
daxoh, HFSPLUS. was trying to remember which one it was06:20
elkynoooo waaaaaa06:20
=== Poke95 is now known as Poke95|SM64
=== funkyHat1 is now known as funkyHat
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
=== Poke95 is now known as Poke95|away
=== Poke95|away is now known as Poke95
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (hendIBT known troll)11:56
ubottuPoke95 called the ops in #ubuntu ()13:07
ikoniait' sfine13:08
=== kloeri is now known as bosslady
=== bosslady is now known as kloeri
=== funkyHat2 is now known as funkyHat
k1l[saint] again stating that everyone is just telling bullshit while he doesnt know what the issue was in first place22:38
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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