
claudioandreI tried to use the copy plugin, but it tries to find the files in the wrong place.00:00
claudioandreIf i try to use the 'source:', it creates a symlimk, and things doesn't work.00:01
claudioandreWhat I need to do is pretty simple.00:02
claudioandreInside parts/<part-name>/build/run I have a few executables I need to package.00:03
claudioandreAnd Inside parts/<part-name>/build/doc I have a few text files.00:03
claudioandrePlease, point what I have to read, or a more complex example to guide me.00:05
claudioandreThank you!00:07
claudioandreI cheated and I got a package (I would love to hear how smart people solve this). But, have anyone seen this before?01:41
claudioandreDeveloper profile is missing short namespace01:41
popeyclaudioandre: might want to come back during the european / us working week01:41
popeyit's quiet here in the late night weekends01:42
claudioandreOk, thank you.01:42
popeyclaudioandre: alternatively post your question on askubuntu and tag it ubuntu-core01:42
netphreakhi, guys!07:44
netphreakAnyone know how i use the copy plugin to copy from a local maven repository - using a path like this:07:55
netphreaki keep getting "local source is not a directory" error07:56
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netphreakhi, guys!16:55
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guest0915362could anyone of the snap related devs please go into the KODI forums and help convincing the KODI devs to switch from PPAs to Snap packages22:00
guest0915362here's the thread:22:00
guest0915362as you can see, they seem to think Snaps make no sense or whatever22:01
guest0915362would be nice if someone could help out22:01
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