
=== BWMerlin1 is now known as BWMerlin
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AndroidWGHi huys! Does Lubuntu have Portuguese Brazillian language?13:35
n-iCehi guys15:20
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
=== Dex is now known as Dex_
=== Dex_ is now known as Decks
afskdfsh: echo: I/O error when using laptop-mode-tools17:48
afskdfwhat do17:48
afskdfIt only happens when setting the govoners17:48
afskdfSETTING OF KERNEL PARAMETER FAILED: echo ondemand \> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor17:48
afskdfanyone have a solution ; - ;17:49
afskdfI chmod'd the directories to 77517:49
n-iCeafskdf, what's your problem?17:51
afskdfn-iCe: SETTING OF KERNEL PARAMETER FAILED: echo ondemand \> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor17:51
afskdfsh: echo: I/O error when using laptop-mode-tools17:51
afskdfwhat do?17:51
n-iCewhat do you want to do17:51
afskdfget it working...17:52
n-iCesudo service laptop-mode restart17:52
n-iCeshould work.17:52
n-iCeAlways uso sudo.17:52
afskdfhe left.17:53
afskdfI am using sudo17:53
n-iCeSorry, I'm back, did it work?17:54
afskdfI am using sudo17:54
afskdfthat's not the issue17:54
afskdfit can't touch sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor17:54
n-iCe echo 1 > /tmp/a_temp_file17:55
n-iCe$ echo 1 > /tmp/a_temp_file17:55
n-iCejust saw that as solution.17:56
n-iCeand must be because your system does not have ondemand governor17:56
n-iCecat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors17:57
n-iCewhat does it say17:57
afskdfperformance powersave17:58
n-iCeuse, sudo sh -c "echo 'ondemand' /> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"17:59
afskdfsh io error17:59
afskdfHow do I setuo scaling?17:59
afskdfI'm on a i5 2520m so I do have turboboost17:59
n-iCeI actuall don't know what you wanna do18:00
n-iCeThat's why I asked you before.18:00
n-iCeYou want to set your cpus to performance?18:00
afskdfI don't need my laptop running a 2.5ghz idling18:00
afskdfI'd rather have it clock down to 500mhz18:01
n-iCesudo aptitude install cpufrequtils18:03
n-iCesudo cpufreq-set -c 0 -g ondemand18:03
n-iCecpufrequtils includes a daemon which allows users to set the desired scaling, governor and min/max clock speeds for all processor cores at boot-time18:03
n-iCeedit /etc/conf.d/cpufreq as root, selecting the desired governor and setting the min/max speed for your CPU(s)18:03
n-iCeOk, I'm back, did it work?18:09
llwalahoopHi! I added an extra panel on the left side of desktop, but I can't see it, nor can I get to modify it. How can I revert to default or should I reinstall something?18:10
afskdfn-iCe: didn't do it yet18:10
afskdfthe first onedidn't though18:10
afskdfI don't have the ondemand govner18:10
afskdfI can drop into powersave and performance though18:10
n-iCellwalahoop: go to any panel you can see and go to panel settings, you will see all panels in there.18:10
n-iCesudo sh -c "echo 'ondemand' /> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"18:11
n-iCedid not work18:11
n-iCeor add it manually18:11
n-iCeto try to fool the system18:11
afskdfn-iCe: I'll just switch between powersave and performance on the fly :)18:12
llwalahoopn-iCe: I only see that the placeholder on the left is taken. I didn't add anything on the panel yet. Where shoul I see it in 'panel settings'?18:14
n-iCedo you know the area llwalahoop ? if so just delete it18:16
llwalahoopn-iCe: I'm afraid I set the height to 'dynamic' and there are no icons whatsoever. I don't know what happened to the color, for it doesn' show on the default desktop picture.18:19
llwalahoopIf I try to move a window facing the left edge of the screen, there seems to be some resistance at the supposed width of the panel.18:20
llwalahoop* window to face the left edge. not facing!18:21
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=== JasonO- is now known as JasonO
=== dschaeffer is now known as ShellcatZero

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