
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
phillwflexiondotorg: thanks10:35
phillwflexiondotorg: are you about?16:25
tewardflexiondotorg: ah, thanks for the ping which I missed, can I bug you to check something else please?16:32
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flexiondotorgphillw I'm not going to be able to test the PowerPC images for Lubuntu this time out.20:18
flexiondotorgMy plate is full, I won't have the time. Sorry :-(20:18
phillwflexiondotorg: okies, thanks for all the help so far.20:18
flexiondotorgphillw, Thanks for the understanding.20:18
flexiondotorgphillw, I will prepare 16.04 Raspberry Pi images for Lubuntu though.20:19
phillwyou already go above and beyond... apologies are not needed.20:19
phillwI have the image on sd card now, I will play with it tomorrow ... Have the wifi keyboard / trackpad on charge20:20
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phillwflexiondotorg: do you know if / when they are going to turn the cron off and set up an RC image for people?21:44
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phillwwb JasonO21:47
phillwwb again JasonO :)21:48
flexiondotorgphillw, All images for the last week are RC.21:51
flexiondotorgphillw, But the final image was spun earlier today so the testing window is open.21:51
phillwflexiondotorg: yes, except that until the cron is turned off - each day, my release notes are "Wow, no bugs on anything!!!!" :D21:52
tsimonq2flexiondotorg: would you happen to know if one could emulate a PPC system via virtualization?21:53
phillwtsimonq2: you can, but it is of little use21:53
flexiondotorgtsimonq2, Maybe in KVM.21:53
phillwQEMU could take in a debian part to emulate21:53
tsimonq2would it then be valid for me to complete test cases with that?21:54
phillwtsimonq2: no, sadly.... We tried it several cycles ago and missed a massive bug. since then, ppc has been hardware only.21:54
phillwtsimonq2: we do have a couple of people who have said they will test once it stops being a moving target... Hence my request to flexiondotorg21:55
tsimonq2I saw, I read the ML :)21:57
phillwflexiondotorg: with http://launchpad.net/bugs/1552539  and http://launchpad.net/bugs/1570901 how long before re-spin?22:01
ubot93Launchpad bug 1552539 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity Erase Disk and Install Fails to create Swap Space" [Critical,Triaged]22:01
ubot93Launchpad bug 1570901 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cd menu not booting to ubiquity try/install menu but always to live session" [High,Confirmed]22:01
tsimonq2phillw: maybe you could boot into a VM and to the live instance, do a dist-upgrade, then launch Ubiquity?22:06
phillwtsimonq2: I'm just looking at the test cases carried out and the same red bugs appearing.22:06
phillwYou cannot install it, and if you want to - it goes into LiveCD mode...22:07
phillwBeta 2 was better than this!!!22:07
tsimonq2I see22:07
phillwI'm going to test alternate.... one of the plus sides of being lubuntu .. we have the server based installer for when they break ubiquity :D22:08
phillwAnd, you asked why do we keep it?.... :P22:08
tsimonq2no no no, I asked why we keep it CD sized22:09
tsimonq2my point was, the netboot image is there for a reason22:09
phillwit probably will not be this time. And we will not be using netboot.22:09
tsimonq2I would be willing to experiment in Y with the netboot ISO22:11
flexiondotorgphillw, I heard #1570901 is being fixed tomorrow.22:16
flexiondotorgphillw, No idea about #155253922:16
phillwflexiondotorg: okies, I'm running our plan 'B' ... the alternate installers to make sure that they're behaving :)22:17
=== dschaeffer is now known as ShellcatZero
flexiondotorgphillw, On the condition UBuntu MATE testing goes "well". I might be able to smoke test Lubuntu for PowerPC at some point.22:17
flexiondotorgWhich image would you prefer be tested if I'm able?22:18
phillwflexiondotorg: full disk has to be always the 1st one.22:18
flexiondotorgphillw, No, I mean alternate or desktop? :-)22:18
phillwflexiondotorg: with the current shit with ubiquity? .. I'd trust the debian (server) installer.22:19
flexiondotorgSo alternate then.22:19
phillwif you would... If they clear up desktop, that can be added. The nice thing is that unless some one gets trigger happy, global respins do not touch alternate / server :)22:20
phillw+for ubiquity22:21
phillw-virtualwell, that's 16.04 alt 64 bit alive and working :)23:05
tsimonq2phillw: do you use libvirt or raw KVM/QEMU?23:28
phillwit is libvirt, but it can handle  Xen and LXC23:30
phillwKVM is what libvirt is23:31
phillwtsimonq2: https://virt-manager.org/23:32
phillwtsimonq2: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page23:34
tsimonq2so do you use virsh and virt-install?23:35
tsimonq2or what?23:35
phillwThis is why i see little point in adding in virtual-box23:35
phillwi use virt-manager most of the time, but when on phillw.net server for a reboot, we use virsh to shut the VM's down gently and check that they have all closed down gracefully. This is what can take the 10 minutes for a reboot for a new kernel on the master server. I prefer not to have to 'crash' the VM's as there is a risk of corruption.23:37
phillwI use virt-manager from my local machine for installing / deleteing VM's on the remote server. It connects via ssh link, so is quite safe.23:38
tsimonq2I've been using virsh and virt-install23:38
phillwfor the remote server, I need some fine tuning for things like allocated ipV4, MAC, LVM etc... so it is far easier for me to use the virt-manager GUI for these tasks23:39
tsimonq2phillw: on the planet, look at the description: http://planet.ubuntu.com/23:41

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