
=== administrator is now known as Guest19798
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slick_Just switched from Xubuntu to Kubuntu, and I'm seriously, seriously impressed.02:18
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telegram<athoneycutt>: :)02:18
Oderushi. anyone know how to make window decoration themes for aurorae?02:25
slick_I am so seriously impressed by KDE compared to XFCE, I mean this is crazy.04:03
slick_ktorrent is the best torrent client I've ever used, far and away04:04
slick_it's just so damn polished04:04
slick_all of KDE I mean04:04
slick_This is the best linux experiance I've ever had.04:04
slick_Even Konversation blows hexchat out of the water.04:05
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Antareshttps://vk.com/utfhub UFT-8 SSL DC HUB adcs://utfhub.ru:151105:42
valorieslick_: I totally agree!05:58
valorieotoh, the usecases are somewhat different05:59
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sabbir2worldHi, What is the difference between Kubuntu and Mint Kde? and is it the same as Kubuntu 14.04 : 3.19.0-32-generic #37~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 22 09:41:40 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:13
sick_rimmitGood Morning09:05
sick_rimmitI have just finished a write up on the Kubunut Party09:05
_0xbadc0demy kubuntu desktop is behaving in a weird way11:06
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BluesKajHiyas all11:38
jimtendo-X202EPAnyone know if Google Hangout works (via KDE's telepathy) in Kubuntu 16.04?11:51
BluesKajhi Wiz-TDD12:20
Wiz-TDDI very recently installed the "pre" 16.04 of kubuntu (I am on a 14.04 baseline, had issues on 15.04 and 15.10)12:21
Wiz-TDDmediatomb is not starting at powerup anymore12:21
Wiz-TDDdo you know how to fix it ?12:21
Wiz-TDDI did not find much on search engines12:21
user|18091can i get support in this chat?12:28
BluesKajuser|18091, yes12:29
BluesKajWiz-TDD, did you try to reinstall mediatomb12:30
user|18091how get i support? only post my question in here?12:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:33
user|18091ok thx :)12:33
Wiz-TDDBluesKaj: yes no result, maybe it is because the system changed to systemctl12:33
Wiz-TDDBluesKaj: systemd I mean. I need to look at it, but I thought the version change would have included the setup12:34
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BluesKajWiz-TDD, yes systemd has changed a lot of things on 16.04 and I'm not really familiar with mediatomb. There is a problem with MYSQL atm and if mediatomb needs it as a database then that might explain part of your problem.12:36
user|18091since i changed my window layout from Oxygen to Plastik my system freeze after login on the startscreen. how could i restore my old configuration?12:36
BluesKajuser|18091, do you mean the login screen or the desktop?12:37
Wiz-TDDBluesKaj: just found something, trying to reboot to check, brb12:38
user|18091BluesKaj login on the login screen12:39
Avihay_hi. I have a laptop with a touchpad. I use kubuntu 15.10 with KDE5, I have the touchpad icon in the systray. I use tap to click and scroll on the edge and all that good stuff.12:41
Avihay_I went to pick up a phone, and when i came back, the touchpad doesn't support the "good stuff"12:42
BluesKajuser|18091, the login screen isn't qaffected by changes to your desktop. Run , sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, to upgrade your packages, then we can tackle your freeze issue12:42
user|18091BluesKaj: http://images.tecchannel.de/images/tecchannel/bdb/364707/890.jpg  shows an image of the screen which freeze (on my system without the KDE 4.0 notificaiton)12:42
Wiz-TDDservice mediatomb fails at startup :(12:43
BluesKajuser|18091, are you on 14.04 ?12:43
Avihay_this is not the first time it stopped working. maybe I need to restart some service?12:44
user|18091BluesKaj, yes i'm on 14.04. could i make the update with every user or only with the affected user?12:45
BluesKajuser|18091, that is the splash screen , drop to a vt/tty, login there and do the commands I posted above, then reboot12:46
BluesKajctrl+alt+F1-F6 to drop to a virtual terminal , user|1809112:47
BluesKajat the login12:47
user|18091BluesKaj ok thx, i will be back in a few moments12:48
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Avihay__and then my wifi disconnects :-<12:51
Avihay__and scrolling and tapping is back12:53
user|73158BluesKaj: i'm back with another nick, i've forgotten to notice it. after apt update&uprade my system freeze a second earlier12:58
BluesKajuser|73158, in the VT ?12:59
BluesKajAvihay__, sorry, I have no knowledge about touchscreens on kubuntu13:01
user|73158BluesKaj: i have updated my system on tty1 with the affected user, after reboot and login with the affected user the screen freeze again13:02
BluesKajuser|73158, which graphics/gpu ?13:03
Avihay__hi BluesKaj. it's a trackpad issue13:07
BluesKajoh sorry Avihay__ , my mistake13:08
user|73158BluesKaj Radeon HD13:08
user|73158BluesKaj Radeon HD 745013:08
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BluesKajuser|73158, and you have the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver installed ? look in the package manager or type it into the terminal to see if it's installed13:25
user|73158BluesKaj it seems not be installed. should i install with sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati ?13:32
BluesKajuser|73158, install  xserver-xorg-video-radeon13:33
user|73158BluedKaj ok but it have unmet dependencies with xorg-video-abi-15 and xserver-xorg-core(>= 2:
user|73158BluesKaj ok but it have unmet dependencies with xorg-video-abi-15 and xserver-xorg-core(>= 2:
user|73158BlueKaj ...corrupt packages13:38
BluesKajuser|73158, then install the ati version first13:47
user|73158BluesKaj same problem13:48
BluesKajuser|73158, run sudo apt dist-upgrade13:50
user|73158BluesKaj dist-upgrade ready witht 0 problems but install ati failed again13:52
BluesKajuser|73158, did dist-upgrade install or ungrade any packages? If so try a reboot.13:54
user|73158BluesKaj no dist-upgrade didn't anything13:54
BluesKajuser|73158, ok, sudo dpkg --configure -a13:55
user|73158BluesKaj ok i did13:56
BluesKajuser|73158, any changes?13:57
BluesKajpastebin the changes if any13:57
user|73158BluesKaj sudo dpkg --configure -a doesn't generate any terminal output13:58
BluesKajuser|73158,  sudo apt -f install13:58
user|73158BluesKaj sudo apt -f install updated and installed nothing14:00
BluesKajuser|73158,  lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' ..this tells us which graphics driver is loaded14:03
BluesKajinclude the single quotes14:03
user|73158BluesKaj in use:radeon14:07
BluesKajuser|73158, , sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list , make sure the backports debs aren't commented with a # in front , then do ctrl+o, enter, ctrl+x to save and exit the file. Then update and upgrade again if you removed any # from the deb lines14:13
user|73158BluesKaj what are backports debs?14:17
BluesKajthey are your package sources that you update and upgrade from  , if the deb line is blocked with a # then apt skips that source and all th epckages it may contain14:19
BluesKajbackports usually contain kernel module packages for kde/plasma14:21
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user|73158BluesKaj now the terminal shows the following problem.14:30
BluesKajuser|73158, pastebin it14:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:31
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gdrdrI typed in my home folder passphrase on this home folder passphrase prompt14:38
gdrdrThe terminal is still there14:39
gdrdrSomething I'm missing?14:39
gdrdrThis should be gone now right?14:39
gdrdrLike after I type the home folder encryption passphrase generated for me?14:39
user|73158BluesKaj http://imgur.com/I5G9TWF i hope this picture is okay14:43
BluesKajuser|73158, put # in frony of the cdrom deb line. We don't use the cdrom for updates and upgrades , I meant to uncomment only the backports, nothing else.14:51
user|73158BluesKaj ok sorry, i didn't know that. now sudo apt update & upgrade generates 0 updates and installs14:53
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BluesKajuser|73158, ok we have to remove xserver-xorg-video-ati, and start over with the default vesa driver, which is already installed14:56
BluesKajit should ntake the radeon driver with it , but if not remove that as well14:58
user|73158BluesKaj ok how can i remove it? sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati show me a message that it isn' installed15:06
user|73158BluesKaj sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-radeon show the same15:07
BluesKajuser|73158, reboot and install the radeon driver15:16
user|73158BluesKaj same problem15:19
user|73158BluesKaj remove xorg-video-abi ?15:20
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gdrdrCan I not have double click anymore lol.18:48
gdrdrI'm not very much used to one click in Dolphin lol.18:48
hegemon8system settings -> input devices (Bottom in hardware section) -> mouse and there at the bottom "double-click open files and folders18:52
gdrdrhegemon8: Damn18:54
gdrdrhegemon8: That wasn't easy at all lol18:54
gdrdrThat thing should be made obvious18:54
gdrdrI mean a lot more obvious18:54
gdrdrBut thanks a lot!18:54
hegemon8well, i don't do ui, but long with kubuntu, got used to single clicking :)18:55
gdrdrhegemon8: Ah18:55
hegemon8well, yeah, what can i say, first thing i do after install any sys is go to its settings or what ever its called, and go line by line, tab by tab, and set it the way i want, so had no probs cause of that habit18:57
gdrdrwell this is kind of annoying19:00
gdrdrI thought I set Dolphin to already detailed mode19:00
gdrdrIn the dir's that I set my view mode to detailed, it's been set to detailed view now.19:01
gdrdrBut for the most dir's in Dolphin, it's still grid view - which is the default.19:01
gdrdrHow can I set it in detailed mode once and for all? Like anywhere in Dolphin?19:01
hegemon8yeah, kubuntu have plenty of switches, but thats the reason i love it. once i'm done with setting it up, i have unique experience and workflow, thats the biggest differentiator for me gdrdr19:02
hegemon8dolphin settings i guess, otherwise its set to the current folder19:03
hegemon8i like previews in pictures, detailed in downloads and music etc...19:04
hegemon8in dolphin go to control -> Adjust view properties, there is in the bottom option called...19:05
hegemon8apply view properties to: and option all folders19:06
hegemon8and use these view properties as default19:07
hegemon8gdrdr: got it sorted?19:09
hegemon8hi BluesKaj :)19:10
BluesKajhi hegemon819:10
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Jaggromy keyboard seems to be pressing the modifier keys on its own all the time. i know the kb works fine cause when i run Windows it never does this. im on an HP Pavilion 15-ab127ca22:05
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wantoyoApa kabar?23:33
wantoyoSelamat Pagi23:34
wantoyoAda yang bisa berbahasa jawa?23:37
omeniushey, someone here earlier said that he would maybe help with fixing my coffee maker to use micro controller. We bought a mocca master and now we are wondering how the switch is connected, so we can replace it with relay that is connected to netduino, which is a micro controller23:48

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