06
clivejoUpdate to PHP7.0 dependencies (LP: #1544352).11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1544352 in adminer (Ubuntu) "[PHP7] After bootstrapping, these PHP packages can be rebuilt" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154435211:06
dokoclivejo, looks like you guys overwrite other archive changes ... 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1  wouldn't be the first time11:07
telegram<sgclark2>: Lol. We are in debian git. If we are not given the changes, then guess what?11:09
clivejoThe control file clear says our VCS11:12
telegram<sgclark2>: Yup.11:12
telegram<sgclark2>: We are not the ones to blame here.11:12
clivejo@sgclark2 after all the updates, kontact is broken for me this morning :(11:13
clivejoon the plus side, amarok seems to be working11:14
telegram<sgclark2>: It is 4am. Not ready to work yet11:14
clivejoI know, just a heads up11:14
clivejowhy you up at 4am?11:15
telegram<sgclark2>: Evidently laptop isn't either. Taking forever to boot11:15
telegram<sgclark2>: Couldn't sleep. Too stressed out11:15
clivejomysql 5.7 nightmares?11:15
telegram<sgclark2>: Seriously considering this to be my last release.11:16
telegram<sgclark2>: Haha. Among everything else.11:16
clivejoI had a similar nightmare11:17
telegram<sgclark2>: Like package updates in apparently random repos11:17
clivejoyou and phil resigned :(11:17
telegram<sgclark2>: Philip resigned?11:17
clivejoin my nightmare11:17
telegram<sgclark2>: Oh!11:17
clivejonoooo not for real11:18
telegram<sgclark2>: Well I would not vanish. I will fully support my releases11:18
telegram<sgclark2>: Just weighing my options. Need to sort out my career.11:19
telegram<sgclark2>: Or lack thereof11:19
MamarokScottK: oh, cool, I wasn't aware of that, let me see if that patch went to reviewboard ...11:20
clivejoyeah, packaging dont put food on the table and pay bills11:20
soee+1 do what makes you happy and brings some profit :)11:20
clivejoplus the ay things are right now its stressful!11:20
clivejocan afect health as well :/11:21
telegram<sgclark2>: Yup11:23
clivejoanyway, must go make dinner, its family day !11:26
BluesKajHiyas all11:38
telegram<Clifford>: Hi bluekaj11:41
BluesKajHi Clifford11:41
sgclarkclivejo: soooo do you think akonadi needed more than just the mysql bump then? you told me to ignore that other stuff : /12:02
sgclarkhmm other stuff was source. so nothing to change there. I have no idea why akonadi would be broken...12:28
sgclarkand it works for me12:31
libiHello everyone here!!112:53
soeehiho libi12:55
libiA respectful welcome to everyone here12:56
libiSir,I am new to contribution CAn Anyone here please guide me in starting contribution .I temperarily know only basic c,c++,html,css,javascript12:57
libiI learnt it from college12:58
libiCan anyone here please guide me.12:58
sgclarkif your looking to program you probably want to be in #kde-devel asking that.12:59
libiparden me sir,i couldnt understand what you meant,could you please repeat and explain13:02
libii am actually not perfect in english thats y,so i request to forgive me if i have grammar mistake13:04
sgclarkI would consider myself more of a ma'am. What I am trying to say is we do not develop c,c++ etc here specifically. We package up programs to ships as a whole of Kubuntu.13:05
sgclarkIf you want to learn program developement you probably want to be in #kde-devel and ask questions there. Most of us are not necessarily programmers and will not be much help.13:06
sgclarkif you want to learn packaging, well hang out in here. Right now is not a good time as we are on the cusp of a release.13:06
mparillo!testers: I burned today's daily iso, and it did not start plasma, but dropped me into a login prompt. The Beta2 ISO did start a live Plasma session. Can any testers duplicat it?13:08
ubottumparillo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:08
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information13:08
BluesKajhey mparillo, what's up?13:09
libiok thanks sir i understand thanks a lot sir,sgclark13:09
mparilloBluesKaj: Good morning. I burned today's daily iso, and it did not start plasma, but dropped me into a login prompt. The Beta2 ISO did start a live Plasma session.13:09
sgclarklibi: just an FYI sir implies male gender. Not all of us are male, in fact I am not. So perhaps don't use that. Cheers13:11
soeei think someone reported it on #kubuntu or some social channel also13:11
BluesKajmparillo, I've had the login issue for about 4 days now, and I have the staging-plasma and landing ppas in my sources.list13:12
libiok sorry ,i wont use it here after13:12
sgclarkits ok, just information :)13:12
libihmmm,I understand respect it that you told it13:13
BluesKajI really don't feel like reinstalling again, mparillo13:13
mparillothanks soee and BluesKaj, but this was on the ISO, not on an install. So, I basically have been running zsync, and today I ran dd for the first time since Beta2, and found it would not start Plasma for me.13:15
soeemparillo: some VM or booting from USB/CD ?13:15
mparilloBooting from a USB13:18
mparilloI plan to test from a VM tomorrow morning.13:18
sgclarkmaking usb13:19
sgclarkrebooting to test brb13:19
soeemparillo: from my experiane booting any USB failed for me almost every time13:21
soeeand i'm not talkign about sddm but booting system :)13:21
mparillosoee: I used to like the safety of unetbootin, but for about a year now, it did not boot at all, so I went to dd. However, this ISO did boot. I can get a login prompt and type kubuntu <enter> <enter> and sudo poweroff just fine. It is just that plasma did not load.13:22
soeeyeah it is sad that system cant be simply booted from SUB even if the usb is done through Startaup Disc creator13:23
telegram<sgclark2>: I did not get option for live desktop. Went straight to installer. Abort!13:24
telegram<sgclark2>: Laptops evidently don't come with dvd anymore...13:25
soeethey don't ? :D13:29
soeei must be on some old crappy one than :D13:29
telegram<sgclark2>: Well mine doesn't :(13:29
telegram<sgclark2>: Will have to test on vm. Not sure if that is helpful13:30
soeemparillo: you did install system and then have been dropped to cli ?13:31
mparilloI did not install. Lately on Xenial, booting the ISO gives a live plasma session instead of the option of try / install.13:36
sgclarkhaha I got the complete opposite13:37
mparilloI actually prefer the live plasma session with the install program in a desktop folder on the default desktop.13:38
mparilloCertainly getting dropped straight into an installer is a bigger bug than the reverse.13:39
sgclarksadly I know absolutely nothing of ubiquity13:40
sgclarkso I am likely no help if it is broken. or installation issues at all.13:40
mparilloThanks for trying anyway. Maybe the base Ubuntu project changed something recently.13:41
sgclarkI have learned a valuable lesson. I know so much less than I thought I did when it comes to release13:41
clivejoI learned I know nothing about release!13:42
mparilloThe first step towards wisdom is acknowledging that you do not know everything.13:42
mparilloMaybe I should write fortunes for fortune cookies13:42
clivejothe release fairies do it13:43
mparilloI will join #ubuntu-release and see if they know anything13:44
acheronclivejo: installed muon 5.6.0-0ubuntu1 from main repo but is still showing as 5.5 in "about" http://i.imgur.com/sqWA8ea.png13:45
clivejoacheron: that would need to be reported upstream13:46
clivejoin fact all those details need corected13:47
clivejowith Carlo, Ovidiu and Rick added in as maintainers13:47
acheronfigured so, but wasn't sure who has responsibility now.13:48
clivejodo you have Carlo's email?13:48
clivejohopefully if we can provide him with decent feedback, he will see people are using it and think its worth the effort in maintaining13:49
clivejoId also like to see a link to it in Discover13:50
clivejolike in Advanced Tools or something13:50
acheronWhat? as in "if you'd like to use a proper package manager, please click this link?"13:51
clivejoLOL yeah13:51
acheronlol, yes perhaps13:51
clivejobig red button :)13:51
soeemparillo: there was known bug 13:52
clivejoclicking it plays a clip of "Danger, Will Robinson! "13:52
clivejoand opens Muon PM13:52
clivejoI should be a UI designer, Id be great13:53
acheronI wouldn't. 13:54
sgclarkme either, all buttons would open a terminal13:54
acheronI don't mind doing things the hard way if I learn extra by it.13:55
clivejoLOL Im being sarcastic, I have no sense of style, fashion or art13:55
acheron2 pPs in a pod then13:55
clivejobut I know what I like13:56
clivejowhen an inferface feels natural and flowing13:56
clivejoI love being able to hope back and forth between Kubuntu and my phone13:57
clivejokinda wish there was an app like telegram but more IRC focused13:57
soeeirc focused ?13:58
acheronsorry I missed the packaging party that seems to have discussed it, if only in an initial way13:58
clivejolike would post messages as me13:58
clivejoacheron: you didnt miss much :P13:58
clivejowe learned how not to make a key!13:58
* soee tries Clementine 1.313:58
acheronI know how to mae a gpg key13:59
clivejoas as far into packaging as we made it13:59
clivejothere was more partying than packaging!13:59
sgclarklive desktop boots fine into a vm13:59
acheronclivejo: prob a result of holding it on a Friday nighy ;)14:00
clivejobut I thinki both have merit14:01
clivejohanging out and having fun is important too14:02
clivejobut I do find alcohol and packaging dont mix very well14:03
clivejohard enough when you're sober!14:04
acheronlinux is about community, so you are right14:04
clivejowe I think we should have parties and packaging events, both separate :)14:04
acheronpackaging is about technicalities so less easy with of few JDs14:05
acheron*a few14:05
sgclarklol true14:05
sgclarkbut yeah probably should have seperate events.14:05
sgclarkbut I do think the party is a good event to keep going and hope it brings new people. ALways fun hanging out in less streessful environment.14:06
clivejoI agree14:06
clivejolearn a lot about people14:07
sgclarkToo early for me to oenjoy the alchol side lol, but fun still14:07
acheronhave one with a follow up later for those who want to get serious14:07
clivejowe all have hobbies and lifes outside of Kubuntu!14:07
sgclarkwow I butchered that sentence and I am not drunk14:07
clivejoI think we should do it the other way around14:08
clivejohave the packaging first and then the party starts14:08
clivejowe have 4 conference rooms on BBB14:08
clivejowe some people wanted to carry on packaging they could14:09
clivejoor move over to the party and chat, make friends14:09
sgclarkyes, that sounds great14:09
clivejoI was impressed by that Simon cub14:11
clivejoonly 14 and already so involved in the community14:11
sgclarkyeah thats awesome14:14
sgclarkyes akonadi seems broken.14:15
sgclarkno clue how or what though14:15
sgclarkwell obviously mysql14:15
clivejosgclark: I dont understand, it was working with MySQL 5.7 yesterday14:15
sgclarkit was?14:15
clivejoand literally broke over night without any updates14:15
sgclarkI just upgraded and it is now broekn14:16
clivejoyeah I got it working again yesterday14:16
soeehow can i test if it works or not ?14:18
clivejoI purged version 5.6, installed 5.7 then installed your version of akonadi14:18
clivejowas working fine14:19
clivejoin fact I thought it was a little quicker in displaying my bigger mailboxes14:19
clivejocould libqt5sql5-mysql have something to do with it?14:24
sgclarkoh. seems I still have 5.6 mysql14:24
sgclarkgetting baloo_indexer errors14:27
sgclarkwell yet another thing way over my head. I have no idea.14:35
sgclarkoh wait. mine is working after mysql upgrade.14:38
sgclarkblah I need to lay back down. Not feeling so hot from lack of sleep. bbl14:38
clivejoI wish it would display details of the problem14:43
clivejoI keep getting an error - stderr: "mysqld: [ERROR] Could not open required defaults file: /home/clivejo/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf\nmysqld: [ERROR] Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted!\n" 14:48
clivejothe file is there14:48
clivejoIve removed it, copied an old one and still getting that arror14:48
telegram<sgclark2>: Sound like format changed? Try to remove and restart akonadi?14:49
clivejoI dont understand that /mysql.conf\nmysqld14:50
clivejo\n is a new line?14:50
telegram<sgclark2>: Yeah14:50
clivejoIve removed it14:50
clivejoand restarted, it just creates a new old and fails14:50
telegram<sgclark2>: Dont know. Can try and ping dvatril in #kontact14:52
telegram<sgclark2>: Seems likely that appended \nmysqld14:57
clivejoI dont know14:57
clivejothe config file looks fine and its worked in the past14:57
telegram<sgclark2>: Me either!14:57
clivejohave we still got akonadi in the misc ppa?14:57
telegram<sgclark2>: No idea sorry14:58
clivejodoesnt seem to be :(14:58
Skuggenclivejo: I think maybe that error message is just putting \n instead of a linebreak, and that \nmysqld isn't really part of the error message15:20
SkuggenCan you try setting mode 777 on the mysql.conf file just to see if that has any effect?15:21
clivejosure, just a sec15:21
clivejomy head is all over the place right now15:22
Skuggenls /etc/mysql/15:24
SkuggenWhops, wrong window15:24
clivejoSkuggen: still failing to open the file15:29
SkuggenWhat did you do to get it working yesterday?15:33
clivejoI purged all mysql and kontact, installed 5.7 and then installed kontact15:34
clivejoit was working last night, I shut it down, booted this morning and its not working15:35
telegram<athoneycutt>: /me jumps to tumbleweed16:27
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sgclarkmparillo: plasma starts in live and on install in a VM for me. I cannot reproduce on hardware as I only have access to USB which seems to not allow live session.18:18
sgclarkclivejo: oh plasma-dsicover was merged from debian bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/157055118:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1570551 in plasma-discover (Ubuntu) "FFe: Merge plasma-discover 5.6.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]18:19
sgclarkguessing debian does not have those patches18:19
snelesgclark: in archive is discover 5.5.5. the patch is from 5.6.0 so it needs to be backported to 5.5.5. if discover 5.6.2 would be merged it will already has this patch18:23
sneleanyway i see new discover with patch is built so i'll test it and report back18:24
sgclarksnele: the one from bug report? yeah please do18:25
sgclarkI have no idea how we had patches and now dont then...18:25
sgclarkok I think my akonadi problem has to do with this akonadi_baloo_indexer which is not suppose to exist. removing that seems to have made my mail functional again.18:33
sgclarkScottK: we have a debian merge that needs to go in, fixes stuff plasma-discover https://launchpad.net/~ximion/+archive/ubuntu/tests/+packages?field.series_filter=xenial the bug linked above.18:36
sgclarkpretty please with cherries on top.18:37
sgclarkximion: hopefully ScottK can help us get that in ^^18:40
clivejoximion: whats that package in your PPA?18:47
sgclarkshould fix those problems we are having18:47
clivejois it not fixed?18:47
sgclarkI didnt see any updates, so my guess is no?18:48
clivejoAdam aka infinity applied the patches earier18:48
sgclarkoh well we should bring in this newer one anyway18:48
sgclarkFfe was approved awhile ago, just short a MOTU as usual18:49
* sgclark feels like she is working with her hands tied behind her back18:49
clivejoPhil cherry picked those patches for it to work18:49
clivejobut I dont know where they went to in the mean time18:50
sgclarkI've no idea..18:50
clivejosnele: did you get 5.5.5-0ubuntu2 yet?18:50
sgclarkbut it seems I know very little18:50
clivejoI didnt think we could put Plasma 5.6 into the archive18:51
clivejounless it was a patch18:51
clivejoto 5.5.5 source18:51
clivejois that wrong?18:53
clivejoI give up with akonadi18:56
clivejoIve no idea why it wont work18:56
sgclarkclivejo: apparently we can. I asked the same thing. It does not depend on any other plasma components.18:59
clivejooh right18:59
* clivejo makes a mental note19:00
clivejowell i believe the issue snele had is fixed in that ubuntu2 version19:00
clivejoalthough I didnt see a report back 19:01
clivejois your akonadi working sgclark?19:01
sgclarkmy problem was a rogue baloo_indexer19:02
sgclarkinstallion cruft19:02
clivejodo you use kontact?19:02
clivejoI cant get it to start :(19:07
* clivejo rolls back to 5.619:08
clivejohi Blizzz19:10
clivejoBluesKaj even19:10
Blizzzhey hey ;)19:10
clivejosorry !19:10
BluesKajyup, clivejo that's me :-)19:10
clivejoauto complete goes a bit crazy with BluesKaj19:11
BluesKajtoo many blue ppl19:11
BluesKajhad this nick since 199919:12
BluesKajon irc19:12
clivejothats a long time!19:12
BluesKajdidn't have a pc at home until then ...used them at work etc, but this little town didn't have any internet service worth using until Bell brought in dialup the yr before 19:14
BluesKajmy workplace had it's own network connected to it's head office etc19:15
clivejoand its working again19:17
clivejowith mysql 5.619:17
clivejoso whats the difference?!?19:17
sgclarkthat is weird. mine did not work until I upgraded to 5.7...19:21
clivejo*beeping* *beeper* spammers19:21
sgclarkyeah out of control19:22
clivejobye bye sendgrid.com you are the weakest link19:22
clivejoit would be nice if the plasmiod updater could be configured to launch Muon PM instead19:27
clivejoSkuggen: ping19:32
Skuggenclivejo: I'll try to pick some brains at the office tomorrow and see if we can figure out what the issue is (plus I'll have a machine I can actually use to test stuff)19:45
mparilloTY sgclark: I will try to reproduce tomorrow morning in a VM with tomorrows ISO. BTW, nobody in #ubuntu-release had heard about it either.19:47
clivejoIve gone back to 5.6 and it works fine19:49
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
SkuggenSo for you it only works with 5.6 and for sgclark it only works with 5.7 now?19:57
clivejoo/ snele19:57
clivejoseems that way19:57
SkuggenAnd you both had existing databases?19:57
clivejoI did, quite large ones19:58
clivejoit caches all my emails etc19:59
* clivejo ties a rope to snele's ankle19:59
sneleclivejo: works now :) thank you20:02
Skuggenclivejo: I don't have an existing setup to test with, but from the errors I guess I should be able to reproduce by first installing with 5.6 and then upgrading20:04
sgclarkI have existing yes, probably not as large as clivejo but largish20:11
sgclarkI do not get the conf error he gets eaither20:11
clivejohave you rebooted since Scarlett?20:12
sgclarkyeah when I tested the iso20:12
clivejoit was working last night, but when I booted this morning it wasnt20:12
clivejo!info libneon27 xenial20:14
ubottulibneon27 (source: neon27): HTTP and WebDAV client library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.30.1-3build1 (xenial), package size 98 kB, installed size 287 kB20:14
Skuggenclivejo: I still suspect some sort of permission issue on the file, since that's the error message you get if mysql can't read it, not just if it's not there20:15
clivejobut it reads it fine in 5.620:15
SkuggenBut I don't know why that would change from 5.6 to 5.720:16
Skuggensgclark: You haven't run mysql_upgrade on the akonadi db, right?20:17
clivejoso I had 5.6 installed, which was working.  Then installed mysql-server, rebooted and now its not working20:21
clivejoone thing I notice is that if I purge all mysql and just install 5.7 it doesnt ask for a root password20:24
clivejois that normal?20:24
SkuggenThis is after installing 5.6?20:24
clivejopurge all20:25
vipI've heard about new permission types (socket, password)20:25
clivejothen install 5.6 it asks for a root password20:25
SkuggenThe 5.6 install scripts won't always purge the password, I think, so it remembers it20:25
clivejobut 5.7 doesnt20:25
SkuggenYes, they use the same debconf variable20:25
SkuggenThat's intentional; upgrading generally shouldn't make it forget user preferences. But 5.6 not clearing the root password is a bug20:26
SkuggenBedtime for me. I'll let you know what we figure out20:27
clivejoI have to rm the var/lib/mysql folder to downgrade because of a debian flag20:27
SkuggenYeah, it touches and checks for the debian-[version].flag file to prevent accidental downgrades, though the way it's done is pretty iffy20:31
sgclarkSkuggen: not to my knowledge20:38
clivejodoes anyone else plasma panel keep moving after a reboot?21:09
telegram<marcinsagol>: ?21:14
clivejoevery reboot it jumps to my other monitor21:14
clivejoreally getting on my nerves now21:14
mparilloI wish I had dual monitors.21:15
ahoneybunmy graphics card port stopped working so I'm down to 1 21:15
clivejoand another reboot!21:16
clivejofeels like Im back on windows today21:16
telegram<marcinsagol>: @Cliff i seen this on my dual monitor setup at work.22:16
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information22:16
mparilloFirst Release Candidates are up: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/359/builds22:16
telegram<marcinsagol>: I can test tomorrow :)22:17
clivejo@marcinsagol does it do it every reboot?22:17
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telegram<marcinsagol>: I don't think so. Can't remember now. It happens sometimes after some updates.22:18
telegram<marcinsagol>: I suggest to test it on a new user account22:19
telegram<marcinsagol>: This way you can verify if some configuration is misbehaving22:19
telegram<marcinsagol>: I have 2 screens at work. First one has panel on left edge and second screen on its right edge.22:21
telegram<marcinsagol>: And sometimes the panel from second screen is moved to first screen right edge.22:22
telegram<marcinsagol>: But as I said it happens after some updates I think.22:22
mamarleyclivejo: I have seen the panel-moving issue on my home computer as well.  I haven't seen it on my work computer though.22:45
clivejoit 'jumps' on mine22:45
clivejoit starts to load in the right place then jumps to the second monitor22:46
mamarleySometimes after I boot the panel on the right monitor flashes several times, and sometimes it ends up moving to the left monitor.22:46
mamarley(The right monitor is where it should be; I have one panel on each.)22:46
clivejoI have one panel on my bottom screen22:47
clivejobut it jumps to the top screen on reboot and first boot22:47
mamarleyAnyway, it is somewhat annoying, but not a showstopper by any means.  I can move it back.22:47
mamarleyIt doesn't always move for me, only sometimes.22:48
mparilloWhoo-Hoo. Today's release candidate booted, I got the try / install, and I am re-booting.23:42
mamarleyCool, that's great.23:46
mparilloStill no default applications in favorites, but otherwise great news. Thanks to so many, but especially to sgclark, yofel23:49
sgclarkgreat news23:50
* sgclark wonders where favorites is defined23:50
sneleclassic menu widget has favorites23:57
snelebut it probably has different config file23:57
sgclarkI mean in kubuntu land so defaults are set23:57

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